September Version Update Preview: Part Two


Adventurers of all stripes can look forward to enhancements galore in the upcoming September version update, designed to make questing in Vana'diel more gratifying than ever!

If the first preview wasn't enough to whet your appetite, today we have the latest scoop on increased experience and the Myriad Arms of Balrahn quest sequence that will at long last allow players to forge these mysterious and highly anticipated mythic weapons.

Adventurers of all stripes can look forward to enhancements galore in the upcoming September version update, designed to make questing in Vana'diel more gratifying than ever!

If the first preview wasn't enough to whet your appetite, today we have the latest scoop on increased experience and the Myriad Arms of Balrahn quest sequence that will at long last allow players to forge these mysterious and highly anticipated mythic weapons.

Experience Boost

Loyal readers already know that the new Level Sync system and automatic scaling-down of equipment will add a heretofore unheard-of level of freedom to party-based adventuring, but that isn't the least of it! With the new version update, there will be more experience to be had as well!

Previously, enemies classified as "easy prey" or "a decent challenge" would provide a relatively paltry amount of experience points, leaving career-minded adventurers understandably dismayed. No more, however! Vanquishing these monsters will now lead to substantially larger helpings of EXP, to better reward players for braving the challenges these still-formidable foes present.

"Nyzul Isle Investigation" Gets an Overhaul

The mythic weapon and new weapon skill quests have previously (07/29/2008) been introduced in this space. Today, we'd like to bring you the latest details on these quests that have the potential to transform you into one of the most lethal adventurers in the realm.

The conditions for embarking upon the new weapon skill quests will be twofold: you must be enlisted as a mercenary in Salaheem's Sentinels, and you must be in possession of the job-specific weapon from the "Nyzul Isle Investigation" Assault mission.

The requirements for completing these quests will vary depending on how far you have progressed in Nyzul Isle, so it will behoove adventurers to be thorough in their reconnaissance of that murky labyrinth.

At the same time, an assortment of tweaks will be made to ensure that the mission goes smoothly:

[#1] Greatly increased chance of receiving your job-specific weapon!

Previously, only the nastiest adversaries in the darkest, dankest reaches of Nyzul Isle (Level 100) would part with the job-specific weapons adventurers seek. Now, there is a possibility that foes on other floors will drop these weapons as well, while defeating the denizens of Level 100 will guarantee you two job-specific weapons: one randomly selected, and one matching the job of the player who operated the Rune of Transfer (the latter regardless of whether or not that player also possesses the Runic Key.)

[#2] Progress saved to Runic Disc to be retained!

Previously, your recorded data would be reset upon completing Level 100 of the mission, reducing your Runic Disc to a rather expensive paperweight until such time as you begin the mission anew. No longer, however, as your progress data will now remain intact even after cleansing the Isle of its most deadly inhabitants, allowing you to return to the most challenging levels for another chance at the weapon you seek!

[#3] Players who have already cleared Level 100 need not fear!

Brave adventurers who have already explored every nook and cranny of Nyzul Isle, do not fear—your achievements will not go for naught! Even if your progress data has already been cleared, the Runic Key itself will now serve as an express ticket to any level of the Isle (in increments of five) up to Level 96, giving you free rein to traverse the area as you see fit!

[#4] Progress data to be stored for all party members!

With the new version update, floor data will be recorded and updated for all players, not only those who directly operate the Rune of Transfer.

For their progress data to be updated, players must begin the mission on a floor equal to or lesser than the maximum level currently recorded on their disc. Provided this condition is met, progress data will automatically be updated each time a previously uncharted level is completed.

That sums up the major changes planned for the Nyzul Isle Investigation in the upcoming version update.

Players who have already embarked upon the quest sequence for their mythic weapon may tackle the new weapon skill quests concurrently. Those players who have already received their Nyzul weapon and entrusted it to Abquhbah, however, are encouraged to travel back to the Isle and acquire the weapon once more.

* Abquhbah will return your weapon if asked politely, but please note that this will result in all mythic weapon quest data from "Duties, Tasks, and Deeds" onward being cleared from your record.


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Low level sweet Gear
# Sep 09 2008 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
I am just stoked at the fact that I can now play in the Dunes, or the jungle and have my AF and other high level gear on while I am fighting, dunno bout you folks but I love showing off my nice looking gear, and if I can party with it, at lower levels, that just makes it even better.

