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Playing the AH..Follow

#1 Jun 07 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
How do you guys do it? I just can't seem to go out on a limb and play the auction house, earlier I found a lost kris of zedd for only 250g on the auction house, my auctioneer said it went for 414g, but I just couldn't cough up the dough to make a big investment.. help please? :(
#2 Jun 07 2006 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
If you do not have "IT" in you dont do it. Wow Provides copious amounts of money from diffrent sources, if something inside you tells you what you are thinking of will not work out well, Dont do it. God forbid somebody who acutaly wanted to use that item got it for 250 gold and you did'nt get to make a 164 gold for seeing it was not listed at the highest price possible.

I say you did the right thing not buying it. let the guy that will use it get it for a reasonable price, and never think that you deserve that money for seeing it at a low price.
#3 Jun 07 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
I'm just a tad bit confused with this entry. I'm not sure if you mean you looked on the AH and saw the Kris at 250g and then went back and seen it at 415g....or if you mean you went and found a Kris and put it up for 250g and then later saw it was up for 415 and thought you could make a better profit....or if you mean you just saw the Kris at 250g bid and 415g buyout and just didn't have the money.

I'm not stupid...just can't take easy things easily...LOL...they need to be in depth. :P


#4 Jun 07 2006 at 1:00 PM Rating: Default
I'm just a tad bit confused with this entry. I'm not sure if you mean you looked on the AH and saw the Kris at 250g and then went back and seen it at 415g....or if you mean you went and found a Kris and put it up for 250g and then later saw it was up for 415 and thought you could make a better profit....or if you mean you just saw the Kris at 250g bid and 415g buyout and just didn't have the money.

He means that he used his auctioneer add-on and it told him that it was worth 414g but was up for 250g
#5 Jun 07 2006 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
Ahhh! Okay, see I don't use add-ons so that stuff is a bit different.

Here's what I say: add-ons can either make or break the gameplay. 414g for a Kris whether it be lvl 20 or lvl 60 is just ridiculous. The only people who can afford that are people who are e-bay gold buyers, people who do nothing but farm allday, who people who really enjoy twinking their characters with pimped out gear.

Put it in the AH for what it's worth.

Especially depending on it's level. Nothing under the lvl of 20 should be more than 5g. Even though there are people who have mains who can supply their lowbies with nice weapons, there are probably more noobs than their main can farm for it, too.

I can't begin to tell you how mad I've gotten when I've seen a lvl 15 wand selling for 20g or a lvl 45 Epic selling for 6000g. Epics, however are different...some people have epic fever and are willing to spend money on it...for instance, I've been saving money for the Skullflame sheild which goes for about 1000g on my server, but I highly doubt once I hit 1000g I'd be willing to pass it on to a sheild. :P

If you want to put it in the AH for 414g, go right ahead, there are people who will pay for it. If you want to put it in the AH for 250g, again, go right ahead and people will buy it. It all depends on what you really want to do. I always check the AH first (you have auctioneer, so you are a bit different) and I try to put it in as the cheapest (making sure people will pay for it).

Again, up to you, up to the server's prices and up to the people who buy it. :P

#6 Jun 07 2006 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
To me, playing the AH is bad form. Someone buyuing out all of one item and then posting it back up for twice as much is unfair to everyone that needs that item and goes against the whole supply and demand scheme.

sure you can make alot of money by doing it, but you can make alot of money by beating up old ladies and taking their money too.

Edited, Jun 7th 2006 at 2:04pm EST by tarthrin
#7 Jun 07 2006 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
sure you can make alot of money by doing it, but you can make alot of money by beating up old ladies and taking their money too.

