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Best place for Wool?Follow

#1 Sep 27 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
Started a priest, and figured I'd actually do a profession that makes stuff useful to the class.
So I'm on the Wool part of tailoring, and can not remember where the best/good place to go to get more Wool then Linen.

Tried a few instances, Cath gave me Silk and SFK only netted me 1 stack of wool.

I play horde side, will be farming with an 80. Any help would be awesome ^-^
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#2 Sep 27 2009 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
Sandinmygum wrote:
Started a priest, and figured I'd actually do a profession that makes stuff useful to the class.
So I'm on the Wool part of tailoring, and can not remember where the best/good place to go to get more Wool then Linen.

Tried a few instances, Cath gave me Silk and SFK only netted me 1 stack of wool.

I play horde side, will be farming with an 80. Any help would be awesome ^-^

Any 20-25 area with lots of humanoids would be good for wool...that seems to be the sweet spot. Past 25 and you start seeing more silk than is ideal (but you'll need it when you're done with wool, anyway). Defias humanoids in southern Duskwood, cultist humanoid guys in NW Ashenvale. If you were Alliance I'd suggest running Stockades until your eyes bleed, but that's not very helpful >.<

#3 Sep 27 2009 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
If you can manage to get into Stockades, which shouldn't be too horrible if you're on a PVE server or play a survivable class, then I'd say it's hands-down the best place to go.
#4 Sep 27 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
hmm. I guess I could try and get into Stock. Could try and make it a Guild thing, might survive longer lol.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#5 Sep 27 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Sandinmygum wrote:
hmm. I guess I could try and get into Stock. Could try and make it a Guild thing, might survive longer lol.

If you can get there once, you should be okay. Just clear it out (it's 100% humanoids inside...and lots of them in a relatively small area) and then you can peek your head outside, reset, and go back in. If you're at full health when you exit, someone would have to be very bored and very quick on the draw to root you and kill you before you could get back inside. Hardest part is just getting there, but if you know the way you can pretty much bust through the main gates and corpse hop your way to the dungeon. It's not all that far.
#6 Sep 27 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
Sandinmygum wrote:
hmm. I guess I could try and get into Stock. Could try and make it a Guild thing, might survive longer lol.

If you can get there once, you should be okay. Just clear it out (it's 100% humanoids inside...and lots of them in a relatively small area) and then you can peek your head outside, reset, and go back in. If you're at full health when you exit, someone would have to be very bored and very quick on the draw to root you and kill you before you could get back inside. Hardest part is just getting there, but if you know the way you can pretty much bust through the main gates and corpse hop your way to the dungeon. It's not all that far.

Yea i know how to get there, its just the busting through part lol. When Horde die and go to the Graveyard, it is the Graveyard down by Redridge's zone. So the run back is boring, and if peeps in town cropse camp me.. ugh. When i did it on my Hunter, when he was lvl 70 (right after they added achivments) it took be a good 7 corpse hops to get inside the instance XD.

Zoning out might tough. I will probably pull hate, and if there are lv80+ guards.. :3 i don't remember what is there, but I know there are NPCs close enough to argo me.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 Sep 27 2009 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
I assume this is your troll priest. You can try out southern barrens with all of the little boar guys.
#8 Sep 27 2009 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
Anobix the Brilliant wrote:
I assume this is your troll priest. You can try out southern barrens with all of the little boar guys.

To farm? Oh no XD
Farming the wool for him to use for skill ups.

I made it in (took DK, Hunter already had it cleared). Only died once getting there, and that was due to a Guard landing a hit that stunned me for a few sec, allowing all the other guards to catch up and pwn me.

