Eve Online August 2008 Newsletter

Another Eve Online newsletter has been published at the official site! Here is some news from Scott Holden:

A Message from Scott Holden - Lead Content Creator

As EVE Online continues to evolve, we are constantly looking to increase the content available to players. The job of creating that content is led by Scott Holden - Lead Content Creator. Based in our Atlanta office, Scott took a few moments to let fans know what his team is currently working on:

"We currently have a team working on missions full-time in Content Creation (which is now based in Atlanta). CCP plans to expand this team by the end of the year. In addition, we currently use about a dozen freelance writers to help kick out oodles of PVE content.

Missions in EVE have traditionally been pretty simple things, basically asking the player to go kill some NPCs or to fetch something and move it from one station to another. We have lots of great plans in the pipeline for new kinds of missions, though. Expect to see 'epic mission arcs' possibly by this winter - possibly - and many other new completion triggers and mission objectives starting to show up around the same time. As you might expect, we're all pretty jazzed about the whole thing."

Other newsletter topics include:

- Windows within Windows
- Reap the Rewards of Referral
- Accept our Friend Request
- E-ON is Here

Click here for Eve Online VOL. XX August 2008 complete newsletter information.

Speed Rebalanced

CCP Nozh has posted a developer blog detailing the rebalancing of speed in EVE Online . After a lengthy meeting in which the issue of speed was discussed, the devs laid down five basic tenets:

Speed must never reach ludicrous speed, which is defined as speeds where missiles and drones don't intercept the class of ship they were intended for.

There should be a significant and meaningful difference in speed between the ship classes.

Speed should not permit a larger ship to perform the role that a smaller specialized ship was intended for.

Afterburners should be a viable module selection for PVP.

Guerrilla warfare must remain a viable combat tactic.

Nozh's blog lays out the basics of speed, the way things were, and the way things will be. 

Expansion Launch Video

Sure, launch days are exciting for the players. And I'm sure you can guess that they're pretty crazy for the developer staff. Check out this video , showing the 24 hours surrounding the release of Empyrean Age, the latest EVE Online expansion. Talk about a marathon work day!

EVE Online Fan Fest Tickets On Sale

Tickets for EVE Online's Fan Fest 2008 are now on sale. This year's festivities include the following highlights:

PVP Tournament. Think of a cage match for capsuleers: your name and ship on a giant screen, battering your opponent into scrap before the rabid cheers of hundreds of fans. The prize: undisputed bragging rights and interstellar fame-plus some very cool EVE Stuff to be decided. Think you have what it takes? Then make sure you sign up for the action! Registration begins in September.

Presentations. CCP's creative, technical, and production leads give you an up-close-and-personal view of what's being done to make EVE better now, plus a glimpse at the future of EVE.

Roundtables. A personal discussion between groups of players and devs covering EVE topics such as content, game design, storyline, and more. Signups will be at the venue on the day of the event.

Jita. Are your corpmates planning a strong showing at this year's Fanfest? Then register for your own dedicated meeting area for your corporation or alliance on the venue floor!

Silent Auction. It's your chance to get some cool EVE collectable items and also be helping kids on several continents to have an easier hospital stay.

In addition, this EVE Online is encouraging players to bring their wife along for a fantastic Iclandic vacation.

We want you to bring your ladies! Iceland is a once-in-a-lifetime destination vacation. The Sisters of EVE Program will give your partner a chance to visit Iceland along with you: while you discuss the nuances of the Carrier nerf with fellow corpmates, they can take a day trip to a geothermal spa, shop in the downtown district, or tour the Icelandic countryside. And the Reykjavik nightlife is world-class!

Sounds phenomenal, but are you really going to make a girl choose between gaming and the spa? Can't we have both?!

Check out full details here .

EVE Chronicle: The Paths They Chose

EVE has continued their chronicle of the heads of state for the various factions with this week's
We continue our look at the galactic empires and how they're reacting to the cataclysmic events of the Empyrean Age. This time around, our story revolves around the highest authority in the Gallente Federation, and the path he has decided for his empire.

This is the second of five weekly chronicles that give you an inside look at the leaders of the major EVE factions. So far we have published a story on Maleatu Shakor of the Minmatar, and this week's piece is Souro Foiritan of the Gallente. Next up will be a special story on the capsuleers, followed by Tibus Heth of the Caldari and Jamyl Sarum of the Amarr.