Well buddie, you and I, are in small numbers. Post that Hippy *** attatude arround here and watch out for the ratedowns of folks saying you are stifeling the economy. Heck from time to time some clown will come in and actualy use the logic that they are "Fixing" the economy and that the low priced(or farly priced) items were undervalued and would/could/is dammaging the ecnomy.
#8 Jun 08 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
thanks for the replies, but I've been playing a little bit with the AH with my spare time during bg's and stuff, and so far, today I've gotten cheap stuff to be worth about 200g profit :D so I think I'll keep doing this until I can get my foror's.
#9 Jun 08 2006 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
4,297 posts
what i love are the folks who buy cheap auctions and repost at higher prices, then claim that they are "providing a service by keeping prices steady, so people know how much things will cost."
well i would just like to thank you folks for buying up the overpriced auctions, and reposting them at the normal prices so people don't get ripped off...

...oh wait...
#10 Jun 08 2006 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
Its dog eat dog out there.

Sure you may feel better about yourself at the end of the day knowing you didnt make a profit of "some poor guy".

But someone else will. Someone will see that item on the AH for less than its worth. There are thousands of people trying to play the AH on every server. If it's not you, then someone else will make money off "some poor guy".

And at the end of your WOW day, maybe youll feel better about yourself, but you wont be any richer for it. And the poor guy that probably bought his gold from some rl poorer guy in china will still be out the 164 gold.

So, I would suggest you take full advantage of every opportunity you have, it's really not directly hurting anybody and in fact, its a matter of who makes the profit from re-pricing, not if re-pricing occurs imo.

Capitalism FTW!!!
#11 Jun 08 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
3,826 posts
Sorry guys, but when I see 5 Elementals fires for 1g, I have to buy them and re-sell them. Or, when I found Small Flame Sacs in a stack, with a buyout lower than I could sell the stack to a vendor, you can bet your *** I'm gonna buy them and re-sell them.

Am I going to jack the prices up? No. I found a deal, and I'm going to make a buck off of it by reslling it higher, but still at an undercutting price.

#12 Jun 08 2006 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
God I could go on and on about all the insane re-sell deals I've found on the AH, which is how I make awesome money in WoW. Selling leather just won't cut it...

I think I found 20 stonescale eels for 60S once.... 20 Encrypted Twighlight manuscripts for 1G, sold for 20... I love the WoW economy. It made me a rich man.
#13 Jun 08 2006 at 9:31 PM Rating: Default
648 posts

If I head to the AH and find a Libram of Fortitude for 45g (it usually sells for 400g), buy it and then post if for 400g - I am making a deal. Subsequently the people who think "we should play fair" will be on my case for having screwed someone.

If I head to the AH and find a Libram of Fortitude for 45g, buy it and use it - I am making exactly the same deal. I am winning out at the loss of the guy who should never have posted it that cheap, but now it's morally ok.

BTW - this is a true story - I acutally did log in every day before work to check AH for Librams for my enchant - I never expected to find it that cheap tho.

Now I used the Libram for my ZG enchant - now here's another question.

If I never had brought a Libram at a decent price I would have to farm it, but buying it cheap meant I didn't need to go farm. So If I now farm the item and sell it for 400g I will have done the following :

Buy libram for 45g : Use 400g worth of libram on enchant : Farm Libram : Sell Libram for 400g.

Isn't this just the same (ethically) as Farming the Libram for myself and then buying/selling a Libram on the AH aswell.

When you intervene in an economy - the results are never what you think they ought to be.

Edited, Jun 8th 2006 at 9:41pm EST by kbd
#14 Jun 09 2006 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
CarrottopII wrote:
How do you guys do it? I just can't seem to go out on a limb and play the auction house, earlier I found a lost kris of zedd for only 250g on the auction house, my auctioneer said it went for 414g, but I just couldn't cough up the dough to make a big investment.. help please? :(
Big investments are often big gambles. Auctioneer tells you the price someone put something up at, but it doesn't tell you that it actually sold at that price. the 250G Zedd could be the same one that was put up at 414G, and you wouldn't know. OTOH, 250G could actually be a good price, and you can sell it at 350G for an overnight 100G profit. Make certain that your price base is good by checking Auctioneer and seeing at least 30 of the item as having been put up. If it's less, you could be in trouble.

