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#1 Dec 07 2010 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Have work so had to sleep last night - anyone want to start giving input on it?
#2 Dec 07 2010 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
As of about 10am server time this morning I started working on Archeology myself. In that time I've uncovered (And are working on) the following items:

(as of 2.49 pm {this post} I am at 99 Archaeology and switching from Kalimdor to the Eastern Kingdoms to see if I can't dig up more Troll and Dwarf items)

Working off of a level 80 Troll Priest; starting Archaeology within the area of Kalimdor

Levels 1-75 harvested 1 or 2 Fragments each dig
Levels 76-150 harvested 3 fragments each dig

~~Night Elves~~

First group: 30 finds
Discover: Scandalous Silk Nightgown (common)
Flavor Text: This rather flimsy garmet is woven in a fine mesh, most likely of spider silk. The cloth is a silvery white that subtly shifts color in the light.
Zones: Southwind Village (Silithus),Ruins of Eldre'thar (Stonetalon Mountains), Irontree Woods (Felwood), Ruins of Isildien (Feralas)

Second Group
Discover: Highborne Pyxis (common)
Flavor text: This is a small box of delicate ceramic, probably used to store cosmetics, jewelery or other small items belonging to a Highborne lady. The clasp is of silver and fashioned to look like two acorns and a holly leaf
Zones Mannoroc Coven and Ethel Rethor (Descolace), Ruins of Ordil'aran and Forest Song (Ashenvale), Ruins of Eldarath area (Azshara)

Third Group
Discovers: Necklace with Elune Pendant (common)
Flavor Text: Elune is the primary goddess of the Night Elves. She is associated with the larger of the two moons, the White Lady. While she is a goddess of peace, she is not a pacifist. One of her aspects is the Night Warrior, who takes the valiant among the dead and sets them riding across the sky as stars.
Zones: Dire Maul (The Maul - Feralas), Oneiros, Ruins od Isildien (Feralas)

Fourth Group
Discovers: Cloak Clasp with Antlers (common)
Flavor Text: This Clasp if Fashioned of lacquered wood carved to resemble stag antlers. On the reverse is engraved the name "Pyramond" in Darnassian.
Digs: 35 (Highborne Scroll reduces the amount of fragments needed to complete)
Locs: Southwind Village (Silithus), Dire Maul (The Maul - Feralas), Ruins of Eldarath area (Azshara) Morlos'Aran, Jaedenar (Felwood)
Specialty: Highborne Scroll found on dig Text reads "Keystone that can complete Nigh Elf Archaeology artifacts with Missing Fragments"

Fift Group
Discovers: Coin from Eldre'Thalas (Common)
Flavor Text:
Digs: 35 (Highborne scroll decreases)
Loc's: Ethel Rethor (Descolace)

First Group: 30 Finds
Discovery: Fetish of Hir'eek (common)
Flavor Text:
Zones: Southmoon Ruins and Eastmoon Ruins Zul'Farrak(Tanaris),

Specialties: Troll Tablets: "Keystone that can complete Troll Archaeology artifacts with missing fragments"

first group 31
Discovery Black Trilobite (common)
Flavor Text: Trilobites are extinct crustaceans that apparently were once quite diverse and numerous across Azeroth. Myths persist of living trilobites of supposedly epic proportions.
Loc's Valley of Bones (Descolace). Lakkari Tar Pits, The Screaming Reahes, Terror Run(Un'goro Crater). Wyrmbog and Dragonmurk (Dustwallow Marsh)

Second Group
Discovery: Beautiful Preserved Fern (common)
Flavor Text: Ferns are primitive plants that have stems, leaves and roots. But no seads or flowers. They reproduce via spores, much like mushrooms. In ancient times, ferns occupied the niche that Flowers do today.
Locs: Fields of Blood {North east of Vendetta pt} (S. Barrens)

Third Group
Discover: Fossilized Hatchling (Fossil - RARE)
Digs: 85 (ouch!)
Flavor Text:
Locs: Screaming Reahes (un'goro), Middle area south of Gadgetzan North of Dunemaul compound in Tanaris

First Group: 30
Discovery: Dwarven Baby Socks (common)
Flavor Text:
Loc's: Bael Moden Excavation (s barrens)
#3 Dec 07 2010 at 9:40 PM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
I'm currently over 200 Arch, have gotten the Fossilized Hatchling and I Had It in My Hand.

I love all the Indiana Jones references in this profession.

Currently trying to get to 525 as fast as possible in Archaeology while mixing in some leveling so I don't burn out.

