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What should I tip?Follow

#1 Jun 17 2008 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm a newbie and still trying to learn some of the etiquette involved. The biggest thing that I can't figure out is what amount one should tip for enchanting or crafting. Is there a standard rate per item level, or for green/blue/purple, or what? I don't want be the noob tipping 60g for a +1 damage boost but I sure don't want to get a rep for tipping 2s for a 24-slot bag.
#2 Jun 17 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
260 posts
I don't know if this is correct or not, but I've heard most folks suggest 10% of mats as a tip, more if it's a rare (blue or purple) since it either cost them a lot of money or a lot of hassle to get the recipe/formula.

Also, if you're making them travel, certainly factor that in and pay a little extra.

It can't hurt to ask them what they feel is a fair tip.
#3 Jun 17 2008 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
That sounds fair. Thanks for the advice.
#4 Jun 18 2008 at 3:01 PM Rating: Default
201 posts
for lock picking, i usualy tip between 30-75 silver.
ports, 1 to 3 gold depending on what the mage requests
enchanting, i usually just do a 2 to 5 gold tip unless its a super rare enchant, then maybe 10.
i also tip the enchanter 1 or 2 gold everytime i win a shard roll in an instance and they DE for me.

anything else, for me, its about 5gold depending on a few things.
-how much time they have to spend answering my questions,
-how much time are they using crafting something for me.
-is it with my mats or theirs,
-did they travel to me to do me a favor,
-did they spend some of their online time waiting for me to get to them to do me a favor

the more of those factors that play into the transaction, menas they deserve a bigger tip.

its not just the fact they can do something, but how much time or effort did they use to do somethign for me.

i'm not saying you should follow what i do, and most will probably say i am a cheapsake on tipping. I also never ask or charge for anything unless its my mats/reagents. any tips i get are just bonus.

#5 Jun 18 2008 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
yosh*thegreatestmageever wrote:
\enchanting, i usually just do a 2 to 5 gold tip unless its a super rare enchant, then maybe 10.

i'm not saying you should follow what i do, and most will probably say i am a cheapsake on tipping. I also never ask or charge for anything unless its my mats/reagents. any tips i get are just bonus.

Tips are voluntary, but your tips are insulting based on what I know about the cost of mats for mid-level (circa 300 skill) and high-level enchantments. If you aren't going to give a decent tip, it's better not to tip at all. Getting a 10 Gold tip for something where the mats cost 1000G, and the recipe took weeks of farming? I'd throw the money back at you and put you on ignore.

Edited, Jun 18th 2008 9:06pm by ohmikeghod
#6 Jun 18 2008 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
Those tips are fine. If they didn't like it, they would tell you. Some people are just more haughty about tipping, but the prefer to call them a fee. You can monitor trade for a good meter on tips. Most crafters let you know up front what they want, but once again, that is more a fee. Just remember you are paying for the crafter's time and skill. Also, tips should not be based on how much the crafter spent to get there. If that was the case, some synths would cost 500g.

Honestly, I don't really get all the craft drama on WoW. Anything made is a guaranteed success in this game and the skilling up of a craft is also easy and fast if you use the right guides and not camp the AH for mats and new recipes. In FFXI, crafting takes millions of gil, is a long arduous process accompanied by constant failures. A single point can cost most crafters millions alone. Plus, when you want that uber item made, you can lose millions and get nothing. So stop the primadonna act and learn just how easy WoW has it for crafting.

Edited, Jun 18th 2008 10:42pm by LadyKyrin
#7 Jun 19 2008 at 7:08 AM Rating: Excellent
I just hate when I make best-in-slot items (belt of blasting, bracers of nimble thought, runic spellthread) and get a 2g tip or something like that.
#8 Jun 19 2008 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
370 posts
Then charge a fee. If you think you should get 100g for those things, then charge 100g. If no one will PAY 100g...its not worth 100g, no matter how much effort you put into learning them, or how awesome the items are.

If its the case that most people will tip, say at least 20 g, and getting tips smaller than that ticks you off and higher than that is a nice bonus, why not simply offer the service with a 20g fee? If you're worried that setting a fee will make people stop tipping, and you'll lose income, then those people tipping 100g are more than balancing out those tipping 3g. And you can always "blacklist" the people who you think tip too low, and never do anything for them in the future.
#9 Jun 19 2008 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
insulting....then don't do it for me. there are at least 100 people per realm that can craft the same item or enchant the same thing pretty much no matter how rare it is.