I don't play the AH a lot - I'm more of a primary supplier, and I'm not greedy. If I got that Kris as a drop, I'd probably put it up initially for 150G for a fast sale. Why? Because you only need so much money, and more isn't going to make a big difference.
#15 Jun 10 2006 at 12:01 AM Rating: Default
198 posts
I don't play the AH a lot - I'm more of a primary supplier, and I'm not greedy.

Thats exactly what I am. I always playted Earlyish in the morning and owned the Arcanite spawns in WS. If i spend about 5 hours there then I grab 4 crystals on a good day. Its boring as hell, but makes me money.

We had one guy on my server who, at one stage owned over 2/3's of the blues and purples in the AH. We're talking about 60 - 80 items in there. Worth upwards of 2000g. Infact people stoped buying his auctions, so he had to create auction alts so that people would start buying his items again. When I quit for my exams, he was still only like level 35. To put it bluntly he was loaded.

Everyone gave him sh*t about being a farmer and E-bayer, and I mean EVERYONE.

Being able to take the risks is so much easyer when you are a full time player. What I mean is that even if you lose 20g, you know that you can get back out there and farm it in a matter of hours. Whereas if you are a casual you don't realy want to spend one nights worth of playing farming for gold.

Edited, Jun 10th 2006 at 12:11am EST by Pheared
#16 Jun 10 2006 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
what i love are the folks who buy cheap auctions and repost at higher prices, then claim that they are "providing a service by keeping prices steady, so people know how much things will cost."
well i would just like to thank you folks for buying up the overpriced auctions, and reposting them at the normal prices so people don't get ripped off...

...oh wait...

While I understand what you're trying to say, the logic of doing so wouldn't make sense. If I put up an auction for Copper bars at 2g and someone buys and relists at 1g, you're going to have taught me that someone will buy it at 2g. Thus, I have incentive to sell all my copper bars at 2g. This will actually result in the eventuality of copper prices rising.

Now, if those people really want to balance the server's prices, they'd instead gather their own auctions and list many at the correct price, forcing me to lower my prices to compete. Yes, while price stabilization works one way in one direction, doing so in the other direction requires a different approach. Obviously, this will not work as well with rare goods, thus making them more susceptible to the control of a few people with money.

I am a believer that higher prices on some things are only to the benefit of those without a 60 with massive funds backing them. Copper bars go up in price to 1.5g a stack? My lowbie miner's mount fund now requires only sixty stacks of bars instead of 90. However, if the copper is allowed to drop in price to 75 silver a stack, I now have to gather 120 stacks, while that sixty who is powerleveling a profession benefits. So, do I care if people play the market? Not really, no.

Besides, if prices go up high enough, there'll be an influx of gatherers and it'll balance out. Again, this is only for gathered mats, not necessarily for rare drops.
#17 Jun 16 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
511 posts
By level 35 I had about 700g. I made that in 2 basic ways, the AH and crafting.

Playing the AH allowed me to make some good money, to be able to buy some rare Alchemy recipes, that allowed me to make more money.

The AH is part of the game. It's been said before, an items worth is determined by what someone will pay for it. If someone will pay 415g for a Kris, so be it.
#18 Jun 16 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
The only thing that ruins the Economy on WoW are people who buy gold using RL money. TRUE!

Buying and re-selling at a higher price is what made America great and really helps the economy in the Long run. Supply and Demand... if people are not willing to pay such a high price... they won't and subsequently, prices will fall. The Price people are willing to pay is what determines the selling price in AH. Look at the high prices os Gas, the supply is constant and demand is increasing every day, so gas prices are on the rise. The only way to get prices to drop is to increase supply (i.e. Production) or to have the demand for gas diminish.

If people are willing to put in hours of farming/crafting and saving for an item at 400g and buy, then the supply for that item will have gone down and assuming the demand is the same, the price will go up, say 440g. If people don't want to take the time to farm/craft then the demand will fall and the price will as well. This form of price maximization just takes the highest price people are willing to pay for an item and that's the price.

