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How's everyone enjoying leveling thier skills?Follow

#1 Nov 13 2008 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
I'm having a blast and I haven't even started in earnest.

My main is a skinner/LW and thanks to my apparently being the only skinner on my server, I've already maxed that skill out and I haven't even dinged 71 yet.

Got five stacks of the leather saved up now - haven't done anything with it yet due to a friend not having had a chance to get onto her rogue yet.

FYI - the LW/skin trainers are on the side that you get to from the UC blimp.

Fishing has been going nicely too - at around 385 or so but haven't found anything other then the royal something-or-other (mantis?) pools so far.

Tailoring might be a tad difficult - I've only found about a stack and a half of the new cloth so far - kill mix has probably been 2-1 humanoid vs animals - but I'm still in the starting zones so I'm sure things will change.

Cooking has gone well thanks to fishing - I'm at 400 right now but all my recipes are green and the trainers in the starting areas aren't offering me anything new to level with, but again, I haven't even explored half a zone yet.

No clue how things will be for miners - since I can't track ore nodes I don't know if they're plentiful or not but according to guildies that have been mining, the respawn rate on them is pretty good.

No input on herbalism and its two related skills at all.

All said though, I'm enjoying myself and looking forward to more - I've already gotten two of the emote food recipes so two more and I'll have the whole set.
#2 Nov 14 2008 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
My observations so far:

Herbalism has been very difficult to level. There are just too many people running around right now. The nodes are gobbled up very quickly. But, I did manage to get some herbs off the guys near Nexus that are herb-able. But, no skill-ups from that.

Alchemy is suffering a bit from the herbalism issue. I have skilled up a few points with the pygmy fish. I'm not too concerned about leveling alchemy yet. I figure once things settle down it will be relatively easy to level.

Cooking has been easy so far. All kinds of fish to cook up. So far, I spent way too much time fishing that could be spent leveling, but oh well :-)

Fishing, piece of cake. Nice to see such a wide variety of new fish available. I've already caught a few of the water motes (whatever they're called now).

First Aid. I decided I'm not even going to worry about it for now. Number 1, on my druid I hardly ever use bandages. Number 2, the drop rate on cloth seems really low so far. What I get I'm going to stockpile and sell on the AH. Seems like a profitable thing to do right now.

Jewelcrafting...holy crap there's a lot of cuts/patterns to train right off the bat. I think it was like 40 or so. There is a nice unique BoP +4 all stats gem though.

My only other profession observation so far relates to enchanting...

I was quite dissapointed to find out my level 36 DE alt is out of business. At level 300 enchanting, I could DE any Outland blues or greens. But, apparently the iLevel of the new WotLK greens is too high. I sent a couple level 68-70 WotLK greens for DE and wasn't able to. Oh well, I guess I'll have to start up that DK DE alt sooner than I anticipated.

On the whole, it seems like profession really have a lot to offer and look to be a lot of fun.

#3 Nov 14 2008 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
You may want to switch areas then - most of my guild seems to have started at the undead side and the couple of alchies that talk in chat have been moving along without issues - Org side does seem to be WAY busier.

I've been sending the cloth to my tailor but I dont even thing he's got three full stacks yet - hopefully the drop rates will improve with leveling.

Artic fur seems to be one of the uber-rares right now - I've only had one drop to date and AH is averaging 20g a pop.

My chanter is 375 and I haven't gotten a skill up yet from DEing stuff so not sure if DEing is green or grey to me.
#4 Nov 15 2008 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
My chanter is 375 and I haven't gotten a skill up yet from DEing stuff so not sure if DEing is green or grey to me.

DE'ing stops giving skill-ups at around skill level 50 or 60. I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed.

You may want to switch areas then - most of my guild seems to have started at the undead side and the couple of alchies that talk in chat have been moving along without issues - Org side does seem to be WAY busier.

I'm Alliance, but I don't think switching starting zones would probably matter too much. I thought about it though. Borean Tundra is linked to Stormwind Harbor, so I'd guess that the majority of Alliance went there. Whereas the Orgrimar path to Howling Fjord probably means most Horde went there. But either way, I think there's probably a ton of people in either zone. It'll start to thin out as people level up though.
#5 Nov 15 2008 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Fishing 450. Yeah, lots of time I could be leveling, but I can afford my flyer in...7 more lvls. lol.

Enchanting up to 386 after enchanting my gloves. Was already 385 before wotlk, though.

FA up a lil, but probly should've lvl'd tailoring instead. Was in serious ooo shiney state, one of the first few hundred in UK on my realm, didn't realize cloth drops would be much lower outside the dungeon. :)

Cooking's at 415, need to go to Dalaran to get higher, I think. Saved a buncha fish for later recipes.

