Inside My Radio Tuning In to XBox One

Hey rhythm fans! Not only can you read up on the latest news about Inside My Radio here, you can also use this article as a reference on how to spell rhythm! I promise there are just two Hs. Regardless, we're here to discuss the brainchild of Iceberg Interactive and Seaven Studio, Inside My Radio, and how this beatboxing gem is set to hit on PC and XBox One soon.

New Steam Feature: Music Player

There were rumors that Valve would continue making a push into media beyond games. Steam already offers a half-dozen movies and a whole slew of software. They've sold music for ages in the form of game soundtracks. Now they're giving you a way to easily play that music, along with any other MP3s on your computer.

WildStar Wednesday: The Sound of Music

The last few weeks of WildStar Wednesday posts have brought us quite a bit of new lore about the Dominion and other aspects of the world of Nexus. Awesome for lore aficionados like myself, but lore only makes up part of an engaging world. You need visuals to grab your attention and pull you into the world as well as music to immerse you in what's going on. This week's WildStar Wednesday is all about the latter as Carbine's Jeff Kurtenacker, WildStar's composer, brings us the latest piece of music we'll be hearing once we get our hands on the game.

A Traitor's Whim

As gamers, we're constantly inspired by the games we play; in one way or another, it's what ultimately compels us to play them. But did you realize that game developers are also human and can be inspired by fans, too? It's true.