Tuesday, September the 13th, 2011

Monday, September the 12th, 2011

Friday, September the 9th, 2011

Dev Diary Video Showcases Gap of Rohan Region

Turbine just released a video developer diary and a batch of screenshots featuring the Gap of Rohan region that's coming to Lord of the Rings Online in the Rise of Isengard expansion. You can watch the video below and view the images in our gallery.

In addition to the Gap of Rohan information, Turbine has published a developer diary outlining the Monster Play changes for Creeps that are coming in Rise of Isengard, which pairs nicely with the recent Freeps dev diary. They also announced the Turbine Point pricing for components of the expansion in the LOTRO Store.

Rise of Isengard will launch in September 27. For more details on the expansion, check out our hands-on preview from PAX.

Thursday, September the 8th, 2011

Wednesday, September the 7th, 2011

Isengard Dev Diary: Freep Monster Play Changes

In the latest Lord of the Rings Online developer diary entry, Jared "Kelsen" Pruett outlines all of the revisions being made to the Freep (Free Peoples) Monster Play experience in the upcoming Rise of Isengard expansion. Here are the highlights:

  • Quests are being revised. They are now dailies that reward a combination of Destiny, Glory, and Coin. Quests to kill Tyrants or Chieftains now reward the player with Tyrant Crests and/or Chieftain Brooches on completion.
  • Freep consumable potency has been increased to be comparable to top tier crafted potions.
  • The Ranger will receive changes to help him fulfill the role of a single target assassin that focuses on key targets.
  • Turbinewill be releasing an updated version of the current armor sets with revised stats and increased item level.
  • Three sets of rings have been added for barter, focusing on the primary stats of the classes.
  • A new off-hand weapon or shield is now available for each class at Rank 8.
  • Long-time Freeps will be able to complete a couple quests to earn a special title and a cloak with unique art. Long-time Creeps can also get a title.

Rise of Isengard launches on September 27. It raises the level cap to 75 and features three new regions, including Dunland, the Gap of Rohan and Isengard. It also introduces a 24-player raid and a massive dragon boss named Draigoch. For more details, check out our Isengard preview from PAX.

Tuesday, September the 6th, 2011

Sunday, September the 4th, 2011

Saturday, September the 3rd, 2011