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Trade Skills StickyFollow

#1 Nov 09 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Table of Contents

First post:
General Trade Questions/reputation page

Second post:
First Aid

Third post:

Fourth Post:

General Trade Questions

Q. What are trade skills? (Only the newest players need to read this)

A. Trade skills are the crafts of World of Warcraft. You take items you have found off of enemies, or bought from vendors, and turn them into something that is hopefully more useful. Many times you can sell these items; sometimes you'll use them immediately.

Q. What are the requirements for Tradeskills?

A. You can start getting Tradeskills at level 5. If you need to find a trainer, ask a guard (they'll put a flag on your mini-map if you ask under "Professions"). There are tiers for skills:
Level 5 - maximum skill is 75 (need to be at least 50 to raise).
Level 10 - maximum skill is 150 (need to be at least 125 to raise).
Level 20 - maximum skill is 225 (need to be at least 200 to raise).
Level 35 - maximum skill is 300 (this is the highest skill alone can take you).

These apply to the primary production skills: Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Engineering, Alchemy, and Enchanting. There are also three primary gathering skills: Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning. These three can be increased to any level, although you need to be trained every 75 skill levels to reach the new cap. These are mostly limited by the areas the resources you gather are in. With mining and herbalism, you will get a "track resource" button. Clicking this will show resources nearby on your mini-map as yellow dots. If the dot is grey, the resource is under the ground.

You can ONLY have 2 of these 9 skills. You can drop one to make room for another, but if you take it back up later, you will have lost all of your recipes and all of your skill levels.

In addition, there are three secondary trade skills: fishing, cooking, and first aid. You can have all three of these.

Q. How do I craft something?

A. Push "p" to open your skills window. Under the general tab, if you have the skill (say, tailoring), click the tailoring button. You'll see a list of recipes that you have learned and can make. If you have the materials for the item, next to its name you will see a number: this is the maximum amount of the item you can create with the materials you currently have on hand.

You will never fail to craft something in World of Warcraft. You can fail to pick, mine, or skin something, but you can try again without penalty. You will never fail more than three times (providing you can mine it).

Q. What's with the colors on my recipes/resource nodes?

A. The color system is how likely you are to get a skill-up when you pick/mine/skin/craft something. Orange means always (100%), yellow means usually (50-100%), green means rarely (0-50%), and grey means never (0%). Red means you need to raise your skill to pick/mine/skin/craft the item.

Q. How can I make money in WoW? (Torux)

A. The best way is to take two gathering proffessions (mining, skinning and/or herbalism) and sell the items you get in the auction house to crafters. Some people learn enchanting, then disenchant items they no longer want (as well as soulbound items from quests), and sell the dust, essence and shards to enchanters. Shards sell for alot more than dusts and essnces.

A1. This holds true for the first forty levels or so, usually up until you get your mount. With a mount, your money-making abilities increase ten-fold. You can move faster, gather more per hour, and increase your profits (and this is just with gathering). However, even later in the game, the easiest way to get money is to get some rare recipes and make items no one else can. Charge a base line and have people bring you materials; it's free for you and good for them!

Another good way to make money is to play the AH; buy low and sell high. I won't go into this daytrading technique; this is stuff for people with a lot of time and good market skills ^_^ Keep in mind a lot of people are upset by morals here: when you overstep the line and buyout everything to resell it at a higher price, it tends to become a pain. If you can do it, hey, it's all good! But odds are that a lot of people will scoff at your price and make you eat the deposit fees. A better idea: look for underpriced items and sell them at the current price. This is easy and effective.

Q. How do I unlearn a skill? (Torux)

A. Open your list of skills ('k') and click on the tradeskill you wish to unlearn. At the bottom will be a description of the skill. Next to that is an icon that you can click to unlearn the skill. Be warned, this will completely remove any knowledge you have of that skill, and therefore if you wish to relearn it in the future, you will have to start from the very beginning.

A VERY comprehensive link to reputation, including what patterns you can get and how to get reputation levels for the factions. I will link this for any reputation questions in the future. One problem... it links to thottbot instead of allakhazam >_>


Overview: Alchemy is the process of taking herbs and creating potions. These potions give you temporary stat increases or added effects; other give you healing. These effects generally last an hour before another potion is needed, or they fade upon dying. To make a potion you need to buy vials, which come in four varieties.

While only alchemists make potions, anyone can use them (unlike engineering). Potions can tip the balance in your favor in PvE and PvP; however, people in duels often consider them to be illegal. Cry babies. Specify the rules first before a duel; using your profession to help you win is NOT cheating in my book.

Healing potions can be found off some enemies. Stat potions are only created by alchemists or come as quest rewards.

Q. What are these transmutes I keep hearing about? (LockeColeMA)

A. A transmutation is an alchemist's special ability (well, besides making potions, obviously). At level 225 you can create a soulbound item called a Philosopher's Stone:
And you get your first Transmutes (from the Gadgetzan Alchemy vendor): Transmute Iron to Gold and Transmute Mithril to Truesilver. You basically make the "normal" items into their rare spawns.

However, these are relatively worthless. At level 275, you can Transmute Arcanite, which will make you big money (on most servers, around 5 gold for each transmute, for doing nothing but the service itself). Arcanite is needed for a lot of engineering and blacksmithing end-game items, so there is always a demand for it. And only alchemists can make it!

Things to note: to transmute you need the necessary materials, which are usually just the metals or essences. In the case of Arcanite, you need a Thorium Bar and an Arcane Crystal. Elemental transmutes (turning one essence to another) and Transmute Iron ---> Gold have a 24 hour cooldown. Transmute Mithril ---> Truesilver and Transmute Arcanite have 48 hour cooldowns. These cooldowns are character specific: having multiple Philosopher's Stones will NOT allow you to transmute more often.

Q. What are these Flasks I hear about? (LockeColeMA)

A. Flasks are the uber eng-game potions. They require an obscene amount of items to create, and can only be crafted at an Alchemy lab, like the ones in Scholomance (I've heard there was an alchemy lab in a different instance as well, but I know of at least two in Scholomance). Since you'll need a great 5-man or a good 10-man raid to get to the labs, these take a while to make. Not to mention that the recipes are all rare drops. Flasks used to be useless, as their effects would end if you die; but I have heard that in a recent patch Flask effects now last through death. This can make them selectively useful, especially in instances and PvP. Still, the component cost is too high for many. You can only have one Flask effect at a time.

Q. What makes money with Alchemy?

This varies depending on server age, population demographics, time of the week, and other things. Here are some decent ideas:

Healing potions/mana potions: Always in demand due to Battlegrounds and PvE use. However, usually the price of ingrediants is more expensive than the potions themselves! Potions also drop off enemies at a rate that I would say is at best uncommon.

Free Action Potions:
These things sell like crazy on WSG honor weekends from what I hear. Not tough to see why; this is the best thing a flag-carrier can use!

Oil of Immolation:
Not a huge seller, but it is needed for two very specific things: a Silithus logistics quest, and it is used by priests on their Benediction quest.

Swiftness Potions:
These also sell like hotcakes on WSG weekends; a speed boost for 15 seconds is great. Also a great PvP tool outside of BGs. The problem is that Swiftthistle can usually go for crazy prices, and the recipe is a random world drop and rather expensive off the AH. If you have cheap Swiftthistle and the recipe though, you can make a killing.

Elixir of the Mongoose:
The ultimate rogue/crit potion, it gives a good agility boost and critical hit%. Great for grinding and high-end instances, the effect is a little blunted in BGs, since you lose the effect when you die. It does NOT stack with an agility potion.

Greater Protection Potions (thanks to Turicus):
Needed for end-game instances (MC, BWL, AQ), a single player can run through ten of these in a single run. These are always in demand; if you get the recipes (which usually go for above 100 gold at the very least), you have a cash cow.


Finally getting started on this section! Bear with me; unlike everything else I have posted on, I have never done Blacksmithing; feel free to correct me if I messed something up!

Overview: Blacksmithing is a profession that lets you make weapons and mail (and later plate) armor. The weapons created include daggers, swords, maces, and axes. The ability to make mail pretty much drops off at level 40, when Paladins and Warriors upgrade to plate; mail-crafting past level 40 for Shamans and Hunters is in leatherworking at that point.

Blacksmithing has two primary differences: armorsmithing and weaponsmithing. Weaponsmiths are then divided again into an area of focus: swordsmith mastery, hammersmith mastery, and axesmith mastery.

To get stared, you'll want a few things... first and foremost, mining. To make almost everything, you'll need ore and possibly gems. You also need a blacksmith's hammer, along with an anvil to create blacksmithed items.

Q. Why is blacksmithing a good profession?

A. Right now blacksmithing is what I would call one of the most completed professions. It has different routes, something promised to other professions (tailoring and enchanting) in the future. It serves multiple purposes; while Warriors and Paladins will be able to make great armor out of it, rogues, hunters, and shamans can all make weapons they can use. Also, blacksmithing is needed to create the epic hammer that will be come the legendary Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros:

Unlike gathering skills, a high level blacksmith is potentially able to buy materials right off the AH, smith something, and sell it for a profit. This obviously requires using the AH to plot price potentials, but the possibility is definitely there.

Unlike Tailoring, the ultimate pre-MC items blacksmithing can create are actually darn useful. The enchanted thorium items come to mind. These items can blow away the Valor set (depending on what kind of gear you are focusing on). For weaponsmithing, the Heartseeker, Arcanite Champion, and Arcanite Reaper are amazing weapons; the Arcanite Reaper reigns as one of the best Warrior weapons outside of MC+ raid instances.

Also, unlike alchemy and enchanting, you won't be called a cheater if you use your own smithed items in a duel >_>. I hate people who call others cheaters, but hey, it is a reason...

Q. What are some of the rare patterns for blacksmithing?

I don't know if anyone would actually ask this, but there are some difficult to get patterns. Some are worthless, some are situationally useful, and some are really good.

Darkrune: Just added in patch 1.7 or 1.8, these items are from a repeatable quest in Silithus called Still Believing
These armor pieces (there are three) have a hefty amount of shadow resistance on them. The Dark Runes drop off enemies in Scholomance; kind of like Righteous Orbs from Stratholme, but Orbs are worth a lot more and are apparently a lot rarer.

