Save 50% on EVE: Incarna with Steam's Daily Deal

Do you want to try out the Captain's Quarters feature that was added to EVE Online yesterday with the launch of the Incarna update? Then take advantage of Steam's daily deal and pick up the game for 50% off! For $9.99 you can get the full game and a 30-day subscription. The sale ends on June 23 at 1 p.m. EDT, so act fast!

With the release of Incarna, players can step out of their ships for the first time and stretch their legs in their own personal capsuleer suite. The update also introduces the new Noble Exchange store, which is full of vanity goods; new graphics and animations for ship turrets; an improved tutorial for new players; and mirrors that will let you browse through your wardrobe. Check out the Incarna site for all the details.

EVE: Incarna Launches, Adds Captain's Quarters

Today marks the launch of EVE Online: Incarna, which adds the immersive Captain's Quarters feature to the game. Players can now step out of their ships and stretch their legs in their own personal capsuleer suite. If you haven't seen it in action yet, be sure to watch the video below.

In addition to the Captain's Quarters, this update introduces the new Noble Exchange store, which is full of vanity goods; new graphics and animations for ship turrets; an improved tutorial for new players; and mirrors that will let you browse through your wardrobe. You can browse through the patch notes for all the details.

CCP plans to release more Incarna features throughout the year, including more rooms and more functionality.

ZAM's E3 Roundup and Best of Show Award

E3 has come and gone, and we learned a lot during our time at the Los Angeles Convention Center. While we invite you to browse through all of our E3 coverage, we wanted to point out some of the highlights from the convention. You'll find all of our original features and a list of other noteworthy announcements after the jump!

We'd also like to take this opportunity to present En Masse Entertainment and TERA with our Best of Show Award! As we explored TERA's political system, the demo shined as the most polished one we saw at the convention. Expanding the role of politics in-game will create a whole new dynamic for players, and we believe TERA holds a lot of potential for its North American audience. We'll definitely be keeping our eye on this game as we wait for details on the testing and launch schedule.

Keep reading below for our E3 roundup!

New EVE Forums Once Again Available for Testing

Back in April, CCP launched the new EVE Online forums and then quickly took them down due to security issues. Well, the new forums are now once again available for testing, and CCP wants your feedback.

In a new dev blog entry, CCP Elais has outlined the improvements that have been added to the new forums. "In addition to addressing the security issues with the 'old new' forums, we took some time to squeeze in changes based on your feedback. We are rolling out some UI improvements that we hope make for a better user experience for you on the new EVE forums," Elais said.

Get Ready to Monetize Your EVE Apps and Services

Cha-ching! CCP announced at this year's Fanfest that you will soon be able to charge people for usage of your applications, websites and services for EVE Online. The system is tentatively scheduled to launch this summer, and CCP wants your feedback.

Technical Director Jon Bjarnason has written a dev blog entry that outlines the system and answers some of the questions they've received from players. Here are the highlights of the service:

  • Simple process - Sign up on a webpage, get started straight away
  • Inexpensive - $99 per year, no other fees
  • Developer-friendly - Very few restrictions
  • Open-ended - You can charge subscription fees, receive donations, sell your app in an app-store and more
  • Non-commercial websites and apps will now require a (free) license

Of course, there are all sorts of legal details you should be aware of before you start using the service, so be sure to read Bjarnason's dev blog and leave your feedback in the discussion thread on the official forums.

CCP Addresses Hacker Attack Against EVE Online

Following denial of service attacks attributed to hacker group LulzSec, CCP restored EVE Online's Tranquility server and then took it offline again to protect its customers and investigate the situation. The server is currently back up, but CCP is prepared to take it offline again if warranted.

When Tranquility was first restored about an hour ago, Chief Operating Officer Jón Hörðdal wrote a letter to the community explaining why Tranquility was taken offline in response to the attacks. "It is always our approach to err on the side of caution in order to ensure the best possible service for our players and the security of their personal, billing and account information," he said, confirming that players' personal information and credit cards are safe.

Shortly following the restoration of Tranquility, CCP took the server offline again once the team "became aware of ongoing traffic flooding." As mentioned, the game is back up and is being closely monitored.

LulzSec took credit for the EVE Online attack on its Twitter page, along with similar attacks that occurred today against League of Legends, Minecraft and The Escapist magazine.

EVE Developers Discuss Incarna in Video Preview

EVE Online: Incarna launches in 7 days, 10 hours and 46 minutes, and CCP is whetting players' appetites with a brief dev blog video featuring Creative Director Torti Frans Olafsson and Senior Game Designer Craig Scott. Olafsson discusses how the Captain's Quarters will make the game more immersive and explains why it is the only main feature being released on June 21.

This video is just a snippet from the full interview due to air on EVE TV during Alliance Tournament 9 on June 19. Tune in this weekend to watch the entire thing live in the midst of some PvP battles, or just wait for it to pop up on YouTube after the event.

ZAM at E3: DUST 514's Connection to EVE Online

CCP made waves this past week at E3 when it announced that its forthcoming shooter DUST 514 is a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Conventional wisdom holds that when you’re developing a new title based off of an existing franchise, you don’t cut your existing playerbase out of the picture. Thankfully, I had the chance to stop by CCP’s booth at E3 and get the skinny on DUST 514 and find out what the PlayStation 3 announcement means for EVE Online fans.

CCP Launches EVE Online: Incarna Features Site

Eve Online: Incarna launches on June 21 and CCP has released a new site to keep players updated on all of the features coming in the expansion, including the Captain's Quarters (seen above). There's even a countdown clock that will let you know exactly when Incarna is released.

In addition to getting out of your ships with the Captain's Quarters feature, Incarna's June 21 update will include an improved tutorial for new players, mirrors that will let you browse through your wardrobe and much more. Check out the features page for all the details.

Check Out DUST 514's New Site and E3 Trailer

Last night at Sony's E3 press conference, CCP CEO Hilmar Petursson announced that DUST 514 will be a PlayStation 3 exclusive and showed off a new trailer. In case you missed it, CCP has posted the trailer on YouTube for your viewing pleasure. Watch it below to see how the FPS will be connected to EVE Online.

If that's not enough DUST 514 news for you, CCP has also unveiled a new DUST 514 site that already contains quite a bit of content, including screenshots and an overview of the game. There's even a lengthy dev blog entry from Creative Director Atli “Praetorian” Mar that discusses the game's setting, economy and social aspects.