Will Windows 7 Improve Your MMO Experience?

This week was a big one for about 90 percent of all computer users. That is to say; 90 percent of those computers users are running Microsoft's Windows operating system, as opposed to an Apple or Linux OS. And unless you've been living in a cave lately, you've heard that Windows 7, the highly-anticipated next-generation OS from Microsoft launched last week, with record-breaking sales. But what does this mean for gamers? Specifically, as an MMO gamer, is Windows 7 something you should be interested in, if given the choice? Is it really worth shelling out the cash for Microsoft's newest OS, when your copy of XP or Vista seems to run your MMOs just fine?

The short answer is yes; there are incentives to upgrade. Of course, as any level-headed consumer, you should do a little research and weigh the pros and cons, especially as they apply to your personal computing experience. Since most of us don't use our PCs exclusively to play MMOs, there are other factors (productivity, for example) to consider. But for an MMO gamer, Windows 7 does offer improvements and benefits from the aging XP operating system, if your hardware can support it. Users of the newer Vista OS will also notice improvements, as Windows 7 is its natural successor, or "what Vista should have been in the first place," as many have said. Let's take a look at the viability of upgrading to Windows 7 and, more importantly, why it matters to fans of the MMO genre.