2 runs, 5 stacks of wool and some Greens for when he turns 19-20. To tired to run anymore, so I hugged the 2 who were outside (I guess waiting for me? They were on my corpse when I ran back) and logged.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#9 Sep 28 2009 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
288 posts
i hate to say it....but farm the AH.

how long would it take you to corpse run into the stocks? 30Min? 45? and then another 15minutes to clear the stocks?

take that time to run dailies. 3-4 dalies is like 35+ gold. take said gold to the AH and win.

just my thoughts.
#10 Sep 28 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
233 posts
When I wanted to farm wool I went to the keep place which is South East ish of Tarren Mill. Durnhold Keep or something? too lazy to look up the name

When cloth dropped it seemed to be about 75% wool.
#11 Sep 28 2009 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
390 posts
Deadmines got me 4+ stacks of linen and 4+ stacks of wool in a single run. No guards to mess with either.
#12 Sep 28 2009 at 11:25 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
I seem to recall Razorfen Downs yielding a ton of wool (or was it Razorfed Kraul? The lower level one, at any rate.)
#13 Sep 28 2009 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
I would say just one thing ,,Buy it .

My reasoning is this, no matter where you go mobs drop either linen/wool or slightly better for your trade skills wool/silk , no mobs seem to drop more than about 20% cloth at best so that means around 10% chance of wool at the very best from every kill and as you can skill up on making bolts of wool i would buy it make bolts of wool and all it takes is a few items being made of wool and you can start on silk.

That is what i did on my Mage and i sold the excess bolts of wool and made a small profit as i was disenchanting what few items i had made , i would never even think about farming just for wool as it is such a low drop rate compared to either linen or silk .

I think RFK is worth farming however but needs an alt that is a skinner for the slightly better profit making , i do it on a regular basis but not for the cloth drops and on my skinner alts can make around 100g sometimes 200g+ each clear as i usually get at least 1 blue and around 25-30 green items each run and i can do it in around an hour or less depending on the alts level.
#14 Sep 29 2009 at 6:47 AM Rating: Excellent
For all of you who said to buy Wool, you must play on a realm where Wool is cheap.

It goes for 12-20g a stack on my realm.

how long would it take you to corpse run into the stocks? 30Min? 45? and then another 15minutes to clear the stocks?

take that time to run dailies. 3-4 dalies is like 35+ gold. take said gold to the AH and win.

less than 5 to get there. I ran in, made it all the way to a bridge, a Guard managed to Stun me, and the other 8 pwned me.
The run back to a few min, raised, ran..zoned.

15min was about the time. But it only took me maybe 7min to clear it. the rest of the time was looting, then dropping junk.

On the plus side, my DK now has Stock achievements (i play horde) and I'm done with Wool part of Tailoring.

The down side, my Troll is only lvl 10 and WoW's rules say I have to be higher level to raise my Tailoring anymore (capped at 150).
But I'm ready with silk. God do I have silk... XD
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#15 Sep 29 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
My understanding is that the general price of wool is higher for Horde on all servers primarily because they don't have easy access to the Stockade.

How is Shadowfang Keep for wool farming? It's right in between the level range of Deadmines and Stocks and is full of humanoids. Unfortunately my only experience with it was going in briefly for an Alliance paladin quest.
#16 Sep 30 2009 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
OK, I will toss in my not so secret place to farm Wool. Both sides can go there, but best place for horde I have found is south Barrens in the digsite.
North of RFD/RFK there is also a keep on the hill. loop around camp, go through keep if you want, but you hardly ever run out of mobs in the digsite.
Can't find name but location 48,84 should put you inside. Make sure to kill the flyer group near the top, he drops some greens.
#17 Oct 01 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
HunterJones wrote:
My understanding is that the general price of wool is higher for Horde on all servers primarily because they don't have easy access to the Stockade.

How is Shadowfang Keep for wool farming? It's right in between the level range of Deadmines and Stocks and is full of humanoids. Unfortunately my only experience with it was going in briefly for an Alliance paladin quest.

Wool can reach high prices Alliance side as well, mainly because it's the least commonly dropped cloth and people skilling up first aid on alts keep the demand steady. It's almost as though tailoring is an afterthought when it comes to the general use of wool. Even though Stockades is easily accessible for Alliance, it still requires time and effort that some people are happier to forgo for the sake of a quick trip to the AH.
#18 Oct 03 2009 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
Deadmines or the pirates south of Rachet just along the coast. If you're buy yourself and high enough level you should be able to pick up a lot clearing it on the way in and clearing it again on the way out.
#19 Oct 03 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Nice to see you sorted out the wool collecting.

