Sign Up for the LEGO Universe Beta

NetDevil officially unveiled the LEGO Universe trailer and gameplay footage at CES 2010 last month, but today's news may be even more exciting. We'll give you one word: beta!

OK, we'll give you a few more words. Sign-ups for the LEGO Universe beta are now open, so head over to the application page and fill out all the necessary information if you'd like to get a first-hand look at an MMO world made out of LEGO bricks.

We interviewed Lead Producer Chris Sherland at CES, so be sure to check out the video for more details on LEGO Universe.

Great Minifig Mission Begins in LEGO Universe

NetDevil has announced that the Great Minifig Mission is under way, and they need help sending minifigs into the LEGO Universe to take on the power of The Maelstrom. All you need to do is complete the challenges on the site to find hidden codes. There are currently three missions available to complete.

According to the mission page, 2,026,113 minifigs have already entered the LEGO Universe, and the number keeps climbing every minute. The countdown to rip closure is currently set at around 69 days, which puts it in the beginning of April. What does this mean? The game's scheduled to launch in 2010, so only time will tell what the rip closure signifies for the LEGO Universe.

CES 2010: LEGO Universe Video

Despite the fact that CES is more of a hardware focused show, NetDevil opted to set-up a booth on the show floor for their upcoming MMO, LEGO Universe. The response they received was amazing, and people were snatching up their free minifigs by the handful. To check out the latest on LEGO Universe, the ZAM staff and Mike B. aka Fony interviewed the title's lead producer, Chris Sherland, to find out the ins and outs of the upcoming game.

To see what LEGO Universe was showing off at CES 2010 and learn more about this upcoming MMO "for all ages," make sure you click past the break! And if you want to find out everything else we saw at CES 2010, click here!

NetDevil President Hosts LEGO Universe Walkthrough

The LEGO Universe trailer was officially unveiled at CES 2010 over the weekend, but that's not the only thing NetDevil revealed at the tradeshow. NetDevil President Scott Brown hosted a tour of the game at CES, and GameTrailers has posted the whole walkthrough in six parts.

The tour begins with a look at customization and shows various aspects of gameplay. Brown confirmed the game is currently in the alpha testing phase. You can watch all six videos after the jump to get a look at LEGO Universe in action.

Official LEGO Universe Trailer Unveiled

NetDevil unveiled the official LEGO Universe trailer at CES 2010, and it looks like we have a lot to look forward to when the game launches in the second half of this year. Check out the trailer in all its epic glory after the jump.

Speaking of CES 2010, be sure to follow along with Mike "Fony" B., the host of The BFF Report, as he shares his experiences at the technology tradeshow in our CES 2010 video coverage.

In case you missed it, we recently got the chance to check out a demonstration of LEGO Universe, and it definitely looks like fun. You can check out our in-depth preview and key facts article for more information.

LEGO Universe Demo, Trailer to Debut at CES

CES 2010 kicks off tomorrow at the Las Vegas Convention Center, and NetDevil has announced that the convention will mark a major milestone for LEGO Universe. According to a press release, "LEGO Universe is coming to life at CES 2010 with hands-on demos, beta sign ups, and the debut game trailer." This is the first time that the hands-on demos will be made available.

In case you missed it, we recently got the chance to check out a demonstration of LEGO Universe, and it definitely looks like fun. You can check out our in-depth preview and key facts article for more information. The MMO is scheduled to launch in the second half of 2010. Keep reading after the jump for the full CES press release.

LEGO Universe In-Depth Preview

During my childhood, I can remember spending hours over at my grandmother’s house, tinkering with her enormous boxes of decades old LEGOs. I would build and build, creating enormous four-color towers of epic proportions, only to have my younger brothers smash them to bits with their Ninja Turtle action figures. Over the years, my love of LEGOs has waxed and waned, but nothing has caught my attention more than the recent glut of LEGO video games, especially the upcoming MMO, LEGO Universe.

Recently, the ZAM staff had the chance to chat with the developers at Colorado-based NetDevil Studios to check out some of the long-awaited details about this “game-for-all-ages.” As I entered the demo room, with a hint of excitement, LEGO Universe’s Creative Director Ryan Seabury directed my attention to a wall-mounted viewing screen where the log-in area for LEGO Universe was being displayed.

LEGO Universe Preview - Key Facts Revealed

The time’s come to bust out those old LEGO kits and start touching up on your construction skills. LEGO Universe is on its ways and will be arriving on gamer computers in a relatively short amount of time. Dates have been announced and demonstrations have been given to the industry press. Most importantly, the game is fun.

How does ZAM know all this? Our staffers, along with other members of the press, were invited to a special demonstration of LEGO Universe that featured the game’s first ever live demonstration, along with extensive time to ask our own questions of Creative Director Ryan Seabury.

Although we’re still digesting all of the information that the LEGO Universe team dispensed, we couldn’t wait any longer in getting all of the pertinent facts put down on paper. You can expect a fairly lengthy preview and interview in the days ahead, but for now, here’s a quick cheat sheet on what we know about LEGO Universe.

In-Game Screenshots from LEGO Universe

For many of us, LEGO bricks were a part of our childhood. From the oversized Duplo blocks to the epic Death Star II kit, the vast majority of us have constructed something out of these diverse products. And soon you'll be able to build - actually build! - in a virtual world as well. LEGO Universe just released four brand new screenshots, and the ZAM crew has showcased them for you to see. Check 'em all out!

LEGO Universe Revealed with In-game Screenshots

Fans of the Lego franchise may be happy to know that NetDevil's Lego Universe is nearing some form of presentable conclusion, as the team has just released 11 new screenshots showcasing the game's in-game engine and character creation screen. Judging from the screenshots themselves, the game looks like it has a lot of promise - especially if it appeals to adults and children alike. It just remains to be seen if NetDevil can count on the worldwide fanbase of the Lego brand, or if SOE's FreeRealms will continue to maintain its monopoly of the children's MMO market.

You can check out the screenshots here!