Going to look for the new tailoring guide now, though.

#6 Nov 18 2008 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Blacksmithing is really awesome too. I can actually make decent armor :) 445, cant level any more till i get frozen orbs :(
Mining: all i can say is wow. i actually timed/counted my ore in one trip around scholazar err whatever its called.
11 min-76 saronite ore, 18 titanium, and about 3-4 primals at least.
If this keeps up, ore is gonna be like 5g a stack its so plentiful. Then again i was one of prolly the first 100 to get my flyer, so there wasnt hardly any competition.
#7 Nov 18 2008 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
My main is also LW/SKinner..... I hit the max in skinning 2 days after the xpac. There is way too many things laying around that can be skinned. Most of the patterns I can make are not upgrades for any of my toons, so I make armor kits for friends. I have an alt who tailor/enchants that I send leather armor I make for DEing.... that has been working out well so far. Cloth hasn't been dropping very much so far (only 3 stacks).

-Cooking still stuck at 399... just bad luck with drops

-Fishing... I got a bunch of Man 'o War, but I have no idea what they are for.... I did get a gem and a few water motes

-Mining/JC I have only been able to mine one node! It seems like everyone is beating me to the nodes.... I figure that will go away in a week or so when most people go on to higher level ore.

#8 Nov 18 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
giggog, you can fish your way to lvl 415 cooking, right there off the coast of Vengeance Landing. After that, you won't be getting recipe drops that will skill you up; you'll have to earn them by doing the cooking daily quest. (At least that is the way it is now, things could change, I'm sure)

I've gotten 4 of the emotion food recipes. I think there are 5? Don't remember. No skillups from em, just an achievement from eating one of each. Too bad, I was hoping there would be appearance changes or something from them.
#9 Nov 19 2008 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
The Man O War seem to be worthless right now - now known cooking or alchy recipe for them, although pets will eat them.
#10 Nov 19 2008 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
307 posts
Herbalism is a true pain. I'm not sure if it's a genuine lack of nodes, or just that they're all being farmed quickly, but I've seen very few. I'm up to roughly 410 or so (from 385 - GO TAUREN!). I have't looked outside the starter zones yet, so hopefully they'll get better.

Alchemy isn't too bad, despite the lack of herbs - just dinged 400. The recipes still just have one or two ingredients with goldclover being predominant.

Cooking is a blast. I enjoy the daily quests and just bought my first recipe with the badges. Too bad I have to go to Lagaran each day to pick it up. I feel like I'm in that Ah-ha video from the '80's (literal version).

Fishing has been kind of sterile so far, in my opnion. Some variety from the mana ray and herring pools would be nice.

I haven't taken my other toons over yet, except for my inscriptionist (see herbalism critique above).
#11 Nov 19 2008 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
I started over with the release of the expansion (haven't bought it just yet, but plan on doing so as I level up and approach 70), and I had stopped playing before the 3.0 release that brought about significant changes.

Much to my surprise, when I leveled herbalism up to 50, I got a new power! Holy smokes, where'd that come from?

To my greater surprise, when I leveled skinning up to 50, I got +3% crit rate! Sa-weet.

Can't wait to see what else I get later on. Gimme, gimme, gimme...
#12 Nov 19 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Some of the Jewelcrafting items are looking awefully attractive, made it a please to level it. Took 3 days while taking my time. Not to mention green quality gem cuts that sell for more than 75s each? YES PLEASE.

Mining was craziness, had it levelled to 450 on day 1. Sholazar has Saronite everywhere.. 20 stacks in a couple hours. Zul'Drak has Cobalt everywhere, nearly the same speed. I can't see Ore, Bars, or Gems selling for much once the Blacksmiths finish levelling.

On the other hand, it makes levelling a Blacksmith far more attractive knowing you can have the mats for 375-450 in about 4 hours of farming.
#13 Nov 23 2008 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
Fishing-I've only done enough with it to catch the sewer rat in Dalaran and to catch the odd fishing pool for cooking.
Cooking-Slowly but surely levelling's a shame that all the post 400 recipes I know of require 3 daily rewards to buy.
Mining-That one is maxed, it blew up when I hit 77, got my nice fast roflcopter back.
Engineering-This one is maxed as well...and it was a BEAR to finish. The shame with that is my last 9 points (After making the tanking goggles) came from making the gnomish army knife. Ended up making 40-50 of the bloody things for the last nine points.
So far, I'm quite happy with the tradeskills of Wrath though.
#14 Nov 24 2008 at 10:22 AM Rating: Default
Cooking is maxed
Fishing is maxed
Skinning is maxed
LW stuck at 440 (WTB frozen orbs - at least they're down to 500g or so)
1st Aid untouched due to all cloth going to tailor
#15 Nov 24 2008 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
Mining isn't too bad, barely up to smelting saronite, but been taking my time.

