Details on Current Known Issues (Dec. 13)

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Dec. 12, 2005, several gameplay and system related issues have been discovered. Solutions to these issues are now being tested. Players will be informed as soon as solutions are finalized. The following issues have been discovered: - The list of rewards for the "Waking Dreams" quest did not appear properly. * This has been addressed during the Dec. 13, 2005 3:15(PST) area maintenance. - If the beastmaster ability "Charm" is used on a monster while the monster is disappearing because it was outside its normal radius, the monster may become invisible in some instances. * Although the pet monster may appear invisible, it will act like a normal pet monster. - The help message that displays under "Party" within "Seek Member" in the main menu has not been updated to accommodate the change after the version update. => The resulting list is functioning as stated in the update details. Following is an additional information which was excluded from the Dec. 13, 2005 (JST) Update Details: - Wyverns will now have the equivalent of the job trait "Subtle Blow," reducing the amount of TP gained by opponents from the wyvern's attacks.


Post Comment
Constructive suggestions
# Dec 14 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
I hope that SE reads these...if not they should. How many companies get to hear what they customer base is saying on a daily basis.

Anyone who has any issues with the current changes and how it effects your game play, lets make some realistic solutions on how SE can fix them but still maintain the goal they origionally set out to accomplish.

The number one issue seem to be the difficulty to solo as bst master now, since you can not "leave" ou pet allow it to gain heath and then re-charm. The mobs will go away and return to spawn area.

There seem to be no logical soultion to stop these mobs from attacking other people on there way "home" other than recent changes SE has made.
However, there is a happy medium.
What if we were to make only the MOBs that aggro disapear and re-apear in there spawn but the non-aggro mobs will remain and slowly walk back to camp as before. This will allow BST to still use old methods of exping in certain area with certain types of pets.
Another solution, What if the job ability "Stay" would allow that MOB to regan heath while still under the BST control. It would be the responsibilty of the BST to keep his pet charmed and under control or it would vanish.
I am interest in hearing SE responces to these suggestions and any others that you may have.
Before this patch SE had a forum on the home page of this site to find our view on how to fix the MPK issue. Let us now have a forum for them to read, not for complaint, but for real constructive suggestion that will make game play better for everyone.
RE: Constructive suggestions
# Dec 14 2005 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
There is a thought... Make it so non-aggro mobs will remain or allow "Regen" for pets while under the command "Stay"

I posted this before...

- Allow familiars to remain out longer.
- Make it so familiars and/or charmed pets can travel through zones.
- Give familiars a TP gain increase, to use special attacks more often and do more damage.
- Create a delay for pets commanded to "Leave"
- Make it so "Charmed" pets Even Match and under do not affect XP or as much XP.

Until any of these suggestions are seriously considered, I will find a way to survive. One way or another, I'll make lvl 75BST. Anyone think this is the last update from SE? lol.
Awwww come on ppl. Stop the madness.
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
726 posts
Yes indeed. BST make excellent DDs (and their pets too. Go Courier Carrie). I've partied with several. Just switch from solo charming gear to DD gear. Most high lvl BSTs have both anyway. At least all the ones I know do.

-Another pty job for Light SCs...wooohooo.
-A DD in the pty who can safely pull mobs w/o links. Can't think of another DD who can do this. SMNs can but their defense is about as solid as a wet noodle.
-BSTs have a variety weapons they can use like WARs (axe is their best weapon though) so SCs are not a problem.
-If a BST isn't pulling for the party then they are great for link management. <Charm>, run mob away from party, <Leave>, and then come back. Or if more than one links, <Charm>, send it to attack other while party kills main target. Yes XP will take a hit for that fight but a little XP gained is A LOT better than XP lost. Talk about a party saver.

At the very least, since jug pets don't kill xp anymore, team up and duo with a mage friend now. I've duod as RDM with my BST friend many times. It was always lots of fun but yes I could get better XP in a regular pty. If that isn't an issue anymore then let the fun begin. BST/WHM and RDM/whatever in a pty would rule. BST would get Refresh so no resting needed, Haste, Cures, better enfeebs on mobs, etc. With Blink and Stoneskin up RDM can even distract a mob long enough for BST to break out a new pet as needed. And since RDM won't have a whole party to worry about we can even equip what small variety of melee and DD gear we have available to us.

