Sins of a Dark Age Developer Journal: Issue #1

We've teamed up with the team at Ironclad Games to bring you an ongoing developer blog series on Sins of a Dark Age! From the creators of the unique RTS / 4X title, Sins of a Solar Empire (a great way to lose an entire night of sleep with friends), Sins of a Dark Age is another visionary hybrid game that blends the RTS and MOBA genres to create an entirely unique experience.

So in the spirit of documenting their unique development process, read on for issue #1 of our Sins of a Dark Age dev journals with Producer Blair Fraser!

WildStar Source Interviews Jeremy Gaffney: Pt. II

It's Part II of our ZAM / WildStar Source exclusive! Our sister-site, WildStar Source, manaed to snag an exclusive two-part interview with WildStar's Executive Producer / Design Director, Jeremy Gaffney, to discuss all things WildStar!

In Part I of their interview, Jeremy and WildStar Source talk about the difficulties of creating scalable, open-world content, some of WildStar's unmentioned classes, class customization, and more!

Today, in Part II of their interview, Jeremy and the team get more philosophical as they give hints on the Dominion, give theories on PvP, crafting, and combat, as well as talking about some of the tech behind the world-building of WildStar.

There's a lot of information to be found, so head on over to WildStar Source to check out Part II of the full interview!

WildStar Source Interviews Jeremy Gaffney: Pt. I

It's a ZAM / WildStar Source exclusive! Our sister-site, WildStar Source, hit the mother-lode of community exclusives, as they got the opportunity to sit down with WildStar's Executive Producer / Design Director, Jeremy Gaffney, to discuss all things WildStar! The team has wisely split up the interview into two parts (with Part II running tomorrow), so today's interview deals with the world of WildStar, the difficulties of creating open-world content that scales with player population, some of WildStar's unmentioned classes, and more. Tomorrow, in Part II, their interview will focus on the the Dominion, PvP, crafting, and the tech behind WildStar. 

There's a lot of information to be found, so head on over to WildStar Source to check out the full interview!

TERA Talk: Interviewing TERA Producer, Chris Hager

It's been two months since the official launch of TERA, and we've already seen a lot of activity from both players (did everyone catch those political ads for Vanarch on and the developing studios, with luxury microtransaction items making their way into the store, new content being released, and all sorts of of major developments waiting in the wings. We caught up with TERA Producer Chris Hager to talk more about these new incoming changes, how TERA's political system is faring, and En Masse Entertainment's latest anti-RMT initiative, Chronoscrolls. Read on!

The Secret World: Probing PvP

If you've been following our previous coverage on The Secret World, you probably think we've spent most of our time killing zombies, uncovering secrets, escaping Hell and battling long-dead Gods. But while the Secret Societies struggle to keep the world from crumbling beneath us, there's a further threat they also face: each other.

For the fourth and final Beta Weekend Event, Funcom invited all challengers into the fighting arenas of Eldorado, Stonehenge and Fusang Projects. Whether it's to settle old scores against other beta testers, represent your Society in battle, or simply sate a growing bloodlust, this weekend was all about PvP combat. With each of the three factions represented in every location, conflict promised to be fast-paced and brutal. Under the watchful eye of the Council of Venice, victories would be won and glory earned.

We won't have long to find out how The Secret War will unfold. With Early Access starting on Friday June 29th and full launch following on Tuesday July 3rd, thousands of players will be flooding in to unleash chaos on Funcom's Secret World. Although the grand battle is yet to begin, this is what we encountered in the prelude.

Rift 1.9: Summerfest!

Rift's highly anticipated patch 1.9 will go live today! There's lots of exciting stuff, like barbershops and Conquest, and to kick it all off Trion brings you Summerfest, the 1.9 world event.

Summer is here and people all across Telara are taking a break from their hard-won battles to enjoy the fine weather, great food, and fantastic fishing that summer always brings.  This two-phase event features Hedge Mazes, Scavenger Hunts, Daily Quests, and of course a lot of great new loot from the event merchants.  Head to Sanctum or Meridian as soon as you're done patching to join in the fun!

For a sneak peek check out our Summerfest Guide!

DDO: Menace of the Underdark Preview

Turbine is releasing the latest expansion for Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) this week with Menace of the Underdark. We had first been told of the expansion and its setting with the last content update, update 13, but this time we had a walkthrough with Executive Producer Fernando Paiz and a chance to view a lot of the content that is to be released on Monday. Interested in seeing what surprises await players in the Forgotten Realms? Read on!

VanaFest 2012 Recap: The Facts

Over the past weekend, ZAM attended the 10th anniversary Vana'diel Festival 2012 in Pacifico Yokohama. The first part of our recap will cover the announcements regarding the direction of Final Fantasy XI. Also included is the developer interview held on day one after the show!

Discuss this in the ZAM Forums!

RIFT 1.9 Round Table Discussion

On Friday, June 22nd, Trion held a pre-1.9 round-table discussion with several popular MMORPG sites. Hal Hanlin (Design Producer) and Scott Hartsman (Executive Producer) answered questions from each of the sites about the features that will be seen this Monday when patch 1.9 goes live.

Traversing Telara #13: The Fae and The Fathomlord

Traversing Telara is an exclusive series of articles from Trion Worlds that explores Rift's lore and gameplay mechanics through the eyes of one intrepid adventurer. It's a great read and a fantastic introduction to the world of Telara. Even if you're a veteran of Rift, you might enjoy hearing about the game from another perspective! Read on for Traversing Telara #13: The Fae and Fathomlord!

Catch up on all the past issues of Traversing Telara here!