People are just pissed because they don't want to spend the time getting funding for an "overpriced" item when in reality they are the ones who set the price. The best deals on items are over the /3 Trade Channel and not in the AH. You might get a big score when you buy at 100g and resell for worth 300g and "make" 200g once a month, but the smaller deals like buy 30s and sell for 90s that can happen 80 times a day are where the big money comes in. The question then becomes a matter of time you want to spend... The 200g once or twice a month or the 48g a day on 'smaller' deals (1440g month)?

What I like to do is undersell a lot of things. Farm 300 light leather (30 stacks) and check AH current prices. If I find there are roughly 15-20 stacks selling for say 80s a stack, I will put up all my leather at 40s Bid and 43s90c Buyout (the 3s90c is just to get the extra g). I set it for a 24hr auction and peace out back to the world and quest/farm/craft whatever and I laugh when I see 'Your Auction of Light Leather has Sold' come up 30 times. BANG 13g less AH cut.

Gold-Buying from Chinese farmers (or whatever) ruins the economy and causes extraordinarily high prices. TRUE!

Edited, Jun 16th 2006 at 3:50pm EDT by witbox
#19 Jun 16 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ok so I'm sure we've all seen the people that put stuff up for like 99g 99s instead of 99s 99c, this like Major Healing pots and such. Anyone know how often this actually works? I know a guildie is resonsible for buying one by accident like that. Adding drunk people to this game yields interesting results sometimes.
#20 Jun 16 2006 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
when i was amassing the gold for my epic mount, i hid a large portion on an alt parked far away from the ah to ensure nothing like that happened. because i play drunk.

#21 Jun 16 2006 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
when i was amassing the gold for my epic mount, i hid a large portion on an alt parked far away from the ah to ensure nothing like that happened. because i play drunk.

#22 Jun 16 2006 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
sometimes i post drunk too.
#23 Jun 23 2006 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
I just like to laugh at the guy who said nothing lower than 20 is worth 5g. I think he doesn't know about the 2-3 hours it takes to farm Perfect Deviate scales for 1 belt. That is the only real moneymaker for leatherworkers pre 40. spend 12 hours farm for 4-5 belts and earn 75g towards your mount. Simple as that. Deviate scale belt is @#$@ expensive in time so F you if you think anyone will make one for 5g.
#24 Jun 23 2006 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
Sometimes it is also about keeping up with latest developments. I read in the forums, that with the new patch 1.11, Naxxramas attunement requires lots of Arcane crystals. People who will want to do Naxxramas have the following characteristics:
1. They have lots of gold, or their guild bank has.
2. They will never lower themselfs grinding for stuff.
3. They want to do new contant ASAP and take honour by downing a new boss first.

Add all this together and you can predict that with the new patch, Arcane crystals will inflate massively. So 1 day be4 the patch I bought up large quantities of Arcane crystals and after the patch, sold them for 80+ gold.
#25 Jun 23 2006 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
Capitalism is doomed anyway. Dog eat dog is the way to go. If you think you can make a profit by monopolizing a market, go for it. No rules against it in WoW.
Besides, it's almost impossible to gain a true monopoly on any given resources, just due to the number of people. Sure maybe for the next hour you own all the light leather on the AH, but the hour after that, at least 10 more people will post what they have and then you have to start over again.
I've made some money controlling the arcanite/arcane crystal market for a day or two, but it takes a lot of patience to sit at the AH and watch for people undercutting you.

Pre-level 20 items costing ridiculous amount of money, that I can understand that it's very frustrating. I CAN farm on my main for cash.. but why? Unless it's for twink purposes, nobody will ever buy that stuff :\
#26 Jun 24 2006 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts
If you look at my very first post - I have been rated down for

1) Recounting a true story in which I got a cheap libram by checking the AH every morning.

2) Asking a simple question which if anyone put any effort in answering it - (which I note they didn't) - then they might have seen the contradictory position they had put themselves in.

I'll repeat the conclusion/question again :

It is ok to buy a 400g libram for 50g for personal use ?
It is ok to farm a libram and sell it for it's market value ?

...but it is not ok to buy a 400g libram for 50g and sell it for it's market value ?

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