There are many many new possibilities for BST now. Instead of whining, telling ppl to quit whining, or making fun of ppl who are whining, why not help find new and exciting ways to use BST to our advantage and thus make the game more enjoyable for all.
What's the matter?
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really sorry, but I don't understand what the problem is.

I don't remember reading in the update details anything that said they changed the effect of Leave. All they did was make monsters disappear when their claim was gone. I'm seriously not seeing why this is so bad for you. Please don't take this as sarcasm or flaming, I haven't got Leave yet, so I'm not using it as BST and just want to know what the big deal is.

In the meantime, let's look at some positive factors about the mobs going poof when there's no hate attached to them:
- No more MPK
- No more pulling a BST pet and pissing off the BST and your pt members when the pt gets no exp and loses the chain and the BST loses his pet.
- No more ridiculously long wait times while the crawlers are walkin home from the zone in CN.
- HNMLSs that are not home to gilsellers can fairly camp Ground HNMs and possibly get a claim without getting annihilated by 82762457624 mobs so the gilsellers can steal the claim.
- No more childish MPK attempts from people in camps next to each other. (I don't know if this happens on your servers: Party A and Party B have 2 members that have an ego clash and they start mini MPK wars between the 2 pts...mostly happens when heavy rivaly jobs get near each other such as 1 pt with PLD and 1 with NIN... "PLDs r n00bs" "no...nins r n00zb" "I'ma MPK u bish" "No..i'ma MPK U bish"). This BS happens a lot on remora in palces like CN and Garlaige.

All in all, I'm pretty happy about the new system for this, it seems a lot more positive than negative.

EDIT: Spelling...and again cuz i missed one >.>

Edited, Wed Dec 14 12:52:16 2005
RE: What's the matter?
# Dec 14 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
726 posts
The main issue with BST is that they do not normally XP/NM fight with pets in the same place they get them from. They will <Charm> and move 1-2 pets to the place they choose as their camp. Sometimes this can be halfway across the map from where the pet mob actually spawns. They do this so their pets do not die quickly and they will switch between the 2 pets so they always have a fully healed one to fight with.

Since the update, if they do this, when they <Leave> the pet it disappears. They can no longer use tougher mobs from outside their spawn radius. Thus they are restricted to using jug pets which, if you have played as or ptyd with a BST, are not usually as tough as the mobs the BST sends them against or the BST is restricted to <Charm> a mob that is where they are xping which is about the same result.

Hope this helps you understand why BSTs are not liking the update and hopefully people can understand that BSTs can be even more useful now before they all quit.

Game on ppl.
Bst in PT WTF is wrong with you people
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
Bst was ment as a solo job. I loved bst cause I could get on and play for an hour then long. You all are happy cause now you can sit in jeuno like everyone other job waiting an hour+ for a pt sometimes :/

Btw when I xp'd in BT as bst I had to take fungaur from the beginning of the map down to the 2nd crab spawn point cause everyone was always camping aqua or a pt was there and now that wouldn't even be close to an option for a bst.

In an xp pt any normal melee could out damage bst. My war with the same gear does more dmg to an IT then my bst could ever do to an EV or T, hit ok on ITs but not close to my war. This is using the same gear and weapons.

If you party with bst you miss all the fun of bst. Only reason you would pt bst to 75, I think, is to just get it to 75 not to enjoy the job and see its great abilty.

Personally as a bst I have never mpk'd people before, I have stopped multiple links and adds that would have killed other pts. Most bsts will not mpk a person for no reason, I know bsts will if you **** them off.
ex: The bst is xping for an hour then a pt comes along and tells the bst to get lost and they start to xp. Then the bst asks them to move and they don't. I think I came close to mpk'n a pt that did this to me but I didn't.
Partys like that are rude and I had that many times while xping bst. If I went out to xp and a pt was there I wouldn't xp there I would go somewhere else. But people have a mind set that bsts are a lower life form then them, those that think this should be slaped.

Back to topic, BST is not a party unit unless with other bsts. Bst + smn can make a good pt also in BT vs goobs at 65+.

