Year of EverQuest: May/June Update Video

SOE has released their May/June edition of the Year of EverQuest video series, featuring Dave Georgeson, Thom Terrazas, Terry Michaels and Holly Longdale all discussing what players can look forward to in their respective games over the next month.

EverQuest - 0:28 | EverQuest II - 1:26 | Landmark- 2:48

Eorzea Examiner #15: Cross-Class Customization

Hello and welcome to the fifteenth edition of the Eorzea Examiner, ZAMs column on Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. For this weeks column, Im going to talk about one of the areas of the Armoury System that I personally think could use a bit more polish: cross-class skills. In theory these abilities should allow you to customize your characters abilities for each task at hand, similar to the limited action sets used in WildStar or Guild Wars 2. In practice? Crafters find plenty of use for them by mixing and matching abilities from the various Classes, but for most of the combat classes these skill slots are just a place to drop extra cooldowns. Not quite the key to player variety one would hope for, so lets see what we can do about that.

Filling the Gap Between Expansions

World of Warcraft is currently in an awkward place at the moment, with players wondering how to pass the time while waiting for the next expansion. With a December release of Warlords of Draenor looking more and more likely, I'm here to share some of things that are keeping me interested in the game.

Holding Out For a Hero (or Heroine)

I woke up this morning to find many of the high-profile community members within my twitter circle, expressing disdain and disappointment at Blizzard Entertainment's Rob Pardo, for statements quoted in a recent Polygon article that questioned the lack of 'socially relevant content' in games, e.g. the lack of female protagonists and the sexualization of female characters.

The Twelfth Vana'versary Mog Bonanza is Here!

Today marks the twelfth anniversary of the beginning of Final Fantasy XI, and the first day in Square Enix's celebration of this momentous occasion! To kick things off, starting today and running through to June 18th, the fine Moogles of the MHMU have prepared a brand new Mog Bonanza, with old favorites and new treasures amongst the many prizes available!

Excited for this Mog Bonanza? Let us know about it over on the ZAM forums!

Eorzea Examiner #14: Non-Combat FATEs

Hello and welcome to the fourteenth edition of the Eorzea Examiner, ZAMs column on Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. For this weeks column, Im actually dipping into something from the comments. This one goes all the way back to the Crafting and Gathering preview, where ZAM poster mbncd said:

“I still feel that crafters and gatherers are missing out on a lot and that Yoshi doesn't respect them as much as the combat classes. Until DoH and/or DoL based FATEs and/or quests (outside of the run errands quest that any discipline can do and outside the the one every 5 levels guild quests) get implemented, I really won't be able to consider us to have fully fledged classes.”

It’s an excellent question – for all the talk about how the Disciples of the Land and Hand are valid means of progression with their own gear and endgame, the lack of FATEs they can participate in seems like quite the oversight. Those of us who have leveled a Disciple of War or Magic Class in FFXIV are well aware of just how large of a role FATEs play in the path from one to 50, especially once youve finished your first Class and have depleted nearly all of the non-repeatable quest offerings. Gatherers and crafters have even fewer options when it comes to variety in leveling. You have your class quests every five levels and you have a set of three or four guildleves to repeat for five levels before moving on to the next set. Other than those, youre stuck grinding gathering nodes or recrafting recipes youve done before until the next batch opens up. If were going to treat the DoH and DoL classes as valid progression, lets see if we cant come up with a solution to this oversight.

Final Fantasy III to Re-Launch on Steam

Square Enix announced today that Final Fantasy III will be coming soon to Steam, on May 27, 2014. Along with improved graphics and story sequences the game will also feature Steam Trading Cards, Achievements and a visual redesign of the Job Mastery Cards. Other supported features are full controller support and cloud saving.

Introducing Wowhead's Design Revamp!

Today the Wowhead team is proud to present our front-page design revamp! We've all wanted this for a while and we're thrilled to finally share it with you.

Each expansion, we evaluate how we present our site's content and if we can do anything better. For Mists of Pandaria, we refined the layout of Wowhead News to better serve our community—we streamlined the design, added some features to the sidebar and changed the domain.

BlizzCon Ticket Buying Tips

This year's BlizzCon tickets will go on sale in two batches: 7pm PT (10pm ET) on Wednesday, May 7th and 10am PT (1pm ET) on Saturday, May 10th. Blizzard has made some changes this year so make sure you're prepared with their buying tips!

One Subscription to Rule Them All: SOE All Access

SOE All Access (the artist formerly known as Station Access) has been re-re-released, this time as the company standard. Abolishing separate subscription models, All Access offers membership to most of Sony Online Entertainment's titles. Like before, current subscribers can enjoy full membership benefits on EverQuest, EverQuest II, DC Universe Online (PC) and PlanetSide 2 (PC), while Landmark, H1Z1 and Dragon's Prophet are slated as "coming soon" to the fold.

All Access team lead, Mark Tuttle, recently posted reasons why he thinks "All Access is Awesome" over on the official forums. Short version:

  • Subscription is $14.99/mo (less with multi-month plans), same as a single game cost before
  • 500SC/month is now redeemed on welcome screens (or in the SC store for EQ)
  • 10% off Marketplace purchases; members may receive special promos so opt-in to emails

Now through May 11th you can upgrade to a reduced one-year subscription: the first year is $99 (charged instantly with one year time added right away), then the next time you renew, the one-year rate returns to its normal $119.88. Check out the full All Access FAQ for detailed information.