Wowhead 5.2 Spell Preview Video

It's a sleepless time over at Wowhead. The release of a major new content patch on the PTR means there are patch notes to compile, screenshots to be taken and zones to preview. It's a daunting task, but someone has to do it.

This time, Perculia's got a preview of the all-new class talents coming in patch 5.2. The video contains previews of abilities for the Monk, the Rogue and the Warlock. As a Rogue myself, I'm particularly excited to see the love coming our way.

World of Warcraft Patch 5.2 Is Live On The PTR

While I'm still off gleefully collecting sigils for Wrathion, along comes Blizzard with news that World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria patch 5.2 has just gone live on the PTR.

PST Rapid Fire - Round 4

In PST Rapid Fire Lore answers whatever questions the viewers have. This episode saw the concerns of many regarding the future of 5 man content after the recent tweet by Zarhym

The Weekly Marmot - Patch 5.2 First Look

In last week's holiday edition of The Weekly Marmot, Lore took a look at the recently released 5.2 patch notes.

12 Games of Christmas: WoW


World of Warcraft had a lot to prove this year.

The biggest MMO on the market, the gorilla in the room, seemed to be on the wane as Cataclysm proved to be a disappontment for many players in its lack of endgame content.

Blizzard's faith in Mists of Pandaria paid off, with even cynics admitting that it was possibly the best expansion since Burning Crusade and WoW's subscriber numbers rebounding healthily -- though it's not like they were ever in the toilet, let's face it.

Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2 Teased

Blizzard has been adamant that we will see more regular updates for Mists of Pandaria than has been seen in the past.

We've heard this all before, of course, but it certainly seems Blizz is putting its money where its mouth is this time around.


PST #107

Hi Lore! Thanks for coming back for a new episode, always a pleasure. This week, PST #107, dealing with a final-tier nerf to MoP, making guilds stand out, and the game without gems, enchants, and reforging!

This week:

  • 0:19 - Will we see another final-tier nerf in MoP?
  • 8:36 - Should Blizzard add a "Random LFR" feature?
  • 13:16 - How can I make my guild stand out when recruiting?
  • 21:22 - Would having a dedicated observer in a spectator mode really be a bad thing?
  • 26:54 - What's the difference between DPS and Damage Done on the meters?
  • 34:07 - How do you feel about items unique to the BMAH, like the Sun Lute?
  • 37:05 - What would the game be like if there were no gems, enchants, or reforging?
  • 42:48 - How can I decide who to give our Blood Spirits to?

Julian "Mirai" Williams

The Feast of Winter Veil

It's that time of year… Snow is falling, cookies are baking, presents are being wrapped and our favorite MMOs like to get in on the act! If World of Warcraft happens to be your game, The Feast of Winter Veil has arrived -- as usual, Wowhead's Perculia has you covered!

PST Rapid Fire Test Episode

Remember a few days ago, we warned you he would be coming thrice weekly? Here he is - Lore's show is hitting a third weekly show (dividing up Weely Marmot, PST, and now Rapid Fire). Using Twitter, Livestream, and recording software, he's taking rapid-shot questions. He even answers some opinion points, like his biggest raid fail moment and what kind of class he'd like to see in WoW!

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Brawler's Guild Guide

If you haven't heard, Blizzard's new Brawler's Guild in World of Warcraft is a lot like Fight Club -- an exclusive invite-only club that operates very secretively that members are not supposed to talk about.