Enchanted Thorium Platemail: These patterns are learned off of the Advanced Armorsmithing pieces (you combine them together to form the book, get the quest, and drop them off in DM to learn the patterns). These are amazing pieces of equipment for tanking; they have a healthy dose of stamina, decetn strength, and +defense. Great for tanking.

Bloodsoul: Some of the mail that blacksmithing can make after level 40. This is decent hunter gear: agility and stamina, along with 3% crit and a passive mana regen bonus. This is from the Zandalar trolls (ZG faction), so you need ot have pretty high reputation to get these from them.

There are also all the things you can get from the Timbermaw, Argent Dawn, and Thorium Brotherhood factions. With the TB, Exalted nets you the plans to make this:
Which, again, is used to make the legendary hammer :-P

Q. Okay, I can choose my path: armor or weapon... so... what do I choose!?

A. Well, the first question is a matter of class: Warriors and Paladins will primarily be the only ones taking armorsmithing, as they are the only classes who use plate armor. But as to the question of which to choose... it gets tricky. I won't deny that armorsmithing has some great recipes, as does weaponsmithing. And you don't lose all the recipes; there is life after your path, and both sides can learn some of the same generic blacksmithing recipes. But your path opens up new patterns for you. Remember you need to have at least 200 skill (might be more, not sure of the prereqs...) and around level 40 to choose. Note: you need 210 skill for some parts of the prereqs for armorsmithing at the very least... so you might want to be artisan (225, level 40) before you start.

Great outline in the comments for Alliance armorsmithing:

To find the respective quests for weaponsmithing/armorsmithing, check the Trade Skills: List of Trainers bar on the left, and go to blacksmithing. Much easier than me writing it all out :-P

Note: weaponsmithing has fewer patterns at first, because you are not specced into one of the three branches of it: hammer, sword, or axe.

Q. What do I do to become specced in a weaponsmith mastery branch?

A. First, be above level 51. Second, go to Everlook, in Winterspring. Third, look for the three people hanging out... I believe in the bank... You'll notice them easily; one is Lilith the Lithe, a dancing undead. Another is a human (I believe his last name is Scourgebane... funny, as he is watching an undead dance, hehe), and the last is a troll. These three are the masters of the weapons; their quests will get you into the path you desire. You can ONLY be one type of master. You will receive 4 recipes from them (or on the quests; I know the swordsmith will pick up the plans for Corruption, and the hammersmith gets the plans for Serenity). You are now a weaponsmith master.


Overview: Cooking allows you to take raw foods and whip up some cooked ones! Cooked foods generally restore more hp/sec than their raw counterparts. Some cooked foods give you a "Well Fed" effects, which will boost a stat for 15 minutes if you remain eating for more than 15 seconds. There are some other foods with different effects.

Q. Who uses cooking?

A. Generally non-healing classes. To reduce downtime, cooked food is great. You'll get more hp back faster if your food is cooked. If you're soloing, well fed bonuses can give you a nice edge. Warriors and Rogues will use cooking most often as they take direct hits (bandages work better, but have a cooldown). Hunters will use cooking as well, because their pets need to eat. Cooked food restores more happiness than uncooked food. Warlocks don't generally need to eat because they can drain life and tank with Voidwalker. Mages generally don't cook because they can conjure up their own food. Healing classes may or may not use food; it depends on play style.

Q. What do you need to cook?

A. In general you only need a basic campfire, which (if you aren't near one) requires a flint and tinder. The wood for the fire can be stacked. By the way, a basic campfire adds 4 spirit if you are within its range.

Most of the added effect foods require additional ingrediants to make. Basic grilled upgrades (like grilling a raw fish) does not require anything but the fish and a fire.

Q. What are some nice added effect cooked items?

Thistle Tea: Restores 100 energy instantly. A great Rogue item.

Grilled Squid: Well Fed effect increases Agility by 10 for 10 minutes.

Nightfin Soup: For the occassional magic-using cook, Well Fed effect grants 8 mana every 5 seconds for 10 minutes.

Mightfish Steak: Well Fed effect grants 10 Stamina for 10 minutes.

Spiced Chili Crab: Well Fed effect grants 12 stamina and spirit for 15 minutes.

Dragonbreath Chili: Occasionally belch flames at enemies when struck in combat! This is always a crowd-pleaser ^_^. It's nice to get a little extra damage; the flames do around 60 damage, and I believe hit in a cone in front of you.

Smoked Desert Dumplings: Gives you a whopping 20 Strength for 15 minutes! These are from quests in Silithus though, and will require a decently high level skill (280 or so, I believe) to get (and level 45 to eat).
(Added by Kourg)

Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops: I'm adding this more for fun than anything else :-P This is the ONLY epic cooking recipe. Why is it epic? The quest for it is part of the AQ gate-opening series. You need to kill level 61-62 elites with a full raid to get the meat for it. The food itself gives you +25 stamina, which is great... but it is insane to get, and to make :-P (Original info by Turicus, who didn't mention it was part of the AQ opening ;-))

Q. Where do I get recipes for Cooking?

A. Try any general goods or fish dealer. Flip to the end of what they sell and look for recipes. It is very possible to get from 0-300 with only fish and fish-frying recipes; but to get added effects and well fed statuses, you need to gather additional ingrediants and more-difficult to find components.

(Torux) Not specifically a tradeskill related question but more a quick tip. If you've no intention to cook, don't sell things like boar meat or scorpid stingers to vendors. Save them up in stacks and put them on the auction. Alot of people at later levels want to raise their cooking skill but don't want to spend hours killing low level mobs to get the meat to cook (specifically rogues who need to learn to cook thistle tea... speaking from personal experience). They'd much prefer to simply buy the stuff.

I'd recommend saving;

Chunks of boar meat
Clam Meat
Scorpid stinger
Stringy wolf meat.

Basically the very first uncooked meats that drop from low level mobs. These are the main regeants used to get the cooking skill required (60).

Q. What is the Cooking Quest?
A. Clamlette Surprise:
This is available at level 35 (thanks, Turicus!), and you must have maxed skill (225/225). There used to be a bug where if you logged out after getting the quest finished you couldn't level any higher, so it is recommended you get at least one more skill point before logging out.

Edited to add in Cooking section, again by yours truly :)
Edited to add in general comments, enlarge sections.
Edited, Wed Nov 9 13:20:03 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 14:40:21 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 15:23:14 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 15:28:36 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 16:09:54 2005 by Darkflame

Edited, Thu Nov 10 10:04:29 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Tue Nov 22 14:06:49 2005 by LockeColeMA
Edit: removed Enchanting section because this one is big enough already. It'll be my next project.

Edited, Tue Nov 29 14:50:22 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Sat Dec 3 20:06:49 2005 by LockeColeMA

Added in Kourg's Dumplings and admonishments about day-trading

Edited, Sat Dec 24 00:10:32 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited to take out broken large tags, and update information in cooking and alchemy (good potions to sell)

Edited, Tue May 9 13:37:49 2006 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Feb 7th 2007 7:33pm by Darqflame
#2 Nov 09 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Reserved for more information


Overview: Shiny...

Enchanting is arguably the best money-maker in the game, and the most difficult to level. It is a very unique skill; you're not going to be selling enchants on the auction house, but you'll need to log into a big city and set up a macro to advertise in the trade chat channel. I do highly recommend a macro; typing out your enchants and prices dozens of times will get old fast.

Enchanting needs 4 ingrediants: a rod, dust, essences, and shards. The rods are made by blacksmiths and then enchanted to a useful state by the enchanter him or herself. The dust comes often from green armor that is disenchanted, the essences from green weapons, and the shards from blue items (either armor or weapons).

Since 1.9, there are Nexus Crystals disenchanted from epics past level 51. Surprisingly, the cost isn't as high as one would think; lots of end-game guilds disenchant their out-grown item pieces.

Disenchanting is the bane of an enchanter's existence for the most part. You need a massive amount of materials to enchant an item, so you need to disenchant a massive amount of equipment. To get that much, you aren't selling it, so you lose a lot of money that way.

That being said, enchants can fetch very high prices. Generally enchanting is not recommended for a player's first character; better to have a high character able to send easily found items to an alt than to buy them off the Auction House.

Q. I have heard enchanting can be used as a gathering skill... what does this mean?

A. Disenchanting can indeed be used as a gathering skill. Only enchanters can make dust/essences/shards, and there is always a demand for these items. There are a number of ways to get these items easily:
Quest rewards are soulbound and BoP. Instead of vendoring them for a minor amount of silver, disenchant them to useful materials.
Boss drops in instances are usually blue and BoP: free shard, especially if no one wants the item, or you can farm it yourself.
Less popular equipment, such as Boar/Wolf/Whale, usually won't sell on the AH, but it can be disenchanted.

The idea with all of these is that you take these materials and instead of using them, sell them for a profit on the Auction House. Enchanting materials have one major highlight: they have no sell value, and are free to list on the AH. These materials can go for very good amounts; be on the lookout for underpriced equipment, buy it or win a low bid, and disenchant to resell the resulting material for a profit.

Q. What profession should I take with enchanting?

A. Enchanting is indeed a stand-alone profession (well, more or less). It gives you the required skill to get materials and make something out of them. In this way, it is a lot like tailoring; you don't need a second profession to support your craft (as, for example, blacksmithing NEEDS mining for most of the way up to 300).

Therefore, the tried and true formula is Enchanting/Tailoring. With this combination you can make your own items to disenchant. The catch is a minor one: you won't get any weapons made from tailoring, so getting essences can be slightly harder. Also, now you take out cloth as a source of income, making yourself even poorer.

Another combination is enchanting with a gathering skill. This way you can make money and then buy items off the auction house. It frees up any cloth you find to be sold, but means you need to either go after beasts in particular (for skinning), or out of your way for resource nodes (herbalism/mining). Out of these skills mining probably would make the most on its own, as two professions need a lot of ore.

(Added thanks to Nekar)
I would not suggest Enchanting as a profession until later in the game. Low level enchanting will not make much, if any money, for you. Pick a profession that will make you some money! At low levels, most items vendor for more than they are worth in enchanting mats. Most low level enchants are given away free from enchanters looking to get a skill-up. Even mid to high level enchants are usually sold for less than the cost of the mats.
Later in the game it is very easy to skill up enchanting to the higher levels. Enchanting starts costing more and more money to skillup around skill level 250.

