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Bottom Scanner guideFollow

#1 May 24 2008 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
307 posts
/percentless 50 has been a godsend to me. I've paid for two complete sets of mounts, purchased some killer epic healing boots, helped finance a guild vault tab or two and still have plenty left over. All through using /percentless 50 (and it's variants)

Until, that is, patch 2.4. For some reason, /percentless stopped working. I went to the enchantrix boards and was told that the percentless and bidbroker commands were being folded into BottomScanner. Ugh.

Well, I had BottomScanner, and after playing around with it some, I think I like it better than percentless. I find I'm buying more items and the process takes less time overall (no more shift-clicking individual items!). I know some folks can still use /percentless and there is a process I can go through to make it work for me, but I decided to go with the flow and get a jump start on the next big thing. I'm happy with what I've done, it works very well for me, but I wanted to share it and see if anyone else has ideas/suggestions to improve my setup.

Two prerequisites.

You MUST be an enchanter (duh). But you don't have to be maxed out or even at 300. You can use this system to make cash AND level your chanting at the same time.

You MUST have the Auctioneer suite of addons (I have the Advanced model. The Classic model may work as well but I have not tried it.)

These are the settings for Bottom Scanner (btmscn) I currently use. Feel free to tweak them to fit your needs, but they should be a good start.

Open the AH and click on btmscn (should be the last tab on the right). Click on the Configure button. On the left, is a list of 'Core Options' click on General. Put check marks on 'look for bargains while browsing' and 'enable automatic last page reload.' Leave the next two boxes blank. Check the 'display evaluatino in tooltip' box as well as the last 3 boxes (about buyouts, bids, and playing a sound).

I have my reserve amount at 50s. Thats the least amount of cash I'll let myself have. Which means, basically none. Enter whatever amount you're comfortable with.

I also have my maximum price set at 1000. That means I won't see any items that cost more than that. But that's OK since I don't plan on buying any.

Next go back to the left part of the window and click on Evaluators and then Disenchant. It's a simple box, but here are my settings:

Check the first 3 boxes (enabling disenchant, and allowing buyouts and bids). This basically tells btmscn to search AH items with disenchating in mind (as opposed or in addition to the other options at left, like prospect). It also looks for items that fit my criteria for either purchase or for bid. If I bid on an item, it's likely that the buyout price is above my profit threshold. I win a good amount of them, but I also get outbid alot. That's fine, I don't lose any money in the transaction. It's all returned to me.

Check the Use Custom Levels box. Since I'm at 315 with my chanting, I can DE anything in the game. I also don't mind working with Strange Dust - profit is profit. So I have my minimum skill level set to 0 and my maximum skill level set to 375. Adjust these accordingly. If your enchanting is 250, you don't want to buy items requiring 275 to DE. Some folks may only want to focus on high end items that offer a smaller profit percentage, but more gold (I'd rather buy a 20g imbued netherweave tunic and DE it into a 22g prismatic shard (10% profit) than a 10s woven copper band and sell it for 50s (500% profit).

I set my minimum profit at 45 silver. It's an arbitrary amount, but does filter out most of the extreme low end items that just don't produce much cash.

I have my minimum discount set to 51%. Why 51? Because I couldn't get it to settle at 50. It'd go from 48 to 53 to 49 back up to 52. A real pain. In any event, you can adjust this. If you're just starting out, with limited funds, set it at a higher level - like 70 or even 80%. You'll get the biggest bang for your buck this way.

Or, you can set it at 10% with a large mimimum profit (say 5G) and scan only for the big ticket items.

Finally, click on the box that subtracts the auction fees from projected profit. The man's gotta have his piece of the pie, but I'll make the other fella pay for it.

Next, click on each of the other Evaluators and make sure they are disabled.

All set? Great.

Click back to the Browse tab and click scan the AH. Depending on how often you do this, it should take between 5-10 minutes. Once it's complete, click back to the btmscn tab and start scanning. Click back to the browse tab and scan the AH again. Yes, you have to scan it again.

