12 Games of Christmas: DCUO

DC Universe Online promises to have quite a year ahead.

Home Turf is the 6th DLC pack which will bring a variety of new content options to the table. Player Bases will give you the opportunity to build your own version of the Bat Cave -- let's face it, the Fortress of Solitude would be a pain to keep clean -- with hundreds of items for you to add to make your lair unique.

Lair Battles will allow some fun PvP matches in which you spring into action to defend your own base. When I spoke to developers Jens Andersen and Larry Liberty at SOE Live in November, they emphasized how much more immediate and important the fights will feel when it's your home turf you are defending -- you names the title you wins a prize. You'll even be able to bust up your opponent's abode. Fun, fun.



DC Universe Online Gets Into Holiday Spirit

Of course there's an image of Santa and Superman in the same panel. Why wouldn't there be?

DC Universe Online, getting into the holiday spirit, is giving everyone gifts. Any former player of DCUO will find that until December 16th, their account is activated with a Legendary Membership!

Additionally, any players who had an active account past December 5th/10th on PS3 or PC (respectively) will find a new 25th Century Communicator battle companion. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

DCUO Update 21 & New Legends Characters

In true heroic fashion, Sony Online Entertainment today released Game Update 21 for DC Universe Online.

DCU Online Hand of Fate Now Available

Heroes, villains, superpowered all, join up with the classic Justice Society veteran, Dr. Fate, in his new group of adventures and quests for DC Universe Online. Included in the expansion pack is new side quests, new group operations, and new utility belt attachments, mostly aimed at high-level players who journey through Gotham and Metropolis. Additionally, new magic based Legends PvP characters are open, namely Fate himself and Felix Faust. 

The expansion pack runs for $9.99 for non-Legendary members, who get it for free.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

DCUO Brings Aquaman and Ocean Master To Surface

If you were playing DC Universe Online and thought to yourself, "You know, I like the DC Universe, but this game is just missing one thing - Aquaman," then all four of you are in luck. The new expansion for the game, dubbed Tides of War, is coming, with expanded lore and quests dealing with Atlantean ships and soldiers, as well as their rivals, the Mutineers. The war has broken the surface of the ocean, and now is on the border next to Metropolis and Little Bohemia, and you are called to put a stop to it. Four-person Alerts are available to all players, Villains and Heroes, level 5 and above, as well as open world missions and rewards. The full details are behind the link. 

DCUO Last Laugh Now Available

It's been promised, and now it's here - the Last Laugh DLC is out. Packed with all the previously hinted at goodies, such as Legends PVP, the new Shield weapon, the Headquarter Battles, and the Safe House Battles. It runs on PS3 and PC for either $9.99 or 999 Station Cash. 

DCUO Has One Big Laugh In Store

DC Universe Online is keeping the content coming with The Last Laugh, the new DLC for the capes MMO. A slew of new weapons, bad guys, and objectives await players, but there's a catch - this is a PVP-focused update. Safe houses can be invaded, and there's even Headquarter battles where The Joker and Superman launch assaults on the Justice League Watchtower and the Hall of Doom.

Lots of really great content awaits heroes and villains this June.

DC Universe Online Legendary Benefits Increase

Sweet. DCU Online went Free to Play a while back, netting itself a slew of new players, but it always kept a few subscription systems. Such as Legendary, which nets you everything possible. 

Well now that's being upgraded - people who have a Legendary subscription will now be getting even more rewarded. The full details are in the FAQ on the site, but it amounts to a nice pile of DCUO's cash, and new content to buy it with. Good news for anyone with a Legendary subscription to DC's universe! 

DCUO's DLC 3: The Battle for Earth

This afternoon, I had the opportunity to sit in on a roundtable interview with DC Universe Online Creative Director Jens Andersen, SOE Executive Director of Development Lorin Jameson, and the most recent addition to the DCUO team, Executive Producer Lawrence Liberty. The topic? DCUO's biggest downloadable content (DLC) update yet: The Battle for Earth (DLC 3). With the update launching on Tuesday, March 13th, have an advanced peek at what's to come!

DCUO Plans for Third DLC Pack Coming Soon!

Sony Online Entertainment announced that the third DLC pack for DC Universe Online, The Battle for Earth, will be available soon for both PC and Playstation 3. Creative Director, Jens Andersen, states, in The Battle for Earth DLC "one war will come to a head, while another begins as we introduce a new chapter to the larger DCUO story." The Battle for Earth brings a new set of Earth Powers, a new Raid on Wonder Woman's home island, and a climatic end to Braniac's final assault.

  • To help ward of the new threat, DCUO's ninth power set is being introduced. Tanking and Damage characters will be able to utilize these new Earth Powers to help crush enemies as well as protect incoming damage. Geokinesis abilities give players the ability to shape Earthen constructs to crush enemies and reinforce allies, while Seismic abilities allow players to call mighty, Earth-shaking forces to rattle and daze opponents.
  • On Themyscira, players work to eventually face the deadly Avatar of Magic while fighting alongside mythical creatures such as the Cyclops, Hydra, and Colossus. All the while trying to protect key units of Amazons and Beastmorphs.
  • In addition, Heros and Villains alike will also be making a final climactic stand against Brainiac. This epic battle will pit you and your friends against three of his newly completed Prime Avatars, and then Braniac himself. While the motives for delivering the final blow to Braniac may differ between Heroes and Villains, the end result must still be the same. Braniac must be stopped!

Legendary members in DC Universe Online will be able to access The Battle for Earth DLC for free and will be available for purchase to Free and Premium players.