"* Searches will return only those items on sale in the market area associated with that item's type. Items being sold in areas not matching their item type will not be displayed in the search results."
This right here is why this system is useless. Do you know how long it takes to jump around wards looking for a simple item? Why is all this necessary? It's designed to make it take AS LONG AS POSSIBLE for any of us to buy goods. SE said to themselves, "what can we do to turn the economy of our MMORPG into a massive time sink?"
This is the product of that love child.
Edit: Furthermore, SE obviously introduced the game in the state that they did so that they could work you guys into accepting this as a compromise. They never intended to make you deal with the wards as they were to begin with, it was always to get you to the point of accepting it as it is now.
Edited, Dec 21st 2010 10:59pm by illuminarok