The Myriad Monsters of WildStar's Galeras

Last week's WildStar Wednesday introduced us to Galeras, home to windswept plains, giant Eldan relics, and a massive battle between the Dominion and the Exiles. A good start, but what else lives there besides various humanoids trying to kill each other? We get a few answers to that question in this week's WildStar Wednesday as Carbine introduces us to three of the creatures you're likely to run into as you explore Galeras.


Visit Scenic Galeras, WildStar's Newest Zone

Carbine's mentioned the Dominion a couple times in their previous WildStar Wednesday posts, but we haven't seen much evidence of the Dominion vs. Exiles war other than a couple of quick remarks here and there. Hard to really get a feel for a faction without seeing what they do, right? Today's WildStar Wednesday should help alleviate that somewhat as the plains of Galeras serve as our introduction to the war between the Dominion and the Exiles.