(As a second skill, I would suggest leatherworking over Tailoring because):
1. Cloth costs more than leather. Sell you cloth buy twice as much leather at the AH for making items. (see the price of Wool vs Medium leather)
2. Green leather armor uses less special items to make. Lots of patterns that only need leather and thread.
3. Leather armor has a greater chance to DE into essences.
I know of no cloth armor that DE's into essences over 30% of the time, with leather there are several and they only need leather and thread to make! Look hard enuff and you will find that for 1.5Gold in LW mats you can make 10Gold worth of essences 30% of the time, the other 70% you only make 1 to 3 gold.
10 items cost 15Gold to make
10 * 30% * 10G = 30 Gold
10 * 70% * 2G(average) = 14 Gold
So, for the cost of 15Gold in LW mats, you can make 44Gold in Enchanting mats. Need money? sell the mats and make more!

Q. How do I know what is worthwhile to disenchant?

A. First, know what items sell. Items with "Wolf" "Whale" and "Boar" usually don't sell on the AH (except at low levels, when DPS is more important to most than stats). Also, although the general chance of disenchanting is green armor = dust, green weapon = essence, etc, these can change. Some green armors have higher chances for essences; some greens weapons have lower chances.

Q. I've noticed those glowing weapons! What enchants give them, and what are the colors?

A. (Added by Torux, who strangely read my mind and posted this just as I was going to add it...)
"In general, enchants that have a factor of +3 or more will glow, with the exception of minor beastslaying, which glows at +2, and +intellect and +spirit, which (as far as I'm aware) only glow with +22. The higher the factor, the deeper the glow.

Enchant - Colour
Beastslaying - Red
Elemental Slaying - Red
Damage - Blue
Agility - Green
Intellect - Yellow
Spirit - Yellow
Crusader - White
Icy Chill - Bright White
Lifestealing - Purple
Fiery - Orange/Red
Demonslaying - Orange/Yellow
Unholy - Green, with 2 skulls rotating around the weapon
Spell Damage - Purple"

Q. I'm 225, and I don't know how to get to 300 enchanting! What is required?

A. First, you need to get to the trainer:
(Sioux wrote:
"The trainer's name is Annora, and she's in the Uldaman instance in the Badlands.

There is a back entrance to Uldaman in Dustwind Gulch, surrounded by elite troggs. If you can find this entrance it's much closer to her, although you may need to bring a friend; there's an Obsidian Guardian just inside the instance who will be right in your way. I couldn't kill it solo at 45, the way I did it was to freeze trap him, run past him and FD. Beware also the Shadowforge dwarves in the room right beyond.

If you can handle shedding the aggro, or don't mind taking a death for the cause (die just past the dwarves in the hallway, it's fairly safe to rez there if you look out for the bats), you can solo this. I would *highly* recommend being at least level 45 if you plan on doing it solo, because there are eleven scorpions (not elite) in the room where she pops. You must kill all the scorps before she'll appear."

Before you get to the trainer, though, know this:
(Capitolg wrote, LockeColeMA cleaned it up:
"So after you get to level 35, you will need to come up with, I think (it could be more, but I know it is not less) 10 gold(leaning toward 15). This will make sure you never have to come back. Now, to get all she has to offer you need to level from 225-250 right next to her, and for that, you have a few choices.

At 220 you learn Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit, it uses Lesser Nether Essence x3,Vision Dust,and will reliabley give you skillups though 235. beyond that you will learn Enchant Boots - Agility. It uses 2x Greater Nether Essence(youch), ride that for 10 skill ups, and it is Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina time this guy can be rode form 245-250 and takes 5 x dream dust each.

There may be cheaper ways, but this one worked for me, and I used the mats I could get cheap (or free)."

I recommend the enchantrix add-on from curse-gaming to get a better idea of what will disenchant to what. Note that some percentages are waaaay off, especially for rarer items.

A guide on this site. I find it slightly dated, and it varies server to server, but it gives a good idea of how to level tailoring and enchanting to 225 for relatively less money:
Leveling Enchanting for Le$$ (by Dacypher)

An amazing guide from the actual WoW O-boards (See? If you look for long enough, there is a lot of wisdom in them! Note: sometimes posts on the O-Boards end up disappearing after a few months. Hopefully this will stay for a good long time):


Overview: "Explosions! I need more EXPLOSIONS!"

Engineering is a fun one. Like alchemy, it is a mostly consumable profession; however, you can create a lot of extra items as well. Engineering is one of the most unique professions out there; you make pets, bombs, trinkets, and other crazy devices. At the same time, it comes with a fundamental problem for money-making: almost all of the engineering items you create need engineering skill to equip or use. Therefore, your only true market is also your competition, thus making selling items very difficult.

However, engineering is arguably one of the best PvP skills. Bombs do damage and add stun effects. The trinkets can do anything from throwing nets, to shooting fire, to deflecting magic. The equipment can give you a variety of effects, from underwater breathing to slow fall effects.

Engineering goes hand in hand with mining; everything you'll need comes from mining, with a few items from other professions (for example, leathers). So although your engineering will leave you poor (if powerful), taking time out to mine will net you some gold.

Engineering also has an inherent, um, quirk. The things you make (usually ones that aren't consumable, such as equipment with effects or trinkets with effects) can... sometimes not go as planned. Although your creations can save your party from the brink of death, it can also sometimes set you on fire at a critical moment. But hey; what's life without a gamble, right?

Q. Can you give me a decent difference between Goblin and Gnomish engineering?

A. Luckily, a topic in the Trade Skill forum caught my eye, so I'm stealing from it ^_^

Reasons for Goblin over Gnomish engineering:
Capitolg wrote:
#1 The Death Ray vs the Dragon gun: the death ray seems so cool, yet when you factor in the dammage it (Always) dose to you it dose not take long before you realise you are not dealing with as "Cool" of a item as you once thought. I guess if you were a pally, or other low DPS class the ray has some places where it would shine, yet overall it is not that great of a item. The dragon gun looks even worse at a first glance, but looks can be deciving. as long as you have 5 targets, the Dragon gun will out dammage the deathray, My record for the Dragon gun is 19 targets, the total dammage on that shot was 12350 HP between all my targets, it would take 6 realy good shots with a death ray to get that kind of DPS. unlike the death ray, the dragon gun is not a garuenteed dammage to the user....

#2 The boots, both specs make rocket boots, key diffrence is that the goblin ones dont reuqire engenering so they can be sold at a larget rate than the gnomish boots.

#3 while some of these are irrlivant due to BoE status, i list them anywho.
Gnomish Shrink Ray vs Goblin Mining Helmet/Goblin Construction Helmet(because not all folks can use the minin helm) OK theese both suck, the shrink ray is better, but it is a matter of just getting one, my goblin eneneer uses a shrink ray.

#4 Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector VS Goblin Mortar Heck they both stop runners, one just dose it by killing the target, the net-o-matic sounds better, but with falure rate the mortar wins, but.... they are both BoE so it dose not matter.

#5 Lil' Smoky VS Pet Bombling, while i love Lil Smokies glasses, the bombling is way cuter.

#6 Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt vs Goblin Sapper Charge there are way better sheilds in the game(AB) and they dont have falure rates, yet the single tic hellfire that is the saper charge remains usefull through DM and ZG, yet bot still BOE

#7 Gnomish Battle Chicken VS Goblin Bomb Dispenser the chicken holds more of a laugh factor, but bottom line is that in the end a bomb dispencer dose more dammage, and faster. This is a win for the Goblin folks.

#8 Gnomish Mind Control Cap(nerfed today, no longer useable on in combat targets)vs Goblin Rocket Helmet . Heck the rocket helm owned the mc hat way before they nerfed the MC hat. pushing goblin as a better chocie again.

#9 Gnomish Cloaking Device Vs The Big One, so the trade off is a less than a lesser invis pot(because thats what the cloking devce is) vs the bomb with the bigest blast radius in the game. think this one is clear who wins.

Drum roll please......
#10 World Enlarger(totaly useless consumable)VS Goblin Jumper Cables XL(more reliable than the basic ones)

looking at the 10 diffrences between the spec it is eazy to see that the "Toys" of gnomish spec are mosty novilty(the nerfing MC helmet sure did'nt help) while the goblin tools "really do some damage and can be helpful" Hey wait, thats what you said you wanted. So, do yourself a favor and stop wanting the grass on the other side of the fence and embrace your spec and enjoy it. it is by far the "More DPS" route of the two.

Response to above quote, on why Gnomish beats Goblin:
LockeColeMA wrote:
1. Death Ray versus Dragon Gun:
Death Ray is my preference. Dragon Gun is good for people without AoE... but it can fail at a critical moment, set you on fire, and fear you for a few seconds. Ouch. Not cool. With a Death Ray, you know what you're getting: damage to yourself, and more to the enemy. There are fun things to do with this: a Paladin can make himself invincible and then cast it, for no damage to himself. Plus, the Death Ray can do a TON of single-target damage (my highest crit, on my level 46 Gnomish engineer warlock, is around 1.9k. A great finisher move, especially since you can just bandage after ^_^ Also, Warlocks have AoEs, and thus little use for a Dragon Gun).

Personally, I face single targets more often than groups. Also, many enemies have fire resistance, potentially reducing the goblin gun's damage.

2. Boots: These are almost equal, IMO.
Gnome: 30 minute cooldown and an engineering requirement. Ick. The backfire for this is that you stop getting the movement boost before the 20 seconds are up, OR you run around randomly.
Goblin: 5 minute cooldown and no engineering requirement (woo-hoo!). The backfire is that they blow up (damage is bad!), the boots are destroyed (you always lose the rocket fuel >_<), and you need to be an engineer to remake them.

I personally would choose Goblin on these... actually, I would probably use neither, but if I HAD to choose, this would go to goblin. Dang.

