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How to make money with inscriptionFollow

#1 Mar 01 2009 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Having Money Problems?

I was too until I discovered inscriptioning with patch 2.4 Echoes of Doom. Inscriptioning is really easy to get up if you farm all the herbs yourself. It'll take a few hours to lvl from 1-450 but it'll all be worth it. I make an average of 500 gold per day for just 1 hour or less of work with inscriptioning. How does it work? I'll show you

Once you've grinded to level 450 you might have noticed that some glyphs sell for alot more than others. You also might have noticed that Minor glyphs sell for alot more than the major glyphs do at the lower lvls. Why is that? It's because you have to do Minor Inscription Research every 20 hours to get a new minor inscription. These minor inscription recipes usually sell from 10-20 gold a glyph!! this can help you make easy money at lower lvls by just learning a new recipe everyday and making that item. All minor glyphs only cost 1 ink and the herbs can be easily farmed. As you get into the higher lvls and get into northrend you'll have a new research that you can do everyday. It's called Northrend inscription research. Make sure you do this also every 20 hours as they're alot of glyphs that can be learned while doing this. Once you've hit 450 your probably like "Hey where's this money your talking about???" Patience and will get through this.

Now that you've reached 450 you've probably already have alot of minor glyph recipes and if you havn't yet, make some minor glyphs and put them on the auction house. this alone should make you nearly 200 gold per day if you have 15-20 minor glyph recipes. Here's a list of each class and the minor glyphs that sell the best (According the Arthas server).

Minor Glyphs

Death Knights - Are Op'd (qq)
Glyph of Horn of Winter - (20-30) gold
Glyph of Raise Dead - (25-35) gold
Glyph of Pestilence - (15-25) gold

Druids - Are unkillable in Tree Form (qq)
Glyph of the Wild - (10-20) gold
Glyph of Typhoon - (10-20) gold
Glyph of Thorns - (10-20) gold
Glyph of Challenging Roar - (10-20) gold

Mages - Burst damage is op'd in pvp (qq)
Glyph of Frost Ward (10-20) gold
Glyph of Fire Ward (10-20) gold
Glyph of Arcane Intellect (5-15) gold
Glyph of Penguin (5-25) gold (depends on server)
Glyph of Slow Fall (10-20) gold

Hunters - Surv hunters explosive shot is too explosive (qq)
Glyph of Mend Pet (15-25) gold
Glyph of Revive Pet (10-20) gold
Glyph of Feign Death (20-30) gold
Glyph of Scare Beast (10-20) gold

Rogues - OMFG 2 shotted
Glyph of Blurred Speed (10-20) gold
Glyph of Pick Lock/Pocket (5-15) gold
Glyph of Vanish (20-30) gold

Warlocks - Fear bombed again??? Don't whine get talents to prevent it.
Glyph of Unending Breath (10-20) gold
Glyph of Kilrogg (5-15) gold
Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion (10-20) gold

Warriors - Are they even scary in PvP or is it just me?
Glyph of Bloodrage - (10-30) gold (This glyph jumps in price alot)
Glyph of Thunderclap - (5-20) gold
Glyph of Battle - (15-25) gold

Priests - Dear Blizzard, Please remove Pain suppresion it's SOOOO op'd in arena.
Glyph of Shadow Prot -(10-20) gold
Glyph of Fading - (15-25) gold. Careful there's a major glyph that sounds like this one
Glyph of Shadowfiend - (10-20) gold
Glyph of Levitate - (20-30) gold

Paladins - Reduce duration of divine shield and remove penalty.
Glyph of the Wise - (10-20) gold
Glyph of Kings/Wisdom/Might - (15-30) jumpy 3 glyphs in AH
Glyph of Lay on Hands (5-15) gold

Shamans - Spirit Wolves...... yeah 45 secs of hell.
Glyph of Water Walking - (15-25) gold
Glyph of Ancestral Recall - (10-20) gold
Glyph of Thunderstorm - (15-20) gold
Glyph of Ghost Wolf - (10-30) gold Jumpy glyph
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth - (15-30) gold

Once you've made alot of money with minor glyphs you should be able to have an epic ground mount and possibly even an epic flying mount depending on how well your auctions sold and if you did it everyday. If you have received an epic flying mount Storm Peaks is the greatest place to farm herbs for your northrend glyphs. I personally buy the lower lvl herbs from the auction house. Sometimes the prices are bogus, but i seem to be able to find 20 stacks of herbs for about 20 gold or less and i'll make about about 60-100 gold for that 20 gold of herbs. If you don't wanna buy the auction house herbs you can go farm them yourself but if you really want your time to be worth it you'll just farm northrend herbs and buy low lvl herbs for your glyphs. I'll now post the best selling Major Glyphs that include the northrend major glyphs.

