Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:47 PM Rating: Default
re: sickening
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
I just watched the video you were referring to, K. and I felt sick.....to see children, who should be innocent, cheering for the deaths of thousands.....to know that these people have dehumanized us to that point....strikes me with fear....and a deep need for retribution. A need to remove these hate-mongers from the face of this earth. I am not into forgiveness. We've forgiven and soft-pedalled enough. It's time to put this to an end.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
This is one of the worst things I have seen in my life. Why would cowards do something like this? If they want a war to prove something, let them fight it themselves. Don't get innocents involved. If you're brave enough to start a war, then you should be brave enough to fight it, rather than just send some lackeys crashing into a building. What the hell does that prove? Only that you're a coward, and you are the slime of humanity. May the bastards who did this burn if eternal hell, and may god rest the souls of the innocent that had to suffer for someone else's stupidity. My heart goes out to all of you that have lost loved ones.
Nation rocked, thousands lost.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
Today is a day that will live in infamy...

On this day, September 11th, 2001...An unknown terrorist force hijacked 4 Boeing 7x7 jets. The terrorist forces crashed the planes into the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon, and left a car bomb outside of the State Department....And 1 jumbo jet left in the air with an unknown fate with an unknown amount of passengers...

Over 70,000 people were situated within that building before the jumbo jets carreened into it.

I am only 15 years old, but I realize that this is a trgedy that will most likely never be topped in my lifetime. Today, live on TV, I witnessed more American lives being lost on American soil, excluding the Civil War, then ever before in history....

America was unprepared for such a devastating attack, but I assure you, we are prepared for a retaliatory strike.

Pearl Harbor only saw 284 American citizens lost on that fateful day of December 7th, 1941...In a wake of destruction, of modern epic proportions...We witnessed something 100, or 200 times as devastating.

I, as an American, a Patriot...Somebody who would live and die for his country hope that somebody pays for this despicable act of cowardice....

As Americans, we cry a collective tear for those who lost their lives due to such a malicious attack...This goes beyond metaphysical lines, beyond any barrier...This is an affront to LIBERTY and American justice...We will prevail, and I hope this is met with reciprocation. Even if thousands of innocent people from another country die at our hands...Our military prowess, it was for the better. Why, you may ask, why stoop to their horrible level...

It's a question easily answered...If a country can harbor such vile, heathenous beings...Let it be known, that we will not stand for such injustice. They felt it necessary to kill tens of thousands of innocent American citizens...I feel it necessary to retaliate...

WE are paladins in this great earth of ours, and as such...This will not be let down, I hope we react violently, ferociously, and with precision...

September 11th, 2001...Remember the WTC.

Robert Hallock
Detroit, Michigan
Come together
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
The United States con red ready to attack!

I think the terrorist made a big mistake. Had it been one plane the terrorists would have got what they wanted, fear. But to attack in this magnitude will do little more then make us mad.

Never wake a sleeping giant.

What all countries forget is that the US may appear to be fat, lazy and weak in terms of willpower. What they forget is that....

A. All those that have been born in the US with long US bloodlines are decendants of rebel. People who fought a hopeless fight against overwelming odds. In all truth, at that time we were terrorists against Britain.

B. People who have come here since then are either highly motivated and determined to make a good living, or fleeing persicution.

So US citizens in general are a very determined people.....VERY determined.

One thing I want to state is that an American can be any race, color or creed. As soon as a person is legalized they are a brother American if you like them or not. Covered by the same laws as you. Even if a person is just visiting, doesn't make them a terrorist.

So please, don't go out after a person because thay are different. American's are Americans and I am sure quite a few people of many different races were killed in those buildings and planes.

I also would like to give my prayers and gradatude to the incredible response that is being giving by Police, Fire, Hospital, and Army workers. They are doing an awsome job in an impossible situation. I am proud of them and though I can't be there to help, I lend my muscle in a metaphysical sense.

Also, please, if you can donate blood soon to your local hospitals. Schedule it though, they are going to need it, but it goes "bad" after acertain ammount of time. A steady supply is what they need.

