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Can u make money engineering?Follow

#1 Feb 10 2007 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
I've been skinning/mining for quite awhile now and have considered ditching skinning for engineering (make my own guns/ammo) because I'd imagine it would be fun to make stuff vs. just skinning the next mob and the next for 40 more levels. My problem is, that gathering combo has made me a lot of money. A LOT. I'd hate to lose that revenue stream as I make my way toward 40 with mount costs and requipping coming up. Also, I busted my butt getting to artisan skinning and am quite proud of the accomplishment. My concern is that as I level up mining revenue will probably stay steady (and prolly increase with mithril etc.) but skinning might have a point of diminishing returns. Any thoughts/suggestions would help with a toonlife-changing decision. Lol

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 9:43pm by Lathby
#2 Feb 10 2007 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
208 posts
Unfortuantly, engineering will make you broke...very broke. Many of the things you sell as an engineer can only be used by other engineers, and chances are they can make it themselves. I'd reccomend keeping skinning/mining until you hit 60/70 and have a nice money pool to fall back on and switch skinning out for engineering if you truly wish to do so.

Edited, Feb 10th 2007 11:04pm by RyanTaranis
#3 Feb 11 2007 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Thanks, I appreciate the frank advice. I had talked to a guildmate who said essentially the same thing. Actually he said, "Wait until you ding 40. Wait until you're requipped and mounted and then look at changing profs."
#4 Feb 12 2007 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
I think is also fair to soy that most people consider engineering to be quite a broken profession at the moment:

It is very expensive to level.
Few items are useful, particularly after level 60
Few items sell well.

However Blizz have said they are reviewing it. So just to agree with the others, stick with gathering and making money, reconsider once you reach a higher level.
#5 Feb 12 2007 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
I had a chat with an engineer last week. (I'm an enchanter and we were both hawking our goods on the trade channel on a slow day). He told me that to make money off your engineering crafts, you need to sell on the trade channel. They absolutely don't sell on the AH. For example, he's selling the Ornate Spyglasses for 2G that day. While on the AH, you can buy the thing for 30-60s occasionally. To make money off engineering, you'd have to be prepared to waste time standing in a major city selling. Otherwise, just stick to mining for the money, and have engineering for fun. Or just keep skinning.
#6 Feb 12 2007 at 4:56 AM Rating: Excellent
761 posts
Engineering like every profession rewards those who do a bit of research, it's not the easiest profession to make a profit with but there's been plenty of opportunity. Solid sellers on the AH before the expansion included:

Gyrochronatom (used in quest)
Mithril casing (used in quest)
Thorium Widget (needed for DM North Tribute run; Darkmoon ticket hand-in)
Flame Deflector (for the PvP crowd and some PvE raiders)
Discombobulator Ray (for the PvP crowd)
Fire and Shadow Reflectors (for the PvP crowd and some PvE raiders)
Delicate Arcanite Converter (used in Dungeon set upgrade quests; used to make 50g profit on these)

Post-expansion, Adamantite Frame is used in a quest and Delicate Arcanite Converter is used for the Zapthrottle. You can also occassionally make money buying things off the AH (stone, cloth) and making them into dynamite which sells to NPC vendors for more than the mats cost on the AH (typically silk cloth and solid stone). The new scopes are also solid sellers now, 50g for a scope that has a materials cost of <15g makes for excellent profit as there's a few thousand hunters upgrading their guns & bows right now.
#7 Feb 12 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
Completely agree with Morthandeus. You need to put in the effort to make money off trade. There is always a niche because so many people go the two gathering skills route. My first character is enchanting/herablism and I can afford a mount at level 40. If I can do it with enchanting, a very expensive craft skill, then you can do it with engineering too, I'm sure. And everyone keeps saying mining is the most profitable gathering skill right now.

Also, from my experience, skinning and herbalism won't make you very rich before level 40 either. My husband is skinning/tailoring, and he dropped skinning for alchemy at around level 35-40, since it's making so little for the effort he put in. I think he is only getting 30s for 20 heavy leather. Maybe it gets better when you get better leather. Same with herbalism, I stopped collecting around the mid 30s since it's a waste of time (until we picked up alchemy). We found that we earn far more by doing Gnomeregan runs instead of doing herb/skin runs :) Besides Gnomeregan is a stone throw from Ironforge, and we don't have to travel far for runs. By the way, we are casual players so we don't have hours on end to farm or gather.

