WoW - Brawler's Club in 5.1 PTR Preview

World of Warcraft's Brawler's Club, the Fight Club esque solo battle arena for dueling big bosses, just got confirmed last week in the PTR to be extremely exclusive. The only way in is to be invited via existing members, or to pick up an expensive Blood Soaked Invitation on the Black Market. 

There's a few more changes in store for the PTR as covered by Perculia of Wowhead, including new achievements and NPCs, but most notably they've removed the flowers and rotten fruit as an influence on the brawls. And, more amusingly, there's a slew of new NPCs, like Duke Studlington, a blood elf who follows you and flexes repeatedly, or - this one cracked me up - the undead warlock Robert Paulson.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

WoW Devs Talk PvP

WoW Mists of Pandaria PvP Update

With World of Warcraft's latest expansion, Mists of Pandaria having been out for several weeks now, the devs opened up about PvP. They talked about class balance issues, MMR (Matchmaking Rating), and some possibilities for the future of PvP.

Wowhead Previews the Latest 5.1 PTR Build


If you're a World of Warcraft player, you're likely knee-deep in the Dread Wastes right about now, helping out a few bugs with some tasks that they somehow don't quite seem appreciative enough of. If you could stand to use a break from those six-legged friends, Wowhead has you covered with a preview of the latest build of 5.1, the upcoming content patch just deployed to the Public Test Realm.


WoW - 10/25 Man Raids Might Not Share Lockouts

Dare I dream? Ever since Wrath of the Lich King era was closed and 10/25-man raids shared lockouts, I hoped they'd undo this very annoying feature. Well, due to some attentive spotting, the Korean servers for World of Warcraft will be removing this feature in 5.1. But is it coming to our servers here in the US? Ashelia's report says their recent Reddit AMA mentioned wanting to give a boost to 25-man raids. This just might be their solution.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

New World of Warcraft Pet Store Teased

Why who's this little guy? Well according to World of Warcraft's Facebook post, he's a fired up little kitty who wants a new caretaker, and they have "adoption details coming soon." What does this mean? An adoption center for vanity pets for Pandaria? Most likely! 

For now, I'm going to have to come up with a name for my own little flame cat. How's "Vulpix" sound? 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Wowhead Team Hosting AMA On Reddit

Did you have a burning question to ask the Wowhead team? You might not get another chance, as they're holding an Ask Me Anything right now, and both of them are answering questions all day! Limited time to get your question in!

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Mists of Pandaria - Battle Pets in the Wild

Mists of Pandaria's new pet battles wouldn't be complete without a few monsters to capture in the wild, preferrably in some tall brush. So, with that in mind, Perculia has all the wild locations and types broken down, including a full map detail on where to find them, divided up by continent. All the mixed location ones are in a "multiple zones" subcategory at the bottom.

Time to get hunting! Be sure to visit a PandaCenter to heal them up between fights.

Julian "Mirai" Williams


WoW City-Nuking Hack Hotfixed

The World of Warcraft has been a little more bare, lately - a hack was discovered that could nuke entire towns, turning everything from players to NPCs into corpses. Thankfully, Blizzard fixed it fairly quickly, and it's already in the game, making the game safe to play once more. Blizzard has urged anyone who knows more about the exploit - including who found it, perpetrated it, or threatened players with it - to report it to 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

WoW 5.1 PTR Coming Soon

Before Mists of Pandaria launched, Blizzard said a few times that their goal this expansion was to release new content faster. So far that plan appears to be on track since they've just announced that the 5.1 PTR will be opening up soon.


PST Episode 98 is Live

Mr. Lore with PST is back, and a little late this time around! TankSpot again returns for more World of Warcraft Q+A, covering a wide spectrum of Mists of Pandaria concerns. Taken from the YouTube page:

This week:

0:48 - Are the long queue times on high-pop servers going to affect progression?

7:50 - Aren't there still "right" and "wrong" choices in the new talent system?

15:36 - If you could raid with a world first guild, would you?

20:20 - Do MoP dailies require too much grinding, especially where alts are concerned?

27:54 - How do I deal with a raider who is talented, but doesn't mesh well with the group?

32:54 - Are MoP heroics too easy?

40:18 - How do the random elements of some boss fights affect Challenge Mode times?

46:27 - How many raid bosses would be ideal per tier?

53:46 - Is the WoW community cycling towards younger players?

1:00:26 - Should Spirits of Harmony be made BoE?

Julian "Mirai" Williams