Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway

Be one of the first beta testers for the F2P super hero action MMO.

Finally the world has caught up with what I knew 30 years ago: super heroes are cool.

As part of the super powered cultural renaissance, Gazillion's Marvel Heroes is currently in a small and exclusive beta.

Offering lots of action packed combat as your favorite characters -- seriously, that's Rocket Raccoon below, this pleases me -- Marvel Heroes is looking for those with the right stuff to help get the game ready for launch -- and have a ton of fun along the way.


To get a chance to fly, jump or telekenetically hover towards the iconic badguys you will encounter, we have a mission for you.

Take a look at the screenshot below and devise a cunning caption to go along with it. Submit your electrifying line in the comments underneath the article and, if it tickles my fancy, you will be receiving one of 10 beta keys.Screenshot

So if you can devise a speech bubble that would make Marvel Comics' resident genius Brian Michael Bendis proud, write it in the comments and take part in the fun.

As a reminder of what to expect from the game, here's the trailer from the recent New York Comic Con:


Even if you miss out on our giveaway, you can register to take part in the Marvel Heroes Beta right here.


UPDATE: Congratulations to the winners, you have received your instructions and the beta key as a Private Message. Sorry to those who missed out, but sign up on the Marvel Heroes website to get in on future rounds of the Beta.

Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief

Tags: News


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# Oct 31 2012 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Brain1:So what are we doing here???
Deadpool:Im gona go with trying to kill Electro....right?
Brain2:No u idiots! Beta testing seriously how many times do i have to tell u
Deadpool and Brain1:Oh right
Cap and Punisher:Deadpool u said something???
Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Deadpool: Yeeeooowww! America is truly facing an energy crisis! Bang! bang! bang! Get em Cap!

Edited, Oct 31st 2012 2:10pm by L3OMAN
Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
Captain America : Frank you take care of those thugs and I'll keep Electro busy. Deadpool yo-- arghhh.
Electro: What's the matter Cap? Don't you just find my power to be shocking!
DeadPool: Don't worry Cap! I'll just throw a grenade and destroy everything. You guys can regenerate, right... Right?
Punisher: You fool, you'll kill us all! Just shut your mouth and keep shooting!
DeadPool: Okay, okay! You guys are no fun... I miss Wolverine...
# Oct 31 2012 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
Marvel heroes!!!

i'm not very good at english but i do my best XD i'm from the netherlands.....

Electro: Marvel heroes? don't make me laugh HAHAHAH. Smiley: lol

deadpool: Electro, if you don't shut up im gonna make toast of you so please... get out of this game!

Captain America: deadpool come on, your a hero not the badguy, thats not good for the marvel fans..

Punisher: Cap, we don't need your pray just take him down!!

SCARLET WITCH IS THE BEST <3 Smiley: bowdown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


Edited, Oct 31st 2012 12:55pm by lluciana
# Oct 31 2012 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
Punisher: "Ha, You're going down like Fluttershy in a flying contest! Errr.... I mean..."

Cap: "Uhhh, what?"

Deadpool: "You're a brony? But you hate friendship and happiness and magic! Ha! You're just a big softy!"

Electro: "I knew it...."

Edited, Oct 31st 2012 3:19pm by CoreytheGreat
I can has beta?
# Oct 31 2012 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
Cap: Oh no, silly string..... my only weakness......

Deadpool: Don't worry cap! My fart phantom will take care of him!!!

Edited, Oct 31st 2012 12:32pm by crazkanuk
# Oct 31 2012 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Punisher (to self): Did I remember to Tivo Big Bang Theory? I think I did. I hope so. Man, I hope so...
Marvel Heroes Caption
# Oct 31 2012 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
Captain America; Come On my 'Electri Man' lets show you some old fashoin justic by Captain America who slept for 70 years

Electro; Old Fashioned Man ill give u elctric shock that u will loose ur senses Haaaahaaahahaa
(Charges his hand and throws electric wave to Captain America )

Deadpool; Looks like the old fashioned is about to get shocked!
(Captain America stares Deadpool)

Deadpool; Did i said something?? Go get him Cap!!!