I hope SE fixes this problem. I know bsts that could xp faster and gain lvls faster then normal jobs. Ya I would spend more time xping but I didnt have to waste 30 min to an hour+ wanting for an invite to only have a pt that went for 1-2 hours cause 1 of the people had to leave and you couldn't replace him or her.
RE: Bst in PT WTF is wrong with you people
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default

I leveled yesterday 2 lvls, solo. Yes I used my XP ring (who doesn't these days). I am having no problem soloing as of yet. I use my familiar and just use the reward ability. Upregraded my armor and weapons and moved out. Yes it takes a lil more strategy and patience, but it is working.

I've never MPK'd anyone, nor have I seriously entertained the idea. If a party moves in on me then I just have to be more competative. If you don't think you do enough damage in a party then replace some of your jewelry with +STR items, Eat Meatkabobs, or change your sub.

How come people spend so much time complaining and not enough time working towards a solution. I for one Like being able to party and still solo. You can either sit online and argue and wait for SE to change something or you can log onto the game and devise a strategy. Isn't that what this game is all about? Overcoming obstacles to achieve your goals? Such as life...

I do sympathize that its harder to solo now. Is it impossible? No... I would like it if SE did something to help us adjust to this alteration in our game play. Like it is as bad as DRG before this update.

It will take more than this for me to admit that BST is a weaker job. Maybe I'll party with my BST tonight. For all of you who would rather be alone... Sorry the game has been ruined so much for you. I respect you solo BSTs, but being in a party doesn't make BST a lesser job.
RE: Bst in PT WTF is wrong with you people
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
yea like i said welcome back to the hell that is "LFG".... but it aint that bad, yea you cant exp for an hour and log anymore. i mean you could but you solo is not as effectve but mehh. and i dont think that i will miss the fun part of bst like i said i am only lv 14 bst but i died like 12345678897533 i wish so bad i could pt till i got leave or at least heel( guess i dont need to worrie bout that anymore lol) but you cant tell me a bst in a exp party is a bad thing i use to do it a lot in LoO although she did the charm leave thing so she could get exp but your jug pets are good for that now.

i know your complaing cuz you got to come back to the hell we all fell when we got to lfg but meh YOU HAD YOUR BREAK lol time to get back on the grind! if only blue mage would get a dispel and refresh for pt members we can wipe out the whole "oh god now no rdm looking lets disband with everone save a rdm in the party" thats the only thing that needs fixnig

damn rdms and brd but there are never anyyy brd lfg on valfore anywhays

oh and i dont think ANY job was ment to solo/party its not like SE said lets make bst the only solo job and give drg solo abilitys i just think players adapted to the invite/ job abilitys.... now your leave works diffrent you can either
A.) ***** and moan and say nooooooooooooooooooooooo
B.) HELL still try to solo i mean you might need a great place and mad skill to chain but im sure you still can you skillfull bst
or C.) say ******* right doggie i can lfg and fight with my pet with now exp handycap.

either way all i see is SE gave you a better option

and as me being a THF ( which i have my own problems with) if i can sata on you pets and get them to tank we might have a new tank?! maybe idk but would love to try

KEEP AN OPEN MIND im telling ya it works wonders
Seek member?
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
So they're telling me that the seek member function is working properly but the help message is wrong? WTF! As a 38PLD I could give 2 sh*ts that there is a lvl 70 SMN looking for a party in the same place as me....
RE: Seek member?
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Well, yes, you could give 2 sh*ts... if you're looking for a normal exp party. However, the seek party message lets you look for parties based on mission, quest, etc. So, while it's meaningless for someone looking for an exp party, it helps those trying to find someone to do, say, Promyvion-Dem or a rank mission.
lol i love it
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
common guys its not that bad i mean yea your bread and butter is kind of taken away, but stop looking on the down side instead of pining over the change and trign to make SE bring back the old days
look to the future bst of the work you got your jug pet( i know some of you say its not good but hell looks you your jub pet can be a cheap version of a drg!)

i mean im a lv 14 bst and i wanted to take it to 75. so im in the hell lv stage but look at it this way. you got an axe and your axe skill is good no? START TAKING WARRIORS JOB IN PTS. lol now i know its kind of silly but if your sub war and have pet out so you still get 100% exp and get melee gear insted of charm/mind gear your a great dd idk bout higher lv but hell i did good dd with my bst

and you know when tere is no war lfg and we need a minstral axe thats you now.