This is why. Btmscn normally checks the last four pages of the AH (which are the most recently posted auctions). That's well and good, but there's over 100 pages of auctions most days - I want in on that loot too! Well, back when we were creating our settings, under General, we told btmscn we wanted it to work while we're browsing. That means it will look for bargains as we do our normal searches. An AH scan is considered browsing, but only of the entire AH. So while the scan is running again, btmscn is checking each item for profitability.

Anyway, you'll soon hear dings and a small window pop up asking if you want to buy/bin on an item. It'll tell you how much it'll cost you as well as the anticipated profit. You can mouse over the item to see what it'll DE into as well. You have several options, the easiest ones being Yes and No. I click on Yes everytime and mostly don't even mouse over or pay too much attention to what the item is. It fits my profit margin, I'm buying it.

Whereas when you scanned the AH the first time, it took maybe 6 minutes to complete, when you re-scan with btmscn, it'll take a few minutes longer, but it's still not too bad.

After the second scan is finished, go to the mailbox and DE your new purchases. Then head back to the AH and put em up for sale.

To do this, I suggest you use the Appraiser tab instead of the Auctions tab. Appraiser lets you put up bulk auctions quickly. On the left are shown the contents of all your bags. The main part of the screen lets you customize your auction for that item.

Say you have 200 Strange Dusts. You click on it from the list at the left and it appears in a small box on the main section. Below are slide bars representing how many you want posted in each auction (1, 5, up to 20) and how many 'lots' you want to sell (1, 5, all full lots, or all). It'll also have suggested bid and buyout prices. I change these so my bid and buyout price are the same. I don't want to wait around for some lowballer to hope he's not outbid. If you want my stuff, you'll get it immediately.

Finally, there's a slide bar that lets you set the duration of the auction (12, 24, or 48 hours). Put it to 48.

Once that's done, click on Post Item in the bottom right of the window and your Strange Dust auctions will be sent. While that's happening, you can move on to the next item and start the process over.

Well start it over somewhat. The best thing about using appraiser to post your auctions is that it remembers the settings you have for each item. So the next time you want to sell Strange Dust, the computer remembers that you last sold them in lots of 10, for 10s bid/13s buyout each and 24 hour auctions. If that works for you, simply click on Post Item again and you're good to go. Or if you want, you can adjust any settings. The new set will be automatically remembered as well.

Well, that's about it for the guide. I hope it works for you as much as it has for me.
#2 May 24 2008 at 6:16 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
That is great! I have always wondered what that was used for but I never spent the time to learn what that did. Smiley: clap

#3 May 25 2008 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
Wonderful. I've always used the percentless method, but this adds an easy way to get all those bids as well. Of course I will be outbid on most of them, but that's ok. Besides the buyouts that I would have found with percentless, my first session I bid on about 60 items.

I followed your instructions to the letter, and it worked great. After using your method, it had bought every item that percentless would have found. Another test scan and a percentless 50 listing showed no items, so it has passed my test.

I believe you are doing the 2 scans so that on the first, you get the very latest enchanting mats prices for your server. I'm thinking a quick search of the enchanting mats only would accomplish the same thing. If not, I'll just live with the data being slightly older, provided I've done a scan in the last 12 hours.

I also go into the enchantrix options and enable automation, so that I am prompted to hit yes to disenchant as new items go into my backpack. As the addon says, use this with caution, but I find it speeds things up.

Other than that, I use batch posting on the appraiser tab, for one click posting of all my common auctions.

Once again, great guide for bottom scanner use, thank you. I'm going to use it from now on.

Edited, May 25th 2008 9:29pm by dadanox
#4 May 25 2008 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
174 posts
Thank you very much for the guide. You are a much better person than I am for being able to figure out what BottomScanner does and not giving up after 2 minutes.
#5 May 26 2008 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
Thanks a ton, rated up. I just started messing around with it a week or so ago, but glad to see someone put together a guide!
#6 May 26 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
actodd wrote:
I hope it works for you as much as it has for me.