Why they'd want to chronicle the enslaving, insidious, Caldari statehead is beyond me, but today, at least, we can read about Souro Foiritan, president of the Gallente Federation!

NY Times: Council of Stellar Management Coverage

It's not often we see positive coverage of our genre in the mass media, so I was excited to see coverage of CCP's recent Council of Stellar Management in the New York Times!

Yet mere planets were beneath the concern of the nine leaders — warlords, religious crusaders, industrial tycoons, freedom fighters, university dons and banking moguls — who temporarily set aside their differences last week and gathered here under a banner of peace. After all, they had an entire galaxy to consider.

Of course that galaxy does not really exist. Yet for the more than 200,000 players of the science-fiction game Eve Online; for the company here that created it, CCP; indeed for the broader concept of how companies relate to their customers, the inaugural meeting of the Council of Stellar Management was a watershed in the evolution of online democracy.

I take offense to calling Trinity not existing, but I'll take any positive looks at the team work that MMOs can bring to players!  Hurray to the Times, and to the players who are representing all of our needs to CCP!  Huzzah!

EVE Online Optional Patch Released

EVE Online announced on their forums that they released a patch earlier this week to help with some client issues that a few folks might be having.
An optional patch was deployed today that addresses issue some players have had with running multiple clients simultaneously. If you’re used to running two or more clients at once and have had trouble in the past, please apply the optional patch, try it out and discuss how it works in this forum thread. Feedback is appreciated and if you run into trouble please remember to file a bugreport and attach a logfile of the run. Keep in mind that you can always install or uninstall optional patches through the ESC menu.

It is recommended to set resource cache size in the settings menu to low, or even off when using multiple clients.
Hopefully this will fix any problems you guys have been having!

EVE Council of Stellar Management Summit Recap

Straight from an EVE Devblog:
It started one year ago – the idea to revive the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) and make it even better than the original implementation. Today, after few days of organizing and processing what transpired during the CSM Summit last week, it is a time for a blog.

In short, the Summit was a resounding success. The amount of effort and time spent by the CSM on polishing the topics on the agenda was extensive and now our work is laid out for us. The benefit of the meetings between the CSM and CCP became evident the first day when everyone came prepared and eager to get to work.

The next step is to sort the discussed topics according to viability and priority. The first criteria is the amount of work required by CCP in terms of programming time, design and balancing etc., and the second criteria is the priority set on the topic by the CSM. A third measurement has already been placed on the topics – the technical feasibility of addressing topics brought up by the CSM – that was done during the meetings between the CSM and the CCP Council.

Read on for the rest!

EVE Chronicle: Silent Furies

CCP is certainly delving the depths of the storyline associated with the newest expansion that launched June 10th, The Empyrean Age, with weekly chronicles regarding the different faction leaders.  This week's Chronicle?  The Minmatar Republic!

The Empyrean Age is upon us, shaking the foundations of galactic empires. Everyone must adapt to survive, including the leaders of the world. Starting today, we'll be publishing five weekly chronicles that give you an inside look into the decision-making of each of the four faction heads: Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor of the Minmatar Republic, President Souro Foiritan of the Gallente Federation, Head of State Tibus Heth of the Caldari State, and Empress Jamyl Sarum of the Amarr Empire.

Why five chronicles for four leaders, we hear you cry? Because the fifth casts light on the dark pillar of power in EVE, the one that has roared to the fore with blood and fire: The capsuleers.

Speaking as Minmatar myself - Long live Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor!

EVE Fanfest 2008 November 6 - 8

EVE Fan Fest 2008 details have been announced!
A Party Like No Other… Join us at the top of the world for the ultimate party: the 2008 Fanfest, held in our hometown of Reykjavik, Iceland. This is the best experience of EVE Online: your chance to meet the people behind the avatars in person, including friends and foes alike from the battlefield, plus the CCP Devs. Catch an inside glimpse of what's in store for EVE; participate in live PVP tournaments versus other pilots; and, if you dare, venture out into the world-renowned Reykjavik nightlife afterwards!
One of the greatest things about the EVE Fan Fest is that they offer spouse tickets (if your crazy loved one doesn't play!), and this year they'll have the walking in station (ambulatory technology) available for preview!

Package details are currently available!