Captain America; Thank You my friend for raising my confidence (Captain America to Electro)
You are Now going to see the true power of the protector of America , the
Savior of America , the Super Soldier!.Its just you and me Mano A Mano
you are going.....
(Deadpool Interrupts)

Deadpool; Blah Blah Blah Blah now kick his butt capy!!

Punisher; Lets hav a friendly introduction with my gun u brats! it time to get punished for all ur sins!
# Oct 31 2012 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
Thug 1:Guys hold up that's just U.S. Agent.
Electro: Sorry bud, for a second there we thought you were an actual superhero.
Marvel Heroes Beta
# Oct 31 2012 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
Electro: You are a tough one aren't you Captain...i swear we have to do everything by ourself today...I hope you like the taste of some electicity Captain....TAKE THIS!!
Captain America:Ahh! Need some help here guys! I can't take this for a long time! HELP!
Deadpool: I'm TRYING!! I'm TRYING!! I'm shooting at him!
Punisher: I can' out! *shoots the guy ready to shoot captain america and knocks down the other one fighting with him*
Captain America: I can't take for much longer!! Do something!
Punisher:Wait! *picks the caddy and throws it to Electro*
Captain America:*Throws his electrified shield to Electro*
*They approach Electro,unconscious,on the floor.*
Deadpool:: Is he dead? This guy could be useful you know? I wouldn't have to pay for electicity anymore.
Punisher: I think he's just unconscions...and Deadpool,you're not only make me want to shoot you.
Captain America: Calm down guys! Let's take Electro to...wait...where is he? He was here...he can't have just gone!
Deadpool: See Punisher? Now that's your fault! You need to calm down!
Punisher: What? Say something more and i'll shoot you in the head!
Captain America: Here we go again...

Edited, Oct 31st 2012 9:47am by Fab1us
Marvel Heroes Beta Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
Deadpool: Ka-ching! One thug down $2000
Punisher: You get paid I do this because they are maggia
Cap: Quit fooling around we need to clean this up!
Electro: singing "Cap the power I am supplying it's electrifying"
Deapool: Ka-ching!!! Electro goes down $500,000 shutting up his annoying singing PRICELESS
Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
CARTAIN AMERICA : no mater what you hit me with electro , il never get hurt
ELECTRO : then il just have to hurt you friends
suddenly a lightning stike stikes out of the air
THOR : take this Electro
Electro noooo this cant be happening .
THOR :your welcom... ( GETS PUNCHED BUY HULK)
Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
Electro: Shockettes, keep those two busy while I take out little boy blue!
Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Cap: what's going on he has more power than normal
Deadpool: it doesnt matter just hit him Bang Bang Bang
punisher: ill take these little thugs.
Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
Cap: "Seriously, how is Spider-Man able to solo this guy over and over?"
Wait a sec, that's Wovlerine! Oh wait no it isn't...
# Oct 31 2012 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
Deadpool: "Don't do that Cap, in that dazzling light, everyone looks like they're wearing white sleevless shirts! (shudders) Reminds me of a guy who used to do that with a dog tag...
Cap America: "So you're saying I should let him kill me because of your timid hallucinations? What a man are you?"
Deadpool: "AARGH! Hugh Jackman! (pees himself)"
Punisher: "Eh?"
Deadpool: "Dude you gave me a heart attack!"
Cap America: "Well thanks for shooing Electro away... he heard the name and vanished."
Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Electro: Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side. Now, you will pay the price for your lack of vision!

Deadpool (to camera): As of today, we can say things like that! Thanks, Mickey!!!
Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 31 2012 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
Punisher (to thug): you are a criminal and the only good criminal is a...