2101/2001 War was beginning.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:29 PM Rating: Default
There once was a man from Texas who made alot of promises, The American people liked his ideals and decided to elct him their presidential leader. Well unfortunately the economy has been shot to **** and everything is going down hill. Bush knows and we all know that war will indeed fix the economy although it might not stop the terrorist it will sen out a powerful message out. The last war we had was about 10 years ago. When, im a little rusty...was it Bush was the president? Ahh yes it was. Folks, as soon as we figure out who did this they will pay and they will pay 10 fold. There are too many reasons that we should goto war. Some people like to think that talk is how we solve it, ok let's try that is what people were saying 10 years ago... well we have talked enough and it has gotten us nowhere. So here is the question, Are we going to sit back watching people jump out of windows hundreds of feet up. And thinking about the mother who could only comfort her crying daughter gripping her teddy bear as they hit the Trade towers, for all we know she could have been the key to the cure to cancer. Or maybe.. we'll just watch the videos of people cheering for their "fallen heros" in the Palastine Nation. No, friends, Americans, why should we talk when the price of American lives is way to high? The time for talk has come and gone with apparently no affect, we need to take action and for those of you who think that we still cannot let this escalate to war then sit back and think about the choice of how you wanted to die that dy like those people in the world trade center tower had to. Burned, blown up, cruched, or plummet to your death. I give my love and prayers to all those who lost family or loved ones today.

Ganondorph Deimos lvl 50 druid Rodcet Nife
Gaborus Rhaynes lvl 24 rogues Rodcet Nife
Maegor Aegon lvl 24 SK rodcet
RE: 2101/2001 War was beginning.
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
War is not something I take lightly. I cry for those in New York, and I hope those that caused these acts come before me one by one. I would place a bullet between every single pair of eyes. This attack on American soil is what the world in large has come to. We are just one of the last countries to be hit in this magnitude. Lets face it, the human race is a race of creation and destruction. Just like the clerics and the necromancers of Norath, there is good side and an evil side. I call for war. Perhaps not against a nation, but perhaps against a thought. Perhaps those that thought that America isn't the most powerfull country in the world need a wake up call. If a war erupts from this massive disrespect for our country, I will join the military immediatly. If a nation was responsible for this, I hope that I am one of the fortunate to kill at least one of the morons who started this.

Sir Joseph Nicholas Yarbrough

Hazor Bloodrain 36 necromancer
Qwess Tioneverything 27 cleric
Pookies 20 shaman
El`Rico 18 bard
RE: 2101/2001 War was beginning.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
id not be so fast to cry for war... think about what you have just posted, youll discover the stupidity of it.
RE: 2101/2001 War was beginning.
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
You sound like one of those pansies that prays for a god to save us instead of saving ourselves. These people do not want to cry and mourn the loss of thier fellow countrymen. They want to cry havoc! They want to kill and feel vengence! This is America, and we will not be ****** with.

RE: 2101/2001 War was beginning.
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
proactive comment filters?
Illia, you shouldn't have.


PS, wonder if I can say boob. Maybe f00kers. heh
a tear for the innocent
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
I have been watching these events unfold on CNN since just before the North tower fell. My heart and prayers go out to these ppl. This has hit me harder than any event ever has. I'm only 21 and by far this is the worst thing i have seen. It makes me fear for MY life, and i'm not even in NY. I appologise if my ramblings seem to be incoherent, but that's how my thoughts are...I am just completely stunned... May God grant those who need it most, the courage to get through this ordeal.

