Tuesday, May the 29th, 2012

Monday, May the 28th, 2012

New Quests: Flax to FibreThe Twines That BindA Gentle WeaponBoot Demand, Boot Supply (Daily)

New Items: FlaxCherry Wood BranchElf-made TwineRolls of Flax FibreFortune -- 1 of 50Fortune -- 2 of 50Fortune -- 3 of 50Fortune -- 4 of 50Fortune -- 5 of 50Fortune -- 6 of 50Fortune -- 7 of 50Fortune -- 8 of 50Fortune -- 9 of 50Fortune -- 10 of 50Fortune -- 11 of 50Fortune -- 12 of 50Fortune -- 13 of 50Fortune -- 14 of 50Fortune -- 15 of 50Fortune -- 16 of 50Fortune -- 17 of 50Fortune -- 18 of 50Fortune -- 19 of 50Fortune -- 20 of 50Fortune -- 21 of 50Fortune -- 22 of 50Fortune -- 23 of 50Fortune -- 24 of 50Fortune -- 25 of 50Fortune -- 26 of 50Fortune -- 27 of 50Fortune -- 28 of 50Fortune -- 29 of 50Fortune -- 30 of 50Fortune -- 31 of 50Fortune -- 32 of 50Fortune -- 33 of 50Fortune -- 34 of 50Fortune -- 35 of 50Fortune -- 36 of 50Fortune -- 37 of 50Fortune -- 38 of 50Fortune -- 39 of 50Fortune -- 40 of 50Fortune -- 41 of 50Fortune -- 42 of 50Fortune -- 43 of 50Fortune -- 44 of 50Fortune -- 45 of 50Fortune -- 46 of 50Fortune -- 47 of 50Fortune -- 48 of 50Fortune -- 49 of 50Fortune -- 50 of 50

New Mobs: Tanathron

New Deeds: Festival Fortunes: Excellent AdviceFestival Fortunes: Fateful ForetellingsFestival Fortunes: Oddly FamiliarFestival Fortunes: An Adventurer's SongFestival Fortunes: A Storyteller's Snippets

New Objects: FlaxCherry Wood BranchElf-made Twine

New Titles: Eriador Cartographerthe EnlightenedSame Old SongWriting on the Wallthe Poeticalthe Peculiar

Sunday, May the 27th, 2012

Friday, May the 25th 2012

Thursday, May the 24th, 2012

Tuesday, May the 22nd, 2012

Monday, May the 21st, 2012

Saturday, May the 19th, 2012

Friday, May the 18th 2012

Wednesday, May the 16th, 2012