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Fishing Question, What would you do and why?Follow

#1 Jul 10 2008 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
I'm about to be 225 fishing at lvl 38 and I'm wondering the best way to lvl to 300.

A) Go fish the Barrens for deviate fish.
B) Go fish off the pier at Steamwheedle.
C) Fish pools as and when I find them while Lvling to 60.

Choice A: Advantage of gold, deviate fish go for a gold a pop on my server.
Choice A: Disadvantage, the other fish won't sell so well

Choice B: Advantage, I should get a wide range of fish stonescale, oilyblackmouth and firefin + fish to lvl cooking
Choice B: Disadvantage, Less gold than choice A

Choice C: Advantage, All the catches will be worth cash, chance of chests and odd bits. WOuldn't be a single grind
Choice C: Disadvantage, It would interupt my play time having to stop and start. No cooking fish :(

or your choice D:

Advice on the topic appreciated
#2 Jul 10 2008 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
389 posts
My advice would be to consider what you want to get out of fishing and go for the route that lets you accomplish those goals.

The reason I levelled fishing was because I wanted the Mr Pinchy pet (I WILL have you one day, Mr Pinchy!). Since all you have to do to skillup fishing is catch fish, I got myself to 100 in SW then parked myself at the Forgotten Pools and started fishing up deviates. I don't really understand why they're so popular, but selling a few stacks brought in quite a bit of gold, and distributing the rest to guildies and friends made them quite happy. And I got my 375 fishing skill, so everyone was happy :)
#3 Jul 10 2008 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
I would go with the Barrens. You're not going to need any lures for a 100% catch chance, and even with the other fish you catch, Deviates are your best bet for money making. Fishing every pool you pass is also a good idea.
#4 Jul 10 2008 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
I'd go with the pools as you grind, that way your fishing will be on par with the cooking you'll need to level, plus, when you hit Winterspring you can top off your fishing and cooking at the same time in that pool right next to the entrance from Felwood.
#5 Jul 10 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
D: Fish in a city, get your rested bonus up while increasing your fishing skill.
#6 Jul 11 2008 at 3:26 AM Rating: Good
bertbear wrote:
I'm about to be 225 fishing at lvl 38 and I'm wondering the best way to lvl to 300.

A) Go fish the Barrens for deviate fish.
B) Go fish off the pier at Steamwheedle.
C) Fish pools as and when I find them while Lvling to 60.

Choice A: Advantage of gold, deviate fish go for a gold a pop on my server.
Choice A: Disadvantage, the other fish won't sell so well

Choice B: Advantage, I should get a wide range of fish stonescale, oilyblackmouth and firefin + fish to lvl cooking
Choice B: Disadvantage, Less gold than choice A

Choice C: Advantage, All the catches will be worth cash, chance of chests and odd bits. WOuldn't be a single grind
Choice C: Disadvantage, It would interupt my play time having to stop and start. No cooking fish :(

or your choice D:

Advice on the topic appreciated

My choice would be A until you hit level 50, then travel the coast of Tanaris from North of Steamwheedle to the southern edge of Lost Rigger Cove, hitting all the pools until you go to the outlands and get the book (or buy it on the AH). If you feel lucky while doing Tanaris, go to the southern edge of Southbreak beach, but you are certain to meet the L48 elite giants that roam there. After that, do both the Barrens and the Tanaris coast until you hit 375. You might even be able to max out fishing before you get to the outlands...

Throw away what won't up your cooking or is not a money fish - there are a lot of debris pools in Tanaris, and you want to have your bag space ready for the good stuff.

Edited, Jul 11th 2008 4:26am by ohmikeghod
#7 Jul 11 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
203 posts
I recently leveled - in this order - a lvl 65 druid from 250 to 375, a lvl 61 mage from 1 to 310 and a lvl 36 hunter from 50 to around 175 (so far). Clearly I've discovered that I like to fish. I went through the same thing as the OP - trying to find the best way to level the skill. Here's what I did:

- For my druid I went to Tanaris, Feralas and Azshara and fished the pools until I was level 300. I then fished in Zangarmarsh until I was 375.

- For my mage I went to the Barrens as skill level 75 and fished until I was 200 or so. I then went to Tanaris and fished to level 300. I'm now fishing in Zangarmarsh because I'm also doing quests in HFP. I did not bother going to Azshara because the elemental water/global of water do not fetch as much as they used to. And it takes a lot of time to swim between the various spots where patches of elemental water are known to appear.

- For the hunter (my daughter's character), I've been fishing pools in Hillsbrad, in the stream by Southshore.

All three methods were very profitable. I probably made 200-300g each with my druid and mage from fishing, and 50g so far for my hunter.

In my experience fishing pools seems to be the most profitable way to go. I made a lot of money from the greens that you get in crates. And pools help you build your stacks of oily/firefin/stonescale quickly.

