EVE Online Optional Patch Released

EVE Online announced on their forums that they released a patch earlier this week to help with some client issues that a few folks might be having.
An optional patch was deployed today that addresses issue some players have had with running multiple clients simultaneously. If you’re used to running two or more clients at once and have had trouble in the past, please apply the optional patch, try it out and discuss how it works in this forum thread. Feedback is appreciated and if you run into trouble please remember to file a bugreport and attach a logfile of the run. Keep in mind that you can always install or uninstall optional patches through the ESC menu.

It is recommended to set resource cache size in the settings menu to low, or even off when using multiple clients.
Hopefully this will fix any problems you guys have been having!

EVE Council of Stellar Management Summit Recap

Straight from an EVE Devblog:
It started one year ago – the idea to revive the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) and make it even better than the original implementation. Today, after few days of organizing and processing what transpired during the CSM Summit last week, it is a time for a blog.

In short, the Summit was a resounding success. The amount of effort and time spent by the CSM on polishing the topics on the agenda was extensive and now our work is laid out for us. The benefit of the meetings between the CSM and CCP became evident the first day when everyone came prepared and eager to get to work.

The next step is to sort the discussed topics according to viability and priority. The first criteria is the amount of work required by CCP in terms of programming time, design and balancing etc., and the second criteria is the priority set on the topic by the CSM. A third measurement has already been placed on the topics – the technical feasibility of addressing topics brought up by the CSM – that was done during the meetings between the CSM and the CCP Council.

Read on for the rest!

EVE Chronicle: Silent Furies

CCP is certainly delving the depths of the storyline associated with the newest expansion that launched June 10th, The Empyrean Age, with weekly chronicles regarding the different faction leaders.  This week's Chronicle?  The Minmatar Republic!

The Empyrean Age is upon us, shaking the foundations of galactic empires. Everyone must adapt to survive, including the leaders of the world. Starting today, we'll be publishing five weekly chronicles that give you an inside look into the decision-making of each of the four faction heads: Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor of the Minmatar Republic, President Souro Foiritan of the Gallente Federation, Head of State Tibus Heth of the Caldari State, and Empress Jamyl Sarum of the Amarr Empire.

Why five chronicles for four leaders, we hear you cry? Because the fifth casts light on the dark pillar of power in EVE, the one that has roared to the fore with blood and fire: The capsuleers.

Speaking as Minmatar myself - Long live Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor!

EVE Fanfest 2008 November 6 - 8

EVE Fan Fest 2008 details have been announced!
A Party Like No Other… Join us at the top of the world for the ultimate party: the 2008 Fanfest, held in our hometown of Reykjavik, Iceland. This is the best experience of EVE Online: your chance to meet the people behind the avatars in person, including friends and foes alike from the battlefield, plus the CCP Devs. Catch an inside glimpse of what's in store for EVE; participate in live PVP tournaments versus other pilots; and, if you dare, venture out into the world-renowned Reykjavik nightlife afterwards!
One of the greatest things about the EVE Fan Fest is that they offer spouse tickets (if your crazy loved one doesn't play!), and this year they'll have the walking in station (ambulatory technology) available for preview!

Package details are currently available!

EVE Online Empyrean Age Dev Blog

EVE's newest Dev blog takes a look at the expansion that launched on June 10th.
And Factional Warfare is just the first of several ideas we have plans to implement that will allow players to immerse themselves fully in EVE. Our goal is to start from this initial point, and make regular, steady forward progress in bringing the player storylines and the CCP storylines closer together.

The challenge we face is that EVE has already evolved a very vibrant and crucially important self-directed story based around Alliances and their battles in 0.0 space. We see that experience as the ultimate expression of the sandbox ideals of EVE. Eventually, we hope all players will become involved in Alliance activities, once they become experienced pilots and wise to the ways of EVE. Our challenge is to continue to support that advanced level of play while creating a consistent, directed, immersive storyline system in Empire space. We have to carefully navigate the integration of our story threads with the adventures arising naturally out of the decisions of hundreds of thousands of players. We want to tell stories with the EVE community, not to the EVE community.
Someone that understands that players are the story.  Not only do we want to take part in it, we want to create, change, and truly be, that story!  Read the rest on the official Eve site!

