Frontiers Launch day + Patch Day!

Straight from Bordael: New Frontiers await! Ogres explore out of the previously forbidden lands beyond the Rathe Mountains. New alchemical magics have become more and more popular with young, would-be spell casters. We welcome new and experienced players alike to this next evolution in online adventure! To get the most out of your EverQuest Online Adventures experience, be sure to visit the official web site at 11/17/03 EXP Debt Cleared: Mid day, when the servers were completing the update, we removed all characters experience debt to help address any debt gained from the recent stability issues. Item Changes: Mithril Breastplate defensive proc has been corrected and now works properly. As a refresher about how defensive procs work, you can only ever have one that will function. The system searches your equipment slots in a certain order when you are struck in melee combat and once it finds an item with a defensive proc, it sets it off and stops searching. Specifically, the system searches your body slots in this order: SHIELD TORSO LEGS FOREARM GLOVES FEET HEAD WAIST Enlightened leggings, belt, tunic, and boots have been given appropriate stats for the classes intended to wear them. They've also been changed to use the padded armor texture. Embossed breastplate has been changed. The name is now Dragonflight Mail. Texture changed to chain and AC reduced to appropriate value. Repair cost also reduced. Breezerunner's breastplate will now display splint texture instead of plate. AC reduced to appropriate value. Talonthorn Breastplate: changed to Talonthorn Coat. AC reduced to appropriate value for a chain class item. Talonthorn Bracers : AC reduced to appropriate value for a chain class item. Storm's Rage Leggings and Skyrider's Helm: removed non-plate wearing classes from profile. NPC: Lord Gorvik in the Fort Alliance regions is now much rarer and should now drop appropriate treasure for his level and rarity.

Tomb City of Envar Exclusive Screenshots!

In the far south and westerly reaches of Tunaria, over the formidable mountains that once marked the boundary to the “Great Unknown” stretches a land of bleak, dreary, grey waste. Little seems to grow here, for plant life must withstand a constant assault of ash and cinders from the down wind blow of not so distant volcanism. Verily, the landscape seems to have the very life sucked from it. And while the desolate waste appears lifeless, many of the inhabitants most certainly are! Tucked in the corner of this bare, blasted land is a crumbling city, with a remarkable tower jutting up through the ruin, emanating a sickly, malevolent green glow from its summit. Within this city, the restless dead lumber and roam, pulled forth from beyond the grave to serve the masters of this city. Whispers, tales and rumors name these ruins as the Tomb City of Envar and home to the immortal race of the Jalraeth, a malign group of creatures absorbed with the death and dying of the mortals they encounter, or enticing dead souls to their dilapidated city to join in forced servitude. Outside the ranks of the darkest practitioners of necromancy, little beyond what is stated above is known about the Jalraeth race or their dark city. Perhaps more will be known now that the Frontier beyond the encircling Rathe Mountains has seen an increased rise in hardy (or perhaps foolhardy) adventurers.

New Look For Official Website!

From Bordael: The main EverQuest Online Adventures site receives a new look for the 2nd Edition of the game. Just in time for the launch of Frontiers, which ships out to retail stores on Monday, 11/17 and should be on shelves the 18th. Take a look!

New Forum Features

We added a nice new feature to the site. Premium members can now upload images to their user page to use as avatars on your posts in our forums and comment sections. And we give you the url where they reside so that you can link them in your signatures or as avatars in other forums that allow outside links to avatars and signatures. You get upload a maximum of 5 images, in a total of 512 KB of space. Forum avatars must be 80 X 80. Feel free to personalize your own avatar and upload it and link it into your posts. Just go to your user page and it is all there. And if you want to test it out or see what others are adding, Illia started a thread about it here.

Item And Quest Updates For Nov. 10th

This came from Bordael today: Over the last several days we had some rocky times with the stability of the EQOA servers and zones. Many people playing may have been adversely affected by this, either from dying or missing out on groups because their groups members lagged out or communication was cut by an untimely outage. We have corrected the problems and everything is running fine now, but we wanted to do what we could to amend the situation. So, as a thank you to our customers, on the morning of Monday, November 10th, we removed all character's EXP debt. Here is the new stuff: New Items: Protective WaistbandPyromantic PendantVagrant GreavesDragonslayers BreastplateGorgesplitterBog Stench GlovesFlamewoven RobeSkyrider's HelmWand of DedicationTwisted ClubHelmgrin's HammerCrystal Tear GlovesMystical Bracers of JubarShield of the MartyrShield of the MartyrImmortal ZweihanderChromatic BootsChromatic TomeBlue Chain TunicTzai Kun's SlippersEalin's PitchforkAxe of the RoseObsidian-Bladed MaceSunblasted RingKnuckle DustersShrouds of the StormMighty GauntletsDeathstone RingBloodiron BreastplateGladiator BootsGladiator BracersGladiator Breast PlateSky Blue Color Elemental BeltSoul Drinker