BUCK UP BST your now pt materail welcome back the the hell we thf cal LFG.

im looking foward to parting with bst im sure it will be fun and good with them in the pt if we get a link that cant be sleeped BOOOYA charm 2hr it. lol you should be happy its time for a new type of fun you aint social loner bst ima start inviting bst asap PUT UP YOUR FLAGS!
RE: lol i love it
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
726 posts
Yes indeed. BST make excellent DDs (and their pets too. Go Courier Carrie). I've partied with several. Just switch from solo charming gear to DD gear. Most high lvl BSTs have both anyway. At least all the ones I know do.

-Another pty job for Light SCs...wooohooo.
-A DD in the pty who can safely pull mobs w/o links. Can't think of another DD who can do this. SMNs can but their defense is about as solid as a wet noodle.
-BSTs have a variety weapons they can use like WARs (axe is their best weapon though) so SCs are not a problem.
-If a BST isn't pulling for the party then they are great for link management. <Charm>, run mob away from party, <Leave>, and then come back. Or if more than one links, <Charm>, send it to attack other while party kills main target. Yes XP will take a hit for that fight but a little XP gained is A LOT better than XP lost. Talk about a party saver.

Instead of telling ppl to quit whining or making fun of ppl who are, why not help find new and exciting ways to use BST to our advantage and thus make the game more enjoyable for all.
RE: lol i love it
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
TY for this post. Yes, we as BSTs have a drawback. All most of you can think about is how you can't solo as easily. OK... Do you not want to party? I didn't always enjoy being an outcast.

My approach may have changed but, my endeavor is still the same. I am one BST who isn't going to get all pissy. I made it work before and I will make it work now.

If you're a real BST, is this change enough to stop you or make you give up? Not me, I just have to get used to how a party works again, lol. All you all who don't know what a BST is bringing to a party, get ready we just might make your life a whole lot easier. Bringing "Killer" traits, another hitter, and dealing good damage.
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
2,793 posts
You know, if SE wanted to force NIN out of the tank role, they could just make Utsusemi as unreliable as the Blink Spell, or downgrade Provoke's hate-pulling power as a sub. As is, they prolly don't care about that right now, or just haven't gotten around to fixing something back to the way they intended.

As is, they finally got around to nudging BST back into parties, by offering free XP with Jug pets, and deterring soloing.

SE could fix any job they wanted, by applying the right changes. BST just got infamous enough with Leave MPK abuse to finally get their attention. Now BST have to face the music of a drastic change in their job.

All I gotta say is, after 67 levels of BST, halle-frecken'-lujjah, I can party without a XP penalty
{leave} it alone
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
i just started lvling bst...and its really fun...i ve partied from 9 to 15.....before the update...partying is fun with bst, and besides, i never even had leave and dont need yea...BLAH! to the whiners, p.s. im currently leveling bst
{leave} it alone
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
i just recently started lvling bst...and ive used it in partys most of the time...its fun....u dont really even need leave lol...
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
Many people simpathized with Drg and rng when they got "fixed". However, the only people who seem to be upset about the bst change is bst. I would like to say that I feel bad, but the ability was abused. I am sorry that bsts can't see that, but it was. No one is agruing that fact.

So, I am curious to what bst would have thought might have been fair. SE changed your job so that you have to use a different strategy to fight solo. I am sure that it can still be done, and yes, my bst is 9, so it's not like I know or care. But I am curious what you think could have been done to stop bst from abusing the leave command. Bsts were given ample warning that something needed to change. They were given ample chance to act responsibly. However, (and I am sorry for the hundreds of bsts that did play responsibly that got drug into something they had no control over) people did not change. Issues still arose.

From a simple standpoint, SE is addressing what they consider their most important point of contact. You have to consider, from a business standpoint, technical support and GMs are expenses. The more money they invest in that the more money lost to them. If they can isolate a specific issue, identify and find a way to prevent users from having that issue, that means less calls pretaining to that issue, and thereby less cost to them. It is simply the responsible thing for them to do. Why expend all this money and resources on something that you can prevent.