Thanks for the guide. I'll try setting this up on Wednesday, when I get back from vacation.
#7 May 27 2008 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
307 posts
I'm glad this has been of help. It can be intimidating as you're learning, but I will say the help panels are well set up. Click on the "?" in the upper right corner of any configure window and you'll get an item-by-item description of the options available.

The Honorable dadanox wrote:

I also go into the enchantrix options and enable automation, so that I am prompted to hit yes to disenchant as new items go into my backpack. As the addon says, use this with caution, but I find it speeds things up.

Edited, May 25th 2008 9:29pm by dadanox

I didn't see this option, but I'm definately going to try it out. It should be used with caution, but I've yet to not buy/bid on a suggested DE item.

#8 May 28 2008 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Thanks so much for the guide.... been wanting to figure out how to utilize this option for a long time! I really like it a lot.

However, now that I turned it on, I can't figure out how to turn it off. I hope I'm not just an idiot and I'm overlooking the obvious, but now everytime I try to look something up on the AH after a couple seconds bottom scanner takes over and resets the AH and I can't keep it on the same screen.

So can I turn it on and off when I do and don't want to use it?

Thanks in advance for your help!
#9 May 28 2008 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
307 posts
WindWalking wrote:

So can I turn it on and off when I do and don't want to use it?

You have to go back to the btmscn tab and click on the big yellow triangle/square (one indicates it's on, the other indicates its off, I forget which is which).

In the log below, which tracks your purchases and bids, it should show

bottom scan has stopped or something to that effect.

It's a simple thing to miss. After scanning, I often run out to the mailbox to buy/DE/sell my stuff. Then, the next time I scan, I get rapidly flashing pages or something odd - d'oh! I forgot to turn off the scan.
#10 May 28 2008 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
newbie whispers: can u give me za gold?

Dadanox: Learn a gathering skill, take up skinning, mining, or herbalism

newbie: 2 much work

Dadanox: Well, there's always disenchanting. It makes a lot of gold.

newbie: I'm really lazy. I don't want to worry about what things are worth, cost, or even have to click on a bunch of envelopes. I just want da gold.

Dadanox: ok, ok. If you want to automate as much as possible, but stay legal. If you want it to be so simple and automatic that you don't have to think, but still make gold....

- Use bottomscanner and buy everything.
- Turn on Automation in enchantrix to pop up a window just asking you if you want to disenchant.
- Get a mail addon and use the button to open all mail. I use the ace addon Postal.
- Just click yes as things pop into your bags to disenchant.
- After disenchanting, have all your mats marked for batch posting and use that to post all your auctions with one click.
- Get the potential profit addon to show you how much you have up for auction on the bottom of the auction tab.
- Check out the bids tab and see those hundreds of bids waiting to make you money.

This is the total I don't have to think and I still make money method. Granted that people manipulating the market, etc. are conditions that are better served by evaluating current conditions.

Edited, May 29th 2008 9:26pm by dadanox
#11 May 29 2008 at 3:31 AM Rating: Good
90 posts
Amazing guide and it has already served me well. Just want to put my two copper out there.

Don't underestimate the usefulness of buying for vendor sales too, sure its not gonna be big money but take my server for example: the average AH price for a stack of heavy netherweave bandages on the AH is a little over 5g. I can buy those bandages and run a few feet to a vendor and sell them for somewhere near 8g. thats almost 3g profit for a few seconds of work and clicking one more option in bottom scanner, not bad at all in my opinion :)
#12 May 29 2008 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
Xantilo wrote:
Don't underestimate the usefulness of buying for vendor sales too

I may give this a try.

My fear was that I would buy armor for vendor and it would be lost among all the items for disenchant. Maybe that wouldn't be a problem.

