My druid learned to make the holiday apple cider and I'm loving how fast it regenerates mana. Here are my questions for those who've played wow for the past years.
A. Will I be able to make it year-round? Did Blizzard make it so that it dissapears from the cooking screen after the holidays?
B. Are the mats purchaseable after the npc's in IF leave? Maybe there's some NPC that sells them year-round and I don't know it. (I'm talking about Holiday Spices, Holiday Spirit, etc.)
C. If the mats are not purchaseable year-round and I wish to make a mule character and buy a year's supply of mats, will they dissapear eventually or will they stay there? I know the actual cider has a 2 day duration but don't know if mats go poof when the season is over.
I'd really like to know if I can do any of the above since I've made some for my guildies and they all love it too.
Thanks in advance.