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Which profession have you gotten the least out of?Follow

#1 Jul 25 2010 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
Leather working - that's gone pretty static for my main - its not worth the cost to buy/make the IC rep patterns for me and I really don't have anything that's high demand on the AH - all I do now is make the occasional leg patch for myself or friends when they upgrade. However, the profession served me well for leveling and gave me a couple of nice 200 level items to start myself with at level 80 (this was when the xpac first came out, thus giving me a big edge tanking heroics when I dinged) so I give LW thumbs up for leveling but thumbs down for maintaining.

JC - a good consistent profession as the cuts help all my toons with leveling and gear upgrades. I'm sure I could make some nice cash playing the AH with my gems but I've got too many alts who are constantly upgrading gear to spare any so thumbs up for both leveling and maintaining.

Alchemy - like JC - my alchy alt stays busy making flasks and since all my toons do the fishing dailies I've got a steady supply of pygmy oil to make into Guru elixirs for AH bait. The xmutes are invaluable for making metas or simply convertering earth to useful elements, being able to turn "trash" gems into the 10k pvp honor gems is priceless and saronite to titanium isn't half bad either, plus, every three days I do my research for a shot at free flasks - definitely thumbs up for leveling and maintaining.

Tailoring - haven't made any new gear in a while, so it's on par with LW in that the patches are the only upgrades it makes, however, there's the bags - as a packrat the 20 and 22 slot bags are priceless to me, plus, I make some nice cash turning netherweave cloth into AH bait so thumb up for leveling and maintenance.

Enchanting - same as JC - it's a miracle I'm able to keep any chanting mats in stock - if I spent a weekend doing nothing but randoms on my chanter toon then I'd probably make a grand or two selling the disenchanted mats on the AH - two thumbs up again.

Engineering - was beautiful for leveling having all those wonderful toys to give my toon an edge when it's gear sucked (leveled as a ret pally - engineering is a must for that class spec IMO) and of course the goggles were wonderful when the toon could finally wear them - better then any 200 level gear out there. Sadly, the skill's post leveling use is minimal - the occasional scope and ammo for my hunter is nice and Jeeves and Molly are nothing to sneeze at if I get a group that's willing to chain run randoms but I open up my engineering window so rarely I swear there's a puff of dust and cobwebs when I do. So thumbs up for leveling but thumbs down for maintenance.

Inscription - except for the shoulder chants the rest of it is fairly useless when leveling. Occasionally I'll have a use for the hearth scrolls but that might be once a month. The cards are basically one shot wonders and the rewards from them barely last long enough to justify the cost. The darkmoon cards are questionable as the cost to make seems to exceed the cost of just buying them outright - really about the only use for leveling are the shoulder buffs (extremely nice though) and the scrolls that can replicate the priest STA buff (but not till you hit 80). Yes, you get all the scrolls you can eat but now that they've nerfed stacking them with each other and many other buffs the benefit of scrolls is minimal. Maintenance is slightly better as, assuming your inscriptionist leveled first and has everything, you can hook up alts, plus, there's a good number of good AH inscriptions out there. Still though, I have to wonder if it wouldn't have been more profitable to simply sell the plants and buy what the inscriptions. Thumb down for leveling and thumb sideways for maintenance.

Blacksmithing - none of my toons have this profession but my brother's warrior does and he ranks it with LW.

As a side note, LW, Tailoring, Engineering and BS all have some personal buffs akin to the inscriptionist shoulder buffs.

My inscriptionist hasn't dinged 80 yet so maybe those priest buff scrolls will prove uber useful but for now, I'm calling that trade skill as the one I've gotten the least out of.
#2 Jul 27 2010 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
I don't really do anything with my professions.

I use my JC to make cut gems for my ever changing gear.

My scribe has glyphs whenever I need one or two.

I never use engineering but then again I rarely play my dk and just got him to 80.

Tailoring it nice for bags, selling a 400g glacial bag a week isn't too bad, plus with that skill of possibly getting extra cloth really helps.

I used to make a killing on flasks before mr. frostypants came along with his virtually free frost lotus, and when I had an Ulduar 10 at my disposal. But then since flask prices dropped and I lost my ulduar since I went on vacation one week, so I've since then given up on that.

I can't remember, I don't think I have any other maxed professions at the time. Leveling BS, but it's a pain in my *** right now.
#3 Jul 28 2010 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
436 posts
Currently? All of them. And it's very depressing.

