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The short end of the..."encahnting rod"Follow

#1 Aug 03 2006 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
OK I've been thinking about this for a while now. Since the first time I saw this method i hated it deeply. You know, the idea that when a BoP drops that no one can use someone DEs it then u reroll on the shard. Always hated that one to the core anyway I got down to thinking about it and realized that for us enchanters it really is unfair. Answer me this: When theres a mining node in an instance, who gets it? The miner, hands down, no questions, no roll. The only competition is when theres multiple miners. When theres a skinnable mob, who gets it? i think you get the idea. When it comes down to enchanting mats (which by the way are the hardest to come by without going to the AH) who gets it, whoever hasthe luckiest roll. I tell you it pisses me off so much when a nonenchanter wins. I need that shard for enchanting, its my profession. Why does this guy "need" it...because he wants to sell it. A member in a group said that its because they wanna save up mats to get cheaper enchants, WRONG. Come on, how many times to non-enchanters do that. Its only if they want a specific enchant in which case they'd be much better off going to the AH. Basically the point i'm making is, every other gathering profession gets first grab at the mats with no questions asked while enchanters have to fight with not only other enchanters, but all non-enchanters too. Enchanting materials are hard enough to get a hold of as it is, i dont think non-enchanters need to be taking them just to sell and make a little money. The same group member also said that in the end i want the mat so that i can use my profession to get money just the same as a non-enchanter would get money from the AH. My response to that is, exactly. And thats why non-enchanters have their own profession to make money.

Sorry for the long post, but its been bugging me for a while now, let the flaming begin.
#2 Aug 03 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
147 posts
YOU **** **** YOU ****** UP jk. totally agree with you 100%. There was a time when i used to feel full heartedly for roll on Shard but after rreading your post i agree with you. Now i myself only took enchanting to sell the shards so for me it isnt a problem but for the people that took enchanting as a profession it is problematic. So time for a REFORM FOR ENCHANTERS!
#3 Aug 03 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
I don't mean to blow you off, but I think you're preaching to the choir here. Especially if you've ever talked to anyone about the etiquette revolving around the Pristine Hide of the Beast. There are just some things that some people have to suck up.
#4 Aug 03 2006 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
ZOMFG N00B, how dare u take up enchanting just to sell mats?!?!?!?!!!1111oneone. no i'm just kidding. although that's deplorable (lol jk again) at least ur actually took up enchanting and are getting the mats the right way, by disenchanting the items u find, NOT by winning rolls as a non-enchanter. Thanks for the support. Join the movement!!! Support all enchanters!!!

Ya athen, I get you, and i prolly am preaching to the choir but I just wanted to blow off steam about it and see what other people thought, i dont really know the story behind the pristine hide of the beast so i'd like to hear that one.

Edited, Aug 3rd 2006 at 3:52pm EDT by Dfdestiny
#5 Aug 03 2006 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
How about a comprimise? Roll for the shard, but if it's not the enchanter who wins, then the enchanter gets a percentage of sales price tip or even a flat price per DE? If there are enough DE's in a run, then the enchanter would have enough gold to purchase the mats he needs.
#6 Aug 03 2006 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
technically that makes sense, but thats just way too complicated in a PuG.

Edited, Aug 3rd 2006 at 4:23pm EDT by Dfdestiny
#7REDACTED, Posted: Aug 03 2006 at 2:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Final warning: This will turn into a PHoB-like thread in no time. I'll put 10 gold on it.
#8 Aug 03 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
well assuming the situations the same, its perfectly valid. Simple and clean, its not fair for those who need the item to have people who just wanna sell it also roll on it, especially since the mats are the hardest to come by, whether its, PHotB or regular enchanting mats.
#9 Aug 03 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I like the way we have done it when I can get enough friends together to do a 5 man instance. If a BoP item drops that nobody can use we do a /random 100 and the high roll gets the item. Now, if there is an enchanter in the group, and there usually is, he or she usually offers to disenchant the item if the winner of the item so chooses. It’s offered out of kindness, nothing more. But everyone gets an equal chance to win the item. Its only fair.

