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D/E courteous or dumb?Follow

#1 Dec 09 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
Hi I'm a 300 enchanter and i got a ? about courtesy concerning d/e.
I'm playin in UD Strat and we get to the spider boss and some random blue drops well noone wants so i greed roll not need to d/e and i do and get a large brilliant shard and im like cool 4g :) well right after they see the script about shards they say ok roll for the shard..... Now some people have this notion that enchanters make lots of gold... uh no sry they dont. People enchant for free to get to 300 and it costs a lot to get there so i make my money from d/e. I wouldn't tell a guy in my party who just skined rugged leather to roll for that.. Also I bring just as much to the instance as an aoe mage as anyone else if you want money roll greed on those blues and sell them.. I mean is this common at 60 or what? I dont get free stuff from others profesions, no alchemists just give out potions why should enchanting be any different?

discuss lol (sorry bout my rant)
#2 Dec 09 2006 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
351 posts
We agree before the run starts to have any naff blues DE'ed and if all agree, then fine. Everyone gets a chance to win by roll.

If there's no previous agreement, you should do as you please with a greed win - sell to vendor or DE and use as you see fit, imo.
#3 Dec 09 2006 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
I've been 60 for quite a while, (my rogue hit 60 March of 05? somethin like that.) I know what your talking about... I've seen it a lot. I'll tell you from my exp only, no, it's not common at 60, at least not just because of being 60 - Most cases of this "wait a minute, i wanna roll on that now that it's a shard" happen in pugs, where rules are not agreed on beforehand (basically laziness) or in runs with family type guilds where several members might be r/l friends and they just absentmindedly look right over you. Your name isn't "ManaicMage", its "Replacement". As for the matter of courtesy, imo, they certainly have no right to your possesions. "Random blue" laying on the ground is loot. If they all pass on it, and you pick it up, it belongs to you from that point on. Shouldn't be any contest over that. If there is you just have to deal with it, or...

don't DE during the raid.
#4 Dec 09 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
Was this a Guild run, or a PUG? Most guild runs will shard drops no one wants, and then roll for the shard. In PUGs, the problem you described is probably more common, because some people are in guilds that shard then roll. It's very important to have loot rules spelled out in advance. "Shard, then roll" is a common loot rule. The rule is there to prevent one person from getting every single item that's unusable by any one person in the group. There is usually also another rule in place - "Discuss before rolling" for rares and epics. That means that prior to rolling greed, you should have mentioned your plans. If those rules were not in place, then you are correct in keeping the shard. If the rules are there, then you are in the wrong.
#5 Dec 09 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
Ya there were no rules in place for this so i thought i was getting duped.
It was more of a "oh your an enchanter.... ok roll for shard.." I had no clue that this was common practise. I don't expect a warrior whos mining to give up his ore because i cant mine, or someone gathering herbs to give them to me because i don't have herbalism.

It just seems lame because i helped get to wherever they are gathering and its not like they cant roll for the bop blues and vendor them. If the whole party hits pass but me well their loss.

So i guess in the future i wont d/e in instance >.<

(i also ended up giving up 3 more shards and it was just annoying 15g gone :(
#6 Dec 10 2006 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
420 posts
I'm a 300 enchanter and I freely offer to melt BoPs that no one wants.

Look at it this way, you probably couldn't have solo'd your way to the spider boss and you probably couldn't have solo'd the spider boss yourself. Why not offer your services? If you lost the greed roll you're not going to get the item anyways, and you're certainly not entitled to BoPs no one wants just because you can melt them instead of vendoring them.

