August 23rd, 2007

Happy Thursday everyone. As always, here are your new and updated items courtesy of the LOTRO team at

See ya in game!

New Quests: Dourhand Crests

New Items: Ancient Steel Farming Tools ; Award of Dwarf Virtue ; Boots of the North Drake ; Dark Willow Staff ; Dwarf-make Axe ; Dwarf-make Greataxe ; Dwarf-make Mace ; Dwarf-make Staff ; Dwarf-make Crossbow ; Dwarf Steel Shoes of Fleetness ; Elven Leather Gloves of Fleetness ; Elven Steel Boots ; Elven Steel Boots of Fleetness ; Elven Steel Boots of Vigour ; Enduring Elven Steel Boots of Might ; Finely Woven Grand Master Standard of War Recipe ; Finely Woven Grand Master Standard of War ; Gleaming Leather Helm ; Lethal Sharp Hendroval Talon ; Major Defender Herald Armaments ; Quality Quick Trap ; Quality Quick Trap Recipe ; Quilted Leggings ; Quilted Shoulder Pads ; Quilted Shirt of Determination ; Razor Sharp Cave Claw Nail ; Razor Sharp Warg Tooth ; Scalemail Boots ; Captain-General's Cloak ; Commander's-Cloak ; Esquire's Cloak ; First Marshal's Cloak ; Footman's Cloak ; Guardsman's Cloak ; High Warden's Cloak ; Lieutenant's Cloak ; Man-at-Arms Cloak ; Master Guardsman's Cloak ; Master-at-Arms Cloak ; Second Marshal's Cloak ; Sergeant of the Guard's Cloak ; Sergeant-at-Arms Cloak ; Dashing Blade ; Third Marshal's Cloak ; Wigskold ; Divider ; Glory of Dominance ; Heart-pounder ; Mahogany Bay Horse ; Mahogany Bay Horse ; Remembered Ire ; Song-bird

New Mobs: Talagan Silvertongue ; Griss Stonesmasher ; Olin ; Lalfor

New Guides: Traits

New/Updated Objects: Robber's Corpse

Updated Quests: Instance: The Refuge of Edhelion ; Intro: Meditating on the Past ; Giant Problems ; A Terrace in Celondim ; Stonesmasher’s Pupils ; The Strength of the Smith, Part I ; The Strength of the Smith, Part II ; The Strength of the Smith, Part III ; Foray Into the Barrow-downs ; Cleansing Draught ; Orc-bounty ; Warg-Bounty ; The Strength of the Smith, Part IV ; Return to the Barrow-Downs ; The Seven Swords ; The Sword of Arvedui ; The Sword of Gondor ; The Sword of Rhudaur ; The Sword of Slaughter ; The Sword of Sorrow ; The Sword of Twilight ; The Sword of the Vigil ; Nefi's New Setting ; The Heart of the Wood, Part II ; The Thickest of Skins, Part II ; Escape From Duskencleft ; Book 7: Chapter 6: Thror's Hammer ; Book 7: Instance: Thror's Hammer ; A Plea From Lainedhel ; Ran Afoul of the Bears

Updated Items: Simple Rations ; Elven Hunting-Dagger ; Flask of Conhuith ; Coal ; Bronze Ingot ; Copper Ore ; Bronze Blade ; Bronze Hilt ; Dwarf-steel Ingot ; Treated Rowan ; Treated Yew ; Elven Leggings ; Elven Trousers ; Dwarf Padded Shoes ; Dwarf-robe ; Dwarf Leather Leggings ; Twistwood Staff ; Elven Cloth Shoes ; Elven Steel Gloves ; Strong Steel Hilt ; Daerthann ; Token of Valour ; Fist of the Dwarves ; Fist of the Dwarves Recipe ; Fist of the Dwarves ; Deep-Iron Nugget ; Faedamil's Bane ; Drake-Biter ; Dwalin's Shield ; Goluamath ; Lore Fragment ; Blunted Pick-axe ; Standish's Gloves ; Stonehelm Shield ; Tattered Map to Glan Vraig ; Refined Fire Oil Recipe ; Refined Fire-oil ; Sapphire Charm ; Shield of the North-Star ; Ancient Blade ; Twisted Branch ; Carved Stone

Updated Mobs: Calengil ; Otkell ; Erandir ; Robert Greenverge ; Coldfells QuarterMaster


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