I keep hoping that as I level professions on each new toon (5 80's + 2 almost there) that one of them will click and I'll find a moneymaker. Haven't yet.

JC was going well for awhile but now the gem market is so tanked the raws are selling for about the same price as cut. I used to be able to buy raw epics for 150-175 and sell cuts for 200-225; now they're all in the 145-155 range making it pointless.

Alchemy is the same way where mats are roughly the same cost as product. I used to to the transmute gem -> send to jc deal but but actual profit kind of gone it seems more reasonable to just hold on to the gems for use.

Blacksmithing has never done anything but lose me mass amount of gold. I finished leveling it about 3 months ago on my pally and still have 3 Titansteel items that have been put up for auction about 10 times now (even at massive undercut) and not sold. Just . . .nobody wants this stuff. At all, ever, apparently.

LW I still don't have completely maxed but it's at 441 I think. The legplates actually did turn me a decent income as I seem to be able to sell those for 175-ish pretty steadily. Haven't tried this for a couple months or so though so I'm not sure if this still rings true.

My engineer doesn't look to be making much but the utility of AH in dal and all the gadgets is at least personally useful. I'm hoping to get this maxed and try the chopper business.

Enchanting has thusfar been a massive cash sink as well. Hopefully that will turn around at endgame. There are sooooo many mats required for leveling this, and nothing on the AH that isn't ridiculously priced. Plus I'm losing out on everything that usually gets vendored along the way while leveling so cash on hand is shorter than usual.

Honestly, most of my AH income has been from farmed raw mats.
#4 Jul 28 2010 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
970 posts
I guess I'm luckier than most. My server has a fairly consistent, if low, level of demand and not many serious players in markets for crafted goods.

- Enchanting has been consistently good, and is still positive now although a number of johnny-come-latelies have overproduced a number of recipes, and the resulting price war has bid them down to mat cost or below. However, even if I hadn't made enough off leveling to pay for leveling, cloak enchants during the Fire Festival would have cleared my debt. And the still-useful BC recipes are a profitable, if not quick, sale.

- LW is an obscene profit-maker on the ToC/ICC patterns that don't take up a set slot. Now that primordials are dropping with the hardcore raiders finally full-up on Frost gear, I can make a great percentage at a price point which increases the volume I sell (i.e. way more people will buy at 8k than at 10k). Leg armor used to be great, but falling orb prices increased the number of sellers and higher Arctic Fur prices have killed the margin.

- JC was great, but word finally got around that you can dump Triumph emblems and Stone Keeper's Shards for raw epics. Now everyone and his brother are cutting their "free" gems and selling them for whatever. I can still cut a purchased raw gem and flip it for 25-30g, but I have to choose the cut carefully based on the market at the time, and the volume is 1/3 of what it was two months ago - with a lot of returns due to being undercut.

- Alchemy, on the other hand, is just like everyone else. I could sell flasks for mat cost, but not even many of those due to people who think that since they farmed their mats, the mats were "free". Transmute Mastery is still a moneymaker, but it's sunk a bit due to the market, although the removal of cooldown on Saronite->Titanium was valuable before the last patch killed botting (which is where I assume the cheap dumped ore on the AH came from).

- I don't use gathering professions anymore. Haven't retrained them, but don't spend as much time flying around Storm Peaks waiting for Ulduar to start.
#5 Jul 28 2010 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
At 450 skill I have Herb, Mining, and Alche.

My Troll hunter is a Enchanter/Alche, all I do with him is DE stuff and make Pots/Flasks for my other toons. I'm too lazy to lvl his enchanting to cap due to their being about 4 other enchanters in my guild. If I need something, I can get the mats and they can do the chants. I did however PL Alchemy on him a few weeks back. I only make pots for my DK (main) and for my Warrior that I'm lvl up (HP pots, Def pots, etc.). And I transmute saronite ores into titanium

My Main DK is the Herb and Miner. I do all the farming I need for my professions on him. He is also the "money maker" due to the farming.

My lv62 (or 63) Warrior is both JC and BS. I fig at 80 these would be the best professions for him. All I do is mass farm on the DK, and send what is needed over. JC is capped at 375, and BS is not too far behind.

