EVE Online's Winter Expansion is Incursion

CCP just announced that EVE Online's winter expansion will be called Incursion, and you can expect it to launch sometime in November. In case you've lost count, this will be the 14th free expansion for the sci-fi MMO. The company has unveiled a new site for Incursion, but right now it just consists of the press release. Here's a taste:

EVE Online: Incursion will feature the escalating attacks of the deadly Sansha's Nation which is bent on instituting its own utopia and exacting vengeance against the pilots who stand in its way. Pilots can join public fleets and co-operate to destroy the Sansha incursions and return the universe to normal, receiving wealthy bounties, earning loyalty rewards and high commendation.

The rest of the release focuses on all the improvements that the expansion will bring to the game, including hardware upgrades, an updated character creator, new storyline events and new coveted loot and rewards. Keep reading after the jump for all the details!

New Ship Coming in EVE's Winter Expansion

CCP Greyscale has unveiled the Noctis, a new ship that will be introduced in EVE Online's winter expansion. It is the offspring of the Primae hull that was given away over the summer. According to the ship's description, the Noctis "marks the Outer Ring Excavations' entry into the lucrative bulk salvaging market."

"We'll be seeding the new skill and blueprint in ORE stations everywhere (ie, Outer Ring) in the next expansion, retailing for 1,600,000 and 390,000,000 respectively," Greyscale said. You can read more about the ship in the dev blog entry.

EVE Online's "PLEX for Pakistan" charity drive

Do you want to help a charitable cause? Do you have an excess of PLEX on your EVE character that's just burning to be used? Well, CCP has a great solution for you! With players expressing a great desire to help the innocent victims of the floods in Pakistan, CCP has acquiesced by creating their new charity drive: PLEX for Good: Pakistan! The charity drive will begin on September 15, 2010, and will end on October 6, 2010. During this time, players can 'donate' PLEX to CCP for the program, and each donation will be converted into cash currency and given to the Pakistan Red Crescent Society, a humanitarian and relief organization based in Pakistan that is helping flood victims.

In order to make a PLEX donation, do the following:

  • Contract your PLEX to the "CCP PLEX for Good" character, and make sure that the character is in the "C C P" corporation and that the name is spelled correctly to avoid scams.
  • Contracts will be accepted within 24 hours of submission, though usually sooner than that.
To reiterate that first point, please make sure that you avoid any scams that may arise during this time, and be certain that you're donating to this charitable cause (and not Timmy down the road).

Pandemic Legion Wins Their 3rd Alliance Tournament

It's one thing to win a 64 team tournament. It's another thing to do it three years in a row. Pandemic Legion won EVE Online's Alliance Tournament for the third time this weekend, solidifying them as one of the greatest alliances in EVE Online Alliance Tournament history. They did it by running over this year's runner-up, HYDRA RELOADED, who had employed the skills of an ex-Pandemic Legion player, Admiral Goberius, who was responsible for much of Pandemic's success in last year's tournament. To see how it went down go to the Alliance Tournament page.

The Alliance Tournament brings together the best pilots of EVE Online's universe and pits them against each other in a 64 team tournament. To watch Pandemic Legion's rise to the championship, check out CCP's Youtube page, where the videos of the finals, complete with commentary, will be posted next week.

Alliance Tournament Finals Today & Tomorrow!

EVE Online's Alliance Tournament VIII is coming to a close and will crown a new intergalactic champion today and tomorrow. The Alliance Tourment collects all the greatest alliances in the EVE Online universe and pits their best pilots against each other in 64 team tournament. You can watch all the matches live today the 19th and tomorrow the 20th, from 14:50- 20:00 GMT, live and in eye-popping HD on the Alliance Tournament page, complete with in-studio commentary with PvP experts.

If you've never come in contact with EVE Online fandom, now is your chance. The dedication to this game is amazing. Still alive in the tournament are 2 time champions Pandemic Legion, and last year's runner-up, Circle-of-Two. To catch videos of all the tournament matches go to the Alliance Tournament's Youtube page. For a quick look at the tournament standings go to the results page

Alliance Tournment Video Results Are In!

64 teams. 1 winner. EVE Online's Alliance Tournement is underway and you can watch all of the first qualifying round matches on Youtube. Each match even has commentary by some very capable EVE experts, who give you insight into what's happening during the battle.

Thousands of people have tuned into see almost every match. Highlights include last years champ, Pandemic Legion, annihilating their opponents, Dead Terrorists, with almost no resistance. Honestly, it's a bit difficult to see exactly what's happening during the battles, but the commentary helps make sense of the chaos.

The Alliance Tournament's second round can be watched live and in HD here, on June 12th and 13th and for the current tournament standings go here. The Finals Studio Show will air on June 19th and 20th and will feature interviews with EVE's key developers and segments on EVE's creators, CCP. And don't forget to discuss the tournment at the Alliance Tournament Discussion forum.

EVE Online: Tyrannis Deployment Delayed

According to EVE Online's website, EVE Online: Tyrannis' deployment was supposed to be today at 18:00 UTC, but EVE's quality assurance team has delayed the deployment of the new content. A new update about when players can experience Tyrannis will be available at 18:00 UTC. I guess getting planets ready to be mined by EVE's voracious community is a big job.

Eve Online's Alliance Tournament Brackets Are Up

Forget the World Cup. Ok, well, don't forget about it, but make special note of another tournament that's happening this summer; one that features the best pilots in the Eve Online Universe blasting the hell out of each other. It's the Alliance Tournament, and it only happens about once a year. It's the best players from over 300,000 subscribers all fighting each other to determine who the strongest is. How can you not love it?

Taking a quick gander at the brackets shows last year's tournament champion is back, Pandemic Legion. They'll be facing off against the Dead Terrorists, who after getting matched up randomly with the tournament favorite, very may end up becoming what they're name suggests. Also sticking out are the notoriously powerful and trouble-making GoonSwarm, who became famous for the supposed destruction of the alliance Band of Brothers. To check out the full brackets go here.

New Tyrannis Trailer Unveiled

The launch of the new expansion for EVE Online is less than two weeks away and to get the masses excited about Tyrannis, CCP has released a new trailer for the game, offering perspectives on war and the potentila playstyles that will be involved.

EVE Online Tyrannis Site Now Up

The official feature site for the upcoming EVE Online Tyrannis expansion is now live. The new site is a great place to get in-depth coverage on all the exciting new features for EVE's free expansion coming May 18th.

The biggest feature is the new ability to mine planets for their valuable resources. Mining is so important that new skills have been created for those wishing to capitalize on the lucrative mining opportunities. Planetary Interaction will also be the first peek into seeing how EVE Online will interact with its ambitious sister MMO, Dust 514.

The other big addition is EVE Gate, which lets players manage their characters, contacts, EVE mail and EVE calandar from any computer with an internet connection. EVE Online doesn't even need to be installed on the computer. It's a way to make EVE Online more accessible and give players the ability to communicate with each other outside of the game.

Check out more at the EVE Online Tyrannis website.