So, now that they have stopped people from being MPKed by leave and zoned mobs, what next. Obviously they are going to get alot of calls and emails from bsts that don't like it. Which hits SE 2 ways. 1) Are the number of contacts by offended people greater then the number of contacts of people who were MPKed. 2) Will this continue to be an issue, and thereby being an unnecessary expense. The first question is most likely a yes. Initially they are probably getting hit by alot of people angery about the whole leave thing. However, much like drg and rng, in a matter of time, people will adjust and find ways of working around it.

This is not a bug, it is a fix. It is intended, and depending on SE's interruptation of how people take it, will (most likely) remain the same.

I do feel bad that you have to adjust to your job. I know how you feel, cause I had the same effect by players rather then SE. I wanted to be a nin/thf or nin/rdm. However, by the time that leveled my thf to 40 and my ninja to 10 I find out the only way I would get a pt invite is if I subbed war. And having spent weeks (literally) lfp because of the big rng craze as thf, I was not going to spend an eternity trying to lvl the one job I liked because other people wouldn't have me in their pt cause there was someone else who was "Better". I understand dynamics and adjusted to it. I solo as nin/rdm and pt as nin/war. It works for me, but that was not a nerf set down by SE, it was one set down by players. All the people who say that nin magic drops off at 60, all the people who say that nin is not a dd. All the people who go "My *** is better look at these parses..." It doesn't matter if it is SE or the mentality of other characters. You have to adjust your job to suit your needs as well as your abilities. Otherwise you will just be some poor grumpy ******* complaining about how things suck.

Such as the economy... Another thing people keep complaining about. I just made 300k off MH items I had laying around cause nobody farms low level ingredients and/or crafts them.

I think people have just got stuck in their multi-gillionaire ways and need alittle humbling.

And I am not refering to nerfing as the humbling event, I am talking about just (and not necessarily accepting) understanding things beyond yourself. Acknowledge them, and grow.
RE: Interesting
# Dec 14 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
This has been (in my opinion) one of the most reasonable posts.

non-BSTs Don't understand. It is like taking MP increasing gear from mages or removing enfeabling from NIN.

BUT.... I am sure if that happend to mages or NIN, they would complain and either adjust or change jobs. I've learned a multitude of patience through leveling BST and this is just another one of those times when we have to make do for now.

How about we save the complaints for when SE announces there will be no further updates. Until then, relax join a party or find a new area to lvl for now.

--- things SE might try for BST?

- Increase time Familiars stay or pets stay charmed.
- Give jugged familiars a TP gain increase.
- Allow familiars and/or charmed pets to travel through zones.

perhaps these are bad for gameplay. Only time can tell. (sorry for redundant posts, my connection is messed, lol)
Just wait. More whining yet to come.
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
726 posts
FFXI TSR Jereme: Adjust to play as the job was actually intended to play. This game has never been intended to be a single player game.

I see a lot of ppl telling BSTs "boohoo" with the above quote. I have noticed that a number of them r NINs or have a lvld NIN. Since they seem to be getting a lot of jollys throwing this quote at the BSTs who are taking exception to the job change, I have this to say to you.

Per many threads and information posted by SE a while back, NIN was not intended as a "tank" job. Look at the NIN AF gear. Aside from some nightime evasion bonus, you have ranged accuracy/attack, nightime movement speed, ninjutsu increase...Higher lvl gear with enmity and more evasion was not added til later. Lets face it NIN gear isn't high in defense. Does it seem kinda silly to make a "tank" job that is completely dependant on Utsusemi? Even a Galka or Elvaan NIN can get put in the red in a few hits when shadows are down.

NIN was originally supposed to be a utility job. Puller (AF boots at night good for pulling fast pursuit mobs), DD(NIN throwing tools + AF does ALOT of damage), Backup enfeebler(Ninjutsu spells use tools, they work better than MP spells on resistant mobs at times).

Utsusemi was intended to keep NIN safe when they pull mobs and when they pull hate (and if you use NIN the way its "supposed" to be, you will pull hate) while the "tank" reestablishes it on themselves. This is why SE updated shadows to shed hate a while back. Lets face it, how many THFs, RNGs, and WARs sub NIN for this very reason?

So don't flame or talk down to ppl because they don't like what has happened to their job cause remember...yours could be next.

