Mobage Reveals Marvel: War of Heroes Mobile CCG

Some veteran comic fans might remember back in the early 90s, during that time when comics were so big they were printing just about everything with Spider-Man or Iron Man on the cover, even collectible cards. The problem was, the cards didn't do anything – so, given a few years, what use were they? Someone at Mobage apparently agreed, and decided that, instead of trying to fight for space, a mobile phone and tablet game would fill the niche nicely.

So Marvel: War of Heroes is born; a virtual collectible card game, playable on phones and tablets, featuring a story and plot about as long and complex as the average comic. Much like Transformers, it's fast and efficient – battles are instantaneous, quick dice rolls that show you the result of your fight. Details are scant as of yet, but the rarity of cards ranges between one and seven, and each one has an 'affinity' that adds to team complexity (think Fire or Ice affinity, for example, adding a rock/paper/shotgun element).

Much care is being paid to lore of the Marvel universe, and you can equip and upgrade your team with SHIELD tech and equipment. And, of course, assembling a 'team' as a callback to your favorite heroes – like the X-Men, the Defenders, or the Avengers – gives you a synergy bonus. Card rarity is more advanced, between one and seven, and any duplicate cards can be fused and evolved, similar to Rage of Bahamut's fusion system. And, emphasizing simplicity and playability, the cards will use the reliable three-stat set of Attack, Defense, and Special.

The game is primarily multiplayer focused, with the campaign serving as a primer, and special incentive to keep coming back, including free limited cards and 'Events,' which easily sell me on the idea. See, if you've ever been a comic fan, comics frequently have big, world-changing Events that require you pay attention to them.

The Civil War is probably the most known Marvel version of it. War of Heroes says, 'why not do this for our game?' So, during weekends and certain dates, you and others can have special fights that net you unique rewards. They didn't say specifically what, but figure the Hulk went on a rampage, or Galactus sent the Silver Surfer out, and you have a pretty good idea of what these Events will involve.

With the same speed and simplicity brought to their other mobile CCGs, Marvel will bring a lot of weight. The speed at which the game plays – with very efficient team creation, followed by a quick match – makes it a fun and fast addition to play quick PvP matches against your friends for any iOS or Droid user, coming this August.