It would be nice if we could get this thread stickied. It has been a great help.

Edited, May 29th 2008 9:45am by dadanox
#13 May 29 2008 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Interesting guide, I tried it out today. I'm going to preface this by saying I am a complete noob when it comes to bottom scanner, so I thank you for the info. The guide has helped me figure it out somewhat.

I was wondering about the bids/buyout. When an item pops up in your window does it automatically do a buyout if the seller has provided that option? How does it determine whether to buyout or just bid? I made one pass through the ah and got about 2/3's bids. Then, about 10 min later I got about 30 outbid messages, so I would assume somebody else was bottom scanning right after me??

Thanks for the guide and the help!
#14 May 29 2008 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
Jedius wrote:
does it automatically do a buyout if the seller has provided that option?

If it still meets your criteria of profit margin, etc., then yes. Otherwise, it will bid if only that meets your criteria. The great thing about this is that the old percentless method didn't give you bids. You can eliminate endless clicking at the mailbox on outbid items with a nice mailbox addon like Postal.
#15 May 29 2008 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
First off, great post and I was getting a bit tired shift clicking the list enchantrix put up.

Problem I had though was it seemed to take ages. usually it takes me like 20 mins to scan AH then obviously shift clicking all the links took maybe another 5-10 depending on what showed up.

Using bottom scanner it will take the same to scan but I sat and waited like an hour on bottom scanner to finish then got called away for a dungeon. in that hour I got tons of bid options but only 5 or 6 buyouts.

It was definitely easier being given the option to just agree to buy/bid on it but I dont have the time to sit for an hour while it scans. I followed your guide to the letter and even added a slightly bigger profit which should have reduced the amount I got offered.

Would scanning the auction house more reduce this? I usually scan like once a day to get my de stuff but even scan twice after I have played around for a while if I have time.
#16 May 29 2008 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
Sounds like your computer or net connection is not up to par. How many pages are shown on the full scan. My server is low pop, but a scan take 5 minutes for 150 pages. I just build a new computer but it did not change that part too much from the laptop. One a week is enough to start out, but the daily buy sessions will update the scans as well.
#17 May 29 2008 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Well its an 8Meg service and i have a 3.2Ghz dual core cpu with 4g ram. Really doubt its my internet or PC. I am on Quel'Thalas EU but I have no idea of the server population so it may be that.

I dont get much if any lag and my FPS usually sits around 90+ in shat.
#18 May 29 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
307 posts
Jedius wrote:
I was wondering about the bids/buyout. When an item pops up in your window does it automatically do a buyout if the seller has provided that option? How does it determine whether to buyout or just bid?

This is something I'm still testing. If I run btmscn with just the buyout option active (no bids), I seem to actually buy more items than if I run buy/bid at the same time. I haven't asked on the norgana boards about that yet. But it's not a huge differential either way, so I wouldn't say you need to run through it twice (once with only buy and again with buy/bid).

jedius wrote:
I made one pass through the ah and got about 2/3's bids. Then, about 10 min later I got about 30 outbid messages, so I would assume somebody else was bottom scanning right after me??

Or someone's manually bottom trolling or using another AH searching method. I'm amazed at how decent greens have opening bids of a couple of coppers. If I catch a brand new 48 hour auction, it wouldn't be unheard of for me to bid 2-3 times on the same item (and get outbid 2-3 times).

#19 May 29 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
307 posts
bawbagQT wrote:

Problem I had though was it seemed to take ages. usually it takes me like 20 mins to scan AH then obviously shift clicking all the links took maybe another 5-10 depending on what showed up.


Would scanning the auction house more reduce this? I usually scan like once a day to get my de stuff but even scan twice after I have played around for a while if I have time.

First make sure only the Disenchant evalulator is active. Running more than one evaluator can seriously drag out the process - especially the appraiser one.

