Talking Project Lore: Joshua Brentano

Continuing with our interviews with the cast of Project Lore, we sat down with none other than Joshua "Lylelovett" Brentano, the super tank. During the interview we talked about a number of topics ranging from his main project working in television to a possible decline in World of Warcraft.

Tamat : Hey Joshua, thanks for joining me today to talk about Project Lore, Wrath of the Lich King and, Tanks!

Joshua : WoW WotLK FTW!

Tamat : So, a lot of people don't know this but you're actually the Executive Producer on G4's hit TV show "Attack of the Show". How are you able to balance your time between AOTS and Project Lore?

Jim Lee's Universe, Part Two

Christmas may be over, but here's the 2nd part of our interview with Jim Lee. In case you missed it, check out the first part here.

Jim Lee

Tamat : How will in-game socialization work? Obviously creating a superhero league or guild will be fun, but what other ways will be available for players to interact with one another as enemies or allies?

Jim Lee
: Well I can't speak of that as directly as I would like, but you'll definitely have all the tools you need to form those kinds of leagues and societies. Ultimately, we want to reduce the grind time as much as possible and really allow players to find other people to group with immediately so they can get to it. We want to reduce the amount of time spent looking for group, looking for a league and something to do. We really want this to be a game where you can log in and immediately start doing stuff.

: Is there more of a focus on solo play, group play, or both?

Jim Lee's Universe, Part One

Sony Online Entertainment's, DC Universe Online (DCUO) is one of the most anticipated MMOs in Jim Lee development, due to both the intellectual property and the big names behind the title. Jim Lee is one of those names that has comic book fans quivering with anticipation. Recently, Togikagi and I had the opportunity to chat with Jim in person about DCUO. Special thanks go out to Jim for chatting with us when he was a tad under the weather. Check out the first part of our two part interview below and look out for the conclusion to the interview on Friday.

Tamat : Hey Jim, I can’t tell you how much we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us about DC Universe Online; not to mention the fact that you’ve taken the time to do so while you have the flu!

Jim Lee : Hey no problem, it’s my pleasure!

: I just want to say that I’m a huge fan. My father owned a comic book store when I was growing up so this is a sincere honor.

Jim Lee
: Awesome! I appreciate that.

Togikagi : You've worked on numerous comic books throughout the years, from your run at Marvel, to co-founding Image, to your current home with DC. Out of all the various comic worlds, what is it specifically about the DC Universe that lends itself so well to an MMORPG and, to sum it up, why are you so excited to show gamers the DC Universe?

Fan Festival Developer Interview was invited to a joint development team interview with fellow Premier Sites Online Welten and Jeux Online at the 2008 Fan Festival. The interview took place at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel in Hollywood, California on December 5th, 2008.

See our full transcript here.

Discuss this on the forums.

Ten Years of Lineage

Over the years many of us have fallen in love with Lineage. I have some extremely fond memories from the L2 beta and in many ways, it lead to my first job in the industry over at WarCry. So what's going on with the genre nowadays? Quite a bit actually! We had the chance to sit down with Sam Han, Lineage II Producer for NCsoft West and Young Park, the original Lineage Production Assistant for NCsoft West to talk about it.

Tamat : Hello there! Thanks for joining me to talk about the Lineage franchise.

Sam Han : Hello Allakhazam!

Tamat : When did you start working on the Lineage franchise?

Sam Han : I’ve worked on Lineage 2 since 2004. Like many producers in the MMO industry, I started as a GM (Game Master) and worked my way up to a producer position this year.

Call of Fate Guild Interview

Welcome to our first guild interview! Each month we will be interviewing two guilds on a selected server, one from Order and the other from Destruction. We will try to interview guilds who've clashed a few times in the game, to see what the sides thinks of each other.

Order continues to fight the deadly ranks of charging Destruction hordes wherever they can. While in a heated battle on the Ostermark server, I had a chance to exchange some Q&A between swings of maces and spell charges with the Order guild, Call of Fate.