Its my mats, i gathered them/bought them/collected them. I asked for someone in trade channel--can anyone do XXX to my YYY and you said you could. I raced over to you, handed you all my mats and all you have to do is click a button. yes i tip 2-5 gold for pretty much every enchant i usualy want to get. 10g if its a weapon enchant, because yes, there are alot more mats involved with that. if thats insulting or you dont want to wait for me to find you, then great dont do it.

In all my years playing i have never required a fee for anything i have done. the only exception is for when my mage creates a port to you, even then, its 1g for a port.
in all the years i have crafted for people, tailoring, LW, Eng, and Alc, i have never gotten a tip over 10g for anything created, or time invested for creating it for you.
i tip guildes even when they refuse, i never charge a guildy or a friend and will often hand over extra mats, of stuff i dont exactly need without them asking.

my tipping practice is born out of what i have found from other people
you dont like it, good... /2 who can enchant bla bla bla, my mats will tip.

[i][sm]Edited, Jun 19th 2008 12:30pm by *********************************
#10 Jun 19 2008 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Tsarducci wrote:
Then charge a fee. If you think you should get 100g for those things, then charge 100g. If no one will PAY 100g...its not worth 100g, no matter how much effort you put into learning them, or how awesome the items are.

If its the case that most people will tip, say at least 20 g, and getting tips smaller than that ticks you off and higher than that is a nice bonus, why not simply offer the service with a 20g fee? If you're worried that setting a fee will make people stop tipping, and you'll lose income, then those people tipping 100g are more than balancing out those tipping 3g. And you can always "blacklist" the people who you think tip too low, and never do anything for them in the future.

I guess you are right. It's difficult to post the things in trade chat because someone else will go for 19.99.99 under my 20g or whatever and it gets annoying. The problem is when they say 'tipping well' or whatever (I know it depends on the person, but 2g is not a super-tip).
#11 Jun 19 2008 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
1,599 posts
To the OP - very simple answer:

Ask the person whose service you are requesting.

#12 Jun 19 2008 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
[******************************** tipping practice is born out of what i have found from other people
you dont like it, good... /2 who can enchant bla bla bla, my mats will tip.[/quote]
You don't seem to understand that giving a tip of 2G for an enchant where the mats are 1KG is the same as leaving a 5 cent tip to a waitress in a restaurant. It's like saying "oh, yeah! I tipped for your lousy service!". Since tips are optional, in cases like this it's better not to tip at all instead of insulting the enchanter. Yes, you will find people who aren't insulted... but they should be.
#13 Jun 20 2008 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
Tips are voluntary, but your tips are insulting based on what I know about the cost of mats for mid-level (circa 300 skill) and high-level enchantments. If you aren't going to give a decent tip, it's better not to tip at all. Getting a 10 Gold tip for something where the mats cost 1000G, and the recipe took weeks of farming? I'd throw the money back at you and put you on ignore.

It's not a tip if the enchanter is using his own mats. Then it's a paid service, like buying a meal from a restaurant.

A tip is where you bring your own mats and the enchanter doesn't do anything more strenuous than clicking a button. The tip is there as a thank-you in recognition for him leveling enchanting up that high.

I usually give about 10g, supply my own mats in advance, and I get told I'm overly generous.
#14 Jun 20 2008 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
527 posts
Getting a 10 Gold tip for something where the mats cost 1000G, and the recipe took weeks of farming? I'd throw the money back at you and put you on ignore.

Now are you saying that the enchanter used their own mats or where the mats provided by the person looking for the enchant? I'm sorry to say in my own opinion 10g tip for an enchanter that had to do nothing but do the enchant is generous, that is 1% of the mats that the enchanter didn't even need to do anything to get. Now if it was the enchanters mats that is a whole different story.

Edit: Because I can't do math at 6:15a.m. :S

Edited, Jun 21st 2008 2:31am by CaptinXeith

Edited, Jun 21st 2008 2:32am by CaptinXeith
#15 Jun 20 2008 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
10/1000 = 0.01 = 1% :)

100g would be a 10% tip...

But I'm with the camp here that leans towards: If the enchanter is full service, supplying his own mats, then sure, a 10-15% markup/tip over the cost of the mats seems like a reasonable fee.