On another note I would like to have seen more commercials regarding FFXI, I mean come on, I can care less who you have promoting the game, but WoW has William shatner, Mr.T and I think even fricken,..... crap that violent tennis player..... anywayz, at least they bastards are promoting a game, what does FFXI promote, NOTHING... not a damn thing, I think I have actually seen 1 commercial a few years back, and that is it. Is it because FFXI is a Japanese production and WoW is American? Even so WTF get some fricken actors, singers or **** Paris hilton, have her *** say that she is a Mithra DNC, ho9w many fricken people would see her or other famous people and give the game a try.

ALSO.... they have a person that is gonna show people how to play the game, a training NPC is a bad *** Idea, this way a person who has never played a MMO does not have to go 20 level before they learn how to play in a group, or for that matter play at all. This will make people who want to play the game have an easier time starting and possibly enjoying it right off the bat.

I personally have stopped playing FFXI because of the fact that I was relying on Campaign to get my PLD to 75, GLory I can now actually party with lower levels and not have to worry about where are we gonna party anymore, and cause I am PLD, chances are that I will have even more invites. ^^

I am embracing this update and believe that this is a lung foward for SE to get more people into this game.
# Sep 09 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
Double Post Sorry

Edited, Sep 9th 2008 11:02am by Duelance
full of win
# Sep 09 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
I haven't heard anyone complain about these changes yet, but then again ... I am not playing the game currently. That is the core of the problem for SE. I don't dislike the game, even in the old "hard mode" but I just don't have time to play it. I work full time and I used to be a student too ( graduated now ), I have a wife and a daughter, and I also enjoy doing things outside of FFXI. All of these things, coupled with the harsh times finding and getting a party going mean that it just wasn't worth my while to play much. I mean ... when you have a couple hours every other night, TOPS, to play and it takes over an hour to get a party going, there is no point.

I bought the game and have been playing ... well, I have been PAYING ... since US PC launch. Why keep paying when I never play? Because the best friends I have even made in an online game are in FFXI. My highest level job is WHM at ... drummroll ... lvl 40. Yep. Playing since launch and thats it.

This update WILL bring me back and with any luck I will finally get to see endgame in FFXI. I am VERY excited. :)
screwed up Campaign
# Sep 08 2008 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
They screwed up Campaign Battles, now when you die you can lose exp even with Tags -_-
new update
# Sep 08 2008 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
great, it wont download
Stop Whining
# Sep 07 2008 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
I think it's a good idea. Some of us have lives and still want to play. just because you had it hard doesn't mean everyone else should, Plus, when people get on now, there is usually hardly anyone on. It's hard to find a party at all. Signing your life away just to play an MMO? Doesn't SE specifically ask you NOT to do that, each time you log in to play? I thought so. plus, if you old timers add another character, or start a new job you haven't leveled, now it won't take you 5000 hours of gameplay to do so :)

Edited, Sep 8th 2008 1:19am by ReijiSempai
Eastern time?
# Sep 07 2008 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
bah.. its says 9-1400 PDT

so that's when eastern?
Eastern time?
# Sep 09 2008 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
Pacific Daylight Time, PST = Pacific Standard Time
# Sep 07 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
56 posts
I find these updates personally nice. During the summer time I had as much time as I wanted getting my characters as high as possible... now that college has started I have a big break in between so I can't really level too often ... only on Saturday and Sundays .... or I play as a BST. I won't necessarily say that it is hurting FFXI ... instead it is helping FFXI be a more tolerable game for those who can't always be on for long hours. I have played FFXI a year after NA release(with RoZ I believe) I only had 2-3 hours to play ... and those 2-3 hours soon met a roadblock at about 43. I switch to bst to play and played until 37 or so .... that is when exp was horrible still for a bst, but that is also when they lightened up the exp grind from 1-75 ...... thank god... if they have never done it it'll would of token me ages to get to 55 (my highest character on my old tarutaru character.) A few months back when I started playing FFXI again I noticed how long it took to get a party at Valkurm Dunes and Qufim (sometimes Yuhtunga.) It literally took me 4-5 hours seeking as my level 28 WHM at times >.<.

