September 6th, 2007

Thursday covers a lot of skill and crafting updates so make sure to take a look! As always, the more screenies you send us, the more treats we can post here for you!

New Items: Flame-stabber ; Sapphire Shard ; Copper Bracelet ; Emerald Ring of Determination ; Inferior Cooking Supplies ; Jeweller's Tools ; Laimbadanir ; Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety ; Prepared North Downs Hops ; Prepared Golding Hops ; Spring Barley Mash ; Steel Farming Tools ; Steel Woodworking Tools ; Striking Hammer of the Hunter ; Strong Gondorian Leggings Recipe (Old) ; Superior Triple-trap ; Superior Triple-trap Recipe ; Superior Ancient Iron Smithing Hammer ; Superior Ancient Steel Jeweller's Tools ; Superior Steel Smithing Hammer ; Refined Dwarf-craft Axe ; Tempered Dwarf-Craft Dagger ; Tempered Dwarf-Craft Greatsword ; Tempered Dwarf-Craft Halberd ; Tempered Dwarf-Craft Headsmans Axe ; Tempered Dwarf-Craft Mace ; Tempered Dwarf-Craft Sword ; Torphadanir ; Victory at Minas Caul ; Victory at Minas Maur

New Mobs: Roheryn

New/Updated Objects: Rich Iron Deposit

Updated Quests: Flying the Coop -- Trollshaws: Chicken Play ; Sticks and Stones ; Free Peoples at Lugazag ; Free Peoples at the Grimwood Lumber-camp ; Free Peoples at the Isendeep Mine ; Free Peoples at Tirith Rhaw ; Free Peoples at Tol Ascarnen

Updated Items: Bronze Jeweller's Tools ; Bronze Mining Pick ; Dourlily's Helmet ; Hard Biscuits ; Copper Necklace ; Pot of Crude Honey and Oats ; Copper Ring ; Iron Tailor's Tools ; Intricately-Engraved Pommel ; Warg-keeper's token ; Strong Gondorian Leggings ; Tempered Steel Mace ; Crude Oats and Honey Recipe ; Lute Strings of Minor Subtlety Recipe ; Prepared Golding Hops Recipe ; Prepared North Downs Hops Recipe ; Spring Barley Mash Recipe ; Burnished Ancient Leggings ; Polished Ancient Steel Mace ; Fortified Black Ash Bow ; Mirrored Ancient Steel Sword ; Superior Ancient Steel Scholar's Glass ; Forged Steel Dagger Recipe (Old) ; Copper Earring

Updated Mobs: Lily Sandheaver ; Afast ; Bonny Thatcher

Updated Guides: Crafting ; Community Strength - Is it our Weakness? ; Class Dynamics


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