Engineering is awesome, not up there at all, but I love selling my overcharged capacitors. and another really nice thing is in borean i can salvage parts off of the machines next to the airstrip. drop rate is pretty low for actually gaining anything useful, but when I do feel like I hit the lottery.
#16 Nov 25 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
I must be lucky on my server.

Maxed Herbalism before 72, most of it off Goldclover in Howling, the rest off Tiger Lily and Talendra's Rose from Frozen Herbs in Dragonblight. I've got quite a stockpile of stuff in the bank. Selling the Goldclover on AH is decent profits as well. I have found that Howling is a better zone than Borean. There seem to be more nodes. I'm sure most have noticed, but Frozen Herbs grow next to trees, so that pretty much rules out central Dragonblight for Herbalism.

Alchemy was going nicely at first, but I've hit a bit of a wall at 421 Skill. Green recipes are proving to be unreliable as they will be grey at 425, and the only yellows are transmutes and the new alchemist stones. Here's to getting lucky with greens, or my next research giving me something good. (First one gave potion of speed)

My best cook isn't my main, and isn't high enough to get into Dalaran without a port, so don't have any of the spiced recipes yet. Still skilling up on green normals though, doesn't seem too bad. 3/4 emotion foods. Bad Clams dropped in UK, Tasty Cupcake and the Haunted one dropped off simple mobs in Borean.

The cook is also my fisher, (need to get my main up in those, so tedious though) but there's fishing nodes allll over the place. Lake and river fishing turns up Suckerfish which sell quite nicely on AH. Don't need them anymore on my alch.

First aid stalled at 400. I have the heavy frostweave pattern, but all frostweave drops I get go towards tailoring or AH.

Tailoring is going slow due to not so hot drop rate on cloth. I recently found a place to farm humanoids, so hopefully that will change.

Enchanting. Oh enchanting. I hate this skill, the only reason I keep it is to DE stuff for mats. No comment on leveling it.
#17 Nov 27 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
490 posts
402 Blacksmithing, and I'm loving it. Definitely easier to farm mats, and I'm actually wearing what I make (probably will replace with drops soon, but I'm just happy they're useful).

I'm actually hopeful that I'll get to 450 fairly soon - one thing I'm wondering about is non-trainer recipes. I haven't seen any on the AH, and am wondering if they're all BoP, or if there aren't as many in LK.
#18 Nov 29 2008 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
408 posts
Mining is pretty easy since it doesn't seem like there are that many people competing for nodes. I just wish the prices would level out. It seems to fluctuate a lot.

First Aid seems near impossible since the cloth hardly ever drops. I imagine Tailoring is the same.

Cooking I haven't done since I was around 40. The same for fishing.

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 12:32pm by Minoran
#19 Nov 30 2008 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
Tailoring has been moving at a snail's pace for me - having sent every scrap of cloth I've gotten to date to my tailor, he's only at 390ish (although tailors tell me that their drop rate is better thanks to the tailor's new cloth harvesting skill). I guess it also doesn't help much that as a LW/Skinner I tend towards critters more then humanoids.
#20 Dec 02 2008 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
62 posts
Mining isn't as bad now but it isn't as profitable now. I remember the first week of the expansion people were fighting over nodes, sometimes dismissing mining etiquette and mining a node that someone already had. That was when Cobalt Ores sold for 100-120g on my server for a stack. Now I believe it's dropped in half. Same goes for Saronite Ore. The first time I sold a stack I was getting upwards of 50-55g for a stack, now it's down to 30-35g. Which isn't bad and now there are more open nodes that anything else. I don't even actively look for nodes, if I'm in the middle of a quest and a node pops up, I'll go mine it.

If/when more higher level BoP designs are implemented for mining I'll probably drop herbalism for BSing and try and mine as many nodes as I can. And since my death knight has only done a handful of pre-BC quests, it'll be a nice break for when I go after the loremaster titles in both lands. Nothing more exciting that using a level 80 character to do quests that were designed for a level 8 toon. *end sarcasm* Wonder if Hogger can beat me?
#21 Dec 03 2008 at 2:04 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
Leveling professions at a slow rate, but then again, I'm in no hurry. Mining is maxed, enchanting at 415 or so, and cooking and fishing both at 400-ish. I'll probably (read for sure) level fishing as I wait by summon stones for people to finish whatever it is they are doing to go into the instance, and that in turn will feed my cooking.

Enchanting will be leveled up as I continue to gear up. No big deal really. I get ring enchants and I DE everything I come across so I'm good there.

I'd like dailies to give a little more gold, but then again I'm always broke ...
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