Enchanters have no more claim to items that drop than non-enchanters. Everybody can sell items on the AH or to a vendor and use that money to further their professions. Every player has an equal right to advance their profession from mob drops when they helped kill said mob, whether that be enchanting or tailoring or engineering or any other profession. Enchanters who try to use their profession to try to claim more than their fair share of loot are simply being greedy. My priest has 300 enchanting and I didn’t have to be greedy to get there.
#10 Aug 03 2006 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
if i sounded that way i didn't mean to. I'm not trying to use my profession to get more drops than usual. if its BoE and i dont win, so what? there'll be another down the road. If nobody can use it then you roll on the item, whoever gets it gets it. i like your method a lot. I would much prefer everyone doing a random roll and giving the item to whoever than DEing it then rerolling cause that's like a slap in the face to enchanters. Its like "ok no one needs it so we're gonna disenchant it but more than just the encahnters get it." If the group decides to DE it, i really think that it should be for the enchanters only, thats ONLY if the group decides to do that. If someone wants the item to sell it, fine, just everyone roll on it and the winner takes it...if the group decides to disenchant it, let the enchanters roll on it because they need it more than nonenchanters. IMO anyway...
#11 Aug 04 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
If i DE something in a group and a shard drops, its mine. Simple as that.
#12 Aug 04 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
If there was no enchanter in the group, everyone rolls greed and whoever wins sells it to a vendor. On average, you get a 1 in 5 chance of winning. If you're an enchanter and you win, you get a shard to enchant with or to sell, and the shards usually sell for more than the item - you come out ahead.

If there is an enchanter in the group, the enchanter rolls need on an item no one else wants and disenchants it to a shard. Everyone then rolls on the shard. On average, you get a 1 in 5 chance of winning, and if you're an enchanter and you win, you get a shard to enchant with or to sell, and the shards usually sell for more than the item - you come out ahead.

Where is the conflict? If you're a nice guy, with a wave of your wand you can improve the cash that someone can get from a BoP item they can't use. If you don't particularly care, you keep your mouth shut, roll greed, take your 1 in 5 items and disenchant for yourself. If you think you're more important than anyone else in your group, you roll need for everything, disenchant them, and keep all the profits of the run for yourself.

I have no argument against anyone who chooses not to mention that they could disenchant that BoP for me and give me a little more cash than I'd get from a vendor, even if they're disenchanting the items they win. I don't see that an enchanter should get every single item I don't choose to roll my one need roll for - that 1 in 5 roll is usually paying the cost of my repairs. And I would never group again with someone who disenchanted something they rolled need for and kept the mats.
#13 Aug 04 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
839 posts
I normally play with the same group of friends and we use the following strategy. Any item that is not needed (and not worth significant gold) is disenchanted and retained by the enchanter. The enchanter is then responsible for enchanting the group's armor and weapons as materials permit. Unfortunately this requires too much trust for most situations, and is not feasible in PuG's.

OK I've been thinking about this for a while now. Since the first time I saw this method i hated it deeply. You know, the idea that when a BoP drops that no one can use someone DEs it then u reroll on the shard.

Reroll? If nobody needs the item, then there is just one real roll. You still have the normal 1/5 chance to win. I see your point and understand your frustration, but don't think it makes sense to compare enchanting to mining and skinning. Without a skinner/miner, the corpse/vein is just decoration. Without an enchanter, any member of the group can still profit from a vendor sale. If you were to carry this logic another step, then you could start claiming that all cloth should go to the tailor because anybody else would just sell it or make bandages. I think fledarmus has an excellent viewpoint on the matter.
#14 Aug 04 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
Let me add my 2cents to this thread. First off, as others have mentionned already, everyone COULD be rolling greed on the item, and getting 3g for the item at a vendor. Instead, they choose to let the disenchanter DE that item to sell it for, say, 5g. Now, you're saying you should get all those shards? If that were the case, everyone would be rolling greed on it, and in the end, you'd be getting just as many shards.

The 2nd point I'd like to add to this is: DEing ALL items and then giving them to players youre in a group with is actually HELPING you. How? Well, its a question of offer and demand.

Situation 1: Everyone rolls greed, and the only Large Brilliant Shards on the market come from you and other enchanters DEing your greed rolls or your old equipment. Lets say 1/10 players are enchanters, that would mean there'd be roughly 1/10th of those shards on the market. Enchants would become mad expensive, and sure, you might be making slightly more profit per enchant... Until you have to enchant your guild, yourself, or buy missing mats. Or until you realize its so expensive that nobody is buying any enchants, since nobody could afford them. Enchants can be expensive on their own already... imagine if they were 4 times the price?

Situation 2: Everyone gets some shards, and the market gets full from them. Your average joe will make less profit per shard (3g item, 5g shard, 2g profit right?), but you'll be able to fill your bank with them easily, and then enchant yourself, your guild, and then charge more "profit money" to ppl you're selling to, since your mats are cheaper.

Which one would you prefer?
#15 Aug 04 2006 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
If the group decides to DE it, i really think that it should be for the enchanters only, thats ONLY if the group decides to do that. If someone wants the item to sell it, fine, just everyone roll on it and the winner takes it...if the group decides to disenchant it, let the enchanters roll on it because they need it more than nonenchanters. IMO anyway...

I’m having trouble following your logic. Let me see if I have this strait.