If I look up the enchant, secure all the mats myself, and travel to the enchanter, wtf am I paying you 100 g for? waiting five minutes and clicking 2-3 buttons? Why is that service worth 100g in the case of a high level enchant, but <1g for a low level enchant? In real life, of course, the answer would be that very few people can do the action in question, and thus you can set your price. In WoW, alas, we have a top heavy economy...there are likely to be, on nearly every server, MORE people with maxed out level and enchanting skill than with lower skill levels. This makes high level enchants only marginally less rare than low level ones.

Probable exception: rare enchants that have to be farmed. But in those cases, you can state: pay me 100g or I won't do it, which leaves the enchantee the option of waiting to find a new chanter or sucking it up.

To the person who mentioned bidding wars in trade, ya, I see the problem. Probably the best way to advertise your services is along the "lvl X chanter looking for work, can do most chants including Y, pst for prices/more info" cause 1 s undercutters are surely annoying.

#16 Jun 20 2008 at 7:04 AM Rating: Excellent
201 posts
I have not yet once stated what enchants i am tipping my 2-5 gold for. your assuming they are 1000g mat enchants. they for the most part are not. +35 agil to 2H weapon, and +81 Heals to a weapon are about the most expensive enchants i have ever needed/wanted to get, and nether of them come close to a mat value of 1000g. (35 agl, maybe 250-300g in mats, if i had to actaully buy them which i do not, and +81 heals, 500-600 in mats, again, if i actually had to buy them all)

as i stated before, for those, i would tip 10g for me to bring my mats to you, travel to you. hand you everything, you get 10 gold tip for clicking your button. a small thank you for skilling up your proffesion, having your rod on you and answering my request from the trade channel.

2-5 for pretty much anything else i would want non-weapon enchant.

i have skilled up many proffessions on many characters, and i never ask for tips for stuff people want crafted when they bring their own mats, i never spam trade channel with crap like /2 level 341 enchanter looking for work---or substitute any profession in there.
i level up my own professions to better my toons on my account and dont ask for tips or ask to help you pay for me to level up. i tip what i think is fair, if you dont like it, too bad.
#17 Jun 20 2008 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
I tend to give 10% or better for either the mats or what the actual item would sell for.
For example I just had someone craft me a primal mooncloth bag.
Primal mooncloth has been going for over 60+g on my server lately but I look for it all the time and when the AH starts getting saturated and it drops to 40-50g I buy the material.
Long story short, I tipped 40g to the crafter, while that bag if bought off the AH would of cost over 500g.
So some would say I didn't tip enough but I didn't pay that much for my mats either.
The netherweb was farmable but I still bought it at a steal from the AH.
I had no more than 400g in mats for that bag so I based my tip off of that.

#18 Jun 20 2008 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
I post how much I'm tipping right after the PST. I get responses all the time. 5g for minor items, 10g for bigger stuff. Depends on how desperate I am.

Ex: Need LeatherWorker to make *item link here*, PST, will tip 5g/10g.

Works most of the time for level 70 stuff.

For lower levels, it reduces down.

#19 Jun 20 2008 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
...and the responses to my last post are the reasons I sell mats instead of hawk enchants. I can make a profit selling mats. I will only get poor selling enchants. What you people have now said is (paraphrased, of course): "we will never pay you enough gold to make enchanting a money-viable profession". Since that is your stance, is it so unreasonable of me to take puny tips as an insult?
#20 Jun 20 2008 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
your allowed to think what ever you want. if you dont like the profession, and are annoyed by tips customers offer then re roll another profession
#21 Jun 20 2008 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
double post deleted

[i][sm]Edited, Jun 20th 2008 6:22pm by *********************************
#22 Jun 20 2008 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
527 posts
...and the responses to my last post are the reasons I sell mats instead of hawk enchants. I can make a profit selling mats. I will only get poor selling enchants.