My hunter use to be a skinner, and I use to make bank when Arctic Fur sold for a pretty penny, but then I found myself never selling them anymore. So I dropped it and picked up the Alchemy. BUT, with BS I keep finding myself needing leathers...
I have to pay the AH fees rather then farm them up ><

Most of my professions are just for ME to use. I've made some money off what I make due to farming the mats, so I can sell the stuff for a low amount and make a total profit.

One thing I liked about FFXI to WoW, is I could be a profession player on FFXI.
Lv1 characters with max professions? yea I had a few. It was like playing a NPC.
Do wish you could do that in WoW (or have more than 2 professions XD)
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#6 Jul 28 2010 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
I keep hoping that as I level professions on each new toon (5 80's + 2 almost there) that one of them will click and I'll find a moneymaker. Haven't yet.

No one profession will keep you in gold on the AH - you've got to look around and rotate them as other people catch on to whatever discovery you've made.

For example, my LW made an obscene killing on the mining bags for a while as he was apparently the first one on the server to put them in the AH. Then I started cleaning up with Outland herb bags until others saw I was making cash. Guru elixirs were going for 5g each until the rest of the alchemists discovered them (and people were pretty much giving away the pygmy oil on the AH). Etc, etc, etc - you just gotta find the niche and farm the hell out of it until everyone else sees it too.

Alchemy is the same way where mats are roughly the same cost as product. I used to to the transmute gem -> send to jc deal but but actual profit kind of gone it seems more reasonable to just hold on to the gems for use.

Xmute your scrap gems and elements into the 10k pvp gems - they're still going for triple digits (on my server at least) both cut and uncut. That failing just turn earth into shadow or some other elemental xmute that can earn you a few bucks each day - cash adds up fast like that.
#7 Jul 29 2010 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
My main is a rogue that I've been playing for about 5 years and the entire time he has been skinning/leatherworking.... I honestly didn't use it but maybe twice during all of vanilla sadly.... TBC game me hope but I felt like outside of using the drums I still didn't get use.... Even during Wrath, the best I could hope for was some slight profit off of armor kits and an underwhelming bracer enchant.... For some reason though, I feel as those these professions are a part of who my rogue is so I can't bring my self to change.... Sometimes sticking with it isn't the best idea.... I need to learn when to give up....

My hunter on the other hand, has mining and engineering and I could think of a better combination.... I got to make myself an amazing chopper mount along with some super fun gadgets and convenient transporters.... I can sell my extra ore on the AH for a decent amount since I rarely use Titanium or Titansteel too....
#8 Jul 29 2010 at 1:41 PM Rating: Default
I gotta disagree with you on the LW and your rogue - you have to remember how much slower and harder leveling was for LK's release vs now so you got some good gear to make at various dings and it lasted more then three or four instances (rested XP plus heirloom shoulders and chest plus the fishing contest ring means that's all it takes to ding my alt now - I'm getting 6k a kill in Nexus).

I totally forgot about the drugs though, admittedly, their value is decreasing as my toon's gear is getting to the point that buffs don't help anymore in normal instances.
#9 Jul 30 2010 at 7:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,422 posts
[incoming QQ alert]]
Inscription, without a doubt. More often than not, I'll put a set of glyphs on the AH, and practically before I've even logged off, they've already been undercut three times over by the 24/7 AH players. I guess it's not so bad if you have nothing better to do than sit at the auction house all day and cancel/relist over and over ********************* but, I don't have that luxury.

I should just make a bonfire and throw all my friggin' gold on it. It'd be faster than leveling Inscription.
#10 Jul 30 2010 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
1,175 posts
The profession I've gotten the least out of is Engineering (silly me thinking that I could pull a few bucks out of it). The profession I've put the least in is Jewelcrafting. I despise dailies, regardless of how simple or fast they might be, and the other way of building the profession would run me an absurd amount of cash. I do not like how JC has been implemented for Wrath. I much prefer the epic BC cut method.
#11 Aug 02 2010 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
On my main character, I have level 450 Herbalism and Inscription... Unfortunately, the only profession I really use right now is Herbalism. I just generally auction the herbs I gather for money, because glyphs truly sell for rubbish gold on my server. The only thing I actually still use Inscription for is to make glyphs for my alts and friends...

And on my alts, I've got a Priest who is leveling Skinning and Tailoring, and a Death Knight who's leveling Mining and Blacksmithing. Not sure if they will actually still have a use at level 450, but it least it spends the time. :P
#12 Aug 02 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Got a holy pala so have JC450 for 42int and BS450 for 40int also can make alot money with blacksmith by buying mats for Eternal belt buckles and make like 75% profit on them.