Also selling on the trade channel is less work than you might imagine at first. Don't spam the channel. You don't need an ad every minute. I just have an ad macro which I use everytime I get to Stormwind or Ironforge. However, I do spend a lot of time in the AH :) If I get a whisper while at the AH, I'll do the enchant, otherwise, there's always next time.
#8 Feb 12 2007 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
257 posts
engineering will make you broke...very broke.

I see this posted all the time and do not understand how people go broke with a skill that you basically get everything you need for free. My alchemist buddy is constantly buying bottles...he goes thru multiple bottles just to make a single potion and the higher level he makes, the more they seem to cost. All I can remember buying as a miner/engineer is the initial hammer and pick, some flux for scope tubes, five pieces of coal to make one specific tool, and some gun stocks. Everything else I mined, found, farmed, or fished out of floating wreckage. There are a few higher level parts you rely on other classes for, but from what I see, the same is true for other professions as well.

Yes there is not an abundance of items to sell, but as said above, there are items you can profit off of. I've never run out of money, except once at level 40. I was a little short of the money I needed for my mount. I was a first time WOW player and it was my first charactor. I had spent $$$ friviously at levels 30-39 not knowing how much my mount and mount training were. Since then, no trouble.

Maybe I won't get rich as quick as others, but thats fine with me. If it means I have to work harder and adventure more, then that means I am getting more for my WOW investment.

Other items not mentioned earlier that I have sold for profit...

Deeprock Salt Shakers
Higher level ammo for guns
Blacksmithing plans for inlaid mithril tubes

#9 Feb 12 2007 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Great job,Morthandeus, rateup.

There is something to be said about a person who can look past the obvious, and pull the truth from a sea of ignorance. Every time I see a "It costs so much" post I cringe. this is like the fools who bought a PS3 on ebay for a grand, then saying that it was realy expensive. Well If you choose to level the trade the most expensive way, sure it will be pricy, but if you choose to look in to the craft, you will see that it is a flood of cash, yet only to those willing to actualy work it.
#10 Feb 12 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Wow, okay. Thanks all, for the input. I think I'll stick with my gathering at the moment. This morning I picked up several quests in STV and the skinning there is all kinds of heaven. All med or heavy leather, and just cuz I was in a hurry to empty my bags I threw up the stack of 6 Heavy I had, sold it for 56s. I will keep an ear open about changes to engineering, it still sounds interesting to me. ;)
#11 Feb 12 2007 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
There is something to be said about a person who can look past the obvious, and pull the truth from a sea of ignorance. Every time I see a "It costs so much" post I cringe. this is like the fools who bought a PS3 on ebay for a grand, then saying that it was realy expensive. Well If you choose to level the trade the most expensive way, sure it will be pricy, but if you choose to look in to the craft, you will see that it is a flood of cash, yet only to those willing to actualy work it.

Now i agree and disagree at this one...

I agree that the skill has some items that you can make an honest earning off of. No question about that, but its highly limited.

The guns are great for people looking to upgrade, your right, but most people would rather get a gun/bow in other ways, than collect mats/find someone able to make the gun (Plus, most people dont realize that engineers can make guns in the first place, the honest truth sucks!) -
Scopes can earn decent $$ IF you have the schematics -
I honestly thought the salt shaker would sell well, but honestly, I made 5 when i was leveling through that point, and I still have 2 and its been over 6 months since i made them -
The quest items are all well and good to make $$, but once again that falls under need, and if no ones looking for the quest then there is no $$ earned -

If your someone like me, who doesnt have the schematics to these higher level items to craft your basically stuck. I think the real key here, is engineering can be a great way to earn $$ IF you can get the schematics.

You need to keep in mind:
Leveling the craft can be unbearable, and very costly. I have found that I have no use for the items I crafted, and I couldnt even sell 1/2 of them.