Like I said in my opinion the tip I choose to give is different if I supply the mats or if the mats are supplied by the enchanter. If the enchanter is the one supplying the mats then by all means I feel they deserve a bigger tip(along with the cost of the mats of course). BUT if I am supplying the mats and all the enchanter needs to do is click the enchant to cast then I don't see it necissary to give a huge tip. In my opinion 10g for an enchant with mats that I supplied should be enough. If the enchanter supplies the mats the tip should be larger.
#23 Jun 20 2008 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
yosh*thegreatestmageever wrote:
if you dont like the profession, and are annoyed by tips customers offer then re roll another profession

Oh, don't get me wrong. I love the profession. I make about 1.5 to 2K gold a week from it, so what's not to love? My enchanter has financed multiple epic fliers with no problems. I just don't sell enchants to make my gold. Instead, I sell mats to the dweebs who will find a sucker enchanter and ***** him out of a decent tip. In other words, I make my gold from people like you. You buy my mats (from which I make a VERY hefty profit), and tip the enchanter 2G. I make 250G (on a 500G mat buy), and the other enchanter gets 2G (when he should have gotten 50). You have the money for the mats, but act as if a piddling 50G is going to break you...

Edited, Jun 21st 2008 12:55am by ohmikeghod

A few more thoughts on the subject:

If mats on the AH sell for 500G, a legitimate Enchanter will advertise:

/2 Selling [Enchant <location-spell>] for 550G - my mats. Tips gratefully accepted.

You are the type of person who will

/w enchanter UR 2 XpenSIVE! I CN BI IT 4 200 pun is intentional
/w you Well, if you can you're welcome to do so

/2 WTB [Enchant <location-spell>] 200G UR MATS will tip

...and you find someone who farmed his mats from drops who figures that 200G is better than nothing so he enchants your item for 200G plus a 20G tip.

So here's what happens:

If you buy from the advertiser and tip your way, I make nothing, he makes 355G (more if he farmed from drops - less if he bought some mats at the AH), you pay 605G (550G + 55G tip)
If you buy the mats and tip properly, I make 250G, enchanter makes 50G, you pay 550G
If you buy the mats and tip your way, I make 250G, enchanter makes 2G, you pay 502G
If you shop around and get an enchanter to sell his mats to you at a discount, I make nothing, enchanter loses 280G (difference between what he could have sold the mats for at the AH and what you paid, including the tip), and you pay 220G

Edited, Jun 21st 2008 7:23am by ohmikeghod
#24 Jun 21 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
1,175 posts
The last time I had an item crafted for myself from a person other than a guild mate or friend, it was Belt of Natural Power, of which I tipped 150g for the craft.

This is how I figure a tip: I take the cost of the materials to make the item (the materials cost me approximately 1000g), the selling price of the item (approximately 1750g), and tip about 12-15% of the average cost between those two prices. I tip 15-20% when I eat out and having an item crafted in the game is little different than tipping your waiter/waitress - sure I could purchase the food and prepare it myself for far less money, but I am paying for the food, storing the food, the time, effort and skill necessary to properly prepare it, plus the effort and occasionally skill necessary to present me with it.

Edited, Jun 21st 2008 11:25am by soggymaster
#25 Jun 22 2008 at 6:02 AM Rating: Default
As an enchanter I've given up on actually enchanting player's items and instead like most enchanters make the vast majority of my gold on DE'ing items and selling them on the AH. In my experience, I've found there to be two groups of people when it comes to tiping me for enchants. There are those who are polite, amiable, and offer tips of about 10-15% of the total materials. Then there are those who insist I come to them, are rude, and if I'm lucky throw me a gold or two for an enchant that took me hours to farm or multiple dungeon runs to get. Now, when I do enchant gear and get an insulting tip or none at all, I've taken to calling out that individual on the trade channel for their cheapness. It may be petty and childish but maybe, just maybe it gets the message out. Mostl likely not however.
#26 Jun 23 2008 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
Just on a side note, as a lockpicker, I know our skill isn't exactly the toughest to level or anything. However, at least a 1G tip for any boxes over 125 is nice. There are points in the game where it really sucks looking around for the places to level your lockpicking. And not to say that we have to spend massive amounts of money in order to skill up, but it is a huge time sink and throwing us 1-5G for skilling up a profession that no other class can, especially when you're going to get something out of that stupid box that's worth at least 2-3 times that shouldn't be a big problem. Especially when you start getting the 225+ locked boxes? It sucks when they invite you to their party, have you open 3-5 boxes, open the boxes, and say: Thx! Laterz....

I mean...even just 1G would have made that entire encounter much better. And if you're hurting for 1G when you're getting those boxes, you need to rethink how well you're playing the game.
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