Major Glyphs

Death Knights (20-30)gold glyphs
Glyph of Obliterate
Glyph of Death and Decay
Glyph of Rune Tap
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell (or just call it Nub-magic shell)

Druids (15-25) gold glyphs
Glyph of Swiftmend
Glyph of Regrowth
Glyph of Hurricane
Glyph of Lifebloom

Hunters (10-30) gold glyphs
Glyph of Bestial Wrath
Glyph of Trueshot Aura
Glyph of Snakes - JK sells for crap
Glyph of Steady Shot

Mages (20-30) gold glyphs
Glyph of Frostfire Bolt
Glyph of Molten Armor
Glyph of Water Elemental
Glyph of Arcane Blast

Rogues (15-30) gold glyphs
Glyph of Rupture
Glyph of Ghostly Strike
Glyph of Adrenaline Rush
Glyph of Blade Flurry

Warriors (15-30) gold glyphs
Glyph of Blocking
Glyph of Devastate
Glyph of Last Stand
Glyph of Mortal Strike
Glyph of Bloodthirst

Warlocks (15-30) gold glyphs
Glyph of Siphon Life
Glyph of Felguard
Glyph of Curse of Agony
Glyph of Unstable Affliction

Priests (10-25) gold glyphs
Glyph of Circle of Healing
Glyph of Prayer of Healing
Havn't learned any more good Priest Glyphs yet So i'll update the priests when i can.

Paladins (15-30) gold glyphs
Glyph of Seal of Blood
Glyph of Seal of Light
Glyph of Judgement
Glyph of Seal of Command
Glyph of Flash of Light

Shamans (10-30) gold glyphs
Glyph of Chain Lightning
Glyph of Chain Heal
Glyph of Mana Spring Totem
Glyph of Lava

These are the best northrend glyphs that sell well that i've sold so far and they keep selling which is a bonus. To farm these herbs for these glyphs like a said you can farm herbs in Storm Peaks. you can get cheap herbs off the AH if they're there (Tiger Lily seems to sell for the least so buy that if you want to buy them off the Ah).

This is as of Patch 3.0.9 so i'll update glyphs when the new patches come.

Now if you've stayed with me until the very end I'll let you in a little secret to big bucks$$$. Just a couple days ago I farmed 300 herbs in storm peaks and then i milled all of them with my pally. I got about 20 Snowfall inks outta all the herbs and about 90 Ink of the Sea. I made 3 cards with my snowfall inks and got 2 nobles cards!!!. I got the ace of nobles and the six of nobles. These sell for alot on any server. I decided that i would gouge the market and see if they're were any desperate buyers. normally they sell for 1k gold or less. I put my Ace of nobles up for 2k gold and my Six of Nobles up for 1400 gold. They both sold within 3 hours and i made 3400 gold for 2 hours of herbing in storm peaks!!!, and I still had the 90 ink of seas to make glyphs out of. I then spent another 30 mins making glyphs. the 90 glyphs added another 1500 gold to the number within 3 days. So this can add up pretty fast if your lucky enough to get nobles cards. If you wanna do the safer route you can sell your snowfall ink for about 60 gold a pop or gamble for a nobles card. This profession makes alot of money and I hope it makes you some money too cause there's nothing like be rich while others complain about how they have no gold and they do /beg to get it. Pathetic. Take my advice. Within a month you'll have more than enough money to get gems, enchants, gear and if you save up enough you can get some of the most expensive mounts in the game.

Signed, Thee Warlock of Arthas - (Buwberry) Level 80 Undead Warlock
(Amiilyn) Level 80 Blood Elf Paladin

Edited, Mar 1st 2009 4:58pm by Truewarlockareundead

Edited, Mar 1st 2009 5:05pm by Truewarlockareundead
#2 Mar 01 2009 at 3:02 AM Rating: Excellent
It's all true.
#3 Mar 01 2009 at 4:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Truewarlockareundead wrote:
This profession makes alot of money and I hope it makes you some money too cause there's nothing like be rich while others complain about how they have no gold and they do /beg to get it. Pathetic. Take my advice. Within a month you'll have more than enough money to get gems, enchants, gear and if you save up enough you can get some of the most expensive mounts in the game.

