I must whole hardly agree with the consensus of what is being said and that it is a load crock what they did.
The drop rates should be adjusted, I have spent more time playing Super Mario Bros then I have in EQOA, either fix the problem SOE or the annexation of the lands will be forthcoming.
May the ways of destruction sweep across the lands and sweep away the vile stench of what was once Game Masters and are now called Customer Support specialists what a waste of time and money.
On a lighter note -
just wandering if anyone found the new druids porting spells.
Game Updates for Feb. 4th
Quests are now available for new Druid and Wizard portal spells that will take them to more remote Frontiers high level experience hunting areas. Hopefully, this will make these areas more popular with the convenience of a teleport to reach them.
Corrected a problem where players were not properly flagged to start the Rathe 55 quest after killing Grundle.
Yevran Ty'Rizeth spawns more frequently
Alecia Fishwife's quest is now completeable
We have changed a number of items that were too powerful for the difficulty with which they could be obtained. We hate doing this after the fact, but hopefully everyone can understand that obtaining very powerful items off of
relatively easy monsters just sort of blows everything out of whack. For example, you and your guild spend weeks of work to finally overcome Lord Nagafen, the red dragon in the heart of the Lavastorm Mountains and you find
that some of the treasure you obtain is not as good as a "broken" item you got off a common monster in the Kerra Island region. It certainly cheapens the experience.
In order to maintain the planned item power progression in Frontiers, we have changed the following sets of items that dropped off of Kerrans and Nymphs in the Kerra Isle region and replaced them with new, rebalanced items:
Coralsteel, Foamweave, Islespirit and Isleguard armor sets
Fathomdweller's shroud, Coralsteel crown, deepsong wand, totem of the deep, tidal essence wand, fathomwalker's scimitar, charm, circlet, shield and totem of the isle spirit, crest and eye of the jaguar, and the welahi-nai
As an apology to our customers who had these items, Collector Garner in Highpass will allow you to turn these changed items in for a significant amount of experience. Items that dropped at a common rate reward enough exp
for 1 CM if at 500 total CMs, items that dropped at an uncommon rate reward enough exp for 1 CM at 700, 1 CM at 800 for and item that was Rare, and 1 CM at 900 for Ultra-rares.
Tradeskill Leather robes have been updated to be Alchemist useable
stonebound axe, an SK only weapon, is now usable by Ogres.
deathfist magi's wand is now usable by Wizards.
Removed the sta/ac portion of NatureForm Druid Class Mastery and replaced it with a significant Heal over Time regeneration component.
Altered necro gather shadows and druid's grp camoflage spells to prevent shape change removal and the possibility of the invisibility not going into effect.
Bard Master Class Gyspy's Light Fingers ability no longer requires a specific weapon to be equipped to use.
Mug 1 will now remove the old Lvl29 Assault ability. Older rogues may have this version of Assault (and not be able to get rid of it). Rogues in this situation can now remove Mug 1 which will allow them to purchase further Mug
abilities that they were previously not able to do.
Tags: EverquestOnlineAdventures, Updates