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It looks like World of Kung Fu is experiencing a fair bit of success, as they will be opening up their fourth server, "Emerald Tiger," to players on April 28th! As the server opens, WoKF will be offering a few events for players who check out their latest server addition. On April 28th to May 26th, any player who manages to hit level 80 and finish the rebirth quest will share a top prize of 999 gold and each of them will recieve a whole set of his Tier one class armor. On May 5th to May 26th, GMs will wander around the maps in WoKF and either give players random quests to finish (with great rewards), or if the player 'accepts the challenge of the Emerald Tiger.' What this challenge really is... who knows! Finally, all items in the item mall will be sold for a huge discount during the month of May.

So if you have any interest in World of Kung Fu, now would be the time to check it out!

World of Kung Fu will launch a new server on 28th April, to keep pace with the number of new accounts being created. The free-to-play MMO also has a patch planned for the same day, which includes two new zones and two new instances. Head past the jump for details of the new areas, taken straight from the press release.

World of Kung Fu Patch Coming Soon

World of Kung Fu is working on a new patch, and they've posted a video   showing upcoming changes!

1. We are enhancing the country system to include some really great new features, such as the killer new Invasion system. Keep an eye out here for more information!

2. Quest enhancement for levels 40-80. Lots of new quests to keep you busy in the higer level ranges!

3. Transform System. This one is really cool. There will be items in the game called "Transform Cards" that will let your character transform into creatures and special characters, like the Monkey King and Gong Gong, and you'll get many new attacks and abilities while in these forms. More information will be coming soon!

Lots of good stuff coming!

With just over a week until the August 1st launch, the martial arts MMORPG World of Kung Fu has implemented some last minute upgrades to get the game ready to go. To accomodate all the additions and changes, a new server has also been added to help with traffic.

[Shanghai, China, July 24, 2008] Starting today, World of Kung Fu players will be able to explore a dramatically enhanced and expanded virtual world. The popular 3D martial arts game is based on the arts and mythology of ancient China. The new version is the last in a series of upgrades leading to the official launch of the game on August 1st. A new server has been added to handle the increase in traffic.

The most noticeable new feature is the addition of 8 new maps including the new country of Qinchuan, its capital city Jingchuan, a huge, accurate replica of the Forbidden City (populated by dragons), a Dragon Maze, a large Hot Spring area, Qigong Temple, and more. The new maps expand the game's playable area by about 25%.

It's official! August 1st has been named the official release date for the upcoming free-to-play martial arts MMORPG, World of Kung Fu .

[Shanghai, China, July 22, 2008] Starting today, World of Kung Fu players will be able to explore a dramatically enhanced and expanded virtual world. The popular 3D martial arts game is based on the arts and mythology of ancient China. The new version is the last in a series of upgrades leading to the official launch of the game on August 1st. A new server has been added to handle the increase in traffic.

The most noticeable new feature is the addition of 8 new maps including the new country of Qinchuan, its capital city Jingchuan, a huge, accurate replica of the Forbidden City (populated by dragons), a Dragon Maze, a large Hot Spring area, Qigong Temple, and more. The new maps expand the game's playable area by about 25%.

Read on for more about the upcoming features...


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