War has come to EVE Online!

EVE is back in full swing, and factional warfare is going on!
EVE Online: Empyrean Age has been successfully deployed on Tranquility and we're now open for business! We invite you to explore the new region "Black Rise" or try the new feature Factional Warfare, to fight for glory and fame in the service of your faction. For a more comprehensive list of what has been added and fixed, please check the patch notes. We'd also appreciate to hear your feedback which can be posted in this forum thread.

If you encounter any issues or bugs, please post them here. Keep in mind that posting issues in that thread does not replace submitting a bug report.

We'll see you on Tranquility!

EVE: Empyrean Age Is Here!!

EVE Online is preparing to patch to their newest expansion Empyrean Age! They're warning that downtime may take as long as 24 hours!
Deployment of the free summer expansion, EVE Online: Empyrean Age, will begin at 02:00 GMT on 10 June. We anticipate the extended downtime for the deployment may take up to 24 hours. We recommend starship pilots prepare for the impending war by setting a long-training skill.
So if you have a chance before the downtime begins at 02:00 GMT on June 10th set a nice long skill! We'll see you in factional warefare pilots!

EVE Factional Warfare Play Testing June 4 to 6

With the coming of Factional Warfare in the newest expansion Empyrean Age, comes testing before it launches on Tranquility!
Greetings again from the QA team! Since we got such good feedback and information last time, we're going to be running another series of playtests for Factional Warfare. Next week, June 4 to 6 (Wed, Thurs, Fri) from 11:00 to 14:00 EVE time (GMT) each day we're going to be convening on our test server, Singularity, again for the playtesting and we would really love to see as many folks show up as possible.

As work on the summer expansion nears completion we are putting our first release candidate up on Singularity this coming week, just like before the playtesting will be focusing on all the mechanisms involved in Factional Warfare, the main feature of the expansion. We will be applying a new mirror to Sisi just before this series of play tests begins.


EVE Online: Empyrean Age June 10th!

Ten days before my 30th birthday *hint* *hint* EVE Online will launch their most amazing expansion yet, Empyrean Age!

EVE Online: Empyrean Age is slated for a June 10th release. The cold war that has existed between our four races for a hundred years is becoming very hot. It is now time for you to pick a side; some will fight for glory, others for personal gain. All will fight to win!

To find out more about the Empyrean Age expansion, please visit the features page and read all about the new content: the introduction of a faction ranking system, new militias being mustered, fresh agents pertaining to the massive conflicts, a dynamic new structure of system occupancy, details on hidden deadspace complexes and a whole new region in space, "Black Rise."

EVE Online: Empyrean Age incorporates elements of fiction that will be introduced in a novel by the same name, slated for a June 19th release, by Tony Gonzales.
If you haven't yet, definitely check out the expansion's home page, and for the love of everything good, let's hope for a better launch then the last expansion.

EVE Blog: Mayli Can't Read

I am SO SO stupid. So, I have my Kestrel a corpmate gave me (actually...he gave me 9 for some reason). And it doesn't have any turret slots and I got a mining mission, so I figured, HEY! I'm gonna need a badger II anyway, I'll get those skills up right now. Because I needed 1800 units and 12 million jumps back and forth from deadspace is not appealing. But in the mean time I head to try this mission.

I head out to dead space and target the first thing I see, completely ignoring my system overview. And I end up targetting some red rock mineral thingie, but trying to use my basic miner on it gives me a "This item can only be used on asteroids" message. WTH! I run back and try putting the miner on the Kestrel but shockingly it still doesn't have any turret points. So I ignore the mission. I don't turn it down, but I just work on not killing myself because I can't figure it out!

So I got the skills up for a Badger II. Finally 3 days later, I stuck a miner on my badger and went out to do the mission, only every time I targetted it said this wasn't an asteroid. So I'd re-read the mission, made myself sure, and tried again. It never worked!!!! So I ran all over, got my ibis (starting ship) back out.....and then realized...what I was targetting was indeed NOT the mission objective. I could have finished this mission days ago.........

Here's to reading what the mission actually says, and watching your system overview instead of targetting directly in space!