On my alt mage i have Inscription450 why i dont know and Mining450 for gold :D
#13 Aug 02 2010 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
I have never gotten much out of Blacksmithing, though maybe I never gave it a fair shot. It' been awhile since I've tried levelling it on a toon, so I never had a higher level toon to bank it. A bank certainly helps with the crafting profs. ;)

I have, however, given Inscription a fair shake, and really didn't enjoy it or get much out of it. :(

Edited, Aug 2nd 2010 4:34pm by Earthhorse
#14 Aug 03 2010 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
It appears the darkmoon cards are less then worthless even with the fair in town and practically giving away the individuals and the decks - so much for inscription's last hope.
#15 Aug 05 2010 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Inscription, without a doubt. More often than not, I'll put a set of glyphs on the AH, and practically before I've even logged off, they've already been undercut three times over by the 24/7 AH players. I guess it's not so bad if you have nothing better to do than sit at the auction house all day and cancel/relist over and over ad-@#%^ing-infinitum, but, I don't have that luxury.
I know several folks who do this, and they really don't spend more than an hour or so total time on it each day(5-10 minutes several times daily), and make ridiculous money doing it.

Well, at least they did. I haven't talked to them about it in a month so I can't really say if its the same now.
#16 Aug 06 2010 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
It seems Inscription is a popular culprit here. I'll go post a suggestion on the beta forums that they make some changes to make inscription useful in some manner for those that have it maxed. If there isn't any benefit to leveling it, people are going to stop doing so and then we won't have any glyphs.
#17 Aug 06 2010 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
1,716 posts
PigtailsOfDoom, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
If there isn't any benefit to leveling it, people are going to stop doing so and then we won't have any glyphs.

It's okay, I already have other professions maxed on my other characters, so my scribe will always stay my scribe-and if I'm one of fewer people making glyphs, then more money for me! :D
#18 Sep 30 2010 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I think that the BS, Tailor, LW skills were all super useful at 80 on day 1. They get you that quick access to Epic Gear that you needed. However, after that the cost of the inputs is so great that they just suffer badly from the cost/benefit analysis all crafters must do.

Take for example my Cumbusion Bracers (I think that's the right name - i don't recall - they are the caster bracers from Pre-ICC)

The cost of the mats + the time to make some of the advanced cloth (Which requires CDs) + the damn orbs leaves you open to several problems:

1. The cost might be more than you could buy the item straight up on the AH.
2. The time (Special cloth) is so great that you could simply run raids to get something comparable/better.
3. The TIP required for some of these things often prices me out of the market. If an item is going for 2,000 on the AH and the mats cost 1,800..... I can't ask for >200G
#19 Oct 11 2010 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
Blacksmithing on my warrior. Its been nothing but a money pit from the get go, at least for me. With my LW at least i could find small niches on the AH i could work with and profit from on occasion. But, with BS it might just be that i didnt give it enough time / had too much competition. As others seem to have done fairly well with it.
#20 Oct 17 2010 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
Which profession have I gotten the least out of? What a question! Long-time posters will remember that I think that most crafting professions are a waste of time, and that gathering is the way to go )including disenchanting as a gathering skill). Now I think that crafting skills are the best thing in the world... for other players. Go right ahead and craft, because I know that you can't ever gather your own mats and level at the same rate as adventuring. You guys that craft all have to end up buying mats from the AH.

"But I have a miner (herbalist, skinner, whatever)! He supplies my needs!" Oh, great - now you have to wait on your miner for your mats, and instead of just slowing yourself down, you are also slowing your miner down and depriving your miner of the mats he could sell at the AH and get wealthy. I think that's OK. Even with you having a miner, sometimes getting the last eternium bar that you need for an item is just taking too long. That's when you will end up buying from me. Yes, you will buy less, but you will level both toons at a reduced rate and you will have to keep your (additional) miner (assuming that your crafter is already a miner) at the same rate as your primary toon.

OK, there really is a reason for crafting. You guys make some nifty stuff, and I sometimes buy it (but I seldom buy more than one unless its a consumable). It's something I can spend my copious gold on, and it keeps you crafters happy, crafting, and buying my mats.

Oh, yeah - end game stuff. The profession has to have an extremely good bonus and/or an item or teo that's better than anything that drops. If it doesn't then it's probably worthless. But remember that to switch into a new profession at 80 means that you have to power-level it. Where are you gonna get the mats? From me, of course!