Deadpool: Hey only I talk in those
Punisher: Stop talking crap! and save him already... or do you want to have a murderers just dessert
\Deadpool: ohh you mean I get to eat one of those ice creams with sparklely things on them I love those things
Punisher: enough talk (fires gun)
Deadpool: (Dodges) oh yeah well I guess you've never seen my hyper combo.., (Thinking) lets see what can I grab comments nah too lengthy zam logo What am I a game nerd oh wait I am in a game aha here we are (grabs rocket raccoon's blaster from image still above him
Punisher: look what you did you idiot you let cap die while I was busy fighting thugs and Electro got away
Deadpool Fiddling with blaster how do you work this think oh lets see what this button does (presses button)
Blaster voice: self destruct on
Deadpool: Aw Crap

What's a Cap to do?
# Oct 30 2012 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
Cap: Deadpool! Attack!

Deadpool: Ooooo! Sparkly..... <blank stare>

Cap: Uhh... Castle? I could use...

Punisher: Stuff it, soldier-boy. I'm busy.

Cap: ... figures.
I win plain and simple
# Oct 30 2012 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
Punisher: Oh my freaking goodness its pikachu! pikachu is real! um cap am i going to have to cap pikachu???

DeadPool: You lunatic!! Captain America we switched bodies while trying to stop a Doctor strange from another universe, from destroyed this universe... three days ago... three freaking days ago!!!

Punisher (well deadpool in punishers body) I don't have a pokeball do you think a grenade will work??
Just joking i know the only way to catch pokemon is with the power of imagination!!! So I am going to imagine pikachu in his pokeball! Oh wait i don't have an imagination were doomed. Oh wait now that means i will never be a pokemon master!!! No!!!!! Pikachu!!!!

Captain America: You have survived this for three days!!! After only three seconds of this crap, I am slowly losing the will to hold up this shield.

Electro: I know.... but I have got to admit that pokemon master junk almost made me pee my pants. However if you do lose the will to hold up that shield of yours, and I am wishing on your pleather stars and stripes that you do; I wonder what will be funnier the sound of you exploding, or that freaks reaction after you do!
Funny caption.
# Oct 30 2012 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
Captain America: Ok, Wade. I've got his attention. Let's take him down.

Deadpool (Thinking to himself): Lets see, why am I here? Tacos? Maybe I'm here to get tacos for me, Cap and Punisher. Or maybe I'm here to ask Electro if he can help me with a wiring problem in my secret HQ. Nah, that couldn't be it, 'cause if I showed him my secret HQ it wouldn't be much of a secret HQ, it would be a not-so-secret HQ. Heck, I don't even know where my secret HQ is. Note to self; beat self up for location of secret HQ. And don't forget the tacos.
Marvel is awesome
# Oct 30 2012 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
Deadpool: *shooting at electro* don't you bad guys ever die? I mean 'cause you have a really ugly face and a bad dreasing style.
electro: Nop, we just keep coming, with cool costumes.
C.A: yeah and we use you like punching bags.
D.P: hurray¡¡¡punching bags¡*shoots again**ends shooting* TADAAAAAAAAAAAAA¡ i think we should be a figthing crime group and call ourselves Deadpool and his lackeys, Don't you tink sunshine?<*looking at C.A*
Marvel Heroes Beta Key Giveaway
# Oct 30 2012 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
Deadpool: Ummm I've shot Electro like 5 times and he's still alive?!

Captain America: So?! Keep Shooting!!!!!

Deadpool: Oh right....we're still in Beta *wink*... bang bang bang bang bang !!!

# Oct 30 2012 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
Electro: "Looks like you're going to come to a SHOCKING conclusion!"
C.A.: "Really? Ohm just getting started sparky!"
Deadpool: "Am I the only one finding these puns a bit cliche`?"
Marvel Heroes Beta key Giveaway
# Oct 30 2012 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Oct 31st 2012 12:58am by hokutonoleo
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