I would have to say, take this craft if you like gadgets and want to have fun. Otherwise, I wouldnt pick this craft up as a moneymaker (thats just not what its made for), Your best to keep with the two you have now.
#12 Feb 12 2007 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
Look for quest-related items and you'll make money at the AH. For instance, deadly blunderbuss goes for 1g on my server.
#13 Feb 13 2007 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
735 posts
You can make guns, Scopes and Bombs and more. Although alot of the engineering made items can only be used by engineers. So yea. People buy bombs for Pvp, so they are quite popular.
#14 Feb 13 2007 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
Well, as of this moment my engineer is lvl 35 and my engineering is just over 200. I hardly spent any money skilling up, except for the odd stocks needed for guns, and those I just offer to make for hunters I've grouped with, and for some gems when I really wanted to make a type of goggles.
Furthermore, at this lvl I'm making money selling Iron grenades. I don't know how much money there's to be made with other professions, but I'm neither complaining or broke.
#15 Feb 13 2007 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
I dont know wat to do.Im a lvl 18 swiching through proffessions.My skill in mining is about 130,my engineering skill like 35(lol).I just read throught all the post up here.I dont know wat proffession to stay on for money!Can someone tell wats best??(I'd really apprecite it.)
#16 Feb 14 2007 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
brovoman, If all you want is money, drop engineering, skin and mine, or skin and pick flowers(since you already mine, stick with that). Selling ore/stone/skins on the AH will leave you one loaded due.

Now if you want more than gold, you will need to level your trade, and there is not a class in the game that will not benefit from blowing crap up. If you want to do this AND make money, you will need to work hard to find a map to level the trade affordably, then sell the items you make. I Swear it is not hard, but it is work, and most folks want stuff to fall in there lap(hence why you can make money, most folks are lazy)

NonBoulderfistSilke, Get goblin land mines, theese things are just too fun, remember the annoying Dark Iron Mines from Gnomer, it is like you get your own version of them.

P.S. Mines rock the ZG temple event.
#17 Feb 14 2007 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Capitolg hit the nail on the head. Based on reading the forums here, my 2nd dude that I made went skinning/mining. I am now level 40 and have ~140G and that is with doing nothing more than normal questing and skinning the critters that I have killed or found dead and mining whatever ore happens to pop up no my mini map. I have never logged on simply to run around searching for mineral veins and farm *insert mineral here*. Two gathering skills equal $$$$ and fishing as well but I just can't fish. Didn't even buy a fishing pole this time.

To top it of, I am a warlock so my mount cost 99 silver for the skill....had to rub that in for those of you who have to buy their mount:)
#18 Feb 14 2007 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
461 posts
I have mining (260) and engineering (240) and I have to concur that it is NOT a money loser. At present you can shave off about half the ores you mine (mining those you see through just regular questing), sell them at AH and make a tidy sum of money. This might be a short term thing as people have been working up their jewelcrafting but there is demand from blacksmiths and other engineers to keep it ticking along.

The only mats I routinely seem to buy are various leather but they seem to be relatively cheap and made up easily but selling another stack of ore. Also be aware of what engineers really prize for mats and be on the look out for those items - fused wiring sells for alot on my server.
#19 Feb 16 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Default
zebug, 140g at level 40 is nothing to be proud of if you have 2 gathering skills. I have that with herbalism and enchanting. I think skinning is not as profitable as many claims.
#20 Feb 16 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
zebug, 140g at level 40 is nothing to be proud of if you have 2 gathering skills. I have that with herbalism and enchanting. I think skinning is not as profitable as many claims

havent skinned any black dragonscales yet? or maybe gone to the outlands?
#21 Feb 16 2007 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
I've never done skinning, but from my observation it appears that skinning might not be as profitable as some of the others early on, but catches up later.
#22 Feb 16 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
755 posts
Everyone who says it's not a money loser... wait 'till you hit 360 :D

It cost me approximately 1000g to go from 350-360. Going from 360-375 in any kind of normal time-frame I put as an estimated 5000g. It's all very well saying 'you get mats free from mining'... how long am I going to mine to get 30 Dawnstones (1500g from my AH, even if there were that many available)?

In case you were wondering, the only recipe I know of that's yellow from 360 up is the Khorium Scope recipe, a 0.70% BoP drop from a small amount of mobs in N-Storm: 2 Dawnstones each scope, and much more besides.