Edited, Oct 17th 2010 10:49am by ohmikeghod
#21 Oct 18 2010 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

OK, there really is a reason for crafting. You guys make some nifty stuff, and I sometimes buy it (but I seldom buy more than one unless its a consumable). It's something I can spend my copious gold on, and it keeps you crafters happy, crafting, and buying my mats.

Oh, yeah - end game stuff. The profession has to have an extremely good bonus and/or an item or teo that's better than anything that drops. If it doesn't then it's probably worthless. But remember that to switch into a new profession at 80 means that you have to power-level it. Where are you gonna get the mats? From me, of course!

The profit margin - even on my server - for ilvl 245 LW gear was 500-1000g per unit, and on ilvl 264 gear was 2500-3000g per unit.

And in Cataclysm we'll be able to craft starter raid gear, as opposed to starter heroic gear. All of it BoE. Then we can use the patterns that drop in raids.

It's necessary that there be both crafters and gatherers, and as long as they both think they're making money off the efforts of the other, the system is sustainable...
#22 Oct 19 2010 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
ElMuneco wrote:
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

OK, there really is a reason for crafting. You guys make some nifty stuff, and I sometimes buy it (but I seldom buy more than one unless its a consumable). It's something I can spend my copious gold on, and it keeps you crafters happy, crafting, and buying my mats.

Oh, yeah - end game stuff. The profession has to have an extremely good bonus and/or an item or teo that's better than anything that drops. If it doesn't then it's probably worthless. But remember that to switch into a new profession at 80 means that you have to power-level it. Where are you gonna get the mats? From me, of course!

The profit margin - even on my server - for ilvl 245 LW gear was 500-1000g per unit, and on ilvl 264 gear was 2500-3000g per unit.

And in Cataclysm we'll be able to craft starter raid gear, as opposed to starter heroic gear. All of it BoE. Then we can use the patterns that drop in raids.

It's necessary that there be both crafters and gatherers, and as long as they both think they're making money off the efforts of the other, the system is sustainable...

The profit you're talking about is for when you've reached the top of the profession. You don't start raking in the big gold until then. All of the time that you were leveling (or when you powered up your profession, you were either buying from the AH or you were out spending time farming when you could have been finishing quests. By the time you reached the professional level you need to get that big profit margin, you've not only made me rich, but wealthy enough to purchase your iLvl254 gear and have enough left over for a mammoth or two.

I'll have to admit that my toons don't do much gathering after they hit 80. They are already rich enough that they don't need more gold, and what they make casually from drops and rewards and casual gathering (as opposed to farming) is enough to make a small profit on. Once you have all you need, there just isn't a reason to become richer. Crafters have to work their end-game crafting professions in order to finally be able to get the nifty stuff, while my toon becomes semi-retired.

Edited, Oct 19th 2010 10:15am by ohmikeghod
#23 Oct 19 2010 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

The profit you're talking about is for when you've reached the top of the profession. You don't start raking in the big gold until then. All of the time that you were leveling (or when you powered up your profession, you were either buying from the AH or you were out spending time farming when you could have been finishing quests. By the time you reached the professional level you need to get that big profit margin, you've not only made me rich, but wealthy enough to purchase your iLvl254 gear and have enough left over for a mammoth or two.

I don't think we really disagree all that much.

I'm pretty sure it'd be easy to find comments from me in other threads recommending two gathering profs until your account has a nest egg (might be just the first toon, might take a few). My first main was, and still is, herb/alch, and the alchemy was just for personal use at first, since I hadn't discovered the economy for 30 levels or so.

I'm just advocating, after you have that safety margin, not going overboard on gathering on new toons, and certainly not continuing to spend time farming to make money (as opposed to leveling e.g. smelting to the point you can make/derive everything you need).

Also, in the specific case of Jewlcrafting (prospecting) and Enchanting (disenchanting), leveling them up should be at worst zero-sum, even if you don't farm your own mats. Leveling those two is a serverwide pyramid scheme, so as long as you're not the last one to level, you can pass on the cost to the next set of levelers.

It's a calculation that every individual has to make based on their own situation. The change to cause gathering nodes to generate XP means that gathering-while-leveling is more lucrative since less time is "wasted". On the other hand, the IF bank doesn't pay interest - you should be making your balance work for you, and it does the most work when you're at or near the crafting cap.
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