I forgot about the mad prices that wool can sometimes get to be, I would still have paid for the wool and i would have still easily made a profit as i would have wandered through RFK a couple of times and made myself around 300g profit and of course had some silk for when i was ready for the next level of tailoring , but each to their own way and at least you got the achievement of doing the stockades as a horde player.
#20 Oct 06 2009 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
Wool can reach high prices Alliance side as well, mainly because it's the least commonly dropped cloth

I'm not doubting you, but I have to say, this surprises me somewhat, mainly because I'd always thought it was Mageweave that was in shortest supply. Mind, that could just be my personal experience, biased by the fact that my main can easily clear stocks in a few minutes whenever wool is required (rare, but alts have to have 1st aid) <awaits incoming downrates from tailors, protesting that I have an alt with tailoring too!> ;-)
#21 Oct 13 2009 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
BTW I was wrong the pirates south of Ratchet don't drop wool, they drop linen. BUT the Blackrock Orcs in the Redwood Mountains do drop wool. There's a cave with several of them just north of Lakeshire.
#22 Oct 13 2009 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
If you're at full health when you exit, someone would have to be very bored and very quick on the draw to root you and kill you before you could get back inside.

And I don't play on your server.

I love ganking Hordies farming Stockade.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#23 Oct 15 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
There is a spot I used to get lots of wool for my undead characters in Silverpine. I think it's called Fenris Island, the big one with the gnolls and a large keep. There are a few quests that lead out there, and I always found it a good spot for dropping wool. Lots of mobs, you can farm there for hours if needed. I think the mobs are level 18-22. I just finished it the other night since I started an undead warrior and took him through Silverpine.
#24 Oct 15 2009 at 10:05 PM Rating: Good
KradortheDruid wrote:
When I wanted to farm wool I went to the keep place which is South East ish of Tarren Mill. Durnhold Keep or something? too lazy to look up the name

When cloth dropped it seemed to be about 75% wool.

mikelolol wrote:
There is a spot I used to get lots of wool for my undead characters in Silverpine. I think it's called Fenris Island, the big one with the gnolls and a large keep. There are a few quests that lead out there, and I always found it a good spot for dropping wool. Lots of mobs, you can farm there for hours if needed. I think the mobs are level 18-22. I just finished it the other night since I started an undead warrior and took him through Silverpine.

These places^^ and the human farmers around the Hillsbrad Fields in the west of Hillsbrad Foothills. But I do remember once saying in guild chat that I found the 'Woolmine' while I was farming Durnhold Keep :P
#25 Oct 16 2009 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Just make sure the time input for farming is worth the time you could have farmed something else and just BOUGHT the cloth...

Just for the sake of discussion... Our goal is to farm enough cloth to move us out of that level of cloth tailoring and onto the next... (i.e. enough Linen to start on wool items).

Let's say in 1 hr of farming (Mining, Herb, skin) or running dailies you can get 100G. (Estimate - just using nice round numbers...)

If you can't farm the level of cloth @ AH prices of 100G per hour - then you are better off just buying it. I mean I just checked my AH prices on linen. Stacks of 20 were going for <50S... There is no reason to farm it at those prices. Even if you only buy 10 stacks and farm the rest...

Linen, Silk, and Runecloth often fall into this category.

The tougher (more $$$) ones tend to be (in order) Mageweave, Wool, and Nether.

I don't really know why. Mageweave and wool have a tight level band for mob drops. Nether still seems pretty useful.

Hope it helps.
#26 Oct 18 2009 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
Go through the Deadmines (Yes, it's an alliance-controlled area). If you're on a PvE server, you shouldn't have any problems unless you decide to flag yourself, or do something silly like attack the Quest NPC's or Vendors. You'll also get yourself an achievement.
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