You're pretty much putting forth the same argument skinners do for the PHoTB, and I don't agree with them either and my Hunter is capable of skinning the Beast.
#7 Dec 10 2006 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
If you had agreed from the beginning that unwanted blues get sharded out, THEN rolled on, it would have been another story. In the op's situation, I see it as you already won the roll. You shouldn't have to win again to keep it. If they would have asked me, they would have gotten a simple, "no."
#8 Dec 10 2006 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Like with most, it depends if we discussed it beforehand. When my enchanter goes through instances with his usual group, what you gather is yours. You mined it, you got it. You picked it, you got it. Skinned it, it's your's. And if you dust it, the remains go to you. However!! The unspoken rule is if you can make an item, be it a potion, sword, armor, whatever that someone could use, then you do so without cost (unless the cost is high). So what I dust goes back to the group half the time in the form of enchants. This also allows me to stay in decent armor, fight with decent weapons, plenty of mana/heal pots, what have you. It also keeps ME safe when the warrior now has an edge in damage (plus it's usually a skill-up at my level). It keeps people from getting upset, myself included.

If I'm just randomly joining a group, I usually won't let them know I'm an enchanter. If they don't tell me their professions, I see no need to tell them mine. If they find out and then want the mats I dust, I'll offer them the same deal my usual group has; you help me, I help you. Nine times out of ten, they agree. If not, them's the breaks and I don't join groups with them in the future.
#9 Dec 10 2006 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
That situation in the OP is definately a no. You already won the roll. If they had passed it to you to DE and then roll for the shard sure thats fair, but you already won the roll for it, you shouldnt have to roll again. That basically gives you a 1/25 chance to actually win the shard and gives them a much higher chance to win something (i never studied stats but it would be 1/5 to win the BoP blue and then another 1/5 chance if you won it, so 1/25 to win the shard, 6/25 chance i think, so theyre stealing 1/25 chance each from you)

Ive only seen that a few times, but every time they ask before if anyone is an enchanter so they can shard any drops the group doesnt want. I have never seen anyone (including me) win greed roll, DE, and then get asked to hand over the shard. I would respond with a simple "no" to that and gladly leave the group if they wanted to kick me. Usually they dont even notice or care when i DE.
#10 Dec 11 2006 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
Ah, courtesy, is it?

The difference between mining/skinning and disenchanting is that in the former two you are taking something that nobody else has any use for and turning it into something useful, and in the last, you are taking something that will usually sell at a vendor for at least 1 or 2 gold, possibly more, and converting it into something somewhat more valuable or at least more useful.

That being said, if you have already won the roll, you've already won the roll, whether it was for the item or the shard it would give. There is absolutely no reason to roll again.

In my own humble opinion, the courteous thing to do would have been to mention that you were an enchanter at the beginning of the run and offer to disenchant any items nobody needed. On average, you would still get 1/5 of the items, but everybody else that won a greed roll would have gotten a slightly more useful shard rather than a slightly less useful piece of vendor trash. If you choose not to make yourself useful in this way, and there is certainly no requirement to do so, it probably would have been easier on you just to hold onto the item until you left the group before disenchanting.
#11 Dec 11 2006 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
I disagree with your logic, Fledarmus, but agree with the sentiment. To say that disenchanted items should be universally available, but skinning and mining proceeds should not is kind of circular logic IMO. Look at it this way:

Player #1 is a miner
Player #2 is a skinner
Player #3 is an enchanter
Player #4 is a blacksmith
Player #5 is an engineer

The group gets together to do an instance. Player 1 kills a skinnable mob, and #2 skins it. Player 2 keeps said skin, and usually nobody complains. Why? Because if #2 didn't speak up or skin it, nobody would know, and thus nobody would get to profit from the leather. The same goes for mining. If at some point in the instance, #1 comes across a node, he has the option to mine it. I have never seen anyone roll for the proceeds of a mining drop. The most common reason people give is that if #1 didn't mine it, nobody would have gotten anything anyway.

However, with enchanting, it's a little different. A blue BoP item drops, and it's worth something to everyone. If someone wants it as an upgrade, it's a Need roll. If nobody wants it as a Need item, then it still has vendor value. Thus, if it sells to an NPC for 1 gold, then it's worth at least 1 gold to everyone. The enchanter comes along, and with most guild runs I've ever been involved with, the enchanter can disenchant that item to materials often worth several gold. Thus, the enchanters on guild runs are routinely asked to do that.