In my experience, scanning my AH takes about 5-8 minutes and then scanning again with btmscan active takes around 10-12. So I'm not sure if that's a proportionate increase or a consistent number of minutes. My server has a decent population and I have what, between 15-1800 180-190 pages. (Is that too many? I'll pay closer attention next time). Anyway the more frequently you scan (without btmscn), the quicker it should go because your personal database of price information is growing.

corrected number of AH pages on my server.

Edited, May 30th 2008 11:10am by actodd
#20 May 29 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
bawbagQT wrote:
Using bottom scanner it will take the same to scan but I sat and waited like an hour on bottom scanner to finish then got called away for a dungeon.

Well there's your problem. Bottom scanner never "finishes". You turn it on or off. It constantly runs, checking any new auctions, or any pages you scan.

According to the Addon's documentation "BottomScanner scans the bottom (or last page, containing up to the last 50 items added) of the auction house every 20 seconds on a continuous basis, fishing for bargains.".

The Idea is to start it, then scan and accept what he finds. When the scan is done, you are done. Leaving bottom scanner running after the scan completed means that for that time, you were looking for new auctions that people might put up. You could do that all day if you wanted to.

With regard to the first scan, I just do a search for all enchanting mats under tradeskills and hit next through the pages of found mats. It only takes a few seconds. As stated on Autioneer's website "Even when you're not scanning, you're still scanning. Every auction you search for, every page you see adds it's data to the stats engine. As a matter of fact, it's possible to generate a quite comprehensive database of statistics without even once scanning the auction house!".

After my quick search for Enchanting mats, I start bottom scanner and do my full scan. It's a lot faster than doing 2 complete scans.

Edited, May 29th 2008 9:44pm by dadanox
#21 May 29 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
Ah. That makes a bit more sense. I was still getting offers to bid or buy right up until I left.

I am at work at the mo so cant check how many pages/items I get on the scan but up to 1800 doesnt sound unreasonable.

I will play about a bit more on my days off.
#22 May 30 2008 at 8:22 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
How does Bottom Scanner calculate your potential profit? For example, I think most people know that if you de an item you might get the following results:

70% arcane dust
25% some shard
5% large prismatic shard

So when it comes up with the number for the profit how does that work? I hope it's not assuming you will get lucky every time and get the 5% outcome!
#23 May 30 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Ok so I worked out how stupid I really am.

I was running bottom scanner and thinking it was searching the ah for me. I missed the point of the rescanning ah thing.

Scan ah then start bottom scanner and run scan again. I was just starting bottom scanner then waiting!

#24 May 30 2008 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
Jedius wrote:
How does Bottom Scanner calculate your potential profit? For example, I think most people know that if you de an item you might get the following results:

70% arcane dust
25% some shard
5% large prismatic shard

So when it comes up with the number for the profit how does that work? I hope it's not assuming you will get lucky every time and get the 5% outcome!

Not exactly sure about the math, but typically my results of a /enchantrix percentless 40 would show green armor 65+ with the stats you listed. It will tell me that the value is 7.xxg buyout is 4g and my profit is 3.xxg xx%. Currently Arcane dust is hovering around 95s. The item may DE into 1-5 Arcane dust. So, you have a 70% chance of making a little bit off the item. Greater Eternals are selling for about 9.5g so you have a 20% chance of making a good profit. LPS are up to 15-20g, so 5% chance to make uber proit.

I think it somehow looks at all these variables and comes up with an average profit for DEing a series of the same item.
#25 May 31 2008 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
Is there a way to tweak auctioneer's scanned values to ignore outliers? For example, large prismatics are 20g each, but there's 10 up for 400 and one for 500 gold that have bumped it's addumed price to 25g. That throws my scans off.
#26 May 31 2008 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
Is there a way to tweak auctioneer's scanned values to ignore outliers? For example, large prismatics are 20g each, but there's 10 up for 400 and one for 500 gold that have bumped it's addumed price to 25g. That throws my scans off.

I tweak by changing the weights in Enchantrix.
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