So like I stated I am in college again ... and so I thought I'll play bst again for a change got to level 40 so far on my Hume. All these changes finally lightened the frustration I had a few years back playing as a solo bst. This level sync will also really fill in the gaps where a healer is needed or a tank is needed (most of the time .... this is how a party is prevented from happening >.>)

But think of it this way ... at least everyone before all these updates.... before the exp patch, before the exp bands, before Aht Urghan, we have bragging rights -.O ..... not sure if thats a good thing but that shows that were vets hehehe (even for those who never had a job at level 75 -.-)

Edited, Sep 8th 2008 2:02pm by Hajikikun
# Sep 06 2008 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
i personally cant wait for lvl sync. i have 4 friends in RL that i barely get to party with becuz our lvls get way off. i bet all the bst are stoked about the exp raise tho ^^
sept update
# Sep 06 2008 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
does anybody know when this update is actually gonna happen??? all this talk about it but i dont see any dates
sept update
# Sep 07 2008 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
merits in campaign battle
# Sep 06 2008 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah this might boost me up a bit or so. I met a player in Seraph named Namingway, and his goal is to obtain 176 merits doing campaign battle only. Maybe he is tired of just lfp. Anyway, his goal is to get those merits by the end of the year. So what do you guys think? If he devotes his time in getting limit points in campaign battle alone, is there a chance that he can get it by the end of this year? Personally I think he can do it.
merits in campaign battle
# Sep 07 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
Without a doubt, yes, he can. I get more merits on accident through Campaign, that doesn't seem like an unreasonable goal. I get about 4 merits a night through Campaign, personally

Edit: Wait a second, by the end of the year? Then no, I don't think so. Not unless he's counting that from a good start. If it was at 176 as you posted, then your buddy is screwed. Even at 4 merits a night, we're talking 44 days of Campaign. Think he's got that kind of time? Assuming that means 4 months left, that means spending 1/3rd of his time doing Campaign. Possible, but doubtful. I know that you can get more than 4 merits in a day, but really, that's still a lot. 40,000 exp/day, and we'll assume that he gets 2k per average battle. (Average, meaning not just the best ones.) That means 20 battles per day. Quite a lot, that's 10 hours if you assume a half hour per battle. I do it, and I know there's others who do as well, but to do that for 1/3rd of your time, I dunno, that would get wearing.

Edited, Sep 7th 2008 2:41pm by Dragonli
merits in campaign battle
# Sep 08 2008 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I saw him before the update and he said he actually needs 198 instead of 176. I am losing faith in him, but he said that he also got 24 merits total since he devoted to merit only in campaign battle hoping to places where it's hot. He have some techniques, and I don't know why I didn't asked him. Maybe after the update I'll be able to ask him and spread the word to those who can't get a merit party, because the jobs they got is well... you know... useless... I don't believe that there's a useless job in this game only useless players (evil laugh) Anyhow, yeah you're right. He have more than 120 days to get all he needs. and he said that it's around 2 merits a day minimum to get his goal without getting any buffering for any of the jobs he is using. I think he'll just get exhausted of all the non-stop campaign battles and just give up. But if he ever pulls it out, I'll salute the guy. Oh yeah... he said he have more than 1 million allied notes too. I guess he can pull it off.
whay whay!
# Sep 05 2008 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
so SE is scrambleling to compete with Warhammer in an attempt for player retention eh? it was only a matter of time before SE added these so called improvements. Ive been playing this game sine 2k2 and the somewhat annoying solo component to this game has always been a big turn off for me. since ep and dc mobs will yield greater xp, this will at least get a few people playing for a couple months hehe.
So awesome
# Sep 05 2008 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
473 posts
I love this makes farming so much easier.
Just think decent exp while farming and skilling with NPC.
so that its not as boring or tedious. Personally I am totally up for this.
it puts a smile on my face ^^

Go Go SE!!!
Apllause for SE
# Sep 04 2008 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
1,276 posts
I remember when they "upped" the exp on EP/DC mobs the last made lvling my lower jobs so much easier. I STILL have several lower level jobs, so I may actually get them to a decent level soon :) The Adventuring Buddy updates just always rock! Gunnar and I were in a close battle a year ago to see who levelled to 65 first (he WAS in the lead >.>)

Relic Weapons and such aren't that big a deal to me, because I fear I will never get the opportunity to even attempt them.

Yay update! Boo for the well-known update time that will, of course, coincide with one of my 2 days off, lol.

# Sep 04 2008 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
I've only recently started playing (60 hours), and have soloed both WAR & MNK to 15, so it's now probably time to find a PT. But still, the added EXP for EP and DC mobs could be handy.

Edited, Sep 5th 2008 3:10am by DesVolstgalph
Probably already mentioned
# Sep 04 2008 at 5:22 AM Rating: Good
190 posts
I'm sure someone's already said this, but level synching has another added factor to make it good. You don't have to just be friends, I'd imagine.

Trying to build a party for Crawler's Nest and can't find certain jobs, like a tank or healer? Just "/sea all 33-75 inv" and see if there's anyone seeking in the roles required, then see if their comment says "{Level Sync} ok". Even if noone has a comment like that, they might be interested anyways, never hurts to ask, as long as it's done politely.