3. Shrink Ray: You already admitted it wins :-D

4. Net versus mortar: The main thing here is that when the mortar messes up, you get MAJOR PAIN :-P. When the net messes up, you get stuck. The mortar blows you sky high for fire and fall damage, I believe. I might be thinking of bronze mortars for the fall damage. Hmmm. One person in the mortar's item page said he got hit for 9k fire damage when it backfired on him ^_^

Since net-o-matic has the same cooldown (10 seconds), won't hurt you when it backfires, and roots the person for longer... I say net-o-matic wins.

5. Pets: Up to personal choice.


Who am I kidding? Bombling rocks.

6. Sapper Charge is better, but the harm prevention belt actually always works... when you get banished, you are invincible, and thus taking no damage :-P. It's good until higher levels... the protection really needs to scale up with level >_>. Sapper Charge is also insanely good at lower levels, but it does hurt you, so keep that in mind.

7. Chicken vs. Bomb: I think the bomb wins because it is AoE damage, BUT! the chicken also has its uses. It is level 46, I think, so for a lower level character... w00t! It does decent damage (15-75 per hit, 1.5 second attack, and it lasts for 1m 30s), it can fury to attack twice as fast, and it TAUNTS! This makes it a decent semi-tank item... every half an hour.

8. Helms: Goblin wins. MC cap is good if you get the drop on an enemy and they don't see you coming, though :-P

9. Yeah, this is no real contest, they are two completely different items. The Big One has a high component cost, which is one thing to keep in mind... but the cloaking device has an insane cooldown. And you are wrong about the effect of the cloaking device; it is true invisibility, not lesser. You literally disappear (you aren't even considered "stealth", so increased stealth detection items and effects do not help!). You can't use it in battle, though. But if you see someone running at you... POOF! You're gone :-D

Two different items... you can't really consider them next to each other.

10. World enlarger lowers your aggro radius, which is nice. Jumper XL work more often, but they can obviously still feel. However, the price of these are average of 39 gold, while the normal ones are 5 gold. Ouch. Once again, completely different categories.

I say they are more of less equal (obviously, hehe :-P). I like devices and effects more. I guess the idea is... goblin will make you use more materials, and gnome will make you use fewer potions (but have much longer cooldowns :-P).

On the plus side, now that every item has a different and separate cooldown (since 1.11), you can cycle through your fun effect trinkets more often! Hurray!

Different strokes for different folks; I agree with Capitolg that Goblin is good... I just like Gnomish better for my own gaming.

A great guide from PrayForMojo can be found here:;mid=1118346753249104115;num=10

I will edit it in as soon as I figure out how to properly align the chart ^_^

First Aid
Q. Why would I do first aid?

A. Bandages are very very very useful. If you run out of potions, or run out of mana, and you have a way to divert the mob's attention for 8 seconds, you can gain 2000 hp. For healing classes, they are a nice supplement if you can't heal any more or want to save mana; for classes without healing, they significantly cut back on downtime.

Q. How do bandages work?

A. Easily enough. You right-click the bandages and select yourself. Little red crosses and sparkles will show up around your character, and you'll gain hp every second. This is a channeled ability: you cannot move or do anything else while bandaging yourself. If you get hit you will stop bandaging yourself. Every bandage has a cooldown of one minute on the person who gets bandaged. Therefore you can heal your entire party with bandages, but then you need to wait for the bandage effect to fade before you can do it again.

Q. Okay, I'm convinced. How do I make them?

A. Bandages come in two forms: normal and heavy. Normal bandages take one piece of cloth, and heavy take two. The difference is in how much hp they restore; heavy are usually more powerful than normal, although not twice as powerful as you might expect from the cost.

To make a bandage, get the skill (ask a guard to direct you to a trainer), then just open the first aid screen and select the bandage you want to make (assuming you have been trained in it). You'll start making them if you have the cloth. Your skill will rise like any profession, but this is a secondary, so you can have it along with fishing and cooking. Nifty, huh?

Q. I hit 150 skill, and there's no trainer! What do I do!?

A. You need to buy the First Aid manual. For Alliance, the vendor (Deneb Walker, I think) is in the ruined city of Stromgarde, in Arathi Highlands. He is in the Alliance-friendly section, right outside the prince's room. For the Horde, the vendor is Ghok'kah, in Dustwallow Marsh.

Note: These vendors also sell the books for Heavy Silk and Mageweave bandages. Buy them!!

Q. Okay, now what? I'm stuck at 225, and there's no new recipes...

A. Well, now you need to do the FA quest. People hate this quest. It took me three tries my first time to get it, and only one my second time. It is a lot easier if you do it with someone else (although they need to have the bandages, or be on the same quest). The quests are Horde Trauma and Alliance Trauma. You can look them up :)
Alliance (starts in IF):
Horde (starts in Orgrimmar):

Q. Where are the rest of the First Aid recipes?

A. After you pass the Trauma quest, the doctor you got the quest from will teach you the recipes for free at a certain level. I don't recall exactly, but I think Heavy Mageweave is around 230, Runecloth is around 250-260, and Heavy Runecloth is around 290. There is no bandage currently higher than Heavy Runecloth.

Q. What about anti-venoms?

A. Meh. I never used them. You can mess around with them if you like :-P. At Honored with the Argent Dawn you can buy the best one; but it costs an arm and a leg (like 9 gold!).

Keep in mind though, for PvP anti-venoms are great. They take out things such as a rogue's slowing poison, which is a wonderful help. The problem is that venom sacs are hard to come by; check the type you need and type it into allakhazam's search engine to find the best drop-rates.

Q. Where is the best place to raise my skill with fishing?

A. It is a common misconception that you need to move areas to raise up your fishing skill. The truth, whether good or bad, is that your skill rises at the same rate anywhere; and that rate goes by the number of catches you make, not by the level of fish you catch!

Therefore it stands to reason that if you want to powerlevel your fishing, you can do it anywhere you can reliably catch fish! In fact, you will actually harm your fishing skill-up rate if you fish in an area where you consistently get "Your fish got away!" messages.

Why do people fish in higher areas, then? The answer is easy: fishing normal fish gets you almost nothing of value. Fish, even the level 200+ ones, sell for a couple of copper to a vendor. However, fish are used in alchemy and cooking; so if you're spending the time to raise your skill and you can reliably fish in an area where the fish have a good niche on the market, why not sell them at the AH and make money while raising the skill?

Fish you'll want for alchemy:
Oily Blackmouth:
Firefin Snapper:
Stonescale Eel:
(Ohmikeghod added) Deviate fish:

As for cooking fish, well, this is tougher. Basically you can find a fried version of any raw fish which requires nothing more than a fire. If the meal gives an added effect (well-fed), then you usually need spices as well. It can be difficult to find the recipes for cooking fish, as often they have the same name. Almost all cooking recipes are sold from vendors, so if you see a fishing vendor or a general goods vendor, flip to the end of the items he sells and see if he has recipes. I can attest that you can take cooking from 0-300 with fish alone :). And later on there are some decent cooking skills with some 15 minute buffs associated with them; not bad if you're going to be eating between fights anyway (it helps that you can eat and drink at the same time).

Q. What are schools and pools of fish? And floating debris/wreckage?

A. Let me tell you a story. Back in the day, fishing was considered too profitable; fish could be sold to vendors for a great amount of money, for very little effort... a perfect profession for gold-sellers, as it were. Fearing inflation and fishing bots, Blizzard nerfed the price of fish; BAM! 1-2 copper a fish. Fishing fell off the radar for all but a few die-hard fans. Included in this nerf was the significantly higher drop rate of items.

Fishing now being nerfed, Blizzard took a new look at it a few months later and decided to make it fishing new and improved; but how to make it difficult to bot while keeping the prices low and the profession as interesting as possible?

Schools of fish! Along the coast, Blizzard set up spawn points for schools of fish: Oily Blackmouths, Firefin Snappers, Sagefish, Deviates... all of these. The idea is that if you fish in the spawn pool, you run a much higher chance of getting the kind of fish it lists (or you'll get something like stranglekelp or a bloated fish with a gem inside).

Thus, if you are aiming for a particular kind of fish (especially the four types I just listed), look for the pools. Since most of these fish have somewhat low catch rates, boosting the catch rate to 80-100% for 3-6 casts is great! If you have a mount (or don't mind walking) and want a particular kind of fish instead of the junk you usually find in between the desired ones, look for pools of fish.

Note: As of 1.11, swarms of eels have appeared in STV, Tanaris, Feralas, and Azshara.

As for floating wreckage, this is just fun. Usually the wreckage contains chests, either locked or unlocked. You also can fish bloated fish; fish that can be right-clicked to receive a gem from inside (I personally find a lot of Aquamarine, which might be ironic, due to it being from fish :-P). Stranglekelp is also a common catch, and fishing up alcohol (with stamina buffs for 15 minutes) is not uncommon.

The chests from wreckage usually contain potions, money, leather, and bolts of cloth (as in, what you would get from tailoring). This is nice at higher levels, because a chest with 3-4 Bolts of Mageweave is effectively the same as 15-20 Mageweave Cloth in a single catch! This is great if you have a tailoring alt or just want to make more money on the AH.

Equipment can still be fished up, but it is very rare.

Q. What is with this Fishing Tournament I have heard of?

A. Here's a blurb from Fenrig on the main forums about it:
Every Sunday at 2pm in STV. You'll see special pools appear in any coastline water, which you must fish 40 Speckled tastyfish out of before the competition does. There are 2 main rewards, a trinket that turns you into a fish (no need to breath, and about 125% swim speed I calculate) and a +35 Arcanite fishing rod. There are 3 secondary quests you can complete by fishing one of three rare fish, this can still be done after someone has won the competition (2-4pm). The rewards for that are a lucky fishing hat, boots, and eternium fishing wire (all give +5 fishing). Just hit Booty Bay a bit before 2pm and you'll see the quest givers etc.

That's basically it. The competition can be fierce, especially on a PvP server, where STV is a ganker's-heaven already. Just as a note, I ran up and down the coast for 75 minutes without seeing anything... really bad luck on my part, I suppose.

Q. Okay wise guy; I know the areas, I know what to do to skill up; but where do I go for CASH!?

A. Fishing for cash relies on a couple of things: you either fish for lower alchemy fish (firefin/oily blackmouth), high alchemy fish (stonescale eels) or chests (for bolts of cloth, etc).