RE: a tear for the innocent
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
I understand what you're going through. I'm 20 and I just can't believe this either. The only other tragedies I can think of that I've seen live is the Challenger explosion, the aftermath of Oklahoma City and Columbine, but nothing even near anything like this. I watched the news live as each building fell with my mother who was crying at the horrific sight. I just heard on the news of a woman who was online with her husband who was inside the building just before it collapsed... I've heard of people in wheelchairs that couldn't get out because the elevators weren't operating... people jumping to their deaths just to get away from the fire... It's unsettling, and it will be something that will not forgotten. I will be saying a prayer for the thousands that lost their lives today.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
One of the over riding traits of any American is pride, and we, not for a single second, will let the scum that caused this to get away. We will not be allowed to be pushed around! We will do whatever is needed to get these basterds, and then I hope they die a thousand deaths. May they burn for eternity in the deepest deaths of hell. I think God would not even help these cowardly fools.
What will we do?
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
After reading the posts here I am filled with a great sense of togetherness, not only on the American people but with the world population in general. Acts of terrorism, no matter where they are done should not be condoned, or looked away from. Personally, at this point I don't care who it was or what their message is. Time after time acts of terrorism have been used to get what a radical group wants to get done accomplished. Whether it be a political message, prisoners released, etc. It has to stop at some point...realistically America has been "closed" off from these type of actions. As one poster stated perviously Britan has had this problem for years, as have alot of countries in Europe and the Middle East.

Many people are going to scream for blood, and I can understand those reactions. I do want to add a caution...that in possible retaliation there might be "innocent" casualties. Remember in Desert Storm that Saddam spent most of his time in civilan communities to prevent being targeted. More than likely this will come down to the same type of situation. If I were the President I am unsure if I could wipe out a town to get to the people that did this. I hope there are better options than this. With that said...

I want to send out a prayer for anyone that had been touched by this and other events. Things of this nature just should not happen...

Taltos VonDarkmoore
BristleBane Server
RE: What will we do?
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Finally, I read a voice of intelligence. I have read most posts on this thread and thus far have been horrified by the general "nuke the hell outta whoever is responsible" attitude. I understand the desrire for retaliation but it gets us nowhere except maybe to encourage further attacks. What is needed now is not another war, that will only result in more civilians dying needlessly. What the correct response is, I am not sure but I am convinced it is not war.

My prayers for those affected by this act.

Tarthamon Bardam
Ayonae Ro
The Untold Loss
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
In the wake of this horrific display of cruelty on life, the one thing I grieve most for are the many innocents that were forced to end their lives for this madman to make his political statement.

The men, woman ... and the children.

The children who knows only innocence, who's only stress may have been when he can be playing with his friends. Getting a Happy Meal at McDonalds, rushing down stairs Christmas morning, their eyes twinkling with delight.

The children who will never know what it will be like to grow up, graduate from High School. Fall in love and marry. Bear children of their own to watch and enjoy in their image.

The sorry bastards don't care about that. They only care about their political statement.

I cry for the children.

May justice be swift, and vengence for those innocents be just as caring as you were to our children. OUR FUTURE!

-Dust Boll
Guild Leader
The Avatars
proud father who is going to go home and hold his daughtere for a while.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" , "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654
RE: ......
# Sep 11 2001 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
In the camps of terror located in three ancient lands, a few look up at the night sky and rejoice at the deed they had done, when the eagles wraith burst forth, brighter than the sun, their flesh is melted and their bones are tossed asunder. A cloud of death rises, a tomestone to those would do evil to a free people. -Mestradamus 2001
RE: ......
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
"The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"-Nostradamus 1654

This seems to me a very vague statement. Does not every war begin with a city burning? I could have come up with this and I'm nobody special.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
I think none of this needs to be said, but our hearts and souls go out to everyone involved. At this point, I don't think we need to be concerned with war, or reltaliation, at least not at this very moment. I think we need ot concentrate on all th innocent victims, and their families.

Mmoment of silence .....

With thoughts and sympathies,
Justin N. Bourgeois
Millville, NJ
Please stop
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
Please, this is not the forum for racial comments.

#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 11 2001 at 2:08 PM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Truly a great example of what length terrorists will go to, i do not feel sorry fo the fools who have done this. They will surely be killed in a most horrific way. I wke up felling ******, this just makes it all teh worse. Die ragheads, Die
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:07 PM Rating: Default
Latest update:

Two planes were crashed into WTC.