Tanaris is my favorite area because there are lots of pools. You do NOT need to go as far south as the elites. Keep in mind that my druid/mage are high enough that I did not have to worry about fighting mobs, and both have mounts which reduces travel time between pools.

Any of the three choices is fine. What sells well differs from server to server so check the AH and let that be a guide. Most importantly, do whatever method you find to be the most fun. Don't make fishing a chore.

Hope this helps.

#8 Jul 11 2008 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
203 posts
Just wanted to add a few things:

- Check out El's Extreme Anglin' site at
- Get the Fishing Buddy addon so you can double-click to cast
- If you are on a PvE server, it's worth going to Desolace to get the Big Iron Fishing Pole (+20)
#9 Jul 11 2008 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
I would wait until level 40 when you have your mount then go to one of the places (deviate fish or steemweedle port) but this way you don't have to run in between you can mount up and find the pools a bit faster.
#10 Jul 11 2008 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
307 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
I would wait until level 40 when you have your mount then go to one of the places (deviate fish or steemweedle port) but this way you don't have to run in between you can mount up and find the pools a bit faster.

I disagree. I find pools mostly close enough that running between them doesn't take that much longer than waiting to mount and going that way. Unless, of course, you're a druid with travel form, which is instant.

Even if the pools are far enough away to warrant riding, I still would recommend fishing before 40 if for no other reason than having that much more done. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy fishing, but having leveled it both as I leveled my toon and then again 'power-leveled' it when another toon was 70. Doing it as you level is much more fun and is incorporated into your experience better.

In my answer to the OP, I'd suggest combining A and C. Whenever you're starting a fishing session, start in Barrens, fish up all the pools, then move on. My circuit then takes me to Ratchet where I work southwards fishing the oily blackmouths. I eventually make my way to Mike's route, which is on the way and is very lucrative. When I'm done, I try to hit Barrens again on the way back.
#11 Jul 11 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Fishing is the only skill I personally would say - do in your spare time. Keep a rod on you. Fish in the cities when you're cruising /2 chat or waiting for a group in /4. Fish at the site of every boat launch while waiting on the boats.

Don't target fishing as a way or task to level. Simply do it in your spare time.

The problem with fishing is that it, unlike all the other professions, is a time sink. Unless you actually have nothing better to do - you are lvl 38 and you could be doing a lot - I would avoid power leveling fishing. I think that Oily sell for a few G on my server and the time invested isn't great on a Gold/Hr return. If you PVP - fish in town while you wait.

The mechanics for leveling fishing are very straight forward. Basically - How many fish do you need to catch per skill up.

By the end - it's basically like 10 fish per point. That's VERY time consuming.

My suggestion is:
1. Only do it in your spare time
2. Maybe make a daily target. (aka 5 points per day after you get to 225)

Suggestion #2 would take you 25 days and have minimal interuption to your playing. Thus you can actually Level up - get access to more/better ways of making money as you go - plus accomplish your goal of getting fishing skilled up.

Edited, Jul 11th 2008 1:42pm by Borsuk
#12 Jul 11 2008 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
320 posts
MetalM wrote:

The reason I levelled fishing was because I wanted the Mr Pinchy pet (I WILL have you one day, Mr Pinchy!).

Heh, you're gonna hate me. My first Mr. Pinchy (well 2nd, I accidentally recast before hitting "Loot" >.<) gave me 2 crawdad cages (and an Angry Mr Pincy)... I can only have one out at a time!! and it sucks that they're soulbound, that would sell for a ton.

Anyway, I levelled fishing / cooking for money and for raid consumables. It wasn't too hard, I levelled my fishing by working on cooking, only fishing up that which I needed for more cooking skill.

But yeah, after 320, it gets really, really slow. I never fish for more than 30 minutes at a time, even now that I'm at the cap.

Edited, Jul 11th 2008 1:47pm by Taratru
#13 Jul 11 2008 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Anobix the Wise wrote:
I would wait until level 40 when you have your mount then go to one of the places (deviate fish or steemweedle port) but this way you don't have to run in between you can mount up and find the pools a bit faster.

The next patch will allow the mount at level 30, so your objection goes away.
#14 Jul 11 2008 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
I would do B, because that's what I did and had a lot of fun with it. I'd catch a fish I'd never seen before, then look it up, and if there was a recipe to cook it, I'd add it to my list. After I had a ton of fish, I went all over gathering those recipes (most were either right there or at booty bay, I believe), and so I leveled up my cooking as well. Also, at your level, you might get invited to ZF just for being in that area. While the gear you would get from ZF is a few levels higher than you, it's still nice to bank gear a couple levels higher, then equip it when you get to that level. :)

I also made pretty decent money from some of the fish.

I also liked to level fishing in Feralas. It's just so pretty there. :)
#15 Jul 16 2008 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks to everyone who replied.