P.S. Who is this "FFXI TSR Jereme" anyway? Is it a real person or just something someone made up to justify their putdowns?

Edited, Wed Dec 14 12:17:20 2005
RE: Just wait. More whining yet to come.
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Dec 14 12:35:09 2005
.../cry /cry /cry
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, I've never heard more complaining then I have on here lol. To the bsts out there, I'm sorry that they killed the power of the job. Bst had a great ability to do things alone, which doesn't seem to be something that Square Enix wanted to happen. By making it impossible to re-charm your left pets and having jug pets allowing you to lose no exp, It looks like they've made bst a job intended for partys like the rest of the game. I myself loved the bst job. It had its own flare that was set apart from the rest, and I see that SE has killed that for us.

For those of you who are happy that this has happened, and are telling these storys about getting links from bsts that get killed and the MPKing things. Learn to play the game. You obviously are {Too weak} to handle casting sleep on a mob. I understand that bats can be next to impossible to do this, but **** happens. STOP being little cry babies and learn to play the game. I know that myself and countless others have all experienced the same things you have, and yet we don't complain about it. We handle it. So if you honestly think that making this game easier and forcing bsts into partys is a "good thing", then you can think that. I know that you are n00bs and want to take the fun out of a great game. Your doing a fantastic job SE. Keep up the... work.
RE: .../cry /cry /cry
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
wow thats pretty dumb, you obviously havnt been mpk'd by gilsellers. not all jobs have a sleep option dude. like drg, we cant cant do jack to stop an mpk link/agro while fighting or hunting nm. and secondly, some mpks are very very nasty, like a whole train kinda nasty. so what.... you suggest sleeping whole trains????? didnt think so. glad i aint gotta worry bout this anymore.

P.S. to the bst's out there, ya i can see this being a pain for yall. maybe this why they got all the new jugs, but i heard these suck too. I'm sure there will be ways to cope. if you wanna blame or point at any one, it should be the bst's that helped contribute to this change. you know there are those bst's out there that have no hold ups on mpk'ing people fighting mobs in there area. so if anyone blame them and gilsellers. not SE. SE is really just trying to make there customers happy, that what a good company does.

edit* typo's

Edited, Wed Dec 14 12:15:38 2005
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
haha stupid me i cant read....

oh well

Edited, Wed Dec 14 11:37:59 2005
Stick in there bsts
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
you can't blame people. I was really wondering on leveling beastmaster, well thingis i never leveled it.. so the changes you people are complaining about i would never notice them.

But it is true I know people in my ls who are beastmasters and having the leave ablility jacke dup like that, is messed up.

I wonder if they like gimping jobs? for now I will not touch beast bt later I will level it, after sometime later on.

Not like i know nothing about beast I did know how they leveled it, and it seemed interesting to me.

But now i feel sorry for bst's, What is up with SE and these decisions?

This wil probably force beasts to level, more with challenge yeah... But just stick thorugh it.

sabian you have no, right it seems like you do not even levle the job. I see your a pld, so why not go and troll some where else.

that why you pld's are jelous of holy breat plate and divine breast plate, I can't wait for pld to get gimped, and see you whining.

Your the one who needs to GTFO.
Details on Current Known Issues (cont.)
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
414 posts
Dec. 14, 2005 03:45 [PST]

Details on Current Known Issues (cont.)

Since the implementation of the latest version update on Dec. 12, 2005, the following issues have been discovered.

We have conducted maintenance at 3:00 (PST) on Dec. 14, 2005 to address the following issues:

- An issue wherein the "Storms of Fate" quest could not be completed under certain circumstances.

- An issue with the "Aern" type monsters not displaying properly within the following areas: Al'Taieu, Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, Empyreal Paradox.

- An issue where "Phuabo" type monsters in the Al'Taieu area could not be targeted.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

I experienced the Phuabo problem yesterday. We pulled one and it wasn't targettable, meaning my partner died pretty quick as it beat him up and we couldn't do anything about it. -1800 xp.
We got to 35...
# Dec 14 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
I got from 29 to 31 yesterday as BST



It's going to be harder to do in some areas..But I think it's still going to be possible. We have to get to 35 without leave, I think it's going to be possible to adapt..