One plane was driven into the Pentegon:

One plane crashed 80 miles SW of Pittsburgh PA

Two planes where shot down by the US Air Force, one heading for Camp David and one heading the Potamic River.

No other news.

RE: Update
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
Just curious where you heard this, because NBC reported the 4 planes (2 at the WTC, 1 at the Pentagon, and 1 10 minutes SW of Pittsburgh). They've said nothing of Camp David, yet I've heard 2 people on message boards talk about Camp David, one said the plane actually crashed there, now you're saying it was shot down. Before this rumor spreads as fact, please watch your local news channel or CNN, CSPAN, MSNBC, etc to find out the full facts.
RE: Update
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
I heard about camp David *once* on the news, and never again. I think the military put a lockdown on information about it. I'd think they would if they did shoot it down...there were passangers on all of these planes.

RE: Joe W
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:06 PM Rating: Default
i agree 100% joe!

-joey W.
International Thanks
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
To all our brothers and sisters from other nations that have given their support and condolences I say "Thank you". To those that did this know one thing; America WILL find the cowards responsible for this and they WILL pay dearly. All my American brothers and sisters I say "Do not fret or fear". Remember what happened to Libya when they brought forth the ire of the US. My prayers go out to the families and victims of this act of war.
in wisconsin
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
riveted to the telivision till im so sick i have to walk away. ive posted on every message board for eq i know to my friend in game who works there to tell me hes ok. for the first time in my life ive truly seen evil and felt hate.
they hate and now theyve taught me how . ive always felt sad over people dying because my neighbor is a ******* catholic or protestant or jew or islamic..... ive never truly understood why i would need to hate you because i dont think in any of the holy books bible torah koran etc does it make one mention of kill everybody who thinks differently from you and kill them indiscriminatley . i may not be making much sense but im in a state of shock and horror i stumbled across this forum searching for my friend and felt compelled to post.
God help us all no matter which version of god we have chosen, the whole message of all of our holy books is love for each other and service towards good. how does the man who planned this act look at his children and say this was good, this was done in the name of my god

My name is scott im an american living in wi. i have a wife and a 4 year old son and i cant believe i was selfish enough to bring him into This world.
Gnipgnap 57 druid rallos
how unimportant has that next lewt become now guys?
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
I live right outside of Pittsburgh, and yes the plane down here was hijacked. A 911 operator recieved a call from a passanger in the bathroom on a cell-phone. The passanger said many times that the plane was hijacked and then an explosion was heard and the line went dead. The plane lurched to the right and went into the ground at a 45 degree angle leaving a 15' crater in the groun. There are no survivors.

Personally the fightening part of this is that it probialy was headed to the city as it crashed 10 minutes out of town. this would have put it 20 minutes after the pentagon crash.

This is an act of war. We americans are alot of things but one is highly patrotic. Whoever admits to this signs their own death warrent.

RE: Pittsburgh
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
One thing that comes to mind when reading this is that it sounds like maybe there was someone on that plane who prevented this plane from reaching it's intended target. A hero who will go unknown. Sad.
RE: Pittsburgh
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
/agree, whole-heartedly. I said the same thing myself. Whoever is responsible I'm sure is wondering whether or not this was really the best course of action because they aren't going to live long once we figure out who and where they are.
From Austria
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
There are no words for this tragedy. I´m watching TV and cannot believe what I see. I feel with america. God bless you all in this times...

What now?
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
I have watched over and over the footage of the towers collapsing and the Pentagon on fire and I think to myself, "Nuke 'em, make those bastards glow in the dark." Then I think, what good would it do, for everyone terrorist we kill, 2 more pop up in his place. The new war is terrorism and we will win. Most think that we are soft, well...just think about what some people are capable of when they get mad enough. It will never stop but, then again..neither will we. I agree fully, shoot first and ask later, strike back at them..let them know that for every one of us they kill we will kill 100 of them. But that's just me.
God forgive them !
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
My heart goes to the families of killed and injured people.
I don't watch TV nor listen to radio. I was at Home on this site when I saw the news. I believed it was a snap to catch people attention. Then went out to buy a snack and the vendor was listenig to radio. Unbelievable. I want to a shop mall and all TVs were tuned to News channels reporting the tragedy.
I'm french and France endred and is still enduring Terrorism.

