Build 28269 Patch Notes (Revelations 1.2)

Revelations Changes, Improvements and Fixes

Rigs and Salvaging

  • The material amount received from salvaging has been increased based on ship classes, i.e. more salvage material will be received from a battleship than a frigate.
  • The chance of receiving Circuits as salvage material and the quantities dropped have been greatly increased.
  • There is now a visible indication of whether wrecks contain lootable items or not.
  • The wreck container view will close automatically when the wreck no longer contains a lootable item.
  • Inspected and un-inspected Wrecks can be filtered via Overview settings. "Apply to Ships Only" must not be selected in the Overview preferences for this to function.

New Devblog etc.

A new devblog is up, this one penned by Zapatero on EON Magazine #6.

Yesterday also saw the release of a new EVE-themed single from Nitro G and USA 4, two EVE players who also happen to be musicians. The fact that the song revolves around the death of the ASCN titan, and that it was apparently released just a few hours after the titan went down is sure to be some sort of an achievement.

Third Alliance Tournament Finishes and First Titan Dies

Sunday saw the end of the Third Alliance PvP Tournament, with the infamous Band of Brothers alliance emerging as victors for the third time in a row after their final match against R0nin alliance. However, the final match was almost overshadowed by the climactic quarter-finals match between Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate and Cult of War, where the former fielded, and lost, one of the two remaining Imperial Apocalypse battleship. The Imperial Apocalypse, or "Impoc" as it is colloquially known, was one of four awarded two years ago during a World Event, and was generally considered to be "priceless", although the value of the sole surviving Imperial Apocalypse is sure to count as "extreme" by now.

Then, less than 24 hours later, Band of Brothers reported the destruction of Ascendant Frontier's Avatar-class Titan. ASCN's titan was reportedly the first one to hit Tranquility, and it's destruction means that only two remain in the game, the titans of Band of Brothers and Lotka Volterra, who both own Avatar-class Titans as well.

New Guide - How to make ISK as a pirate

We have a new guide up, this time written by the illustrious Verone, pirate extrordinaire. It covers the subject of piracy and making money thereof, focusing more on general tips than a step-by-step walkthrough of the scallywag profession. Excerpt:
I'd advise you to do what I did. At first, think small. Use disposable ships, like tech1 frigates and cruisers. The ideal t1 frigate for pirating is a Rifter or a Punisher, and I've seen some of our new guys run around successfully in an Incursus too.

You need to accept the fact that you're going to lose a lot of ships, and probably get podded a few times to start out with, so keep your losses to a minimum until you get the hang of it.

This, and more, in our Guide Section!

New Chronicle - History of Flight

From CCP's Abraxas:
Todays piece is called "The History of Flight". There's no blood, no murder, no horrible mutilations of any kind, and no Fedo suckling.It's simply a nice story, partly about the burdens of parenthood, and partly about the limitations we put on ourselves. Unfortunately we can't supply a picture with this piece, but we hope that won't significantly lessen your enjoyment.


Tranquility Cluster Performance Problems

Recent stability and performance issues with Tranquility haven't gone unnoticed by CCP, and Kieron posted the following news item as a response to mounting criticisms:
We are aware of Tranquility's degraded performance, this is the result of an issue with today's patch. We will deploy server updates during tomorrow's maintenance period to address this. There is also a patch scheduled next week which address further stability and performance issues.

Build 28028 Patch Notes

Build 27912 to 28028 addresses Patch Notes for Revelations

Changes, Fixes and Improvements


  • The Nighthawk's description has been corrected to reflect its actual bonuses.
  • Armor hitpoints are no longer stacking nerfed.

Modules, Weapons and Drones

  • Probe Launchers can no longer be set to auto-repeat.
  • Scan Probes cannot be launched while within the scan range of other scan probes belonging to the same pilot.
  • Selecting 'All Groups' for scan results no longer results in an exception error.
  • The scan strength of drones has been increased to 7.5 for ligth drones, 12.5 for medium and 22.5 for heavy. This only affects for probe scanning as they can not be target jammed.
  • New programming has been added to drones. They will no longer attempt to become self-aware and will not pick random targets on their own.
  • Valkyrie and Hammerhead drones no longer share the same icon.
  • Backup arrays now give a bonus to the sensor type listed in their description. Tech 2 versions now give a 48% bonus.

Third Alliance PvP Tournament

The weekend saw some interesting stuff, as the Third Alliance PvP Tournament kicked off last Friday. Like last time, EVETV was there to cover the event, their broadcast replicating more traditional sports coverage. Despite severe problems with the presentation software and buffering issues during the first day, over fifteen thousand people tuned in to watch. A total of 40 teams signed up for the tournament, the weekend alone seeing 48 individual fights broadcast live with commentary and between-matches summaries. Fan coverage of the fights can be read here.

Be sure to catch EVETV as it goes live again next Friday.

New Guide

We have another advanced guide up, this time detailing the intricate secret arts of tracking down miscreants in a star system via the Scanning/Probe system. It assumes some knowledge in the usage of the directional scanner, but it should regardless be useful to anyone wishing to learn about probe use. Excerpt:
The ship of choice for probing is the Covert Ops frigates. There are 2 reasons for this, one is the built in bonus of 10% reduction to scan time per level (level 5 cuts the scan time in half) and the other is the ability to warp cloaked. If you can’t get a 0 m accuracy result you will need to warp in cloaked and approach manually.

Other ships that are useful for probing is the cloaking force recon ships for the warp cloaked ability and possibly the t1 astrometrics frigate as they have a 5% reduction to scan time per level. But in worst case any ship can be used.

Thanks to Hoshi for letting us use the guide.

Two new videos up

CCP's Community Manager Kieron provided a pair of tasty morsels today in the form of two new videos. In his words:
As promised at the Fanfest, not one but two new videos have been uploaded to the EVE Video section.

The first is the long anticipated EVE Online: Revelations trailer, 45 M packed full with the cool images and music we've been spoiled with from Zond3. Included are some action shots of the new ships released with Revelations.

The second video is a short clip of Ship Comparisons Redundancy used during his graphics upgrade presentation during the Fanfest. In it, you can see the changes coming to EVE in the future with the upgraded DX series of graphics.


Suffice to say that both of them are very much worth the download.