The Weekly Marmot: Episode 176

Not long to go now before Lore ships off to Blizzard Entertainment, so be sure to check him out on this week's episode of The Weekly Marmot.

World of Warcraft: Redemption

With the recent news that World of Warcraft has lost 1.3 million subscribers in the last 3 months, the imminent patch 5.3 suddenly carries a lot of importance. Bear in mind that, although the patch brings a lot of changes and fixes as well as some new content, 5.3 isn’t a major content patch, so will it be enough to keep players interested? Let’s take a look at why we should stick around for patch 5.3.

The Final Countdown

As fans of Josh "Lore" Allen are no doubt all fully aware, the man himself wil be departing for Blizzard at the end of the month.

That means you should take full advantage and watch the latest episode of The Weekly Marmot. This week, Lore discusses whether lockouts for 10 and 25 man raids should be split.

Lore Joins Blizzard

Well it's official folks! Last week Josh Allen aka "Lore", released his big announcement stating that he would in fact be joining the Blizzard Entertainment North American Community Team for World Of Warcraft.

World of Altcraft

Until recently, those poor little guys and gals I devoted so much time to in Cataclysm had become nothing more than a memory. But now, with the news that the xp required to level from 85-90 is going to be reduced by 30% in the next World of Warcraft patch, I am faced with a new problem: which alt do I level first?

Am I happy? Oh, yes! During Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm, I raided with five characters - and I wasn't the only one. My guild ran raids for our alts while also progressing through heroic content on our mains. However, during Mists of Pandaria, many of us have had to accept that our mains are now our 'onlys,' with only enough time for normal modes and LFRs.

PST Rapid Fire Ep. 19


Welcome back to another episode of PST Rapid Fire, the weekly World of Warcraft Q&A show hosted by the one and only Josh Allen aka Lore. Join him this week as he covers topics such as the future of small group content and scenarios, Warlock abilities, the possibility of raid-scaling and theories on level gain in the next WoW expansion pack.

World of Warcraft: Questing is Fun?

Hello. My name’s Qelric and I have a confession to make: I spent the night questing and I liked it.

If you knew me personally, you’d think me mad, but it felt so good! It’s been a while since I’ve had the time or the inclination to spend a few hours doing anything other than raiding in World of Warcraft, but last night I unlocked the Klaxxi and really enjoyed committing Mantid genocide in the Dread Wastes.

World of Warcraft: Blizzard Continues to Excite

The patches for World of Warcraft sure are coming thick and fast now with 5.3 currently being tested on the PTR. Judging by the latest patch notes, Blizzard seems determined to be the exception to the rule: quality > quantity.

Having discussed last time the wonderful news that loot specialization will be coming to the LFR, questing and bonus rolls, the excitement continues to build as Blizzard announces that class roles will be added to Battlegrounds, meaning you will have to select your role before queuing. No more losing BGs just because the opposing team has more healers than you!

Tanks! You're Welcome.

Being a tank in the World of Warcraft, Blizzard's recent news that patch 5.3 will add an option where players can "choose to receive loot for a specialization that's different from their current class role" when running LFR or while questing, is some of the best news I’ve heard in a long time.

When I first started playing WoW – back at the start of The Burning Crusade – I had endless amounts of time to devote to my characters, from raiding to farming rep and running dungeons with my guild. Nowadays I have a full-time job, a fiancé and a YouTube channel to maintain. With what little time I have left, I manage to raid two nights per week with my guild, grind a few dailies here and there and run LFR (if I'm lucky!).

Changes to the loot system will make a lot of players happy

BlizzCon Tickets on Sale April 24 and 27


As reported by our marvelous colleagues at Wowhead, tickets for the celebration of all things Blizzard, BlizzCon, will go on sale in just a few weeks.

Split into two batches, the tickets will be up for grabs on April 24 and April 27 (if you think they will need more than those days to sell out, you are wildly mistaken).

With the possibility of announcements for a new World of Warcraft expansion, new StarCraft and perhaps even some info on whatever Titan is going to be, fans will be scrambling for tickets with even more fevered anticipation than normal (if that is possible).

Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief