Talk Azeroth Episode 20

Talk Azeroth Episode 20 is live! Join Olivia D. Grace as she dives deep into the gear changes coming in Warlords of Draenor and dissects the implications of all the new systems and much more, as well as hitting your viewer questions from last week's Garrison episode.

Snow Days Returns to Free Realms!

Snow Days returned to Free Realms yesterday with the Game Update 122 patch! Head on over to Snowhill and check out all the festivities. If you need a hint check out our Snow Days Guide, which you can help update! 

This year's festivities include all the previous years' content plus new achievements and over 700 new collectibles--tradable toys available from loot wheels! The Free Realms community has already started tracking the new toys on the official forums.

Check out the complete Game Update 122 patch notes after the jump.

Guild Wars 2: A Very Merry Wintersday

Wintersday is returning to Guild Wars 2 next week with the A Very Merry Wintersday content patch. Players who were around for last year's festivities will recognize their returning favorites as many of them have made their return. Toymaker Tixx is sticking around a little longer this year for a six-week long winter festival starting on December 10th.

WildStar: Engineer and Medic Class Reveal

WildStar fans, the time is finally upon us! Until this point Carbine has been re-revealing its previously announced classes. For many, this was a way to get familiarized or re-acquainted with classes that have previously been talked about. We listened and watched intently as the team dove into class changes and the specifics of what each of these power houses are capable of. However, to the masses that were foaming at the mouth for WildStar information--such as me--these re-reveals also served a second purpose, as a countdown to the two remaining un-revealed classes.

Well folks, the wait is finally over. I was lucky enough to participate in another round-table discussion, this time detailing the two latest WildStar classes to be revealed today. We were joined by Carbine’s Combat Systems Lead, Chris Lynch, Lead Class Designer, Hugh Shelton, Class Designer, Steven Angle, Class Designer, Mark Matzenbacher and its PR Manager, Michael Shelling.  From the deep fringes of space, coming to a Planet Nexus near you, I present you with WildStar’s Engineer and Medic classes.

Yeah, things just got real.

Ghostcrawler to Leave Blizzard Entertainment

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street, has announced his decision to leave Blizzard Entertainment. World of Warcraft's Lead Systems Designer has bridged the gap between the community and game's developers for six years. In that time he has been stoic in his resolve to provide fair and balanced gameplay for WoW players and will undoubtedly be missed.

Eorzea Examiner #2: Places to Go, Mining to Do

Hello and welcome to the second edition of the Eorzea Examiner, our new column about Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. In the inaugural episode of my column, I mostly focused on bringing everyone up to speed with what's happened since I wrote my review, with a few teasers for future column topics. Now that everyone's got an idea about where I'm coming from and what experience I have with FFXIV's different system, it's time to pick some topics and start digging in. Anyone who read last week's column is probably groaning a bit at that terrible Miner pun, but I feel no regret.

Terrible jokes aside, that does bring us to this week's topic: gathering. Gathering jobs are far from new to MMOs, but FFXIV takes the uncommon route of taking these non-combat professions and turning them into full-fledged classes with character progression, abilities, quests and equipment. We talked about this in one of my previews during the beta, but that was just scratching the surface of what's available to Disciples of the Land (DoL). Now that I've raised a gathering class to the level cap, how is it holding up?

Defiance Arkbreaker DLC to Launch December 10

Trion World's Defiance title is slated to launch its upcoming DLC, Arkbreaker, on December 10. Concurrently, highly anticipated bonus features will be released for all players.

WildStar Spellslinger AMA Breakdown

Calling all trigger-happy citizens of Planet Nexus! I bring you another WildStar class AMA recap this week talking about the re-reveal of the gun-blazing, ranged, damage dealer. With the help of sigils, a pair of Mag-pistols and void bullets, this dual-wielding marksman has a full arsenal that can set enemies ablaze, freeze them in place or even keep allies in tip-top fighting shape. Get ready to enter the void with--the Spellslinger!

Answering questions about the Spellslinger this week was Carbine’s Lead Combat Designer, Chris Lynch, its Class Lead, Hugh Shelton, Class Designer, Mark Matzenbacher and Global Community Manager, Loic Claveau. So without further delay, let’s dive in.

StarCraft II WCS 2014 Changes Announced

StarCraft II's 2013 eSports season ended with a bang at BlizzCon, as the Protoss player sOs took a stunning victory. The event was one of the best in StarCraft II history, with over 120,000 viewers tuning in for the final match. Blizzard aims to address many of the problems that the community and professional players had with the WCS eSports format in the upcoming WCS 2014. StarCraft II is arguably the eSport with the highest skill cap, and provides a top tier experience for the viewer. Despite these facts, viewership is down slightly over previous SCII seasons. With the 2014 WCS season, Blizzard aims to put StarCraft II back on the eSports throne.

The 2013 WCS season was very convoluted: tournaments had overlapping schedules, there were periods of very little scheduled professional play and long running tournaments were quite condensed. WCS 2014 aims to fix this by instituting a linear schedule that is more consistent and to ensure more regular broadcasts, as well as making more time for dedicated third-party tournaments. Blizzard also promises more third-party partner tournaments that give dedicated WCS points.

Guild Wars 2: Fractured

Next week's content patch for Guild Wars 2, Fractured, brings the long awaited addition of new fractals to the Fractals of the Mists dungeon. During July's Cutthroat Politics content, players elected Captain Ellen Kiel over Evon Gnashblade to fill the vacant seat on the Lion's Arch Captain's Council. In order to garner the players' support, both candidates had promised the expansion of the dungeon, and next week Ellen Kiel's promise is fulfilled.