However, this is where my understanding and acceptance of the practice deviates from the norm. Since it has become commonly accepted as obligatory in guild runs, people tend to expect the same in PuGs. It's not mandatory in PuGs, but it is courteous to offer if you can disenchant items. However, if you already rolled for an item and won it, you won it. There should have been no second roll for the shard. It's like saying that you won something, but now that you've made it more valuable, everyone should get a second crack at it. No- it was your roll that won. Your decision to d/e it there appealed to everyone's greed, and they wanted the mats. If they want to roll for the shard, get everyone to pass on the item first, then get the enchanter to take it. Then do a random /roll and whoever wins that, wins the mats. If you all Greed first, then the winner keeps mats or BoP item. There's no "twosies" in WoW.

Also, the arguments about disenchanting mats being worth more to more people than mining or skinning is hogwash, IMO. Why? Because the argument that you can use the mats in enchanting recipes is fallacy. Yes, everyone could use enchantments. However, I could take the ore that player #1 mined in the above example and send it to a blacksmith I know to make an item at cost. I could take the rugged leather player #2 skinned and pass it on to my LW buddy for some armour. I leveled enchanting to 300 to make a profit, not give away all my goods. I don't mind rolling for an item against everyone, but if I win it, I'm sure as Hell not rerolling because they want to give the mats to someone that "wants +15 Agility to weapon", or "wants FR to cape". I want those enchants as well, and I need the materials not just to sell on the AH, but to either enchant my own gear, or enchant a guildies gear, or enchant someone's gear who is willing to pay some money for my enchants. If my efforts are going to the group, I want to see the miners and skinners roll for their goods as well. The logic is the same.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#12 Dec 11 2006 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
I must have expressed myself badly, Wondroustremor - I agree exactly with what you said and thought I was saying the same thing. The OP won the item fair and square on a greed roll, if he wants to de it and keep the shard, that is perfectly within his rights, and of course there shouldn't be a second greed roll on the shard.

The point I was trying to make is that the enchanter will be winning 1/5 of the greed rolls, and getting a shard. Everyone else in the party will be winning 1/5 of the greed rolls and getting a piece of vendor trash, albeit fairly valuable as vendor trash goes. It is possible for an enchanter to improve the value even of that piece of vendor trash, if he wishes, but it requires the cooperation of the rest of the group in allowing the enchanter to roll need and then everyone rolling a greed roll on the shard. Strictly as a courtesy to his fellow group members, the same sort of courtesy which would have a mage volunteering to provide conjured water or a warlock to summon a member, an enchanter could offer to disenchant any items that would otherwise go straight to a vendor. Since these items would not have gone to the enchanter anyway, he loses no profit by disenchanting them for somebody else, and by his courtesy he provides a little extra gold for those who come with him.

Suggesting that a second roll be made for a shard when the enchanter had already won the roll for the item is rude, even though as the OP has seen, it happens. It is as rude as an enchanter rolling need for everything because he "needed" the shard, which I hope you will admit also happens.
#13 Dec 11 2006 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Sorry- I was disagreeing with the implied difference between miner/skinner and enchanter, not the body of your argument. Hence why I agreed with the sentiment. In my opinion, the only fundamental reason that enchanters are even marginally different from skinners and miners is that if they don't step forward to d/e, someone may still sell a BoP that nobody really wants to a vendor for nominal money. However, I've seen miners and skinners argue that they shouldn't have to share their items, and in the same group, complain when the enchanter refuses to d/e the BoPs. I even recall a post some time ago where someone was booted from a group for refusing to d/e items. IMO, unless agreed to beforehand, it's wrong to expect an enchanter to let others profit from his profession while allowing skinners and miners to do exactly that. Try telling a skinner that everyone should roll on leather that's skinned and watch fireworks. Tell an enchanter that he needs to d/e any BoP item, however, and it's a non-argument. Everyone in the group will agree. It's a double standard I personally detest.