A) A blue BoP sword drops that nobody needs. Everybody makes a greed roll for it. Joe Bob miner/engineer wins the roll. He later sells the sword to a vendor for 2 gold.

B) A blue BoP sword drops that nobody needs. The group asks the enchanter to disenchant any greed BoP drops. The sword disenchants into a large shard. Everybody makes a greed roll for it. Joe Bob miner/engineer wins the roll. He later sells the shard on the AH for 6 gold.

In both cases everyone makes a greed roll for the item. Everybody has the same chance of winning the roll. But because the roll in example B is for the shard the sword disenchanted into instead of the sword itself the enchanter should have a 100% chance of winning the roll? How can that possibly be considered fair by any stretch of the imagination?

It costs an enchanter absolutely nothing to disenchant that sword. The only difference disenchanting it makes is the value of the item the winner of the roll receives. Joe Bob has won the roll fair and square. And while the enchanter doesn't have to take fifteen seconds of his/her time to disenchant it, it seems mean spirited of that player not to since he/she is just standing there anyway and not out anything by doing so.
#16 Aug 04 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default
I understand you all, I'm not saying I should get every item that no one needs, thats above and beyond greedy. If I sounded that way, I apologize, I just dont like DEing an item then giving the shard away for people to sell, if I'm gonna DE something I'm gonna keep it. If non-enchanters want shards to sell, then they should've picked up enchanting themselves. This isn't an issue of profit to me as much as its an issue of principle. I don't care if I don't get the mat, I care if the mat comes into play and a non-enchanter gets it. I understand what you said about
Without a skinner/miner, the corpse/vein is just decoration.

that makes perfect sense. The one thing I think you're missing reednut is that yeah, it is just a decoration when theres no one of that profession. But when someone who DOES have that profession is there it automatically always goes to them. If theres no enchanter in the group the BoP sword is...just a sword. So if there is an enchanter in the group why shouldnt the enchanter get the mat. What I dont understand is how enchanting is any different from other gathering professions in this sense. If someone doesnt agree with this and they want the item to sell to a vendor, thats fine. But I dont like when the shard comes into play and EVERYONE gets to roll. I understand what you guys are saying, mostly, bt I dont understad why enchanting can't be considered the same as any other gathering profession.

And I understand you havokk but I dont think that's true because maybe for a time all prices would go up but once enchanters started building up more and more mats easily, they'd be able to charge less and less per enchant, thats my opinion.

And the reason it's fair is because enchanting is the profession we chose. Now if you wanna sell the itme to a vendor and make 3g fine. But why should we disenchant the item, get a shard we need, then give it up for someone to sell back to us a jacked up price? How is that fair? Enchanting is our profession and we need the mats, If u wanna make money on a BoP item then sell it to a vendor. Its a matter of principle to me, not a matter of profit.

Edited, Aug 4th 2006 at 5:41pm EDT by Dfdestiny

Edited, Aug 4th 2006 at 5:41pm EDT by Dfdestiny
#17 Aug 05 2006 at 1:40 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,527 posts
Dfdestiny wrote:
The one thing I think you're missing reednut is that yeah, it is just a decoration when theres no one of that profession. But when someone who DOES have that profession is there it automatically always goes to them. If theres no enchanter in the group the BoP sword is...just a sword. So if there is an enchanter in the group why shouldnt the enchanter get the mat. What I dont understand is how enchanting is any different from other gathering professions in this sense.

Here's the thing:

A sword with no D/E has value. A node with no miner/herbalist does not. You have a choice as an enchanter: You can add value to an item for no cost and little work, or you can fail to mention you D/E. If you get all of the shards, then you are taking value from someone else. If a miner takes all of the ore, he is creating added value for himself but not robbing everyone else of some value they'd have without him. That is the difference.

The PHoB is a whole different can of worms that I feel requires a more complex solution that is not relevant to this thread.
#18 Aug 05 2006 at 4:30 AM Rating: Default
Basically, Enchaning is beneficial to all while Mining/Skinning is mostly beneficial to the ones that take those professions.

Anyway, if what you are proposing be done(enchanters will get the shards), not only will they lose the value of the item that will be disenchanted, they will also have to pay the enchanters ridiculous amount just to get enchantments. Isn't the reasons people want things they don't want is for them to get the materials for the enchantment so they will only need to tip/pay the enchanter with a fraction of the total amount?
#19 Aug 05 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
Generally when I do a 5 or 10 man instance, all guild members give their shards to the guild bank. We are always running low on them and we need them for oils for raids...

But yes, everyone has a right to that item.
#20 Aug 05 2006 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
648 posts
I've always felt a little uncomfortable about the way that leathers and ores are distributed in instances.