Granted, I have the +28 crit recipe from Karazhan in my bag, which I should be able to make some money from, but next time people wonder why an engineered product is expensive, point them here:)
#23 Feb 16 2007 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
4,877 posts
Sometimes I feel like a broken record,
you can choose to make leveling the trade expensive
It cost me approximately 1000g to go from 350-360.

I was able to level this gap for the amazing price of Free, using Mana Potion Injector, acutaly it got me a little past 360, where i started making Felsteel Boomstick and capped out at 375. Was it in a "Timely Fasion"? most likely not, but I surely did not spend thousands of gold.
#24 Feb 16 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
I was able to level this gap for the amazing price of Free, using Mana Potion Injector, acutaly it got me a little past 360, where i started making Felsteel Boomstick and capped out at 375. Was it in a "Timely Fasion"? most likely not, but I surely did not spend thousands of gold.

I personally cannot wait to make this! This is the ONLY reason why i kept engineering after the expansion came out. I love gadgets!
#25 Feb 16 2007 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
755 posts
Sorry, if I'd known about the guy who gives you 200 Super Mana pots for nothing, I'd have used your method too. As it is, I could have bought them from the AH, and guess what? Same figure pops up, approximately 1000g.

Capitolg wrote:
I was able to level this gap for the amazing price of Free, using Mana Potion Injector, acutaly it got me a little past 360, where i started making Felsteel Boomstick and capped out at 375. Was it in a "Timely Fasion"? most likely not, but I surely did not spend thousands of gold.

Well, the good news first, thanks for finding a recipe with easier mats.

Bad news: Felsteel Boomstick is still a (estimated) 1% drop from 5 highly contested mobs that don't spawn especially quickly.

Bad News 2: Assuming a skill up for every one crafted, you can reach 375 Eng with this recipe with the following mats:

900 Adamantite Ore.
480 Eternium Ore.
840 Fel Iron Ore.

I will leave it to the individual reader as to the feasibility of gathering these materials and the recipe on a high pop server.

My intention is not to diss Engineering, I love it and wouldn't change it for the world. My intention is to point out, that unless you have superhuman amounts of patience and free time, maxing engineering will cost you money. Caveat Emptor, as they used to say :o)

Edited, Feb 16th 2007 4:55pm by Eschatologist
#26 Feb 16 2007 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
I sure know it would cost me a thousand gold if I had not been crafty, using the same methods that served me when I was a wee orc originaly leveling the craft. I saved the Hardened Adamantite Tube,Felsteel Stabilizers,Handful of Fel Iron Bolts I made at the begening of my leveling extravanganza, i then used them to make boomsticks.
Sorry, if I'd known about the guy who gives you 200 Super Mana pots for nothing

I only needed to make 8 injecters before i could make other items to level the trade. I would recomend sending a message to enginers offering to make injectors using your mats but there potions. half of the ones I made were with other folks mana pots(the same way i did it with my health injectors)
Well, the good news first, thanks for finding a recipe with easier mats.

you are welcome, ironicly the point I made when first posting in the thred is the power of reaserch.

Bad news: Felsteel Boomstick is still a (estimated) 1% drop from 5 highly contested mobs that don't spawn especially quickly.

I never said it was eazy and cheap, just one or the other. This is no a huge issue, just about every other craft in the game has the same types of issues in finding the macig schematic that holds the key to affordable skill leveling. As a side note, I got about 20 of my mana pots by killing mobs while farming for my recipe, Killing two birds with one Spellstone. To me the time was well spent gaining Exp, gold, and other items while I waited for this one schematic to drop.

Bad News 2: Assuming a skill up for every one crafted, you can reach 375 Eng with this recipe with the following mats:

900 Adamantite Ore.
480 Eternium Ore.
840 Fel Iron Ore.

I will leave it to the individual reader as to the feasibility of gathering these materials and the recipe on a high pop server.

Ka Zang, if that is not a totaly Passive Agressive statment.

I explained at the begening of my post just how to use mats more than once for the leveling process.

My intention is to point out, that unless you have superhuman amounts of patience and free time, maxing engineering will cost you money.

Or a few freinds, it is a social game, it becomes a lot less super human with some close freinds.
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