Read on to see what they have to say about the Destruction realm plaguing Ostermark!

Craig Morrison on Age of Conan

Recently we had the opportunity to interview Craig Morrison, Game Director on Age of Conan. During our interview we discussed some of the changes that have been made to combat, the expected changes to PvP with the notoriety system as well as some of the newer content plans on the Age of Conan drawing board.

Tamat : Hello Craig. Thank you for taking time out of your day to talk with us about Age of Conan.

Craig : No problem at all. Glad to get the chance to answer some questions and talk a little bit about the game.

Tamat : Let's start with the most obvious question: How do you feel about Age of Conan in its current state?

Craig : I think we are in a pretty good position to build on the launch of the game. Obviously there were some elements of the game that people have really reacted well to, and some that haven’t worked out as well as we would have liked. We definitely recognize that there are some areas of the game that need improvement and we are working through those at the moment.

Warhammer Online: Moving Forward, Part Two

I'm pleased to bring you the second part of our interview with Destin Bales, Live Producer on Warhammer Online. If you missed part one, give it a read before you go any further. We hope you enjoy the second part of the interview. Let us know what you thought overall in our forums.

Warhammer Online: Moving Forward, Part One

Tamat : In relation to economic skills, is there really a place for PvE in an RvR focused game? Shouldn’t we just ditch the economy all-together and focus efforts on the RvR battlefield?

Destin : While RvR sets WAR apart, we recognize that some people thrive in a PvE setting and are very interested in the economics of the game.  We’ve provided a unique play environment where players who prefer to focus on killing monsters and making money are also influencing the overall campaign.  For a successful RvR war, economy does play a role.  Players will soon find that Keep ownership and enhancements will play into the economy, because they have associated costs.  If a realm were to “ditch the economy all-together,” as you put it, they would be missing out on an opportunity to advance the WAR.

Tamat : Support, both in-game and through forums, e-mail, and other means is always on the mind of players. Is the team comfortable with the level of support staff they have currently, and what ways are you bringing in more visibility to the community so they know there is someone watching out for them?

Talking Project Lore: Zand Broumand

Project Lore launched a new segment of the show this afternoon called Soloing -- which will be starring Zand "Dorkins" Broumand, at least initially. In this new segment of the show, Zand will be doing an introduction to soloing in Northrend. This week he starts off in Howling Fjords but not before we had a chance to sit down and talk with him about Project Lore, Soloing and a little place called Gamerville.

Tamat : Hey Zand! It’s great to talk with you again. Thank you for pulling yourself away from your Hunter long enough to answer a few questions. Did you have fun at BlizzCon?

Zand :  Not only did I have fun, but going to Blizzcon confirmed a long time suspicion I had. Hot chicks DO play World of Warcraft, I repeat, there are hotties in the World of Warcraft.

Tamat : Indeed! So let’s start with the most obvious question. How are you enjoying your new and improved Hunter?

Zand :  Loving it.  More stable space, new pet talent trees, improved hunter talents, exotic pets, and automatic leveling of really low level beasts ... it’s like God himself came down from heaven, got a job with Blizzard and was put solely in charge of all hunter improvements.  It's truly mana from heaven!

Tamat : *laughs* Do you have any alts that you play beside your hunter?

Warhammer Online: Moving Forward, Part One

As I mentioned on Friday, we had the chance to sit down with Destin Bales, Live Producer on Warhammer Online, to talk about a plethora of different issues that players are presently having; as well as their plans for new content in the future. Due to the length and the general flow of the interview -- I've decided to tease you by publishing the second part on Friday. Sorry!

In part one we talk about issues with hardware specifications, concerns about public quests, instances, the Black Guard and Knight of the Blazing Sun careers and much more. Let us know what you think about the interview in our forums and stay tuned for the second installment on Friday. WAAAGH!

Tamat : Hey Destin, thanks for joining us!

Destin :  Thanks to you for running an outstanding site and for your continued interest in Warhammer Online.

Tamat : In a nutshell, what's the current state of Warhammer now that the dust from launch has settled?