At lower levels, the low alchemy fish are easy to come by. If you're under level 20, you can still fish in areas like Menethil harbor, and while you'll find a lot of junk fish (if you don't fish in pools), you'll make some money.

Higher level fishers (post 20) find their best bet is Stonescale Eel fishing. There are some good places for this, but the catch rate is approximately the same for all areas (8-12% or so). For Alliance, try Feathermoon Hold in Feralas (south of Desolace). The northern part of the island is an Alliance town, so ganking will be very unlikely. Horde, do the same zone but go from Camp... uh... Tarujo? Something like that; it is in Feralas (go west from 1k Needles), and it's a good place to avoid being killed. For both factions, the coast of Tanaris offers decent fishing for Stonescale Eels, but there is always a lot of cross-faction encounters there, so be careful (this is the safest and probably easiest location on PvE servers). And a bit note: you need 300 fishing in Tanaris to not get "Your fish got away" messages. So you can go pre-35, but use 75-100 +fishing lures.

For higher level players (35-40+), you can try your hand along the coast of STV to get boxes/chests. There are a lot of spawns; and if you do this on Sundays, expect a ton of traffic and competition for the Tastyfish spawns. This is dangerous on a PvP server; I would recommend a much higher level to keep yourself relatively safe from ganking.

For the extreme fisher... try Azshara. There are spawns in the area, like fish pools, but for elemental water. Fishing in these gives very high yield rates for elemental water, globes of water, and (the big one) Essence of Water. There are only one or two spawns at a time, but they are in static locations (out of 6 possible locations). You need 300 fishing + lures to try here; I think 400+ to keep fish from getting away. You can also fish Stonescale Eels in Azshara. The enemies along the coast vary from high-40s to low 50s, so you'll need to be a high level to do this. Luckily, Azshara sees relatively small amounts of traffic, so ganking isn't a huge problem... unless someone else is hunting Essence of Water spawns.

Q. If I do want to fish in my appropriate level's area, what skill do I need to have to fish there?

A. This is from the fishing guide on this site (props to Awata):

Fishing seems to scale up along with the difficulty of the zone. A basic formula is the skill divided by the number of levels, that is 300 divided by 60 gives you 5 points per level. If you break that down and compare it to the difficulty of various zones, say every 10 levels, it is easy to find the areas in which you need to fish in order to progress. The following chart breaks down the level ranges of the zone versus the fishing skill level at which the zone becomes trivial.

Zone Level Ranges:
1-10 to 50
11-20 to 100
21-30 to 150
31-40 to 200
41-50 to 250
51-60 to 300

Q. (Tamisch basically wrote this) Whoa, hold up a second! I tried fishing in the Eastern Plaguelands with 300 skill, and it said I wasn't skilled enough. Do I have to boost my stats somehow?

A. Yup. Despite the general rule of thumb I listed above, you actually need a higher skill sometimes... even higher than 300. In Azshara, as I mentioned, you need 400 or so skill to fish reliably! So, here's some links to helping you boost your skill:

A fishing pole is the basic. It has no skill added to it, and is sold by general vendors in lowbie areas.
A Strong Fishing Pole is a limited sale from many vendors. It has +5 fishing skill. The easiest vendors to think of are Old Man Heming in Booty Bay (he sells the 150-225 book as well), or random vendors in all (I think) the main cities.
A Big Iron Fishing Pole is a great item that can be maddeningly frustrating to get. It has a 1% chance to be looted from shellfish traps off the coast of Desolace, near Shadowprey Village (Horde town).
The Blump Family Fishing Pole (Alliance only) is from a Darkshore quest. It has +3 fishing skill... worthless, especially compared to the Horde's...
Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 (Horde only)... an awesome fishing pole with +25 skill. This is quested, and used to be the brest rod until the fishing tournament brought around the...
Arcanite Fishing Pole. With +35 skill, this baby tops the list. It is won from fishing tournament.

[link=]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots
. These are from a rare fish caught during the fishing tournament, and they have +5 fishing skill.
Lucky Fishing Hat is another rare-fish find. Trade it in to get the hat ^_^ +5 skill on this too.

High Test Eternium Line replaces the line on your rod with a +5 fishing skill line (a permanent buff, like an enchant, only for fishing lines). This stacks with lures, and is from yet another rare fish.
Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fishing enchants your gloves for a whopping +2 fishing skill!... woo-hoo...?

Lures - temporary buffs that last for either 5 or 10 minutes and increase your fishing skill. Right-click the lure, then right-click onto your fishing rod. It is placed on it much like oil/grinding stones are:
Bright Baubles: Increases fishing skill by 75 for 10 minutes. Most fishing vendors (outside of newbie areas) have these.
Aquadynamic Fish Attractor: Increases fishing skill by 100 for 5 minutes. Most higher fishing vendors sell these at limited quantities, and engineers can make them.
Aquadynamic Fish Lens (Alliance only): Increases fishing skill by 50 for 10 minutes. Quested for the Alliance in Auberdine.
Nightcrawlers: Increases your fishing skill by 50 for 10 minutes. Drops off all sorts of undead with flesh. Also sold by vendors.
Flesh-Eating Worms: Increases fishing skill by 75 for 10 minutes. Drops off Rotted Ones (23-26) in Duskwood.

Those are most of them. With these items, you can (somewhat) easily boost your skill into the necessary level range for WPL/EPL/Azshara fishing. I believe the highest amount of fishing skill you can get is 452 (Arcanite Rod + Eternium Line + hat + boots + enchant + Aquadynamic). Also, did you know there is a vendor who sells fishing supplies in Silithus? Fun facts.

Edited to add in First Aid and Fishing info

Edited, Wed Nov 9 13:17:54 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 13:35:09 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 13:28:52 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited to add in Enchanting section title and Engineering overview.

Edited, Tue Nov 29 14:38:31 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited to add in enchanting overall + first question

Edited, Wed Nov 30 09:00:34 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited to put in more enchanting information/guide and the fishing guide.

Edited, Fri Dec 2 09:14:51 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Fri Dec 2 13:44:07 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited to add in glows and the link to the O-Boards' enchanting guide

Edited, Sat Dec 24 00:00:49 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited to fix the First Aid quests... hopefully it works!

Edited, Wed Mar 8 07:48:38 2006 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Thu Apr 27 22:16:10 2006 by LockeColeMA

Editted to add in information on Fishing pools/best locations to make cash. Also added a blurb to First Aid on anti-venom

Edited, Sat May 13 01:55:42 2006 by LockeColeMA

Added in more stuff about fishing skill and how to boost it.

Edited, Jun 17th 2006 at 2:26pm EDT by LockeColeMA

Added a tiny blurb on Gnomish versus Goblin engineering. I'll expand it later... I hope...

Edited, Jun 29th 2006 at 6:26pm EDT by LockeColeMA
#3 Nov 09 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts

Overview: Leatherworking lives up to its name: you create pieces of leather armor, using leather. Amazing! There are also some bags and items like armor kits (armor buffs that give additional armor, like an enchant). However, leatherworking later makes mail as well (since Shamans and Hunters get mail at level 40). Thus, this craft is primarily a benefit for Rogues, Druids, Shamans, and Hunters. The craft then has three trees: tribal, elemental, and dragonscale. One of the most difficult decisions of a Leatherwoker is to choose one path. In general (provided by Anarquin in the following link):

Dragonscale: Mail items with resistances, magic-oriented buffs, and some +attack power items. The Silithus remake added in the Dreamscale Breastplate with Cenarian Circle Exalted rep:
Elemental: More agility and stamina, still a few resistances, and some passive effects. This seems to be a more Rogue-ish route.
Tribal: Mostly magic-oriented buffs with leather-typed armor. Druidic, I would bet. Kourg noted, quite correctly, that the Devilsaur set gives some good Rogue-stats, and there are Feral Druidic gear items in here, not only magic-oriented ones.

I can't believe I found it! Under at least 14 pages of posts, here it is, the previous Bible of Leatherworking:
Dragonscale, Elemental, and Tribal: Let's Talk;mid=1104439096442978895;num=69

And here is the vendor for the new mail leatherworking patterns. They make mail armor, but only the Exalted recipe requires Dragonscale proficiency.

Aendel Windspear:

Since not everyone will check the links I provided, here are the quests for each line of Leatherworking. For every specialization you need to be level 40 and at least 225 skill (although you do not need to specialize to get past 225 skill). BE WARNED: Once you take a certain branch of leatherworking, you are "keyed" into it. This means that even if you drop Leatherworking as a profession and take it back up again, you canNOT go down a different path.

Dragonscale (Alliance):
You're looking for Peter Galen in Azshara; be careful, it is around level 45-50 in the area you want to be. You need to collect two Tough Scorpid Breastplates, two Tough Scorpid Gloves, and 10 Worn Scales.

Dragonscale (Horde):
Thorkaf Dragoneye is in the Badlands, in Camp Bosh. It should be around 40-45 enemies there. You need to collect two Tough Scorpid Breastplates, two Tough Scorpid Gloves, and 10 Worn Scales (same as the Alliance).

Elemental (Alliance):
Sarah Tanner is in souther Searing Gorge; man, you guys have a tough time, hehe! You'll need to ride through the Badlands from Loch Modan, go all the way west to Searing Gorge, and head straight south. Before you get to the mountains, you'll find her. You'll need 2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth, and 2 Breath of Wind.

Elemental (Horde):
You're looking for Brumn Winterhoof, apparently in the Arathi Highlands (I could not find him on the map). You'll need 2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth, and 2 Breath of Wind, same thing as above.

Tribal (Alliance):
Caryssia Moonhunter in Feralas, I'm thinking around Thalanaar. It'll be a tough run from Feathermoon to there, but if you're on a PvP server, it would be tougher to go from Tanaris through Thousand Needles to here, I would think. You need a Wild Leather Vest and a Wild Leather Helmet.

Tribal (Horde):
You're looking for Se'Jib in Stranglethorn Vale, who is southeast of Grom'Gol, I believe on the other side of the river. You need a Wild Leather Vest and a Wild Leather Helmet.


Overview: Tailoring is making items out of cloth. Mostly the items consist of cloth armor and bags to hold items. Warlocks, Mages, and Priests (all cloth-armor wearers) will get the most benefit out of this craft. Others may take it up for the bag-making.

