Gamescom Exclusive: Mists of Pandaria Interview

Exclusive: Wowhead talks to Mists of Pandaria developers John Lagrave and Ion Hazzikostas.

Mists of Pandaria Faction Preview: Lorewalkers


Prepare yourself to do a lot of faction grinding with the Lorewalkers in Mists of Pandaria. You'll have to go through many quests and kill hundreds of enemy faction members to get...wait, that's not it this time?

It's just a matter of exploration and conversation? Oh. Huh. 

For more on this preview, check out the mighty Perculia's take over on Wowhead.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

Gamescom: Taking a Peek at NVIDIA

Let’s face it: as MMO gamers, we’re usually pretty poor at upgrading our PCs. Compared to our FPS playing brethren, we try to eke out as much life as possible from our components. When it is finally time to buy a new base unit or bundle of parts, we try to stretch our cash as far as possible. Considering our tendency to splash out on mice with more buttons than the average calculator, it’s surprising that we’re less inclined to think inside the box.

During Gamescom, I had the good fortune to meet up with NVIDIA representatives and check out their latest collection of hardware, from brand new desktop and laptop chips to the latest in mobile gaming. I also managed to get a close look at some of the latest games and MMOs running on this new kit, so that I could see for myself just what a difference it makes. From multiplayer Mech-fest Hawken to contemporary MMO The Secret World, the results are stunning.

PST 92: Not So Legendary?

With MoP fast approaching, there are plenty of questions for Lore to answer.

Pandas for All!

As first reported by Wowhead's own sensational Perculia, Patch 5.0.4 will have a surprising addition for all players.

MoP Cinematic Unleashed

The wait is over - one of them anyway - as the Mists of Pandaria launch cinematic debuts at Gamescom.

The Weekly Marmot: Le-Gem-Dary!

Lore returns to bring The Weekly Marmot. This week he outlines the new legendary coming in Mists of Pandaria.

Mists of Pandaria Pre-Patch Imminent

It looks like the panda is out of the bag.

Patch 5.0.4, the update that will prepare World of Warcraft players and Azeroth for MoP should be with us very soon.

Run Down Your Mists of Pandaria Vanity Items

If you ever needed to just lob watermelons at people, Mists of Pandaria has your back.

Wowhead's got the skinny on all the vanity items for MoP; including a picnic basket, a rat-scaring turnip and a Jade Raccoon in case you want to summon a furry Pandarian friend. 

PST 91: Best in Slot and Legendary Gems

Josh "Lore" Allen returns to answer your World of Warcraft questions.

Should we wait for a best in slot piece before slapping in a legendary gem? Why do bleeding-edge raid guilds feel the need to faction transfer? And just why aren't gear tokens universal?

All these questions and more are answered with Lore's inimitable style in this week's PST.

                                                                                   Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor In Chief