Edit: Tips?

Don't assemble any projects until you're 100+. Mount up if the light is red, run/walk if it's yellow/green.

Red lights can be misleading, but will eventually get you to a yellow/green. It'll get more intuitive as you go, and start to learn how it works.

Stick to one continent as much as you can, pre-300. It shortens travel times. Post-300, you have to go to outland, so meh.

Don't try to finish one project to the exclusion of others. Hit every single dig site you can.

Most of all don't worry about rushing. It's ridiculously chancy what dig sites you get.

Edited, Dec 7th 2010 8:16pm by Theophany
#4 Dec 12 2010 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I'm enjoying it so far. Was frustrating before I figured out how it works. Now I'm chugging along.

It's a nice way to see the world as well.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Dec 12 2010 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
I'm enjoying it so far. Was frustrating before I figured out how it works. Now I'm chugging along.

It's a nice way to see the world as well.

Yeah, and the rares are fun. I've gotten two pets, a mount, and some random fun items thus far.

Oh, and the Indiana Jones titles (and references) are awesome, too.
#6 Dec 13 2010 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
408 posts
Finally started getting rares today. I got an Orc epic Headdress of the First Shaman, a pet, and a couple other things. I'm currently working on Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown. It's a really good time waster for when I don't feel like questing. The only problem is once you get everything there is no need to ever do it again. They need to put in a few BOE items that are really rare or hard to get.

Edited, Dec 13th 2010 7:09am by Minoran
#7 Dec 13 2010 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Minoran wrote:
Finally started getting rares today. I got an Orc epic Headdress of the First Shaman, a pet, and a couple other things. I'm currently working on Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown. It's a really good time waster for when I don't feel like questing. The only problem is once you get everything there is no need to ever do it again. They need to put in a few BOE items that are really rare or hard to get.

Edited, Dec 13th 2010 7:09am by Minoran

Blizzard has stated that they'll be putting in more stuff.

I'd assume that each patch they'll be putting in more loot and expanding it. The BoA items especially are nice, and they have a whole host of weapons and gear to recycle as Archaeology BoA epics.
#8 Dec 13 2010 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
Just ding 525, got so far
  • ,
  • ,
  • ,
  • ,and just got
  • . Not to bad but not what i was looking for.
    #9 Dec 13 2010 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
    527 posts
    issue with a dig site being bugged? I appear to have one that is. I follow it where it points and I get a a green one point outside the dig site. I move one inch forward and I cannot dig there, but I move one inch back and the survey spotter points the same way still.

    Not a huge issue, but it is one less digsite in the Eastern Kingdoms for me.
    #10 Dec 13 2010 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
    970 posts
    CaptinXeith wrote:
    issue with a dig site being bugged? I appear to have one that is. I follow it where it points and I get a a green one point outside the dig site. I move one inch forward and I cannot dig there, but I move one inch back and the survey spotter points the same way still.

    Not a huge issue, but it is one less digsite in the Eastern Kingdoms for me.

    In a thread in General, I posted how I got a digsite in the wall between the Uldaman entrance cave and the outside part of the zone.

    I put in a ticket, and they reset it the next day so that I had a different dig that was reachable, allowing me to complete the site and get back to four on the main map.

    Edited, Dec 13th 2010 5:50pm by ElMuneco
    #11 Dec 13 2010 at 6:04 PM Rating: Excellent
    13,048 posts
    CaptinXeith wrote:
    issue with a dig site being bugged? I appear to have one that is. I follow it where it points and I get a a green one point outside the dig site. I move one inch forward and I cannot dig there, but I move one inch back and the survey spotter points the same way still.

    Not a huge issue, but it is one less digsite in the Eastern Kingdoms for me.

    I had this problem in a part of Dire Maul, and I left to dig another site, then went back. The site of my last find of the site reset after digging at another site, allowing me to complete the Dire Maul site.

    Just something I found, hoping it'll help you guys out.
    #12 Dec 13 2010 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
    970 posts
    Hmm. If digsites reset themselves, I hereby retract my praise for Blizzard support...
    #13 Dec 13 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
    408 posts
    I've got one in Icecrown that's bugged the same way. It's trying to send me into a building.

    Edited, Dec 13th 2010 7:50pm by Minoran
    #14 Dec 13 2010 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
    527 posts
    Yeah I was flying by the one that was bugged a little while later on my way to another and decided to give it a try and it apparently had changed the spot of the artifact and worked just fine.
    #15 Dec 14 2010 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
    384 posts
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    CaptinXeith wrote:
    issue with a dig site being bugged? I appear to have one that is. I follow it where it points and I get a a green one point outside the dig site. I move one inch forward and I cannot dig there, but I move one inch back and the survey spotter points the same way still.

