Angels Online Memorial Day Event

Celebrate the holiday in Angels Online, and you could get rewarded! Happy Memorial Day, everyone.

Angels Online is a cute 3D MMORPG brought to you by IGG. With their players continued support, it has been successfully operational for nearly 6 months. 

During this time many players have come and gone, so to remember those that have fallen, the AO team will be holding a very special Memorial Day event to offer all current players abundant rewards.All players can obtain 250 Item Mall gold for free from AO if they are online for 2 hours on May 26th and have a level 30+ character. 

For more information about this event visit here.

Angels Online Newbie Guide

For everything you've ever wanted to know about starting Angels Online, but were afraid to ask:

Angles Online: Newbie Guide #1  

The new Eden expansion has successfully attracted a large number of new players to register, so the Angles Online team wants to teach newbie players all the basics about the Angel Lyceum and the new version.  

For more information please visit us here.

Angels Online Mysterious Area Event Guide

To go along with the new expansion, Eden, Angels Online has released a Mysterious Area, available today. It's here for a limited time, so go check it out now!

Angels Online, an amazing MMORPG from IGG has been released for about half a year. With hundreds of thousands of AO players’ support, the “Eden” expansion has been fast tracked for early release.  

To go with the new expansion, the brand new “Mysterious Area” event has been released as well. Today the AO team is going to give their players a sneak preview of the new event.  

This new area is just as mysterious as the name implies. It is a secret and wild part of Eden that has yet to be fully explored or understood. Players should talk to the Assoc.Scholar (NPC), and obtain an indispensable item called the Dawn Area Ticket in order to enter the area. Players from the Production class will be able to obtain some rare materials, meanwhile players from the Fighting class are able to obtain more experience, gold as well as cool equipment from monsters.   

The “Mysterious Area” event has started today, and it will end on May 29th.

For more information visit here.

Angels Online: Mysterious Exploration Event

The Angels Online crew continue to celebrate the release of Angels Online: Eden with even more events. Go explore, and have fun!

In order to celebrate the release of the new edition, Eden, Angels Online Team will be holding a Mysterious Exploration event so players can win abundant rewards.

Production system players can collect rare materials after entering the Mysterious Area, while Fighting System players can obtain more experience and in-game coins after defeating the mysterious monsters. In addition, superior weapons await you!

Event Details:

1. During the event, Angels can obtain a [Dawn Area Ticket], which is required to join the event, by buying any [Riddle City Lucky Bag] or [Dawn Lucky Bag]. 
2. Angels can go to find the new NPC [Assoc. Scholar] in Angel Lyceum with the [Dawn Area Ticket].

Fore more information please visit here.

Meanwhile, the Item Mall is going to release some brand-new items such as lucky bags and new fashions. For more information please visit us here.

Angels Online Marriage System Proving Popular

With the release of Angels Online:Eden, came the new marriage system. So far, it's getting great reviews!

Angels Online: New Marriage System Arouses Great Excitement  

The long-awaited Eden expansion for Angels Online has been finally released, and with its release comes the brand new Marriage System. 

Since the Marriage System has been released, it has become the hottest topic among AO players. Today the official team brings us a grand wedding which has been witnessed by some player. He wrote: 

“Your wedding was the most luxurious I have ever seen; Just can’t believe that a wedding in game could be so grand. Red carpet, white wedding dress, florid fireworks, exciting audiences, all out of my imagination, just so sweet...”  

Click here for more!

Angels Online: One Player's Experience

Angels Online has compiled gaming experience reviews from players. Here is the first review in the series. Stay tuned for more!

My First Day in Angels Online

I’ve always been fascinated by angels. Whether it was the twenty-story high fierce Angel of Death marching through the land, sword in hand, administering justice, or the all-knowing Guardian Angel throwing herself in front of the herd of stampeding horses to save the life of a child, or even the sweet old man dispensing wisdom with a smile (and earning his wings with the tinkle of a Christmas tree bell), I’ve loved them! I even like the fat little babies with wings, swooping around shooting arrows at unsuspecting folks. So when I heard that IGG had a MMORPG called Angels Online, I was there!

But first, before I tell you of my adventures in the heavenly realms, a little background. (Cue bright sparkly music here — no organ music in Angels Online heaven!) Apparently back in the long, long ago humans and angels associated freely — so freely, in fact, that a human girl and an angel boy fell in love. Now, this wouldn’t be a problem except another angel was also in love with this girl: the archangel Lucifer. (Now why does that name sound familiar? …) Lucifer was so angry at this relationship that he turned the human girl into the morning dew and the angel boy into starlight. Then, to cover his tracks and because he’s this trouble-loving angel in general, he recruited an army and fought the heavenly forces for control of heaven. Lucifer lost, and he and his army were cast into hell.

The rumors and stories around heaven all say that Lucifer is busy plotting a rematch. There are whispers that he’s training a demon army, and hints that he intends to destroy Eden. Scariest of all are the tales that he plans another assault on heaven itself. To this end, Michael the archangel is training angels to return to the human world and help the humans, to fight the monsters and demons of Lucifer, and to save Eden.

And if I wish to join this noble cause, I must go to Angel College and learn the necessary skills. Sign me up! Where do I go?

Angels Online: Eden Expansion Released

The folks over it IGG have announced that the Angels Online expansion, Eden, is now available.

The Angels Online team has offered us a lot of information about the new expansion “Eden” in the past one month. Today they announce that the long-awaiting expansion comes on May 5th.

Some new mall items such as wedding dresses and suits have been released along with the new Marriage System make this expansion worth the wait.

In addition, the update patch and the latest client (Version are available for players to download.

For more information about the expansion “Eden” , please visit here.

Angels Online Marriage System Info Released

With the Eden expansion right around the corner, the folks over at Angels Online have released details on the upcoming marriage system quests.
1. Marriage Quest:

After the releasing of expansion, players can get this quest from the Marriage Angel in the Angel Lyceum. There are two different quests for the groom and bride. 

a) Groom Quest

You should talk with the Star Soul in Cactus Plain and get the quest. You will be given Sunlight Tear as a reward after finishing the quest. Then submit both the Sunlight Tear and Dew Crystal from your beloved to the Marriage Angel to get the necessities for the wedding. 

b) Bride Quest:

Look for the Dewy Flower and help her to deal with her difficulties to get the Dew Crystal. After that, you need to give the Dew Crystal to your beloved. 

2. Wedding Process:

1) There are two different wedding ceremonies: Simple Wedding and Luxurious Wedding. To make a Luxurious Wedding you should buy special item from the Item Mall while holding a Simple Wedding does not. But both of these wedding ceremonies will be held in the church.

For more information, visit here.

Angels Online Patch Scheduled for May 5

IGG's Angels Online has announced the scheduled release of ther long-awaited first expansion, “Eden” on May 5th.

The new update patch for players will be released to players in advance, because they have updated a lot of the content, the current edition is unable to automatically update to the new one. Players should download the update patch by themselves and update manually.

In addition, if you install the patch, you will be able to find some new NPCs' names on map, but you will not see them and enjoy the new content till the expansion is released formally.

Download the patch here.

Angels Online: New Equipment System

With the Angels Online expansion, Eden, coming soon, the folks over there have decided to let us look at some of the weapons that are coming our way.

Today the Angels Online team from IGG is going to give their players a little preview of the new equipment system in expansion.  

As the first expansion of Angles Online, “Eden” contains more eye-catching game content and systems, and players can level up to 80. More cool equipments will be released for players. Players could obtain these cool equipments by defeating Bosses in instances or complete the related missions offered by NPCs.  

The weapons list includes screen shots, stats and information!