Q. Where do I get cloth from?

A. Okay, rather basic question. Cloth drops off of humanoid (and usually zombie/skeleton-like undead) enemies. There are exceptions to this; Naga are humanoids and do not drop cloth, for example. Details. The level range for cloth is, approximately:
1-15: Linen cloth
15-25: Wool cloth
25-40: Silk Cloth
40-50: Mageweave Cloth
50-60+: Runecloth

These are the normal types of cloth, and are only rough estimates. People seem to have the hardest time finding mass quantities of Wool and Mageweave. Runecloth is constantly in demand for bandages/cloth-turns/Tailoring. Linen is pretty popular, but usually dirt cheap (as it is everywhere as a low level). Silk is very common when you hit your 30s, but the AH price might be higher than you'd expect because the game puts more value into its level rather than its commonality.

Q. I just found a Mooncloth pattern! But... how do I make it?

A. At level 250 you can finally start making Mooncloth. The pattern is for sale as an unlimited quantity in Everlook; it only costs 5 gold there, so if the AH's price is hovering around 10 or more, consider taking the trip. I made it at level 38... but let me tell you, Felwood is rough at that level :-P. Died three times just getting to the FP in the northern part, but I only died once by Furbolgs, right at the end of the Timbermaw tunnel.

To create Mooncloth, you need two things: two pieces of Felcloth, and a Moonwell. Moonwells seem to be the tough thing to find, but really they are all over, just keep your eyes open. Any Night Elf should know what a Moonwell looks like from some of their lowbie quests on Teldrassil. Basically is is a pool with glowing blue water. Step into the pool and choose to make Mooncloth.
Some locations I know for sure: Auberdine, just outside the inn; in Ashenvale, NE of Astranaar (you need to go there for the Dartol's Rod quest), in Duskwood, in the Twilight Grove (although now you need to avoid a huge dragon to get it), in Thalanaar, which is on the border of 1k Needles and Feralas, in Feathermoon Stronghold's large tower, right at the base. Tougher for Horde, as I have never been one, sorry :-(. Although there should be one, if I remember, in Cenarion Hold in Silithus, which will be neutral to both factions.

Felcloth drops only off of high level Satyrs (demons). The best place for this is probably in Northern Felwood; the droprate is a bit low, but they drop money and Runecloth too, so it's not a complete waste. Or try Azshara; there are a bunch of Satyrs there as well. Or buy it off the AH. Another option is the merchant imp Viel in WInterspring; he sells two pieces (80s each) in a limited quantity (not sure what the respawn time is; thanks to Zornov with this tip :-D). Felcloth is not considered actual cloth; you can't make bandages out of it, and it is a rare drop.

Keep in mind that Mooncloth has an insanely long cooldown: 96 hours (4 days). It actually might be a bit off from that, but 4 days is the general consensus. Mooncloth is used in the Mooncloth set (it's like Magister's with slightly fewer stats, a bit lower level, and no set bonuses), in the Bottomless Bag (18-slot container, which takes 12), in Mooncloth Bags (16-slot container, takes 2), and in some epics (Belt of the Archmage, Gloves of Spell Mastery, Flarecore Robe, etc).

Q. Any tips with Tailoring?

A. There are a few. I have never made more than a little money with Tailoring; but it probably comes from my giving nature, hehe :-P. I give away Runecloth Bags to my guild for 40 silver ^_^;. I find it tough for a variety of reasons: bags would sell well, but the market is constantly flooded with them. Mooncloth items would sell well, but they are worse than set items, and cost obscene amounts. Mooncloth itself can sell well... if there is a demand for it. The best way to make some good money: get your hands on a rare pattern. For example, Belt of the Archmage or the Gloves of Spell Mastery. The second one especially is wonderful (I don't think any Alliance member on Skywall has it yet!). Then you can make it for like 20 gold if someone brings all the materials to you :)

As to way to somewhat supply yourself, I'd take up Skinning as a secondary. That way you'll have leather for some bags which require it (for example, Runecloth bags need two Rugged Leather, so I save myself a bit by skinning my own kills).

Many people take up enchanting to supply items to disenchant, but enchanting has never been my cup of tea; so no comment here :-D. Basically, I suggest you supplement your income with hunting good items that sell well. Also keep in mind that as a Tailor, you will most likely not sell cloth, so that takes a decent chunk out of your income. Therefore, a gathering skill can be very beneficial to make up the loss.

Q. I hit 250, I see one more recipe at 255... and then what? How do I cap out my Tailoring? And where are all those Runecloth recipes? (Tyrandor)

A. (Copied from a PM tp Tyrandor)
All righty, the easiest thing I can see doing is to get your tailoring to 260 and get the Pattern: Runecloth Bag recipe. It's a limited sale from the vendor in Everlook. Luckily our server is rather new, and bags are going for insane prices (hopefully Runecloth isn't too too high). At the very least you should be able to break even by powerleveling with bags... or become Mr. Popular by handing out free ones ;-).

If you want the other recipes, three are sold by Darnell in Moonglade. All of them are above 260 though.

Other ways to get points: at 250, you can create Mooncloth every four days... so do so! it's a free point and needed for a lot of higher recipes. Also, just making Bolts of Runecloth should get you to 260.

You can try to make the Runecloth recipes (and they'd be decent to disenchant), but I think making the bags and selling them will see you get more profit overall. The points will come in slower as you near 300, but if you can make a profit off of the bags, then it works out better in the end :).

PS: Looking at Runecloth Belts, these seem pretty good if you want to disenchant them. The three comments seem to indicate so, at least.

PPS: If you really want to prepare us in advance, ask people to get you an Essence of Fire, and get the recipe for Cindercloth Cloak. We need a bunch of these for Onyxia Scale Cloaks eventually anyway; you might as well get started early ;-). The recipe level is 275, and it only drops off the Thaurissan Firewalkers in the Burning Steppes (ick, .90% drop rate).

Q. How about making money?

A. Tailoring has some relatively rare recipes that usually are in the form of bags. Cenarian Circle reputation (Revered) can net you the recipe for a 24-slot herb bag, the Satchel of Cenarius. The pattern for the 24-slot enchanting bag drops off Magister Kalendris in Dire Maul. There are also Soul Pouches of various sizes for Warlocks.

Other than that, your best bet is rare epic recipes, like the Belt of the Archmage or Gloves of Spell Mastery!

Q. Is a Mooncloth Bag worth the materials, or a waste of Mooncloth? (Main forum)

A. It highly depends on your server. If you are on an old server, then Traveller's Backpacks are usually under 10g; Mooncloth almost always costs 10+g, and you need to factor in the Runecloth + Thread to make the bag. Therefore, on an old server it is not worth it.

Now, on a newer server, it could be worth it. For example, on Anetheron (or however you spell it), Traveller's Backpacks are around 25-35g. A Mooncloth Bag is almost for certain a better deal, especially if you make it yourself. Even if Mooncloth is 20g for a piece, that's less than 25g for the bag, and it still beats the Traveller's.

Edited to add in thr three LWing paths
Edited, Wed Nov 9 13:18:44 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 13:27:27 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 14:26:40 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Wed Nov 9 17:45:42 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited to add in Kourg's specifications to the patterns' uses and proficiencies.

Edited, Sat Dec 24 00:02:57 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited: Added in some tailoring stuff

Edited, Wed May 17 16:25:23 2006 by LockeColeMA

Edited: Added in a tailoring question and a Mooncloth bag question

Edited, Thu May 25 11:53:51 2006 by LockeColeMA
#4 Nov 09 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Gathering skills section

Here is the official thread thread (TM). This has all the information you will ever need. I'll write up what I can, and try to scale down all the information into an easier format:;mid=110367074252647014;num=143

Honestly, this thread contains all the information you'll ever need. I should know; I added in like 5 posts in it :-P

I just found a great guide to what herbs are located in what areas by Ohmikeghod; kudos to you, mate :);mid=112898806027911814;num=18

And of course, my own guide to herbalism. I win ^_^
"Everything you wanted to know about herbalism";mid=1135630689225051736;num=0;page=1

Q. What are the best herbs?

A. Well, what do you want them for? There are some rare herbs, and some that very needed in certain potions. Some are almost useless. I'll list some that stick out in my mind:

Black Lotus: The ultimate herb, you need level 300 skill to pick it. In previous patches, it was BoP; now it is BoE. I myself have found this in the Burning Steppes and Winterspring. This baby is needed for most of the Flask recipes in Alchemy.

Plaguebloom: A nice find, it is around level 290 or 300. This is needed for some end-game potions, and can readily be found in three areas: Eastern Plaguelands, Western Plaguelands, and Felwood.

Mountain Silversage: Another good one, it is used in Major Healing Potions. The best place for this is, hands down, is Un'goro Crater. It grows on the mountains that compose the outskirts of the crater. Run a circle around the entire area and look for the dots on your mini-map to show up.

Sungrass: This is one a lot of people have trouble with. It grows well in most level 40-50 zones. I know that Azshara, the Hinterlands, Felwood, and Feralas have this.

Ghost Mushrooms: These grow underground, and you only get yields of one. Outside of elite areas/instances, you can find these in Skulk Rock, in the Hinterlands, surrounded by 46-47 oozes. There are only three spawns, and they have a 10-15 minute respawn timer. Elite areas to go: the Troll city in the Hinterlands, where you need to go for saving Sharpbeak. Also, Maraudon has some.

(Torux) Swiftthistle - sometimes found in Briathorn and Mageroyal. Used by alchemists to make swiftness potions, but also needed by rogues who wish to cook thistle tea. Most commonly found in areas lvl 10 - 20 (The Barrens, Silverpine Forest, Stonetalon Mountains, Westfall).

Fadeleaf is also used by rogues to make blinding powder. Since alot of rogues favour skinning/leatherworking over alchemy/herbalism, there's a strong chance these can sell for a very high price to higher level rogues.

Q. What is the use of getting my herbalism higher? Are enchants worth getting?

A. Having a higher skill does not produce higher yields in my experience. You will never pick more than one Black Lotus or Ghost Mushroom at a time. The best you can do is get your skill difference to a yellow level, so that you never fail in picking an herb.