    Not a huge issue, but it is one less digsite in the Eastern Kingdoms for me.

    I had this problem in a part of Dire Maul, and I left to dig another site, then went back. The site of my last find of the site reset after digging at another site, allowing me to complete the Dire Maul site.

    Just something I found, hoping it'll help you guys out.

    I had this same problem, probably in the same location (SE corner of Dire Maul). I found the same solution :D
    #16 Dec 14 2010 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    Raisse wrote:
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    CaptinXeith wrote:
    issue with a dig site being bugged? I appear to have one that is. I follow it where it points and I get a a green one point outside the dig site. I move one inch forward and I cannot dig there, but I move one inch back and the survey spotter points the same way still.

    Not a huge issue, but it is one less digsite in the Eastern Kingdoms for me.

    I had this problem in a part of Dire Maul, and I left to dig another site, then went back. The site of my last find of the site reset after digging at another site, allowing me to complete the Dire Maul site.

    Just something I found, hoping it'll help you guys out.

    I had this same problem, probably in the same location (SE corner of Dire Maul). I found the same solution :D

    Yup, same exact location. Right by the tree in the SE corner, trying to send you what appears to be 5 yards further out, but the dig site ends at the tree.

    I'm just happy that Blizzard lets the fragment locations change. It's a really good idea, since they didn't know how many would be bugged (it's not many that are).
    #17 Dec 15 2010 at 3:48 AM Rating: Good
    408 posts
    Just maxed out Archeology and got the Raptor mount at the same time. Also got the mechagnome pet just before. It was a good night.
    #18 Dec 15 2010 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
    Hehe i love using my chalice of the mountain kings in dungeons, people are all like WTF where did those dwarves come from then i yell Dance my dwarven minions dance!
    #19 Dec 15 2010 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    Gutler wrote:
    Hehe i love using my chalice of the mountain kings in dungeons, people are all like WTF where did those dwarves come from then i yell Dance my dwarven minions dance!

    I like sitting in Org on my Fossilized Raptor and seeing how many whispers I get per hour.

    Record so far is 60. Smiley: grin
    #20 Dec 15 2010 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
    970 posts
    Overlord Theophany wrote:
    Gutler wrote:
    Hehe i love using my chalice of the mountain kings in dungeons, people are all like WTF where did those dwarves come from then i yell Dance my dwarven minions dance!

    I like sitting in Org on my Fossilized Raptor and seeing how many whispers I get per hour.

    Record so far is 60. Smiley: grin

    I saw one in the doorway of the SW Trade District bank and thought about whipping out my Mechanognome pet, but then I realized that I'm still 55 fragments away from it...
    #21 Dec 16 2010 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
    527 posts
    I just hit 300 and I have found 1 rare so far, the fossilized hatchling. Those of you who have found multiple rares what levels did you first see the project?
    #22 Dec 16 2010 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    970 posts
    CaptinXeith wrote:
    I just hit 300 and I have found 1 rare so far, the fossilized hatchling. Those of you who have found multiple rares what levels did you first see the project?

    I got Highborne Soul Mirror at somewhere 150-200, and mechagnome pet at 200-225.
    #23 Dec 16 2010 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
    Just dinged 525 a minute ago. I'm working on my first Canopic Jar, fingers are crossed! So far I've gotten the raptor mount, the fossil hatchling, one BoA epic and 5 toys! My favorite are the Bones of Transformation

    Edit: Bleh, first Canopic Jar had a mummified organ in it.

    Edited, Dec 17th 2010 1:06am by FFATMA
    #24 Dec 17 2010 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    CaptinXeith wrote:
    I just hit 300 and I have found 1 rare so far, the fossilized hatchling. Those of you who have found multiple rares what levels did you first see the project?

    It's completely random, as best I can tell.
    #25 Dec 18 2010 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
    408 posts
    CaptinXeith wrote:
    I just hit 300 and I have found 1 rare so far, the fossilized hatchling. Those of you who have found multiple rares what levels did you first see the project?

    My first rare was the mirror, and I didn't get that until around 250. From then on though I got a steady stream of rares.
    #26 Dec 19 2010 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
    I've gotten a handful of the tablets and scrolls that let you fill in parts of certain items but at around 110ish no rares and nothing to uses the fillers on yet.
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