The downside to that is way more random tells from people when you're not seeking, so expect a lot more use of /anon.

As for the increase in XP gained for ep-dc mobs, it's not so much about making the game easier, as about giving people a chance to actually level up. Sadly, the number of people playing low level jobs has greatly decreased, making it far more difficult to get a PT, period, at least during weekdays. Seems to be easier on weekends. Just last week, I was literally seeking all day with nary an invite in my 35 dancer, so I went out soloing as dnc/bst while my flag was up, and got to 37 on my own (and that's with calling my npc 3 times).

Hopefully the increased xp will draw a lot of people to levelling lower jobs again, which in turn could make getting PT's easier once more.

Edited, Sep 4th 2008 9:19am by GarudaRyuuko
Garuda Server;
Mithra; 75war,thf,bst,rdm(retired), 70drg, 66rng,nin, 62mnk, 51pld, 42drk, 40cor, 37smn,sam,blm,whm,dnc,brd,sch,blu,pup
Taru; 32dnc, 30war, 26nin, 19mnk, 16thf, 16drk, 10whm, 10rng, 8bst, 8blm

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Square announcement
# Sep 04 2008 at 3:47 AM Rating: Excellent
181 posts
I like the way they are announcing the updates, more friendly and human.
Keep it that way SE.
Off the mark?
# Sep 04 2008 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
I think the people who complain about this simplifying the game miss the point. I've heard complaints that the game is easier than when they did it, but consider a few important facts. In the last 5 years, we've seen the introduction of 3 expansion packs, each carrying a load of new areas to explore and quests/missions to complete. I don't think there's any harm in making the game easier, even if it's just for the purpose of allowing more people to experience this content. There's a bigger reason I believe that making the game easier is a wise idea. There is just so much content in the game, no person could ever possibly hope to complete it all. 20 jobs to master, over a hundred zones to explore, hundreds of enemies to vanquish, hundreds more quests, dozens of missions, 9 tradeskill crafts to perfect, merits to get, and then all of the high-level stuff that is too hard to attempt to list here. With thousands of things to do in our beloved game, why should it be a sin to want your fellow players to have these opportunities? Nobody is making your Relics worthless, end-game content is still just as difficult, the really hard-to-get items will still be just as prized, so what's the beef? Do you really care that newcomers are going to have it easier than you had it? Does that make what you have any less meaningful? I myself am tickled pink at all the changes coming our way, and I fully applaud SE for their efforts. I happen to run a linkshell called FamilyFriendly, it's a group of people that, as you would expect, are mostly families, and by nature, casual players. Some of us have been playing since the NA release, and it's a pity to think that some of my members will never see 75 without a leg up, and that they would permanently be stuck in the lower echelon. I'm more than happy to see them catch a break, I hope you can join me in wishing these people the best. As for my part, thank you SE!
# Sep 04 2008 at 12:39 AM Rating: Excellent
3,816 posts
You guys against this update are morons.
It isn't about making the game "easier" it's about making it more realistic, playable and convienent.

Level Sync will make it so you can play with your friends no matter what level.
I don't have to have a level 41 job to go have fun with my friend, I can take my favorite 75 job, go duo with him, get some exp and have fun in the process.

The increased exp for ep/dc mobs... Like it's been mentioned, it's not going to be 'huge' but it's going to be enough to help a LOT of people actually do something worthwhile for that hour they have to blow, before they have to go to work, or before their friend shows up to pick them up. All those times you have just enough time to do something, but not enough time to get anything done.

It's also going to make soloing 1-10 not so horrible, for people who have been around long enough, to already understand the mechanics of the job/game.

Now, I'll expect to see 90% of people solo'ing to 20 at minimum.

I'm in a party at 32, my LS mate is bored and has nothing to do, "someone give me something to do" the answer use to be, "You can come PL my pt /beg /beg" now the answer can be, "Hey level sync and come party with us for a while!"

This update is not for making the game 'easier' it's about making progressing through the game more convienent, fun, and realistic compared to any other game around.

MMORPG doesn't have to mean "Massive time sink"
# Sep 05 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
125 posts
Enilanerda wrote:
You guys against this update are morons.
It isn't about making the game "easier" it's about making it more realistic, playable and convienent.

Level Sync will make it so you can play with your friends no matter what level.
I don't have to have a level 41 job to go have fun with my friend, I can take my favorite 75 job, go duo with him, get some exp and have fun in the process.

