Well, first of all, it would be helpful to know what your second profession is.
However for the sake of getting the information across I'll give a general answer.
If your goal is to make money (and that seems to be the case given the tone of your post)you are best off taking 2 gathering professions.
Usually people go with either mining or herbalism + skinning.
Mining & herbalism are where most of your money will be coming from, skinning can make decent money the higher you get in level but usually not as much as the other 2.
Its there mainly to suppliment your mining or herbalism income.
Also, while it is possible to take both mining & herbalism together, it is generally not recommended as both make use of a tracking ability to locate nodes & only 1 tracking ability can be active at a time.
It is also possible to take enchanting instead of skinning, however you must treat it as a gathering skill (disenchant items & sell the mats) & not a production skill or it will become a huge money sink.
Since you seem relatively new, having not been familiar with the 2 gathering profession method I would recommend that you go with mining or herbalism + skinning & not concern yourself with enchanting on your current character.
I hope this information was helpful & good luck. ^^