I do wish they'd change it back though, i've written a letter to SE, and when I start playing this job again they tear off leave before I even get it /sigh

I'll try to adapt..I love soloing as this job and exploring new area's like Carpenter's Landing which I never really gave a rats crap about before. Very fun job =)

Edited, Wed Dec 14 10:49:28 2005
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

# Dec 14 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
I'm an avid BST. At times I find it difficult and frustrating so I can sympathize with the typical complaints from other BSTs. I also realize that all that gear I was hindered from getting because of gilsellers MPKing me, is now more accessible.

Perhaps SE will devise some sort of delays for MOBs released from charm. Until then, I will just spend a little more Gil on jug familiars until something changes.

All other BSTs out there, yes I concur its a pain in the neck. Ever since the misprint in the first FFXI strategy guide about our pets affecting XP, we've had PR problems, lol. I just revel in my independance. I'll make it work...

43Bst-30Whm-21War-17Blm-(all other jobs lvl 15)
My opinion as a 75 BST after seeing the fallout
# Dec 14 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
They aren't going to fix leave, at least not yet, which is unfortunate and will be bad for the game in the long run.

Being a 75 beastmaster myself, I can tell you they have taken the heart and soul out of the job. I understand that other jobs have been damaged before by changes, and I don't like any of the changes that make ANY job weaker. I was sad for RNG; right now I'm happy for the long-suffering DRGs. But by doing this to BST, they have taken what made the job fun (and functional) since the game began.

The only comparison I can make that would make a non-bst understand is if they took the bows from RNGs hands or not let NINs use utsusemi. This is not really just a change, it's an entirely different job now. The book on playing bst will have to be rewritten, for those who still might want to play it. And those of us who have spent months or years toiling solo, taking ridicule from parties for being in their way, and dying repeatedly for a job we loved, are all pretty damn upset.

They unbalanced a job that was balanced for the rest of you, and made it the unwanted job of FFXI. I hope you all appreciate it.

EDIT: To those of you who think that we were not supposed to play in the fashion we've been playing the game, if they really didn't want us playing this way, they could (and would) have done something about it a long time back. If their goal is to make this "new BST" work, they had better provide equipment and abilities to support it. Many of BSTs current equipment and abilities are either inadeqate or useless for party play.

As far as what SE's minions are saying now, it's totally irrelavant: They are just towing the company line. It's not like a GM is going to jump up and say, "Damn, that's just wrong! I'm going to quit right now in protest!" :D

Edited, Wed Dec 14 11:32:58 2005
RE: My opinion as a 75 BST after seeing the fallout
# Dec 14 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
FFXI TSR Jereme: Adjust to play as the job was actually intended to play. This game has never been intended to be a single player game.
welcome to our world
# Dec 14 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
all i can say is feel our pain. Rng for Life!
RE: welcome to our world
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
People say that they nerfed RNG... i say they put Ranger where they need to be... have you ever heard of, saw in like a movie, or read in a book of RNGs fighting up close and shooting a bow... no they were in the back or up on the fort wall shooting there bow like they are supposed to... Being a Sam we also have decent rng'd acc and att but now i just dont use my bow unless im pulling but it didnt really bother me... so what was RNG originally ment to do?? Obviously stay in the back and shoot there bow which is what SE is making them do.. thats just my 2 cents
RE: welcome to our world
# Dec 14 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
have you ever heard of, saw in like a movie, or read in a book of RNGs fighting up close and shooting a bow... no they were in the back or up on the fort wall shooting there bow like they are supposed to...

Tell you what, When RNG can shoot off a cliff at mobs, without the mobs just jumping up the cliff and fighting back, then you can say they cant shoot close range
but seriously, the only reason they shoot long distances in real life is so you wont be able to fight back with a sword, and possibly so that shooting it long range off a cliff it could gain added velocity due to gravity(though i doubt that matters to much), but when the enemy isnt focused on them, they can use a bow perfectly well at melee range
RE: welcome to our world
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
This is quite false.

RNG in the original Japanese version were not called RNG at all. They were called Hunter, as would be consistant of the Hunter in the previous Final Fantasy installments.

Keeping this in mind, there is no reason at all to say why they should not be allowed to stand up close to the mob as well.
RE: welcome to our world
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
726 posts
have you ever heard of, saw in like a movie, or read in a book of RNGs fighting up close and shooting a bow...