Having said that, my enchanting is 295, and when I join groups I offer to d/e any BoP item and /roll for the shard if nobody wants the item. It's courtesy, not obligatory- and it's sadly lacking in many aspects of daily interaction, in WoW and in the real world.

Oh, and rate up for a civil rebuttal. Smiley: boozing
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#14 Dec 11 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
420 posts
Try telling a skinner that everyone should roll on leather that's skinned and watch fireworks.

Which is why the PHoTB always makes for an interesting situation.
#15 Dec 12 2006 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
on my enchanter i will d/e for free. when i play my hunter or preist in a dungeon run and someone d/e's a bop and i win the shard i generally will tip them 2g. not right or wrong just a habit of mine. iddie
#16 Dec 12 2006 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
Most of the time people don't want the shard to use, they want it to sell. Honestly, you want my suggestion? Greed roll everything and don't DE until you're out of the dungeon. Then you won't have anyone trying to ninja any shards.
#17 Dec 12 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Sounds like a BOP blue dropped and only the OP rolled on it (everyone else passed...probably to ask if someone could DE it).

If the above is correct, it is certainly most common to /roll for the shard.

If no one could DE, it would have been /rolled on to vendor.

Other collectibles, such as mining nodes, herbs, skins are usually harvested by those who can, usually in round-robin rotation. Those items aren't usually distributed among the party.

In guild runs, harvested items get banked including shards.
#18 Dec 12 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a little new still, and am about to roll, or switch to, a toon that can enchant. The 37 Mage that I run is a herbalist/alchemist. Looking from the outside in, this doesn't make any sense to me. EVERY group that I've been in, guild or not, rolls greed for anything that the person isn't going to use that INSTANT. I've only had one enchanter run through with us, at least one that declared before, and he need rolled every item that came up. Based on the 'fact' that he was going to use every item right there... to disenchant. I guess that last part is a complaint/vent... Anyway, I don't see why it's any different than any other run I've been on. Greed things that should be, and need things that should be. Just because the enchanter can make it into something more useful, I don't understand why he should be forced to do so, and then risk having to give it up. If the enchanter wasn't there it would be vendored anyway, so why does the enchanter seem to be held to a different standard than everyone else?

Should I demand a portion of herbs from a herbalist that comes across herbs wandering to an instance? Should a blacksmith be forced to create a set of Gemmed Gauntlets if he happens to pick up all the ingredients along the way and then /roll to see who gets the gauntlets? I dunno, it just seems like a case of "oh, oh, lookie what he can make... I want some...". It just seems that with all the hassle and money that an enchanter needs to go through to get to 300, and then all the good they do for people with enchants along the way, should MORE than make up for the occasional 1g or 2g... Hell, I'm sure that I've gotten at least that amount in free enchants from people trying to level, why make it even worse on them?
#19 Dec 12 2006 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Spooner, nobody can force you do to anything. It is, however, curteous to do so. You will still win the same number of things, because when you DE BoPs, people pass them to you do DE and then roll for the shard, so its like you greed rolled anyway. If you already won it through a greed roll, you already won and nobody is entitled to it but you.

It seems to me like youre confusing passing things to the enchanter to DE and greed roll the shard with everyone roll greed and if the enchanter wins roll again for the shard ge just got. You only need 1 roll to win things, then its yours.
#20 Dec 12 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
So basically, long story short, sort this stuff out before a run, or just assume that it's a normal greed/need setup?

My point of contention is that it seems the enchanter is being... for lack of a better word, punished. I do understand the point about making the item into something useful for everyone and THEN rolling on it. Since the item will likely sell to a vendor for 50s or something lame, and the shard will go for a couple of gold. Perhaps I just need more group experience and things of that sort to understand better. I prefer to solo as much as possible, and when I do run with a group there's very few things that I ever 'need' for as a mage thus far. I've been very lucky on the greed rolls though.
#21 Dec 12 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
You are in no way being punished. When you get a BoP item, you can DE it and turn it into something more valuable than it was. When other people get it, they just get the regular item that is worth less than what you could turn it into. When you offer to DE the item, THEN roll for it, you will still get what you were getting before, but you are offering other people a service, which nets them more gold.