Mining already has a great mining guide in the Guild Section. Here is the link to it:

If you really want me to, I'll copy it out here later, but the guide is great :) Good job, Jukaar!

One thing I didn't see in the guide that I might have overlooked: silver, gold, and truesilver are rare spawns of tin, iron, and mithril, respectively. If you want these materials, mine in an area with a lot of the "normal" spawns, and eventually some of the rare ones will pop up!

Skinning is interesting as a gathering skill. For one thing, the typical "orange means always" rule does not apply. I have found that the skinning-skill-ups work like on a point system. Every skill level you reach, you need a certain number of points to get to the next level. Orange gives you the most, while green gives the least (excluding grey, which is none). What does this mean? By the time you get over 150 skill, you'll notice that you are not getting skill-ups from skinning orange-colored beasts. It will take anywhere from 2-12 ornage-labeled beasts to get another point.

Usually though, this doesn't matter, and skinning levels up very quickly when you do it constantly.

Q. How does skinning skill work?

A. Your skinning skill determines what level of beast you can skin. The number it works out to is skinning skill/5 = level. So if you have 200 skill, you can skin up to a level 40 beast. Skinning skill does not determine the quality or item you get.

Q. What will I skin?

A. It depends on the beast. Usually you will get leather; the types of leather generally follow the rule of cloth. However, there is more of a mix-up with what quality you will get; even when I skin level 56 bats in the EPL, I still get Thick Leather (which I can get off level 40 enemies). Also note, the number of leather you get can vary; I usually get two leather off of elites instead of one.

Other items you can skin include hides. These are rarer; generally I get around 1 Hide every 10 pieces of leather. Again, the quality of hide can vary; I can get both Thick Hides and Rugged Hides.

Off certain monsters you will get different items. Turtles, for example, can be skinned for Turtle Scales. Same with Scorpids. Dragonkin, although not beasts, can still be skinned (I loved ST and UBRS!). Dragonkin will also drop Dragon Scales of varying color; it depends on which dragon flight you skinned. These scales are used almost exclusively in Leatherworking; and obviously Dragon Scales are used mostly in Dragonscale Leatherworking.

Q. How does skinning compare to other gathering crafts in terms of money?

A. Skinning will get you money slowly. You will get money in small, constant amounts. The key to making money is to skin EVERYTHING. By selling a lot of leather (which stacks to 10), you can make a good amount. The easiest way is to do quests involving a hunt of beasts; and then gather their leather. Three birds with one stone: exp, quest rewards, and leather. Since beasts seldom drop anything decent, this makes hunting them profitable.

While I say "Skin Everything!", please be kind; do not stalk people to skin what they kill. And be careful or skinning a recent kill if someone is still in battle; they will be very angry if they're fighting for their life and you're stealing what they want to skin.

Q. Is there a special Hide I can skin?

A. Ohhhh yes there is. The Pristine Hide of the Beast:

This epic hide is skinned VERY rarely off The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire. It is used to craft an epic item, and sells for a ton on the Auction House (if it is ever sold). Note, you have a .5% chance to skin this. Good luck :-P

Note: There is a large debate over who gets to keep a PHotB. UBRS is usually done by a 15-man raid group, and in most cases there will be a Need roll for it. Just because you skin it does not mean you get to keep it! After all, you wouldn't even have the chance to skin it if you didn't have 14 other people backing you up ^_^ There is a debate over whether armor piercing effects decrease the chance of a successful skin; I think they do NOT. But honestly, at a .5% chance anyway, who can say for sure?

Another item you can skin: Core Leather:
This is off the level 62-63 elite Core Hounds in Molten Core. This leather is used in mostly fire resistant crafted epics.

Q. Wait... how do I skin a ?? boss? Can I boost my skinning over 300?

A. Yes! Unlike some other professions, skinning needs to be boosted over 300 to be any use to the end-game skinner. For this you'll need 2 (or 3) things:

Finkle's Skinner:
Which drops off The Beast in UBRS. You NEED to equip this item to get the bonus; Paladins can not use daggers, and thus cannot use this item. If you are a skinner, and this drops, and you want to skin The Beast, make sure you have dagger skill taught to you first or you can't equip it to skin the Beast!

Zulian Slicer:
Drops in ZG, the 20-man raid. This is the alternative skinning item; you NEED to equip this to get the effect. Paladins can use this one :-P

Enchant Gloves: Skinning
This enchant gives you +5 skinning skill. Obviously, you need to have the gloves equipped to get the bonus.

Therefore, for most characters, you can skin level 63 enemies (such as Core Hounds in Molten Core). I suppose rogues/Warriors/Hunters can dual-wield and get 325 skill (since the Zulian Slicer can be held in the off-hand). Never tried it, but I assume it works.

Edit: Added in Herbalism/Skinning sections. Go me!

Edited, Wed Nov 9 14:12:11 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Thu Nov 10 10:02:20 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Fri Nov 11 14:05:22 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Fri Nov 11 14:13:23 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Mon Dec 26 16:34:29 2005 by LockeColeMA

Edited, Jul 8th 2006 at 6:14pm EDT by LockeColeMA
#5 Nov 10 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
652 posts
Excellent, and much more in-depth than my attempt.

A couple of quick additions.

Q. What are the best herbs?

A. Swiftthistle - sometimes found in Briathorn and Mageroyal. Used by alchemists to make swiftness potions, but also needed by rogues who wish to cook thistle tea. Most commonly found in areas lvl 10 - 20 (The Barrens, Silverpine Forest, Stonetalon Mountains, Westfall).

Fadeleaf is also used by rogues to make blinding powder. Since alot of rogues favour skinning/leatherworking over alchemy/herbalism, there's a strong chance these can sell for a very high price to higher level rogues.


Not specifically a tradeskill related question but more a quick tip. If you've no intention to cook, don't sell things like boar meat or scorpid stingers to vendors. Save them up in stacks and put them on the auction. Alot of people at later levels want to raise their cooking skill but don't want to spend hours killing low level mobs to get the meat to cook (specifically rogues who need to learn to cook thistle tea... speaking from personal experience). They'd much prefer to simply buy the stuff.

I'd recommend saving;

Chunks of boar meat
Clam Meat
Scorpid stinger
Stringy wolf meat.

Basically the very first uncooked meats that drop from low level mobs. These are the main regeants used to get the cooking skill required (60).

Edited, Thu Nov 10 08:55:59 2005 by Torux

Edited, Thu Nov 10 08:52:48 2005 by Torux
#6 Nov 25 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
652 posts
Another addition (was gonna edit that last post but I thought I may aswell make a new post)

Q. What are the best herbs?

A. Wildvine - sometimes found inside purple lotus plants (in a similar way to swiftthistle in briathorn/mageroyal) and also dropped by trolls in the Hinterlands, and some in Stranglethorn Vale. Used in alchemy, tailoring, enchanting, engineering, blacksmithing and leatherworking.
#7 Dec 03 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
1,724 posts
Very nice job and rate up. Here's my Smiley: twocents

And here is the vendor for the new mail leatherworking patterns. I do not know if they are Dragonscale, but they make mail armor.

The Dreamscale Breastplate requires the Dragonscale specialty. The others require no specialty. The Spitfire gear and the Dreamscale Breastplate, to my knowledge, are the only crafted mail pieces with agi after Tough Scorpid.

Caryssia Moonhunter in Feralas, I'm thinking around Thalanaar.

Yes, she's in Thalanaar.

Tribal: Mostly magic-oriented buffs with leather-typed armor. Druidic, I would bet.

Tribal also includes the Devilsaur set, which is excellent for Rogues, and the Timbermaw Faction leather recipes, which are suited very well to feral Druid.

Another good way to make money is to play the AH; buy low and sell high. I won't go into this daytrading technique; this is stuff for people with a lot of time and good market skills ^_^

Just a personal pet peeve on this. While very true, this is throroughly abused ALOT. Again, not a criticism, just a personal pet peeve that I can't seem to pass getting on the soap box about every now and then.

On Cooking, you might want to add Smoked Desert Dumplings. It's a quested recipe but +20 str for 15 minutes is pretty cool. Also, it might be a glitch, but my Druid has been getting the Nightfin Soup mana regen effect without waiting for wellfed. It's instant.

That's about everything I see at the moment. Again, good job.

#8 Dec 22 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
652 posts
An addition...


Q.Which enchants glow, and what colour are they?

A.In general, enchants that have a factor of +3 or more will glow, with the exception of minor beastslaying, which glows at +2, and +intellect and +spirit, which (as far as I'm aware) only glow with +22. The higher the factor, the deeper the glow.

Enchant - Colour
Beastslaying - Red
Elemental Slaying - Red
Damage - Blue
Agility - Green
Intellect - Yellow
Spirit - Yellow
Crusader - White
Icy Chill - Bright White
Lifestealing - Purple
Fiery - Orange/Red
Demonslaying - Orange/Yellow
Unholy - Green, with 2 skulls rotating around the weapon
Spell Damage - Purple

Edited, Thu Dec 22 20:55:44 2005 by Torux

Edited, Fri Dec 23 14:14:07 2005 by Torux
#9 Mar 01 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
3,826 posts
Hey, Links in your First Aid portion for the 225 quest are broken. Just an FYI =)
#10 Mar 07 2006 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
Tailoring and Fishing: Hand in Hand?

I have found that fishing the floating wreckage of the coast in souther STV will produce 2-3 mithril boxes. These boxes normaly contain leather of all types and better yet BOLTS OF CLOTH. More importantly bolts of runecloth and mageweave. Saves tons of money buying runecloth and porducing the bolts as it takes 5 runecloth per bolt. Not only will you get the bolts but stranglekelp fetches a fair price among alchemist. The only catch is to fishing the wreckages is: right place right time. Im not sure on spawns and such but about everyhour or so they seem to respawn up and down the coast.
#11 Mar 27 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Are you limited by character level as to how high you can go in cooking, first aide and fishing ?
#12 Apr 08 2006 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
Not at all. First aid, cooking, and fishing are secondary skills, so you can get all or none of them. You could actually get up to 300 very fast! However, for some primary professions there are level requirements. For example, I believe specialty leatherworking requires lv. 55? Am I wrong?
#13 Apr 09 2006 at 12:48 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Are you limited by character level as to how high you can go in cooking, first aide and fishing ?