New Quests: Moradhim Level 17 Side QuestElf Enchanter Lvl 20Moradhim Lvl 6 Side QuestHuman Qeynos Magician Lvl 13

New Patch Notes

New Patch Info for ya... 11/6/03 Items: Increased the value of all mundane tailoring products to match the cost of the components to be consistent with the other trade skills. The rarity of the elemental bosses in the Elemental Towers Region has been increased to an "Uncommon" rate. The staves that they drop have also been changed to be more in line with that rate and be consistent with other 2 handed weapons. Druid crown of ivy reward from the level 45 side quest now properly has a repair cost associated with it Servers: New server code implemented to address recent stability issues. NPCs: Changed all NPC Poison and Disease abilities to address issues where bugs and creepy crawly monsters were acting more like scholarly wizards. Gethmyrk the Shade now drops items more appropriately. Factions: Players can now gain faction with House U`Dedne, J`Narus, and Do`Vexis by killing vermin at nearby Inns.

New Items for November 1

It may not seem like much, but there were a ton of item updates sent to me. Don't forget to send me any new items, updates to items, quest information, anything. New Items: Barnacle CapPyromantic StaffAlligator Tooth EarringScepter of FuryBlack Ruby EarringSilken Pants of DeathCreed Bound Morning StarGoldenleaf Robe

New Updates!

Straight from Bordael: Tailoring Added! This update includes the addition of the 4th trade skill - Tailoring! Visit any of the Seamster NPCs located in each starting city for more details and a brief tutorial on how to get started sewing your very own cloth, padded and leather armors! Root changed! Another important change we wanted to bring to your attention is the fact that NPCs, when rooted, used to just stand there and do nothing. Now, they will use any ranged abilities or spells available to them. So, a NPC wizard, when rooted, will use their spells to attack you, for example. Other Client changes: 25% of pet aggro transfers to casters when their pet leaves (either through death or dismissal) Included network communication optimizations in an effort to alleviate chronic Error 6 issues. Autoattack no longer continues when a target is not selected Characters may now experience a slight (a few seconds at most) delay before they can perform actions after teleporting or respawning from death. You can always move immediately - just trying to target or use an ability may be briefly delayed. This is to correct a potential crash issue. Corrected an issue with Scroll Acceleration throughout various menus in the user interface Corrected an issue that could allow players to refresh their breath bar underwater without surfacing Auction: NONE field added and default level set to 0 to help search for Misc item types in inventory for auctions Items: Miner's Shield is now equippible The Sword of peace, Whispering Dagger. Holy Sword of truth, and Sparring gloves now correctly have repair costs Bonesplint Leggins now have appropriate AC for their level Protector of Nife is now appropriately a level 47 item Burning Point now has an appropriate proc effect Fixed mirebone forged greaves to be usable by chain classes, added a min level, and balanced stats appropriately Quests Evened out the experience rewards given on quests for Dark Elf, Dwarf, and Elf Corrected an issue with the level 7 Gnome necro quest returning the incorrect reward Abilities: Corrected the level 12 Druid Light Healing spell to heal for the appropriate amount Lowered the lvl 27 Bard Dirge ability to cost 324 power Cleric spec Ward line of resistance buffs now lasts 30 minutes instead of 5 Tradeskills: Adamantite Opal Jewelry now correctly provides bonuses to STA Adjusted tradeskill item drop rates to include new Tailoring items. Reduced general drop rate of all tradeskill items. NPCs: Added an additional banker in Freeport to help alleviate crowding Increased the frequency that NPCs will check for invisible players near them. This will directly translate to more NPCs in the world seeing through invisibility. They always had a chance to in the past, but the NPCs didn't check very often. They now check more frequently. Updated factions for Lady Vox, Skyhir, and Minions of Vox to report correctly Item drops by Tak`Xiv Guardians are now stackable Jilop Brown Brown now has a unique treasure set Monks of the Endless Tower faction now views monks favorably Updated the rewards of Night Father in the Spirit Talker's Woods region Crocosaurus is now slightly rarer and also carries more valuable treasure

Item And Quest Updates for October 29th

Allakhazam FFXI Site is Now Open

Our Final Fantasy XI site is now open. If you are getting the game for tomorrow's launch, or just want to read up on it, please head over to and browse and post away. Thanks.