God Forgive the authors of this mass carnage if you cannot forgive them.

He who seeks vengeance should prepare two graves.
Un real
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
MY GOD MY GOD MY GOD....I HAVE BEEN CRYING FOR 4 STRAIGHT HOURS TODAY. The pilot of the plane that crashed into the pentagon i knew personally. He lived next to me. OH MY GOD!!
RE: Un real
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
I really am sorry to hear that :(
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
One again the U.S. is going to be forced into a war on the other side of the world. Agreed, we have been supporting one side of the already heated battle in the Middle East, however now we must act. The U.S. will not stand for this and someone must pay. THIS, my fellow EQ fans, IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. There will be horrible, unimaginable tragities (greater than the World Trade Centers collapsing) within the next 10 years. The likelihood of another terrorist attack against the United States, using nuclear, biological or chemical weapons in the next 10 years, is 100 per cent. Who, what, when, where, or how is still to be determined, but it WILL happen.

WW3 IS upon us. And this time, it will be fought on U.S. soil!
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
You're on the right track, WW III wouldn't suprise me after this, but it will not be fought on U.S. soil. We won't let it. It's just a matter of time before we know who did this, and when we do, we'll know they're coming. It wouldn't sadden me to deport all sympathizers for the terrorists, and in WW II, we didn't have any domestic battles except for Pearl Harbor which wasn't even really a battle. Say we learned it was a Palestinian attack, they have no chance against us. This was a suprise attack, and that's all they're gonna get on us. The sleeping giant has been awakened again, and I hope we out-do Hiroshima and Nagasaki when we end the inevitable war.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm I don't like deaths, but rather than saying stupidities, why don't you see now that it's pretty different fighting in another country, and "fighting" (if you consider terrorism fighting) in your country. What's the difference between terrorism and Israelian tanks shooting down Palestinian buildings?
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
What a stupid post. What has happened in the middle east is horrible and both sides have much to answer for. But what happened today is different. The difference is in scope. I doubt seriously that in the last 20 years the number of Palestinians killed will total the death toll of today. Quite possibly 30,000 people or more were killed today.

Today War was declared on the USA. Our response should be war declared on terrorism. Any governments supporting terrorists and all mid-east terrorist organizations should be held accountable, responsible or not.

I would use small yield tactical nuclear weapons on all known terrorist camps. Yes, i did say nuclear.The military and strategic infrastucture of governments supporting terrorists should be destroyed with conventional weapons, all cries of protests both foreign and domestic should be ignored. Now is the time for strong forceful action or the USA will be considered a paper tiger and weak ghost of its former self. A blow of this nature to the heart of the USA needs to responded to with great force.

Strength is respected, make nice, politically correct ********* makes you feel good but today we have a declaration of war on us and the rules change in war.

If you think i am a warmonger, you are wrong, i love peace but when some one attacks your country in such a manner all the rules have changed.

# Sep 11 2001 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
Right on

I'm not a warmonger either, but I'm very patriotic, I'm usually very docile by nature.

If I punch you for punching a friend, you deserve it.
Afterwords, if you yell at me, I'll shrug it off.
If you come up to me and poke me, I'll give you a nasty look.
Smack me in the face, I'll probably curse at you.
But you come up behind me and hit me in the back with a baseball bat, I'm gonna find out who you are, find you, and proceed to beat the living sh*t out of you.
It's just that simple.
# Sep 11 2001 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
You say that like the palistinians (SP) are innocent, they shoot isralies just as much as isralies shoot them. The INNOCENT americans lost today did nothing to anyone who might have done this. THAT is the difference.
my sympathies
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
my sorrow goes out to all the familes that have been and will be affected by this travesy of justice. i have faith that those peoples responsible for these act will be brought tp justice and may their deaths be a cruel as we can make them

draymore 16 cleric
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