The way I see it is that the "group" gets the skinner/miner to the corpse/vein, and hence the loot belongs to the "group". I've seen so many players argue to for hours about how loot distribution should be fair - why shouldn't all aspects of loot distribution be fair ?

Here's an example - I go to UBRS and Jo Skinner loots Black Dragonscales and Rugged Leather, I can't get hold of that stuff unless I go to the AH and pay good cash. In fact I end up buying the Dragonscales that Jo Skinner skinned from UBRS.

Now why can't I skin those whelps ? Oh - that's right I've picked up tailoring - now Joe Skinner wants me to make him Gaea's Embrace at no charge because he's a guildie. I wouldn't dream of charging a guildie to make stuff - in fact I don't charge anyone to make any of my exalted/revered recipes - simply because I don't need the cash and I'm a nice guy.

But the point is - everyone is happy to share in my profession (tailoring (and engineering btw)), but gatherers are hesitant to share the "spoils of war" with me. It kind of sucks when it is the whole groups efforts which have enabled these gatherers to get these materials, and it kind of double-sucks when you end up buying those mats from them.

So in conclusion - no I don't support Enchanters getting the shards any more than I support Engineers rolling need on [Star Ruby], or the entire instance loot being shared anything but fairly.

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 5:36pm EDT by kbd
#21 Aug 05 2006 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
^I suppose that would work, a setting where trade goods would be split through the party.

I really like that idea.

Shards, skins, ores, and herbs are all put on a roll(with that setting on, like group loot(threshold uncommon/trade) or something of that nature.

The person who did it gets the skill up, but the whole party gets a chance. And it's an option and not set in stone or anything. So it's up to the group itself. And it's perfectly fair since no one trade is favored(except production who just aren't involved.)

#22 Aug 05 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
And thinking about the difference between the other gathering profesions and enchanting, the sword is still worth something, so that if everyone greeds on it, and you win, you can DE it, while the others could sell it. Making it a shard is just increasing the value for everyone, but only if you put the service out there. It only makes more sense because everyone makes more money out of it.

If you don't get it for free to make into a shard, then you can keep all of it. If you put the service out there and get it without anyone else having a chance, you have to roll. Either way you need to roll for it, but in the former less people might roll and the item is worth alot less.

If that makes sense?

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 5:56pm EDT by Seith
#23 Aug 05 2006 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts
^^ I seen so many people prefer not to get a shard or essence. I think it's because they're unconfortable knowing what price to sell it at, or just don't believe they can get more for a shard than the value of the item itself - maybe they just don't want the hassle of doing anything more than visiting the vendor.

What I've always suggested is do the roll - and then the person who wins can choose whether to dis the item or not. It's adds a bit of time and people can get frustrated.

Most of the instances I do are with guild and everything becomes Large Brilliants and we just share at the end, but I can understand someone at level 32 not knowing what to do with a lesser nether essence !!

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 6:16pm EDT by kbd
#24 Aug 05 2006 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
That's exactly what I'm saying. I don't necessarily think we should get all the shards, but should be distributed evenly, as should ores, herbs, skins, whatever. And talking about value vs. no value. It's not a matter of what the thing's original value is, the only purpose of the profession in this case is to increase the value of the item whether its mining or enchanting.

Basically, an easy way for this to be put, JUST roll on the item as you normally would. If you win and ur am enchanter, D/E it. If you're not an enchanter, vendor it. Simple as that.
#25REDACTED, Posted: Aug 06 2006 at 1:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Go Dfdestiny, I have agreed with you throughout reading this entire thread. For the people that are saying enchanters are being greedy by wanting the mats for themselves to enchant with, YOU my friends are being greedy by expecting enchanters to give up mats so YOU can make some extra gold.
#26 Aug 06 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Good
Go Dfdestiny, I have agreed with you throughout reading this entire thread. For the people that are saying enchanters are being greedy by wanting the mats for themselves to enchant with, YOU my friends are being greedy by expecting enchanters to give up mats so YOU can make some extra gold.
I'm not saying enchanters should get all BoP items that drop, but why should they disenchant it, then give the mats away. Would a miner be willing to give away what he has mined because others helped him get to the vein? Would skinners be willing to give up what they have gotten through skinning to others just because the others helped them kill the beast they skinned? Most of them would not be willing to. So why would enchanters disenchant a BoP item then give away their mats? If someone wants to sell a BoP item to a vendor to make some gold after winning a greed roll, by all means, go ahead, but if an enchanter wants to roll need for an item once and awhile if it won't sell for much, disenchant it, then use the mats they get to enchant, THEY HAVE THE RIGHT!

But you are still proposing that all disenchanted items go only to the enchanters. If this is what is in your mind, I will support you if and only if you enchanters will not charge people for your enchants. Not everyone that runs instances wants the shards and essences just for their AH value.
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