I got to lvl 40 so I now have a mount so thats no longer a problem (not that it was much of one anyway).

I had forgotten 1 major thing about fishing and thats the trunks you can get! I'm planning on turning tailor at 60 (I'm saving all my cloth in readiness) and the bolts of silk and mageweave from the trunks has made me realise that fishing pools is the way to go. I'll just set a side 30 -60 min slots and ride up and down the coast fishing, when I get to a point I need to cook fish I'll fly off to the pools in winterspring and catch stuff there. I'll see what I get cooking stuffwise in the mean time.

Thanks again.

#16 Jul 17 2008 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
I'm rounding the corner on 375 tailoring and wish I had known what I'm about to tell you...

Don't do tailoring until 70. My toon is a mage. I can get all the cloth I need for Linen in 2 runs of VC. If I run it a few more times or just hop over to Shadowfang Keep - I get all the wool I need. From that point - 2/3 runs of SM will yield the silk.

Literally - you can do that in one evening.

Mage weave is slightly tougher to harvest, but farming it up from world drops and instances like ZF isn't hard either.

Rune cloth, at 70 is VERY Easy. Just grind the undead in EPL or WPL.

Save your bag space. Sell the cloth or level your First Aid. You will thank me at 70. You have so much better harvesting skills at 70. You could EASILY gather the cloth to level tailoring to 300 in a weekend - and *Might* be able to do it in one day.
#17 Jul 17 2008 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
Borsuk wrote:
I'm rounding the corner on 375 tailoring and wish I had known what I'm about to tell you...

Don't do tailoring until 70. My toon is a mage. I can get all the cloth I need for Linen in 2 runs of VC. If I run it a few more times or just hop over to Shadowfang Keep - I get all the wool I need. From that point - 2/3 runs of SM will yield the silk.

Literally - you can do that in one evening.

Mage weave is slightly tougher to harvest, but farming it up from world drops and instances like ZF isn't hard either.

Rune cloth, at 70 is VERY Easy. Just grind the undead in EPL or WPL.

Save your bag space. Sell the cloth or level your First Aid. You will thank me at 70. You have so much better harvesting skills at 70. You could EASILY gather the cloth to level tailoring to 300 in a weekend - and *Might* be able to do it in one day.

The downside to this is I want the BOP tailoring set and I'll need to start making it at 60 so I can wear it at 70.
#18 Jul 19 2008 at 9:25 PM Rating: Good

I just spent a very productive hour or so fishing up and down the coast of Tanaris, only fishing pools I got the following.

30x Oily Blackmouth
33x Firefin Snapper
23x Stonescale Eel
21x Stranglekelp
10x Ramesy Rum Black Label

I also fished up 25 Mithril bound trunks for:

10x Rugged leather
27x Thick Leather
16x Bolt of Mageweave
10x Bolt of Runecloth
8x Greater Mana Potion
7x Superior Healng Potion
2x Green items (worth 2g)
1x Aquamarine
1x Plans: Mithril Spurs
1x Plans: Big Voodoo Robe

+ 46s 66c in cash

I also got 8x Mithril Ore, 3x Iron Ore, 13x Solid Stone and 2x Heavy Stone from nodes I ran past while fishing.

Just like to say another big thats to Ohmike for the advice on coast of Tanaris fishing.
#19 Jul 21 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
bertbear wrote:
Just like to say another big thats to Ohmike for the advice on coast of Tanaris fishing.

Grats! Mike's been telling people about how lucrative that run is for as long as I can remember. Its nice to hear back when someone benefits from the advice they get in here.

But, how many skill points did you get for your fishing during that run?

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#20 Jul 21 2008 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
cynyck wrote:
bertbear wrote:
Just like to say another big thats to Ohmike for the advice on coast of Tanaris fishing.

Grats! Mike's been telling people about how lucrative that run is for as long as I can remember. Its nice to hear back when someone benefits from the advice they get in here.

But, how many skill points did you get for your fishing during that run?

I was able to learn the last fishing book at 275 (when I stopped) so I would guess about 30-40 skill points
#21 Jul 21 2008 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
Tailoring? See what bear got from the mithril trunks? ^^ I saw that, and was like, "Damn!" so I went up and down the coast of Tanaris fishing, and I wish I'd done it a few lvls back w/ my tailoring! Hell yeah! Who know that fishing/tailoring was a good combo?? Wow! In about an hour and a half, I got 15 bolts of runecloth and 35 bolts of mageweave, not to mention the rugged leather that I use to lvl my tailoring (runecloth gloves recipe for me right now). Rune thread is sitting in the bank waiting for me to lvl right now, going to play my lock since my co-worker is on.

Still, wow, fishing+tailoring!!! :)

Thanks, Mike and bear! :)

happy Trill
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