Well...1st I agree with you that RNGs should be more of a Ranged fighter but(not to throw a wrench into your statement or anything) a certain Elf from Lord of the Rings comes to mind that can support the up close and shooting a bow senario.
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 14 2005 at 9:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) someone mentioned winers most bst are wining alot about this deal with it you will find a new around it, and just use jugs for the bst not charm i always hated when bst would use the leave command and at times not take the pet again and a party kills it for 0 xp cause some bst charmed it and used leave i think that shouldn't have been allowed in the first place and should have been changed a while ago. just quit wining and use the jugs you dont lose xp from them so no reason to even need the ability leave.
RE: quit wining and deal
# Dec 14 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
726 posts
Well actually you do get xp from <Leave> mobs. You just need to know when you can take them.

1. If a BST <Charm> and then <Leave> a mob w/o fighting with it, then you can take the mob yourself when it becomes active again (note the about 10sec. wait b4 a <Leave> pet starts moving again) and you will get the full xp. BST in my LS has used this to chain pull mobs for my xp pty a few times in high aggro areas. Works really well too.

2. If a BST <Leave> a <Charm> mob after they have been fighting with it (note the low health bar of the mob) then you will not get xp or very little xp depending on how much health has regenerated on it.

So all I have to say to you who whine about 0xp from <Leave> mobs is....shame on you for thinking you can get easy xp by killing a mostly dead mob.

"The brain. The most highly active organ in the human body and yet is so terribly underused. So sad."
RE: quit wining and deal
# Dec 14 2005 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Actually this isn't entirely correct. When a BST Leave's a pet, there can be no experience gained by killing it until a) the mob has full hp, and b) a few seconds have passed since the BST left a full hp mob, or the mob regains full hp. One must still wait 3-4 seconds after the pet has regained full hp before it will begin to give experience again.

Edit: For clarity.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 15:58:50 2005
RE: quit wining and deal
# Dec 15 2005 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
726 posts
Actually I have been in ptys where the pullers grabs a BSTs half dead pet by mistake (pty members usually yell at the puller at this point). It chks IT to us but when we kill it we would only get say about 10xp from it. Your a) and b) I already stated. Thank you for repeating them.^^
RE: quit wining and deal
# Dec 14 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
133 posts
Please, a little puctuation goes a long way but you've abused the 'little' half of that phrase. You've clearly never played beastmaster so you really shouldn't feel free to share your flawed 'solutions' as you've already been shown they're not appreciated.
RE: quit wining and deal
# Dec 14 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,743 posts
You are obviously not a beastmaster, you foolish little noob. Jug pets are NOWHERE near as strong as a regular monster and far too weak to exp with in most cases.
Pearls of Wisdom
# Dec 14 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Default
I love the rate-downs. Please do continue to hide your heads in the sand BST, pretending that this is all one big mistake. Some of the smart members among you will heed SEs word when they say:

FFXI TSR Jereme: Adjust to play as the job was actually intended to play. This game has never been intended to be a single player game.
# Dec 14 2005 at 9:10 AM Rating: Default
I cant stay quiet any longer.. Yes they changed "Leave" and yes it will be more difficult to level BST (Ive torn my hair out lvling it already) but lets think for a moment.. Since when was a game about getting to top level as fast as you can? where is the challenge? where is the fun? and now its extremely difficult for ppl to MPK you. So quit your whining, accept whats happened, and get back to leveling. (No matter what SE changes in updates no one is happy)
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 14 2005 at 9:02 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No. BST was not meant to be a solo job, and I'm so uterly happy SE fixed this. Yes, it did take a while before they fixed this to the way it should be, but now it's done. If you don't like it, go to WoW where you can solo your A$$ to 60. We won't miss you loners.
RE: No
# Dec 14 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
You posted while I was afk posting mine.. I like the way you put it better than mine. Atleast I know some people still have reason. (^_^)
BST's Chill
# Dec 14 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
My god >_>; Don't complain about BST being "Fixed" (In SE's eyes atleast).

Just think of it as a challenge. I'm sure you'll find out some new way to fight monsters oO;
# Dec 14 2005 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
2,094 posts
Lol, you emailed them ... so what. Quit your damned whining.
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