Not at all. First aid, cooking, and fishing are secondary skills, so you can get all or none of them. You could actually get up to 300 very fast! However, for some primary professions there are level requirements. For example, I believe specialty leatherworking requires lv. 55? Am I wrong?

Not at all what he was asking.

To answer the question: Yes, you are limited by your character level for your secondary skills. I believe you need to be level 40 to do the quests to get past level 225. I am not positive if you can get past level 150 before level 20. It seems like you shouldn't be able to, but the books don't say a required level.
#14 May 08 2006 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Same level requirements as all trade skills.

75 @ level 5
150 @ level 10
225 @ level 20
300 @ level 35

And they all have special quests to reach artisan, as usual.
#15 May 09 2006 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
addendum for cooking:
since 1.8 lvl35 is enough to get artisan cooking and other secondary skills over 225. you still need to have your skill maxed at 225 to get the quest. getting the drops at lvl35 will be hard, but you can often just buy them off the ah.
i think cooking is great for every class, not to restore health but for the buffs some of the food gives.
warning: there used to be a bug that if you didn't skill-up to 226 straight after completing the quest you lost artisan cooking again when you left tanaris. don't know if it's been fixed. but simply bring some stuff to get a few skill points in gadgetzan.
the questgiver now has a quest for an epic (yes, epic =)) cooking recipe. gives +25 sta or so.

first aid:
updated skill levels and poisons right there.
the first one is learned, the second is a rare world drop and the third (for lvl60 poisons) is 9g from ad at honored. the venom sacs drop of spiders of the appropriate level. but not very often...

this is a constant moneymaker because people use up what you sell them (unlike with bags from tailoring etc.)
mana pots, fr, nature resi are all cash cows.
you need some luck with recipe drops and you should quest through scholo for the mana pot recipe.
flasks are very useful for bosses that you need extra buffs. they stay through death for 2 hours. also, they stack with the zanza pots.
on older servers, transmutes will be hard to sell because every guild has several people that can do it. you may want to transmute essences from cheap ones to more expensive ones (like buy water off ah, transmute to air and sell for a profit).

there is also a moonwell in the park in stormwind.
when you run through the tunnel to winterspring to get the mooncloth recipe do NOT kill the cuddly furbolgs because it is very damaging to your reputation. sneak or die through.
mooncloth bags (16 slot) only take 1 mooncloth now to keep in line with the prices of traveller's backpacks.
the only real moneymakers in tailoring are bags (only bottomless on older servers) and very few epics (like the fr stuff from thorium brotherhood). on newer servers you can make a bit of money if you're among the first to get mooncloth or argent dawn recipes.
#16 Jun 06 2006 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
I think there may be some confusion here on secondary professions--they do not have identical requirements. Maybe this will help:

You can train cooking to 225 as long as you have the expert book and have 125 skill. There is no level requirement specified and no "stealth" level requirement that I can detect as of this writing. As mentioned before, skilling up past 225 requires level 35+ to get the artisan quest.

While you can buy the first aid and fishing expert books at any level, you must be level 20+ with 125+ skill to use them. That means you cannot train either of these skills past 150 until then. As in cooking, skilling up past 225 in these professions requires level 35+ to receive the artisan quests.
#17 Jun 18 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I'm still making additions; I've added more to the fishing section, so I hope it helps! Keep telling me what you want, and/or supplying information; thanks ^_^
#18 Jul 03 2006 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
You got an awsome guide here. I have a Priest with 300 enchanting and 300 mineing but i think im gonna make her an Alch instead of mineing because my main has 310 skinning and 300 herblism and my guild could use an extra alch. i also need to work on fishing + cooking. Your guide will help me Alot thanks for the great guide ;)

Edited, Jul 3rd 2006 at 7:48pm EDT by Striptease
#19 Jul 19 2006 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
For First Aid, Heavy Mageweave Bandages are given to you by Victor at 240 skill, 260 for Runecloth.
#20 Jul 19 2006 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, and Heavy Runecloth is definitely 290. I forgot to mention.
#21 Jul 28 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
I found this post while looking up Deviate fish. I modified it a bit by removing the links to an RMT site. It really belongs here.
Fishingmansfriend wrote:
Fishing For Dummies

Ahh, Fishing! One of the most least understood professions in the game....yet one of the most useful! In this guide I'll be going through the various aspects of Fishing, it's uses and pretty much anything else you could possibly desire.

So enough with the smalltalk, let's get started:
I have been fishing going on four days now. It was a pain at first, but got easier as I went along. Here is a list of progression. Even though I only did the Horde side, I researched all the Alliance crap too. Paladins cry enough as it is, I didn't want them to feel left out. I am working on cooking skill at the same time. Cooking and fishing, as most of you know, go very well together.

Starting out: Getting your fishing skill.

Horde Fishing (1-150)

Apprentice Fishing(1-75)

Armand Cromwell: In the Undercity. Outer circle, magic quarter, northeast.
Kah Mistrunner: Thunderbluff . Middle plateau, east section.
Lumak: Orgrimmar. Valley of Honor, at the pond.

Now you are set to get to a skill level of 75. You need to buy a fishing pole. Really cheap. If you want, you can buy bobber, lures, and other stuff that will allow you to artificially raise your fishing skill. So take that brand new fishing pole and go find a pond, lake, or ocean. No, your neighbor's swimming pool won't work, redneck.

NOTE: You can't fish in all bodies of water at a low skill. You will have to work your way up to them. If you try and fish in a body of water that is too high level for you, you will get a message saying something to the effect of "Goaway, you suck at fishing. Come back when you don't suck anymore". The best way of guaging whether you can fish or not is by looking around to see what kind of mobs are in the vicinity.

So you have fished your way up in skill. Time to go get that Journeyman rank. Not sure what the minimum skill required is (not too high, like 50), but skill level of 75 is sure to work. You can't go any higher than that anyway until you talk to a trainer.

Armand Cromwell: In the Undercity. Outer circle, magic quarter, northeast.
Kah Mistrunner: Thunderbluff . Middle plateau, east section.
Lumak: Orgrimmar. Valley of Honor, at the pond.

Yes, the same people you went to for your initial skill.

Alliance Fishing (1-150)

Apprentice (1-75)

Arnold Leland: Stormwind
Astaia: Darnassus
Grimnur Stonebrand: Ironforge
Harold Riggs: Wetlands
Matthew Hooper: Redridge Mountains

You goody goodies make me sick. You get 5 trainers. Anyway, get your fishing pole in hand, grab some beer and Cheetos, and lets go fishing. If you want, you can buy bobber, lures, and other stuff that will allow you to artificially raise your fishing skill. This will get you to a skill level of 75.

NOTE: You can't fish in all bodies of water at a low skill. You will have to work your way up to them. If you try and fish in a body of water that is too high level for you, you will get a message saying something to the effect of "Goaway, you suck at fishing. Come back when you don't suck anymore". The best way of guaging whether you can fish or not is by looking around to see what kind of mobs are in the vicinity.

So, ready for Journeyman yet? No? Then why are you reading this? Get back to fishing!!

Alliance/Horde Journeyman Fishing (75-150)

Ready now? Ok great. Head back to one of the NPC's listed above. Get your Journeyman title. You can get it at a skill level lower than 75 if you wish, 50 or so. Once you have Journeyman you are set to make it to a skill level of 150.

Alliance/Horde Expert Fishing (150-225)

So you think you have reached Ahab status, eh? Think again.

Once you get high enough in skill, you need to head to Booty Bay and buy a book to get your skill cap raised from 150 to 225.

Note: you have to be level 20 and be willing to part with 1g to buy the book.

Go see Old Man Hemming. From him you will buy a copy of "Expert Fishing: The Bass and You". You can buy it whenever you want, but you won't be able to learn it until you have reached the appropriate skill level. It costs around 1 gold 35 silver, depending on your faction arrangement with Booty Bay.

Alliance/Horde Artisan Fishing (>225)

You mad mad slayer of fish you!!! You have managed to get up to skill level 225. Now what? Well now you need to boogy on down to Dustwallow Marsh. There you will find Nat Pagle (Tidefury Cove, on a rock in the bay, a short distance SE of map dead center). You must be LEVEL 35 to get the quest. Nat can be found at 58,59 Tidefury Cove

Nat is going to send you on a quest. He wants you to catch some fish for him. Yes, you have to catch them. No, you can't buy them, you lazy *******.

Nat says:
Can't say I really enjoy fishin' much. Figure I been at it for a good 20 or 30 years now. I reckon people are driven to do what they do for different reasons. Now, I'm not saying you need to fish for 30 years or catch every fish in the sea to become a master fisherman. I reckon you just need to be determined - determined enough to sit on your duff for hours at a time, doin' nothin'. I'll tell you what, catch me a few rare fish and I'll teach you a thing or two.
Here's a list:
Misty Reed Mahi Mahi from the Misty Reed Strand in the Swamp of Sorrows.

A Sar'theris Striker from the Sar'theris Strand in Desolace.

Feralas Ahi from the Verdantis River of Feralas.

Savage Coast Blue Sailfin from the Savage Coast of Stranglethorn Vale.

Go get all that stuff, take it back to Nat, and POOF!!!, you are uber. Now go catch some fish.

#22 Jul 29 2006 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Ytrill wrote:
While you can buy the first aid and fishing expert books at any level, you must be level 20+ with 125+ skill to use them. That means you cannot train either of these skills past 150 until then. As in cooking, skilling up past 225 in these professions requires level 35+ to receive the artisan quests.

Actually, this isn't exactly true. My lowbie twink(19) is at 225 first aid, which is high enough to use Heavy Runecloth Bandages(but not make them). It's a great help in PvP to bubble or stun and full health bandage in less than 6 seconds.
#23 Sep 17 2006 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
well i don't know what's been changed when, but with mine own eyes i have seen:

a level 8 rogue with 150 max first aid skill

a level 34 warrior with 300 max skinning

what is up with that?
#26 Dec 02 2006 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default
yah yah but enchanting is hard,and engeniring too,you cant find items for it,alchemy is the best :P
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