You are not being pulled down, you are pulling them up. You get no extra benefits from it, but your party members do.
#22 Dec 13 2006 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
Another interesting option that was brought up in a similar thread some time ago was for the enchanter to offer the amount that the item would go to a vendor if he wanted to keep an item that he lost a roll on, rather than be forced to d/e every BoP item that the group didn't want. That way, the member of the group who won the roll would still get the same amount as if he'd sold it to a vendor, and the enchanter might still profit from the d/e.

IIRC, people didn't think that groups would agree to that arrangement though. They felt that if the enchanter offered a lilttle money to take the item, the person that won would probably want the result of the d/e rather than a little coin. I can see both sides of it, but I personally feel that enchanters took the profession to benefit themselves and their guild, not every Tom, **** & Harry. If an enchanter doesn't want to d/e for a PUG, they can't be forced to- although the PUG might just drop them if they refuse. And as I said before, it's a double standard that will probably not change.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#23 Dec 13 2006 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
1,287 posts
If you just win a BoP with a greed roll, then you won it, fair and square. Doesn't matter if you diss it or not.

However, it's pretty common (on my server at least, but I guess it's more a global thing), to check if there's an enchanter at the start of the run. If there is one, he'll roll greed on all Blue BoP's he doesn't need, while the other people pass on all Blue BoP's they don't need.

At the end of the run, the enchanter shards the BoP's and divides them among the party, using a single roll if it's not a multitude of five. Optionally, you could roll for each shard the moment it's sharded, but that'll slow down progress and can mean one person getting very lucky and several without any shards.

This way (the rest of the party passing the items to the enchanter, and then the enchanter dividing the shards among the party) the enchanter still gets his 1/5th of the Blue BoPs. He only provides a service to the other people by giving them shards instead of vendortrash at no cost to himself.

The difference between mining/skinning/herbalism? If you mine/skin/herb something the rest can't gather, then you were the only one that could've gotten it in the first place. Whatever you do with it doesn't affect anyone else. With enchanting, you get the shards from 1/5th of the blue BoP's, and the rest either gets vendortrash or shards depending on your courtesy. Sharding their fair share of items has no effect on the number of items you'll get.

You're not required to diss for them, but since it comes to no cost to yourself, it's a nice thing to do, just like it's a nice thing to do for a rogue to open a lockbox that drops, or a mage handing out water to the party. This ASSUMING the party agreed on this beforehand and the others passing on the blue BoPs.

If no arrangements were made and you just happen to win the greedroll, then it's all yours and your decision what to do with it.

If people ask for an enchanter, and you don't feel like dissing for them, then hold your mouth shut, but don't diss until after the instance. People might find it a little rude that you won't diss their greed rolls for them.
#24 Dec 13 2006 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
I really don't think its fair for someone to be expected to hand over a shard they made from an item that they fairly won on a greed roll. If you did it on a need, then I can understand. But not greed.

If you expect this you need to tell your enchanter before you play, not after.

Enchanters shouldn't expect to D/E everything though. One person in my guild got kicked out for that. Rolled a need on everything.

I'm happy to DE any item that my party gets for them. But I dont' think its fair that everyone passed on it and then the DE happens and now people want it.

I think that if you are going to do it after the roll with out prior agreements then all leather, ore, and herbs need to be equally divided too. This never happens though. It should be equal because everyone can use these at least at the AH and the party helped you get it -- especially leather.

I think the only real difference between the other gathering profs is its a mob drop rather than a true gather thats worth gold not silver and you made it more valuable.

On my enchanter I do not have a problem with dividing the dust,essence, and shards at the end of the dungeon or instance. However, that needs to be agreed to before the party starts the instance. Otherwise I'll only give y ou the DEs from the items you want me to DE for you, I'm not going to roll for stuff I fairly won.

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