Wowhead: All About the Pets

As anticipation builds to a fever pitch, Wowhead has come prepared for the launch of Mists of Pandaria.

Many players are looking forward to jumping into PScreenshotet Battles and we have all the tools you need to find the perfect pet.

WoW: Mists of Pandaria Live at Launch

Millions of players around the world have been waiting a long time for this day.

Mists of Pandaria goes live tonight -- in fact, those lucky Europeans are already adventuring with the Pandaren.

ZAM is pleased to invite you to its launch through our official twitch page.

Blizzard Adding "Appear Offline" to

Battlenet, infamous and trustworthy Blizzard service, is getting an often-requested feature soon. Did you ever pop online just in the mood to play a game of Starcraft or World of Warcraft and not wanting to be noticed by your clan, guild, or friends? Then you'll like the Appear Offline option coming soon.

In the coming months, we're planning an update to that will give you more control over your online presence when playing Blizzard games. Soon, World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, and Diablo III players will be able to select "Appear Offline" as one of their social-status options (along with Available, Busy, and Away) for those times when they want to wander Azeroth by their lonesome, dominate the galaxy in radio silence, or slay demons in solitude.

The feature will be spaced out depending on the game - they expect it in Diablo III in the 1.0.5 patch, and coming to WoW and SCII after their upcoming expansions. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Interviews with Blizzard Designers

With one week left, Mists of Pandaria is inching closer, and two developers for Blizzard - Dave Kosak, Lead Quest Designer, and Ion Hazzikostas, Lead Encounter Designer - have sat down with our very own Wowhead and our friends at TankSpot, respectively, to discuss some of the new content coming in Mists of Pandaria. Things discussed includes lore and design in contrast to Azeroth, Garrosh, rare spawns in Mists, and Challenge Modes. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

WoW Meets AMA and it's Pirate Day!

It's Pirate Day once again in World of Warcraft, and if you don't want to miss out on the festivities, sweet costumes, grog, or the achievements, Wowhead has your back

Plus, just yesterday Best Buy held a developer chat starring Lead Systems Designer Greg Street, Lead Encounter Designer Ion Hazzikostas, Lead Content Designer Cory Stockton, and Lead Quest Designer Dave Kosak! 

There was a lot to digest but fortunately for you all the questions and answers were recorded, written down, and posted by the fabulous Perculia. The topics covered included lore, 25-man raids and classes in Mists of Pandaria

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Theramore's Fall Scenario Unveiled

There's lots of spoilers for the new Theramore scenario in World of Warcraft, so abandon hope, ye all who enter here!

Anyone level 85 who wants to get in to WoW's new scenario, Theramore's Fall, had better jump fast, because the window is only between Sept 17th to 24th for level 85 players. But if you just need to know more about it, Wowhead has you covered, with a full breakdown of the scenario, screenshots, loot, video walkthroughs, and - probably the best part - an exclusive interview with Christie Golden, writer of Tides of Warthe novel that fills in Jaina Proudmoore's time up until now. Again, spoilers abound, as the interview covers not just Tides of War but also much of Theramore's Fall. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

PST 96: Feeling Ranty

Josh "Lore" Allen might be feeling a bit angry for no apparent reason, but he still took time to answer your questions in this week's PST.

The scaling of stats in challenge modes proves an interesting topic for Lore to tackle among a series of other questions on Mists of Pandaria's many changes.


If you missed it, below is also the embed for the recent The Weekly Marmot for you to enjoy.


                                       Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief

Wowhead Mists of Pandaria Class Previews

Don't forget, if you thirst for the knowledge to be had in Mists of Pandaria's new class changes, Perculia and the Wowhead team have your back! Keep an eye on Wowhead as more previews, guides and articles appear as MoP nears release.

Priest Preview

Paladin Preview

Hunter Preview

Mage Preview

Rogue Preview

Warrior Preview

Warlock Preview

Death Knight Preview

Druid Preview

Shaman Preview

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Ask Blizzard Anything

AMAs can vary in their value. Sometimes ask me anything can mean tell me a lot about not very much. That certainly is not the case with the large Q&A done by Blizzard on Reddit yesterday.

Ashelia of Wowhead fame has done a superb job in categorizing and organizing the many pieces of information that were divulged through the course of the proceedings. Head on over there for a full breakdown of what was said.

Last Dragon Standing?

Blizzard's creative development team provide answers to questions on the lore of Azeroth and just where many aspects -- no pun intended -- of the game stand.