The losers won't listen. They will whine/complain/QQ that it takes 1) too much time 2) too much commitment (have to be raiding/arenaing/BGing instead) AND 3) too much work (why don't you have a solution that will make me gold in the background?). ...or they will say "It's impossible on my server. It can't be done!", which really means that they haven't tried (or they haven't tried properly).
#4 Mar 04 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
I still keep saying that there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel for inscription. This post helps me keep thinking that. My scribe is currently level 38 and capped at 300 skill for the time being. I have all but a handful of the minor inscriptions, which sell well enough on my server but not great. The major glyphs I have available to me don't sell well at all.

Also, don't forget about the scrolls you can make. I've had a little bit of luck selling those (and considering they are freebies from making minor glyphs, it's all gravy). Plus, some of the oddball things like the hunter's pet renaming scroll sells okay, too. Also, occasionally I can sell the lower level versions of armor and weapon enchant scrolls for a wee bit o cash.

Not a big money maker for me...yet. But I'm hopeful. Thanks for the heads up!

Edited, Mar 4th 2009 1:07pm by Dosgamer
#5 Mar 04 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
134 posts
Lol, wow I never knew that Inscribes could make the cards. Thats pretty cool. I'm actually thinking of switching over to it. I currently have Herb and Alch both at max and some of the flasks and elixirs sell at okay amounts. I usually keep my herbs awhile due to keeping my supplies in good healthly with myself. Which is okay but Im not making much out of it. I do hear that Inscribe has some added bomnus to having like a cool shoulder enchant, is there anyothers? Thanks.
#6 Mar 05 2009 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
IMO I'd keep with Alchemy cause flasks seem to sell well on my server and if your an elixir master you can sometimes get 2 for 1 or 5 for 1. Also Alchemists have a hidden ability that goes under the radar sometimes. Your flasks last 4 hours and they're effect is increased by a little. On my lock who's an Alc the Flask of Frost Wyvern gives 125 normally, but to an alchemist it gives 170 spell power. Also you get a nice trinket and will probably be upgraded in some future patch like they did in bc. Inscription glyphs might go down after patch, they might not, cause think of all the people wanting to try different glyph combos and If you spend gold like i do respeccing all time, it seems people never find the perfect combo for their talents and glyphs so the market might not change on them. I'd get a toon or alt and lvl inscription instead if you want to keep alchemy.
#7 Mar 05 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Well at the moment I have potion mastery. Being a pally I used to go through alot before the 3.0 changes. Now I rarely use any potions. I've thought about going to Elixir but Im not too sure who I need to talk to about that. Ya I had the trinket that came out from leveling and had it for a good while too.
#8 Mar 07 2009 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
37 posts
When you get to Weapon/armor vellum III will be hot sellers too. I sell the armor vellum for 6-8 g each and the weapon vellum for 15-18 g each.

My GL's brother claims to have made 25k when WotLK released just selling vellums

Good Luck
#9 Jun 04 2009 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I keep eyeing off Inscription for my new alt...

Are people still making money from following the below above?

Edited, Jun 4th 2009 9:59pm by apothik
#10 Jun 04 2009 at 7:59 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
apothik wrote:
I keep eyeing off Inscription for my new alt...

Are people still making money from following the below above?

Edited, Jun 4th 2009 9:59pm by apothik

Cards are still good, glyphs are always a little tricky because demand varies a lot--I usually do best selling them on demand with my mats.

The books that turn you into a wolf seem fairly popular, but then most people still don't know that they exist. =p
#11 Jun 05 2009 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
260 posts
On my server, we have a couple inscriptionists constantly underpricing everything by 5-15g. You put a glyph up for 15g, they'll put one up for 3g. I'm hoping eventually they'll go broke from the cost of vellum, but they don't seem to realize that they're selling for way less than cost.
#12 Jun 12 2009 at 9:19 PM Rating: Good
On my server, two scribes dumped at least a couple hundred of the major glyphs I was working on for literally 10-20 silver and there were so friggin many that I couldn't buy them to corner the market. Then it screwed up everyone's Auctioneer database so now people think they should only post them for say 30-99 silver. I'm only making money on the glyphs I learn from Minor Inscription Research and even then I'm scanning the auctionhouse before I even make them to be sure there is a reasonable price to be had. I resale on AH to make my real money so I'm trying to ride it out and I hope that I end up like OP. I still make plain old level one vellum sometimes just to kick up some cash through the trade. And I'm putting all kinds of glyphs in my guild bank when I make them to level a point because I'd rather do that then make silver on them.

Idiots can't just undercut you a few silver to keep the market value up and keep the sale and make more money, they have to ***** everything up. Where do they all come from? My elementary school kids play better WOW than that.
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