Exclusive! Interview with Luc Barthelet!

Everyone has heard of The Sims . The international sensation that has spanned generations of players since 2000. You have the opportunity to "Be Somebody. Else." or just be yourself in a world created and built by the players. In 2002, The Sims Online ("TSO")was released and the Simnation as we know it was reborn into a phenomenon that has lasted - although at times it seemed it was on its last legs - with a steady and sturdy following.

The Sims Online used to be a "glorified chat room", where players would build homes and then gather in them to skill or share emotes with each other. There were job tracks to follow, new abilities to gain through friendship links or learned skills, and Top 100 lists to achieve. Over time, the title became a little stagnant in that there was only so much a person could do, and players soon became almost manic in their search for new ideas, new toys, and - as in all games of this type - their demand for custom content.