The increased exp for ep/dc mobs... Like it's been mentioned, it's not going to be 'huge' but it's going to be enough to help a LOT of people actually do something worthwhile for that hour they have to blow, before they have to go to work, or before their friend shows up to pick them up. All those times you have just enough time to do something, but not enough time to get anything done.

This update is not for making the game 'easier' it's about making progressing through the game more convienent, fun, and realistic compared to any other game around.

MMORPG doesn't have to mean "Massive time sink"

This is full of truth. When I hear the smarmy old 5 year vets ***** and moan about this stuff I just roll my eyes. I've been playing for 4 years, I just got my first 75. I spent a lot of time at the hospital, and being sick in general, and getting a chance to actually enjoy all the wonderful content in this game by them not making it ******* insane to actually do is WONDERFUL.

This doesn't make your experiences any less valid. You still went uphill both ways through 15 feet of snow to get to your level 75, to get to your relic weapon, to get through CoP, etc, why WOULDN'T you want everyone else who can't devote as much time to the game as you were able to to enjoy similar experiences to what you had?

For example, I'm currently on 5-2 CoP because with the tweaks to make it easier, people became encouraged once again to actually try it. I absolutely am in love with the soundtrack and the storyline. I'm -GLAD- they made it easier so now I can actually enjoy it.

Really, we have to face facts. With the last expansion being released, we have a limited time left with this game. That limited time could be years, but it's still limited. Eventually it will die. I would rather know everyone had a fun time with it and got to explore the content as opposed to telling people how hard it was to get where I got only to hear "so what, that game sucked" every time as a response because the only people who enjoyed it were the hardest of hardcore players. Remember when people said that? (They still do. Not as often, as some people I know actually got to enjoy the game, but they still do.)

Honestly I'm just sad it took SE 5 years to get over themselves and actually start listening to the people who play their game. They could have a lot larger playerbase at the current time if they weren't such dillholes to deal with prior to these last few updates.

I'd almost swear the guy in charge of FFXI must've gotten fired and replaced with the Human equivalent of Mickey Mouse.
# Sep 03 2008 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
As an on again off again player, I'm really looking forward to the level sync feature. I'll then be able to party with my friends which will make my time in FFXI so much more enjoyable. :)
# Sep 03 2008 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
51 posts
This is a great way to get new players to join the game, a friend of mine joined and we haven't been able to play together much cuz of the lvl difference. With all the new improvements, it will be much easier to get together and party w/ him.

As for you naysayers, I understand that it was tough for us to get there(75) and it may seem unfair to make it easier for others, but if they don't do something eventually the game will die. As for content, that could be a bit faster, but at least SE is trying.

Anyway wooo!!!! And this makes solo as blm even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 03 2008 at 5:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Too late, no one cares anymore "FFXI IS DYING!"
Updates in general
# Sep 07 2008 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Too late, no one cares anymore "FFXI IS DYING!"

I have news for you, we are all dying, but we can enjoy the time we have left.
It keeps getting better..
# Sep 03 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,416 posts
I'm hoping that the EXP update may open up many more options for unusual merit camps and/or smaller merit party setups. One to two players can now take on DC/EM(/T?) for semi-decent exp (maybe decent-good exp with chains). No need to wait for a full party to find a camp to chain VT-T mobs. Just grab a couple people and go to an area that isn't heavily camped for merits.

Mikey likes it.
It keeps getting better..
# Sep 04 2008 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
1,104 posts
I posted something similar to this a few posts up. I was so giddy about the update and didn't realize it til later. I think the exp bonus is just on EP and DC mobs. Exp given from EM and up looks to be the same. At least they make no reference to it adjusting with EM and up and only to EP and DC.

Again, a nice feature and should allow more players to solo to 20 or 25 if they are not getting invites or playing during off peak hours. Also, looks to help duo and trio take on DC while closing the Chain with a T. I see this update targeted mainly to new players and low lvl exp grinding. Much the recent expansions, CoP, ToAU and WoG did gear more toward high lvls and endgame. Lowever adjustments and features were much need and have been for some time now.

Should be alot easier now to duo with your NPC fellow on DC and actually know it is worth the effort. Get another with a NPC fellow and two people could rip through DC's with the exp adjustment coming and the already Signet exp bonus for mad exp/hr I bet.

I was thinking the same thing as you though :)
# Sep 03 2008 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
1,087 posts
Sweet ! {Good Job} guys
Thank God I waited to do Nyzul Isle.
# Sep 03 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,864 posts
Thankfully I learned something from SE making FFXI into FFXIlite when they nerfed 75 exp and CoP. Glad I waited for this nerf.

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