Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising Dev Q&A: EU Community

Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising has released a new dev Q&A which focuses on the European community. This time around the fans are joined by European Community Manager Steve “Mr. Tibbs” Best. Questions from the forums, Facebook and Twitter regarding the G&H European community are answered. Read the full Q&A after the jump.

God & Heroes: State of the Republic Address

Heatwave Interactive has released a Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising State of the Republic Address. Executive Producer Anthony Castoro goes over, in depth, where G&H is in the development process and what's to come leading up to the launch of the game.

G&H is currently in closed beta. The process has unearthed a well of knowledge for the game's developers. Once the beta was ramped up back in November, the team began stress testing. This led to servers now supporting twice as many simultaneous players as they once did, and they are far more stable. This is an area where the game will continue to improve even beyond launch.

The team also learned that minions are buggy and don’t live up to their expectations:

"We love the minion concept, but because of the state they are in, and the competitive products that have shipped with similar systems, it was clear that the minion system needs improvement to make it truly fun."

Read more about the future of Gods & Heroes after the jump.

God & Heroes: Star in an Upcoming Trailer

Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising is hosting a very special First Friday for the month of February. The team is working on an upcoming trailer for G&H and are looking to spotlight the beta community!

"During the First Friday event this week, we are looking for groups of players to film themselves while doing a variety of activities in the game! We want to see your faces when you go on a dungeon run, do questing with your guild or spend the afternoon showing your epic dance skills in Rome. We’ll all meet in Rome at the Forum Romanum from 3pm – 5pm CST and partner up to do some fun!"

Not a member of the God & Heroes beta? Well have no fear! Your friends at ZAM still have some closed beta keys on hand just for you! Just click the link and get ready for your closeup!

Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising Dev Q&A: Combat

Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising has released a new dev Q&A which focuses on combat. The dev team is answering questions from the forums, Facebook and Twitter. Read the full Q&A after the jump to see what changes and improvements are coming to the G&H combat system.

New Gods & Heroes Dev Q&A Focuses on Art

The second installment of the Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising Dev Q&A has been released and focuses on the game's art. Studio Art Manager Nick Carter answers fan questions about the artistic process behind the game.

Read the full Q&A after the jump to find out what the art team finds challenging, what's cosmetic items are coming in the future, and more! Also, don't forget about our Gods & Heroes beta key giveaway! There's still some left, so get yours now before they run out!

Gods & Heroes Dev Blog: Q&A with Community Team

The Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising team just released its first dev blog Q&A, which will become a regular weekly feature on the site. The inaugural Q&A session focuses on the game's community team and confirms that new forums are in the works. Also, the next closed beta play session with the dev team will be held on Feb. 4, and the team plans to host similar events after the game's launch. You can read the full Q&A after the jump.

If you have your own questions for the Gods & Heroes dev team, you can chat with them on Ustream on Jan. 25 from 6-7 p.m. CST. And if you'd like to participate in the closed beta, we're giving away keys to all ZAM members! Simply log into your ZAM account and grab a key before we run out!

ZAM Hosts Gods & Heroes Closed Beta Key Giveaway

Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising is currently in closed beta, and you can be a part of the action! We're giving away closed beta keys to all ZAM members, so log in and grab your key before we run out!

Gods & Heroes is an upcoming action MMO that immerses players in Roman mythology. The game is currently in development by Heatwave Interactive and is scheduled to launch in 2011. The team released the first installment of its new dev blog Q&A series today, so check it out for more details.

CEO Vows to Shave Head for Gods & Heroes Challenge

The Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising team will be hosting a stress test on Saturday, Dec. 18, from 2-4 p.m. CST, and Heatwave Interactive CEO Anthony Castoro really wants a lot of players to log in and help them test the new server configuration. To that end, Castoro has vowed to shave his head if at least 3,000 concurrent players enter the game during the event.

If you'd like to help Anthony reach his goal (or just want to see if he'll really shave his head), head over to the Gods & Heroes site and apply for the closed beta. As the game's title suggests, the upcoming MMO is set in the world of Ancient Rome.

Gods & Heroes Beta Giveaway. For Real!

Wandering Goblin has started the funniest thing I've ever heard of, ever.

That's right, we don't care what McKibbon and crew over at Perpetual are up to: we're giving away our beta keys. We acquired 10 beta keys for Gods and Heroes this past summer, and we waited patiently for the proper phase of beta to give them to our faithful readers. Well, that phase never came. But we goblins are promise keepers, and since we promised to give them to our readers, we're going to do exactly that.

Besides, we can't have these worthless pieces of cardboard valuable collector's items taking up space on our executive editor's desk, now can we? Something simply has to be done.

That's right ladies and gentle gnomes, you can now be the proud owner of a piece of history!